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Ryo : 500

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:05 pm


She woke up again in her borrowed suite here at the Casino. It matched the lush and luxurious land of Tea quite nicely, and Baliquis wondered if perhaps this Casino could be made into a more permanent fixture in this country. However, she didn’t dwell on that thought much as she got up from bed, stretched, and tossed the covers off to make her way to the bathroom. The typical motions needed to be done whether she had the energy to do them or not.

The shower's hot water helped her wake up and soothed sour, aching muscles as she washed her hair, scrubbed her body, exited into a steamy room, and towel-dried herself off. Then came putting her clothes on, which was her least favorite part after a shower because the clothes seemed to stick to her when she put them on.

Regardless, she leaned over as her nails and fingertips brushed against her legs and put her heel straps on before standing up and walking out of her own room. Though she made sure to close the door behind her. Baliquis walked to the casino floor and decided to make her way to the exchange counter to see how business was going. The locals they had hired seemed to enjoy the work and enjoyed it when she or her sister went to check up on them. Maybe she would try her hand at the games as well however, too much of a good thing would make one greedy. So having limitations in place for herself may be best.

Regardless she went up to the Exchange Center in the casino that offered the unique option for items to be brought in, evaluated then exchanged for casino chips- eerily similar to a pawn shop, only the players could not get their items back. She moved to an unoccupied window, and the cage worker perked up, “How are things going?” Baliquis asked, and the worker reported,

“Great! A lot of people seem interested, and we’re pretty busy- Oh, I’ll grab a report.” Baliquis nodded and smiled politely before the cage worker left briefly and returned with a few pages of papers. Reports on the exchange statistics and how the community was responding. Baliquis took them and politely excused herself before stepping away to the right and out of everyone else’s way as she looked the pages over and flipped through them.

Post Word Count


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Needed Word Count

400 / 3,875

Last edited by Baliquis on Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:16 pm; edited 4 times in total
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:24 pm
Rin strode through the casino, the bright lights and loud noises something she had become used to over the past few days. She was wearing a tight red dress with a high-cut neckline that showed off her cleavage, making it easy for men to see how attractive she was; she also wore heels that made her, well they should have made her taller than most, but even the most scandalously high heels left her only just coming to stand equal with most women. Her long hair flowed down her back in a single braid, and she had on makeup so thick that it would take an age to wipe it all off again. This was not her preferred form of attire of course, the men all stared at her as she passed, and whilst she was used to the attention, used to moving in the circles of high society, that didn't change the fact she would much rather be dressed in something more often seen on the battlefield. Even if such things were no longer fashionable these days.

The casino was always busy, filled with people trying their luck against the odds, or just having fun gambling away what little money they had. There were games everywhere; roulette tables, blackjack, poker, slot machines, video games... Rin could feel the urge to gamble rising within her, she had never really been one for slots or dice, but she loved cards, especially when there was a good amount of skill involved. As she walked into the room, she spotted a group of people playing poker, smirking at them she was just about to join the table when she caught sight of a familiar figure, though one who was lost in thought. Baliquis Hozuki, the odd woman who's fate had, inexplicably, been tied with Rin's own, No matter how she tried to avoid it the Amazonian woman always seemed to be popping up out of nowhere. They had last met during the Christmas festivities within what was, supposedly a small town in the middle of a minor unimportant country, though Rin knew it was a part of the domain of the legendary Saint of Winter. Now once again Baliquis had shown up seemingly out of nowhere, and within the domain of another Saint, this time within Saint Valentine's domain. The connection was not lost on Rin, she always seemed to pop up in the presence of saints, had Rin not already witnessed enough of the woman's memories to know they shared a common enemy she might even be concerned about the woman's possible connection to such powerful individuals, but for now at least she was willing to put those thoughts to the back of her mind; something to ponder in the future.

Striding through the room she quickly picked up a pair of champaign glasses off of one of the wandering servers, scantily clad women dressed in bunny outfits that straddled the line of decency; past the various card tables and slipping by a few of the poker tables she had been eying a moment before she came to stand right behind the woman. Absorbed in the paperwork she seemed to be looking over as she was Rin found herself able to come to stand almost right behind her before, leaning against the wall. Rin waited a moment, before calling out a greeting to the woman. "Well well well, Miss Houzuki, how strange to find you here, why a girl might wonder if she was being followed if you keep this up" she would say, taking a sultry sip from one of the champaign glasses as she, once the woman had turned around of course, offered her the other glass; her new pristine white prosthetic arm glistening in the light with fine tipped silver points holding the stem of the proffered drink.

wc: 640
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Ryo : 500

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:03 pm

"Well, well, well, Miss Houzuki, how strange to find you here, why a girl might wonder if she was being followed if you keep this up."

The familiar voice arose behind her, and Baliquis wondered if it was one of her memories playing. Then she began to become concerned with the current state of her outfit being appropriate, but that was nary an actual concern. Her casual and recent everyday outfit of a black, long-sleeved cowled shirt that hung by her navel and a navy bodysuit with a sweetheart neckline covering her chest before there was the black mesh body suit she wore was not an everyday staple. Her high-waisted, yellow-to-dark red ombre skirt stood out against her personality and favored aesthetic. Still, the orange matched her toenails and the black, open toe-heels she had begrudgingly put on against freshly washed skin this morning.

The voice was kind enough, but a part of her shuddered and trembled. Just because the sound of it brought up the images, she had seen from that brief moment of physical contact with Rin in the snow lands of the wintry lands where they had met.  Parts of her trembled internally, and her skin bristled slightly under her clothes because it had been so vivid and confirmed that it was hard not to suffer after tremors of such earth-shaking revelations. Then there was what rin had said to her not long after when they met up once more for another mission in those same lands about how she would never forgive Baliquis for crossing such a profoundly personal and intimate line- and Bali agreed with that viewpoint, and statement. As much of a decisionist that Baliquis was, she had no right to take away a choice like that from Rin, even if she did have difficulty controlling her power before. She had a better handle on it now, and even then, it would be best if she did continue to mend things. She turned around to see the shorter woman as she closed her papers.

First, it was the makeup; well-done, but layered on a little too much. Then it was her hair in a braid that seemed like a great answer. Then Bali’s eyes briefly went to her chest- uh, dress- to see the tight red dress with a high-cut neckline that showed off her cleavage. Rin looked at Bali and saying the look was ‘suggestive’ would be minimizing to an extreme degree. Still, her other hand extended a glass of champagne towards Bali with a new pristine white prosthetic arm where her other arm had been missing, glistening in the light with silver-tipped, sharpened points holding the stem of a champagne drink. Baliquis smirked and turned to her, taking the glass from her. Bali took a sip herself before advising, “Oh, a girl could wonder; after all, you are standing in MY Casino.” Baliquis said and smirked, “The company providing the venue, ‘Izayumi & Co.,’ is owned and founded by my sister and I; and respectfully named after my twin.”

Baliquis crossed her arms, but her arms crossed under her bosom as she smirked, “You’re just in time as always, Rin; I was just trying to decide on how best to use my items towards the exchange program we are offering here. I don’t suppose you would be willing to partake in it as well. I may be a few items short for some things I’d like to have, but I feel I am lucky enough to win at the roulettes. What do you say? Shall we spend some time playing games together?”

Post Word Count


Total Word Count


Needed Word Count

1000 / 3,875

Last edited by Baliquis on Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:16 am
Seeing balquis turn to her smirking Rin smirked back at the woman as she took the glass from her, the sensation of their hands touching for a moment giving her an odd tingling sensation for but a moment, she obviously hadn't yet grown fully accustomed to the limbs sensory implants. Forcing down a slight blush she watched the woman take a sip from her drink Rin couldn't help but feel a twist of emotions in her gut. The relationship between the two of them was... complicated to say the least, they shared a lot in common, both their scars ran deep and many ran parallel... but that knowledge was not something either of them had been ready to reveal, that it had been forced upon her left a bad taste in rin's mouth. She still hadn't forgiven balquis for what had happened but she had meant what she had said under that star filled sky in the middle of a winter storm.

She could not forgive the woman for her invasion, but they still shared a bond that was not easily forsaken. She was shaken out of her musings as the woman made eye contact with her, holding her gaze as she spoke with a charming smirk. “Oh, a girl could wonder; after all, you are standing in MY Casino.” she said, and Rin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. She wasn't a fool of course, she had done her research before her and Emi had come here, under the benefaction of a saint or not it would have been sheer foolishness to bring the head of state into another's place of power without knowing their motivations.

She had taken note of the stakeholders that had helped sponsor the event, memorised them all and given Emi a detailed list on which attendees she should be building good will with, but she was certain she had seen no link to a Balquis amongst those stakeholders. Her burgeoning questions were answered a moment later as Balquis continued. “The company providing the venue, ‘Izayumi & Co.,’ is owned and founded by my sister and I; and respectfully named after my twin.” she said, and the connection clicked. "Ah, that would make quite a bit of sense" She said, swirling the wine in her own glass as she took a sip of her own. "I had seen the name on the stakeholders list, but couldn't find many details; a new venture i assume?" she said with a smirk.

Watching as the woman crossed her arms under her bosom Rin couldn't help but glance down for a moment, when they had met in the streets of that strange winter town Rin had been caught off guard, it had been quite some time since she had moved within the circles of high society, now however old habits had been rekindled, the back door dealings and appearances within events hosted by Tanbogakure's major players more than enough to bring back those old habits.

“You’re just in time as always, Rin; I was just trying to decide on how best to use my items towards the exchange program we are offering here. I don’t suppose you would be willing to partake in it as well. I may be a few items short for some things I’d like to have, but I feel I am lucky enough to win at the roulettes. What do you say? Shall we spend some time playing games together?” Balquis said, and Rin's senses tingled at the suggestion.

With a confident smirk, she chuckled before speaking. "A few games? Yes i think i could be amicable to that... though if your short on enough items for what you have in mind perhaps we could remedy that." Pausing for a moment to build tension before she continued. "I happen to have quite a few items on hand from... investments shall we say. Perhaps you would be up for a wager, a few hands of cards to wager some of what we both have available." She proposed with a sly smirk dancing at the edge of her lips.

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Ryo : 500

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:09 pm

"Ah, that would make quite a bit of sense," Rin said, swirling the wine in her own glass before taking a sip of it, "I had seen the name on the stakeholders list, but couldn't find many details; a new venture I assume?" She said with a smirk, "A few games? Yes I think I could be amicable to that... though if your short on enough items for what you have in mind perhaps we could remedy that." Then Rin paused before taking it a step further, "I happen to have quite a few items on hand from... investments shall we say. Perhaps you would be up for a wager, a few hands of cards to wager some of what we both have available."

Oh- Actually, that sounded quite nice. When was the last time she made wagers where she wasn’t gambling with the lives, sanity, and freedom of those around her in the temple and from what she actually owned or had? Never. She couldn’t remember the last time she wagered or was on the verge of participating in something that intrigued her so.

She looked at the exchange rate board for the casino chip exchanging offers. With Rin willing to help her, she may actually have a good time and meet her goals, “A new venture? I suppose so… My sister would be able to explain more, but to maintain company secrets, let’s just say we are working towards a brighter technological future, and this casino is a bit of a test run focusing on mechanical aspects.” Baliquis said,

“Hm… I’m quite a fan of deals; you seem to be good luck, what with things working out for us so often when you’re around; it’s almost like your existence guarantees success.” Bali said warmly, then nodded, “Sure; I don’t mind being a subject for your…invested attention and materials.” Baliquis smirked, “Perhaps if things go well, I can try to pay you back with whatever I get…however if you’re still in an investing mood, Izayumi & Co. is also open to investors on a more business and professional side.”

Post Word Count


Total Word Count


Needed Word Count

1,350 / 3,875

Initiating Trade

Last edited by Baliquis on Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:42 pm
“A new venture? I suppose so… My sister would be able to explain more, but to maintain company secrets, let’s just say we are working towards a brighter technological future, and this casino is a bit of a test run focusing on mechanical aspects.” Baliquis said, her words piquing Rin's interest. "Oh? Well now that is quite interesting, I had assumed that the wonders of this place were founded on the powers of this saint valentine, another odd instance like that of saint nick manipulating the laws of reality, but your telling me you achieved this solely through technology?" She asked, schooling her expression even as her mind began considering the possibilities this could present. Already she was evaluating the value of this new corporation, she and Balquis shared a common goal, they both desired the destruction of the seed of corruption that had ravaged both their lives, that put her in a position to bargain that would far outstrip the initial foundation of the other powers in the world.

The only question was how much this new technology would be worth over the coming months and years, she had already agreed to throw her lot in with the village of tanbo and that meant she needed to protect her interests within the village. For now she tucked away that little tidbit of information in the back of her mind, making note to research just what innovations this Izayumi & Co were responsible for in far more detail once she got back to her suite.

“Hm… I’m quite a fan of deals" Balquis said, interupting Rin's musings. "you seem to be good luck, what with things working out for us so often when you’re around; it’s almost like your existence guarantees success.” balquis said warmly, before nodding, “Sure; I don’t mind being a subject for your…invested attention and materials.” the woman said smirking, and Rin had to stifle another blush, it seemed their first meeting had left quite an impression on the young woman “Perhaps if things go well, I can try to pay you back with whatever I get…however if you’re still in an investing mood, Izayumi & Co. is also open to investors on a more business and professional side.” She finished, almost as if reading Rin's mind. With a piercing gaze she examined the woman for a moment before nodding, Reaching down to her side to pull out a small bag of goods she had been planning on turning in to the exchange herself.
"I could be amicable to further investments, though i would need a..." Rin paused, though she already knew what she was going to say, instead she gave a moment to add weight to her words, to draw interest from the woman across from her. "Thorough accounting of your assets." She said with a smirk of her own, placing the bag in the girl's hand before she could reply. "Go trade those in for some chips and we can discuss the details further over a few hands of cards." She said turning and striding over towards an empty table, the soft sway of her hips just ever so subtly exaggerated as she allowed her aura to seep out around her again, drawing lingering gazes from more than a few of those she passed.

WC: 549
-30x “Candy Cane Kunai”
-30x “Christmas Cookie Shuriken”
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Ryo : 500

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:03 am

"Oh? Well now that is quite interesting, I had assumed that the wonders of this place were founded on the powers of this saint valentine, another odd instance like that of saint nick manipulating the laws of reality, but your telling me you achieved this solely through technology?" Rin replied to what Baliquis had advised of their casino, and Baliquis simply nodded, but after Bali mentioned more investments?

Rin stared at her calculatingly and perhaps outright cold, but it was already a lot of information to handle at one time. However, despite the sharp look from the more petite and white-armed woman, she produced a small bag, "I could be amicable to further investments, though I would need a..." The woman paused, and Bali wondered if she was reconsidering her words to pull away from the investment offer and talk on both a business and personal front. Still, she seemed to double down, "Thorough accounting of your assets." Bali blushed slightly but gave that old, reliable, and practiced hollow smile as the bag was placed in her hand from the other woman, "Go trade those in for some chips, and we can discuss the details further over a few hands of cards." Then Bali watched her turn and walk away as she confidently strode over towards an empty table, a gentle way in her hips before Bali felt a flush to her cheeks. It made her wonder if the feeling she had on their first encounter still lingered and how badly everything affected her. Still, regardless she had made a promised future wager with future earnings and material possessions. However, she had been working on reducing her possessions to what she needed, so exchanging these would help her- hopefully- get more items to offer up and trade should she be dealt unsavory and unfulfilling hands.

She turned, made her way to the exchange counter, and looked up at the board, trading in the items she had for items she didn't necessarily need for chips. “After a certain amount, you can get a courtesy item from the list.” The worker said as if Baliquis hadn’t created this system herself, and Baliquis nodded. Once her items were selected and awarded to her, Baliquis would go over to the table where Rin sat and help herself into a chair before looking around the Casino. Yuki had been a bit too excited about wandering around and ensuring the machines and, more importantly- her experimental, inner component designs- were working at their optimal theoretical performance as she envisioned them to do.

Thankfully she saw her sister and waved- the older woman glanced Bali’s way from the waving motion and then saw her, and her face lit up happily. Bali made a motion of moving her hand and towards herself to gesture and signal the other woman to come over, and she did so right away in her simple, curve-hugging burgundy, ribbed and long-sleeved, open-window-chested and mid-calf length dress, wearing her standard three-inch-heel height black heels as she made her way over. “I hope you don’t mind that I ask my sister to join us in these discussions, as she is the designer.” Bali said before jokingly adding with a laugh, “I just do the paperwork.”

Post Word Count


Total Word Count


Needed Word Count

1,890 / 3,875

Items Received

  • + 30 "Candy Cane Kunai"
  • + 30 “Christmas Cookie Shuriken”

Mid-Thread Claims

  • + 30 "Candy Cane Kunai"
  • + 30 “Christmas Cookie Shuriken”

Last edited by Baliquis on Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:17 pm; edited 3 times in total
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:12 pm
Approved @ Baliquis
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:41 pm
Rin waited patiently as the woman wandered over to the exchange, content to simply sit at the table and begin shuffling the deck of cards that had been placed there. The slow repetitive sound of riffling card barely audible over the clamour of the casino floor. When Bali returned it was to the image of Rin expertly shuffling the deck of cards with a confident smirk on her face, the new limb was a little stiff of course, the sensations somewhat abnormal, and that left a subtle delay in the response of the hand as she continued riffling the cards, not enough to fumble, but still enough for Rin to allow a small sliver of irritation to penetrate her psyche.

When Balquis, stepping up to the table, waved over another party Rin couldn't help but quirk an eyebrown in curiosity, though she contentedly gave the woman a moment to explain herself before commenting on it. "I hope you don’t mind that I ask my sister to join us" she said with a playful chuckle as she explained the other woman's sudden inclusion. Rin nodded sagely as the woman spoke for a moment before standing with a flourish and offering a slight half bow to the woman, placing her pristine white prosthetic across her body, as she did so, in a way that allowed the light to glint off of the wicked sharp pointed tips. "A pleasure to meat you miss..." Rin paused, allowing the silence to ask the question for her.

Assuming she received the woman's name she would smile, allowing old habits to take charge again as she allowed her aura to leak out, entrancing those around her and with that same distracting attraction that had ensnared Balquis on their first meeting. "A pleasure to meet you. Though i wish i could say your sister has told me much about you I'm afraid i'm at a loss. Come, take a seat and join us." She said with a sweeping gesture towards the table. Assuming the two joined her she would give the cards one last shuffle before dealing out a pair of cards to each individual, setting the table for a classic game of two card poker, a river of five cards being laid out by the deck in the center. Glancing at her own pair of cards with a subtle flex of the cards she eyed the cards. A 2 of clubs and a 7 of hearts... Rin allowed a faint smile to flicker across her face for a brief moment before she spoke again "Opening wagers?"
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Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

The House Always Wins [P, IO] Empty Re: The House Always Wins [P, IO]

Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:51 am

As much as she was grateful that her sister believed in her to help her fulfill her distant dream of being able to turn her strange, ridiculous drawings into real things and designs that Izayumi & Co. could use, do you know what Yuki wasn’t grateful for? Howing to interact with so many people. She had been forced to be personable, and she did enjoy the kind of ‘overall appeal’ of other humans, but she would prefer to work on more designs. However, with the opening of this casino, they had both been prepared for the fact that there would not be many opportunities to enjoy themselves. Testing the machines and the games was one thing, but it was all about business while they were here.

Early in the morning, Yuki managed to wake herself up. At the same time, her younger and more studiously anti-social sister slept after they had hung out and fell asleep in the same room the night before, then proceeded with the usual routine of her mornings after leaving and going to her own suite room. Nothing made her happier than taking a shower and then brushing her teeth in the morning because it felt like she had an excellent start to a day, but today she decided to do something she normally did not partake in: wear less bulky and restrictive clothing. Her sister had grabbed her a couple of things, and she nervously pulled a dress down from the borrowed closet.

It was simple enough. A long-sleeved, long-hemmed burgundy dress with a window cut in the chest- called a ‘boob window’ but that was mainly a joke (right?), and it was much more straightforward than she was used to… uncomfortably and unsettlingly maybe too simple for Yukihime, but she looked into the mirror as she held it up against her body. Even in the mirror, without shoes on, she stood too tall in the reflection, with the top of her hair and the upper half of her forehead not even in view. Holding the dress against herself, it seemed it wasn’t wide enough to cover her, and she sighed. Their mother’s inherited and abnormal proportions made getting clothes that fit her and her sisters well enough almost an unfeasible task. Regardless, Yuki wanted to be a good sport, so she separated the dress from the hangar and pulled the dress on. Then she put on her standard three-inch heals to bring her towering height to six feet and five inches, but she looked at her reflection in the mirror. It had looked so much longer on the hangar, but now that she had it on, the dress was curvy hugging, and at the right angle, she could have sworn that she could see her cellulite in it, her cleavage pressed up against the window with her chest on quite the display, and the dress now came to mid-calf height.

She sighed and left the room to go and meet with the event planners and to do her daily rounds of checking on the casino machines, then seeing the tucked away repair room and the tucked away back room to make sure all was good. They were tasks that she and her sister had decided what was ‘safest’ for her to do as they did not require reading or writing, so it would be easier to hide the fact that Yuki’s grasp of the language was middle school level at best. Thankfully she knew basic arithmetic and spoke well enough to make that flaw unnoticeable among the populous. As she made her way to the game floor, she scanned the room, and then her eyes landed on the same store they had since Izayumi & Co. had opened the Casino.

The employee store where they were allowing the casino uniforms of staff to be sold as well. God, she and her sister would look so cute in them, but they would have to be altered to sit the both of them. Regardless, Yuki went in and spoke with the clerk to purchase two of them- a classic black suit and the full suit- and asked that the full suit be sent to her room with the classic bunny suit sent to her sister’s room and possession. Then she left to wanted around and look for one of the floor workers. When she could not find one, Yuki decided to make her way to the back room where the portal had been opened and maintained and shut the door behind her after the set of guards placed by the doors allowed her through. A couple of workers were back there already, and one looked over at her, “Oh, good morning. Here to check everything?” They asked, and she nodded,

“How goes the portal’s stability and consistency?” Yukihime asked, and the lead worker met her halfway as she walked to the strange, metal gateway that the portal was contained within- a swirled and constantly shifting mass of colors that faded and brightened in intensity but opaque and existed barely in their reality as a constant rip in space and time.

“It has not been entirely stable, but we were able to maintain it and should be able to kind of push it open.” The lead worker reported and advised, “It’s a constant fifty-five percent at this time of day, but it dips to twelve percent in the mornings and spikes to about eighty-seven percent at night… we have a team of fuinjutsu ninja placing barriers and seals as the inhabitants keep trying to come through.”

“At what stability do they try to transcend?” Yukihime asked, and the leader research licked their lips nervously,

“It seems inconsistent… but… my theory is that the inconsistency is with purpose.” The lead researcher pulled away from her and then moved away from the others, gesturing her to follow. When she did move out of ear-shot of the others, the lead researcher said in hushed tones, “We have spotted five individual- entities- however, two are more consistent than the others. Between them, one of them has constantly been testing the threshold of the portal and the fuin barriers. I think… it’s intelligent.” The leader researcher advised, and she blinked in confusion, “I think that entity is acting more independent than the others- the others try around the time frame, within hours or minutes of each other- this particular entity tried throughout the day at random intervals… it think it's looking for a weak spot and testing the waters. That’s what its actions seem more aligned to be.”

“Well…continue to work on it and report it to me, especially if there are any changes; You have a good head atop your shoulders and seem to have a game plan in place,” Yuki told him confidently before she bowed slightly and left the room. As she returned to the game floor to try and find one of the other operators she needed to speak with, she scanned the room again- Then she saw a hand waving and looked over to see Bali sitting at a card table with another woman. Yuki instantly beamed. It was great to see her sister out on the floor- but she was standing next to a woman with a prosthetic arm. When they met eyes, Baliquis made a motion to come over, and Yuki was happy to make her way over.

When she got to the table, the other woman nodded to Bali, who made herself comfortable, but the stranger stood and gave a slight half-bow to Yuki as she stopped by a chair that would have been right next to the stranger. The woman crossed her pristine white prosthetic arm across her torso, and the action of it alone caught the light- which rushed down to drip off the claw-like tips of the prosthetic’s fingers, "A pleasure to meet you miss..." “You may call me Yukihime.” Yuki said, and the woman smiled, but something was alluring and darkly mysterious about her smile that Yuki felt drawn to. "A pleasure to meet you. Though I wish I could say your sister has told me much about you, I'm afraid I'm at a loss. Come, take a seat, and join us." The woman gestured to the table, and Yuki chuckled before she sat down at the table as well, but easily around three inches taller than her younger sister and more curvaceous.

The stranger would shuffle a deck of cards they had handy as they seemed to take over as the dealer but dealt Baliquis and herself two cards each. Oh no. The woman laid out five cards on the card table’s felt in a smooth motion near the center of the table. The stranger smirked as they looked at the cards they had given to themselves for a moment, "Opening wagers?" They asked, but Yuki looked to Bali for a moment, who glanced at her,

“Before I forget, I got you one of the Casino Bunny Suits and sent it to your room.” Yuki said, “I got the suit for myself.” Then she put her attention to the game at hand and looked at her cards. A 4 of Clubs and a 6 of Diamonds. She couldn't tell if that was good and asked her sister in the guttural and foreign language tongue of their heritage, "

“Wager first, Zu.” Bali said, and Yuki sighed, “Chips and items work fine.” A Casino Bunny worker came over with a silver tray, a notepad, and a pen,

“Would we like any drinks tonight?” The Casino Bunny asked, and Yuki turned to her slightly,

“No drinks for me. Do you have Casino Chips I can place down?” Yuki said and laughed a bit since she had no pockets, then smiled when the Casino  Bunny nodded then Yuki continued, “Please supply me with 5,000 chips equivalent and amend my House tab, and for my sister, let me get-” Yuki looked at Bali who looked over and spoke up,

“3,800 from my tab should be fine.” Bali voiced, and the Casino Bunny provided the chips from her chip belt that rested on her hip, wrote it down, then excused herself to go and update it with the casino cage workers.

“I’ll wager 500 Casino chips for now.” Yuki said and looked at her sister, “And you?”

OOC Information:

Post Word Count


Total Word Count


Needed Word Count

1,738/ 3,875

Last edited by Yukihime on Sat Apr 01, 2023 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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