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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Another Surgery Another Day

Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:38 pm
It seemed that Jecht was making some waves in the higher ups world or at least a ripple. He was summoned once more but instead of it being from the Hokage like last time this time it was from the Deputy Kage Lord Goto. The meeting place this time wasn’t the Hokage’s Chamber like prior but at the hospital and was told simple a time to be there and to be waiting till Lord Goto arrived to tell him whatever he needed to or do whatever needed done. It didn’t really matter to Jecht at this point he was just doing what he was told and so far it hadn’t come to bite him in the rear end.
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Mon Mar 06, 2023 1:48 pm
Flanked by his loyal companion, although Fenrir would like to disagree, Goto could be seen walking the streets of Konohagakure, the Cedar wolf at his side. "Do you think they're ready?" the silver haired asked the four-legged walking next to him. "Were you ready when those rogues tried to attack the village?" the Senju's question was countered with another one. He still remembered it like it was yesterday, the moment they became the target of another invasion as well as the day everything changed for the Leaf. From that moment on, everything changed. "It is as you say, we are never truly ready" he agreed with his old friend, sometimes you simply had to be thrown in the dark.

Slightly running late, both Goto and Fenrir arrived at the Hospital which would act as today's meeting point. "I see you're dressed for the occasion" he addressed the man awaiting his arrival. "Follow us" the Senju spoke as he would be leading the three of them to one of the surgery rooms. Once they arrived and made it inside he'd close the door and take a seat on the desk. "Jecht, I'll get to the point quickly. What can you tell me about your bloodline and what do you know about others?". After all, there was no use in beating around the bush. 

(WC: 223)
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:55 pm
There they were, Lord Goto and a large wolf. Jecht hadn’t seen this creature before but he assumed it was some kind of familiar or companion maybe even a summon of Lord Goto’s so he didn’t pay it any mind beyond moving out of the way of the two as they approached and passed Lord Goto telling Jecht to follow him. So Jecht feel in step behind the man and his wolf, they entered one of the surgery rooms and after Lord Goto shut the door behind them, he took a seat at one of the desks and asked Jecht a simple question. What did he know about his own Bloodline and the others out there?
Jecht was taken aback by the sudden question but he had been studying and expanding his own knowledge ever since he had learned about Iscarot’s own forced transformation from his prior bloodline to the Ushitora Bloodline. Having picked up a book that spoke about how the various clans around the world held genetic differences and benefits in their very organs and that if you transplanted those into your own you could gain the same benefits. The most famous being talk about where of the Sharingan and Byakugan, two of the most famous Dojutsus out there and especially here in Konohagakure. If you were able to successfully gain intact and undamaged eyes from those who had them you could then implant them into your own body and gain those abilities. Jecht wasn’t to sure about how he felt about those that stole and purposely killed to take those from others but in situations where one loses their lives and their organs could be used to help those still living he didn’t have any qualms with.
The Ushitora also believed that the winner took the spoils and that was just how life was, might makes right and all that.
“Respectfully Lord Goto, My bloodline comes from my Clan Ushitora as you know. We have an innate durability that allows us to handle more damage then others which is how we in days of old were known as berserkers and frontline fighters. We also seem to have a close relationship with the elements of Lightning and Fire able to wield them for our Taijutsu and Bukijutsu techniques.” Jecht explained in as much detail as he could think of.

“What I understand from others is that some clans hold the same kind of benefits from their own bloodlines and genetics, and I have heard you could transplant other clan’s organs into your own body and gain those benefits. Beyond that I’m unsure.” He said having explained what he did know and what he had read about.
WC: 448
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:32 pm
The visitor took a couple of seconds gathering his thoughts, time Goto used to grab his notebook before paying attention to Jecht's reply. Doing so, the silver haired Senju started taking notes, writing everything down as he continued to listen attentively as the Ushitora shared whatever knowledge he possessed regarding both his clan and bloodline. "Good, the more you know, the easier it'll be to understand your strengths and weaknesses". There was still much to discover and only little known about the Ogre, all the more reason to update his research in order to gain as much information as possible. After all, knowledge is power.

His pen moved fluent, one letter followed after the other as slowly but surely words began to form. "Able to take more damage than others, affinity to both lightning and fire" the Deputy softly repeated and spoke under his breath as he finished writing down his notes. In the meantime Jecht shared as much knowledge and details about the Ushitora he possessed, adding one would even be able to transplant other bloodlines into their own body in order to gain whatever abilities they granted to its user. "Mhm, and you're wondering if I could give you a push in the right direction?". It wouldn't be the first and surely won't be the last time Goto helped someone to attain a new and different set of DNA. 

Already knowing the answer the Senju stood up and retrieved one of the corpse storage scrolls before placing it on the table in front of them. "Poor fellow really, tried to leave our village only to run into me. Safe to say, it didn't end all too well for him". He remembered that day almost as if it was yesterday. It had only been a couple of days since his promotion to Deputy when the unfortunate soul of Triton Kaguya tried to abandon Konohagakure and in his attempt attacked Goto, the silver haired youth quickly ending both the fight and the traitor's life by skewering his throat with a handful of wooden branches. 

That being said, he returned to his position and placed both hands over each other. "Very well, you should be able to handle this much". If it's power Jecht wanted, power he would get. Goto placed his notebook to the side, making sure all of the research wouldn't get lost in the abyss. The silver haired remembered the Ushitora mentioning how he read this and that, obtaining little information about organs, bloodlines, transplants and the like. "Did you find anything in there about the Kaguya clan and their Shikotsumyaku?". Depending on the Ogre's answer the Senju would know how to proceed. 

(WC: 445, TWC: 668)
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:58 pm
Jecht watched as Lord Goto wrote down what he heard from Jecht about the Ushitora and their bloodline, had he been some outsider or someone that was more cautious of others maybe Jecht wouldn’t have been so forth coming with Lord Goto but there was no reason for the old man to not trust the right hand man of his Hokage, and its not like sharing what he did with Lord Goto couldn’t be found out by other people even Jecht was still learning what his Bloodline could still do, he felt that he could combine their affinity with Fire and Lightning into something more and it was just out of his reach for some reason.
Lord Goto asked about what he knew about the Kaguya Clan and their Bloodline it seemed that the plan of the day was to do a surgery they had been speaking about of transplanting one clan’s abilities into your own body. What Jecht knew of the Kaguya clan was barebones from the written in the book he had read and the research he had done on clans similar to his own. “The Kaguya clan is another clan that is similar to the Ushitora in that they are also known for their frontline and combat oriented way of fighting, though instead of being more durable like the Ushitora they seem to be to control their bones making armor and even weapons from it giving them access to more ready and usually stronger defenses and weapons than the standard person.” Jecht listed off as he went over the information in his head, “I don’t know how true this bit of information is but there is a rumor if you will that they decide from some clan that was supposedly the strongest and most powerful at one point eons ago but that is something so buried in legend and myth that I’m unsure how much truth there is to that, but since you asked for all information I knew I figured id include it regardless.” He finished explaining to Lord Goto, he was sure that the silver haired man in front of him probably knew more about the Clan in question than Jecht did, though now Jecht himself was thinking about the possibilities of having those abilities to his own. The usage of having armor whenever you wished hidden instead of openly shown greatly improved his own fighting style and gave him a way to cause his opponents to underestimate him as Jecht tended to be without much clothing beyond currently his gauntlet, shorts and sash and now his Jounin Flak Jacket.
WC: 435
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
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Ryo : 752950

Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Thu May 18, 2023 3:20 pm
As they sat there, Goto listened as Jecht shared whatever information and knowledge he possessed on the Kaguya clan, and although not as extensive as his own, the Ushitora seemed to be aware of at least the basics. "Hm, indeed". The silver haired then went on, taking a couple of minutes to talk about the history of the Kaguya and their feared Shikotsumyaku bloodline, as well as explaining its perks and how it was best used. "Amazing synergy with the Ogre, if you ask me". The Ushitora's impressive durability combined with the vicious fighting style of the Shikotsumyaku would make for quite the pair. 

The little history lesson aside, the silver haired Senju would then return to the topic of transplants, most likely the reason as to why Jecht came to see him. "I believe you're curious to find out just how well those two bloodlines will go together?". However, everything came with a price, especially power. Nevertheless, even then it would be more than worth it. Assuming the two of them would come to an agreement, the Deputy moved on to the business part of their conversation. "Given its potential, fifty thousand ryo for an organ. Do you know someone to help with the surgery or shall I call someone in?". Whatever Jecht ended up deciding would be how they proceeded.   

(WC: 222, TWC: 890)
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Sun May 21, 2023 8:00 pm
"Yes Lord Goto I am very interesting in seeing how they intermingle." Jecht replied. "I have the funds for the surgery, but I do not have anyone that can do it." Jecht mentioned as while he had knowledge on how to do transplants he was currently lacking in ability to do it himself just yet. "I will have to rely on you once more for a hand with the surgery itself." He said. Jecht was ready to get the surgery underway, handing over the funds as requested and waiting for instruction going forth.
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Ryo : 752950

Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Sat May 27, 2023 12:43 pm
Listening to the Ogre's reply the silver haired Senju prepared everything needed for the surgery as he would bring in an extra pair of hands. "Very well, go ahead and lay on the table". In the meantime Takara had showed up and joined them, listening to Goto's request. Once the young girl had been brought up to speed she would grab the necessary tools and walk over to her patient. Being quite small, the little child stood on a box to get a clear view of the task ahead. "Ready?" she asked in a cheerful voice, not being able to wait and start. First, Takara began by channeling medical chakra to her fingertips, gaining the ability to numb the pain that came with the procedure.

Moving on, she then formed a small and sharp blue blade around her hand which would allow her to create a cut inside Jecht's body without actually piercing the skin. Doing so, the girl removed his liver before replacing it with one belonging to the Kaguya clan. Once the swap was complete, her hands would glow a beautiful green, ready to speed up the healing process. With the surgery complete Takara moved back and disinfect the tools used for the procedure. "Looks like it was a success, you might feel groggy for a minute". Goto would gently rub the girl's head, complimenting her on the job well done.

(WC: 233, TWC: 1123)

--Chakra Anesthesia
--Chakra Scalpel
--Mystical Palm
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Sat May 27, 2023 2:10 pm
Jecht grew up in the woods, where if you got an injury you wrapped it up and let time do its thing on trying to heal it. Even his own knowledge on what you could and couldn’t do using Medical jutsus, he was still surprised when he saw it in action. Something about being able to heal wounds instantly or broken bones within moments was something that was still foreign to the old man.

So when he got on that table for Lord Goto’s Assistant to proceed with the surgery he wasn’t sure how long he would be out or how long he would be out of commission to heal afterwards. It was moments. The whole surgery took enough time that it would take to make a cup ramen and there was hardly any pain from the surgery if anything the pain was replaced with a weird sense of unknown. There were no scars, no blood and now his own liver had been placed in a container. It was a sight to see, your own organ outside your body.

Lord Goto mentioned how he might feel groggy for a moment but he felt alive. Something was happening in his body that he wasn’t sure of or had experienced but it felt like he was stronger for some reason. This had to be what people meant about Bloodlines having their own effects. Jecht was more excited to try out utilizing the bone armor that the Kaguya were known for. Being able to make his own weapons without the need of having to carry them seemed appealing and being able to have armor that even the most dangerous abilities would have trouble piercing will be great for the Oni’s own fighting style.

“Thank you Lord Goto and Thank you to your assistant. With your leave I would like to go ahead and get started on familiarizing myself with my new strengths.” Jecht would say as he offered a bow to both of the people involved in this exchange. With Lord Goto’s permission Jecht would leave the hospital to go do some much needed training.


WC: 352
TWC: 1446

Gain Kaguya Liver
-50000 Ryo to Goto for payment of surgery/organ
+1446 WC to awakening Kaguya BL 0/2000 > 1446/2000
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Another Surgery Another Day Empty Re: Another Surgery Another Day

Sun May 28, 2023 4:45 am
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