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Leaves In the Snow

Iscarot Ushitora
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Leaves In the Snow Empty Leaves In the Snow

Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:41 pm
Mission Details and Rewards:

Have you ever experienced sudden teleportation while walking back home to get some food and rest up? No you haven’t? Neither had Jecht till this very moment. He had been in Konohagakure enjoying his day and free time between the slew of missions that he had been undertaking with his fellow Shinobi of the leaf like Shin, Iscarot and recently even a young lady named Xena, so imagine his surprise when while walking down a shortcut to his home that he was suddenly in a freezing cold atmosphere and in a place he had never been to before. Very shocking and very cold, because even for those who were normal and wore a full outfit of clothing would find this temperature on the nippy side of things but for Jecht who wore no shoes, no shirt beyond his arm covering, and shorts with a sash he was to say the least very unprepared for the sudden change in weather.
A chill went through the Ushitora’s body and the old aches of his aging body came more potent, not enough to hinder his ability to move of course but enough to remind him that he wasn’t no spring chicken as his grandfather use to say. “First off, what the fuck.” Jecht began to protest, “Second off where the fuck am I?” He finished as he looked around the area. He was clearly in some kind of village that was experiencing its winter, though as he looked around and saw some of the buildings and businesses it seemed he was in the Snow Country maybe even in Yukigakure the village hidden in the snow but he didn’t really think that was where he was because that place was suppose to have been destroyed back when Jecht was still a child. Regardless it explained a bit on why it was so cold but didn’t explain how he got there or why he was there.
Looking around some more and gaining some looks from the citizens going about their day, Jecht noticed a scroll on the ground by him and upon opening it, it described that this scroll was how he was transported here to what is called the “Winter Wonderland” and that there were some people in need of help and he was one of many individuals that had been chosen to do so. “Okay, Okay that makes a bit more sense as far-fetched that they would choose the old man to help out but I can work with that at least.” Jecht said out loud to no one in particular just basically talking to himself which wasn’t helping his image of already being half naked in the ankle high snow.
“Well it says there were others chosen to help out and the place most people go is usually the town center to meet up in unfamiliar places so I’ll look around for a bit and go there see if I see anyone I know.” Jecht thought to himself as he moved his body around a bit to warm himself up, using his Ushitora fighting style to circulate the fire element through his body to keep himself nice and toasty but not enough to cause him to just be on fire. No need to freak anyone out more then he was already, with that taken care of Jecht made his way to the Town center to look for anyone he could. While on his way there though he did notice other Shinobi of other villages though it seemed as if they simply didn’t see him or acknowledged his presence it was kind of chilly in a different way. What kind of power could produce these scrolls and this place, what being had that kind of ability? Just more questions then answers for the old man.
WC: 632
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:51 pm
"A little more to the right...then the left. Follow up with," the words were followed with strikes from his blade, the rapid movement between sheathing and unsheathing as he cut through straw dummies like a hot knife through butter. With each successful Iai he would ignite the blade and begin to use one of the basic abilities of the Ushitora to enhance his fighting style. While the blade he had currently was making good practice for him, it was unfortunately not built to handle the extreme heats that the Ushitora founded techs could dish out which as a blacksmith made him furrow his brows a bit. It was an issue that he was going to rectify when he had obtained a little more money from missions but for the moment the katana would make do. Sheathing the blade one final time, he would take in a deep breathe and bow to end his training before producing a water gourd from the depths of his Haori and drinking from it. While the kiss of the flames did not bother his body, it did however cause him to perspire and for that reason alone the water was necessary. After drinking from the gourd for what seemed like a few moments he would wipe loose a few beads of sweat before staring into the sky and pondering how far he had came with his training. It had been a moment since he had trained with Ject, and even a bit longer since he had came to accept his newfound blood. The two horns that had been protruding through his head and piercing through his silver hair had shown he was finally comfortable with the act though what else would come with it was unknown...but he had been hopeful for the future.

Fixing his clothing he would begin to head out into the peaceful night that Konoha would bestow upon him, but as he opened the door and stepped out he would be met with freezing cold and wetness beneath his feet. Looking down he would sigh as he knew this familiar feeling, this place. Looking around he was once again back in the "Winter Wonderland" where he had met some interesting people. He couldn't remember the last time he had been dragged here, more specifically the time span in which he was last here. The events were very much fresh inside of his mind, but that was neither here nor there. As he stepped further from the door he would find that the warmth of his home would fade and so too would its visage as it slowly faded from existence and left him here. Sighing he would straighten his sword upon his side and began to walk into the depths of the village itself. There was no telling who he would meet here or what kind of shenanigans he would get into , but one thing he could admit was that anytime he was here it was always fun. With each crunch of the snow beneath his feet he began to move forward at a decent pace, not stopping to say anything to anyone. He had always wondered if the people he had helped here would remember him or the deeds that he had previously done, but with how often he appeared and disappeared from here it was a gamble at this point. His trek took him toward the center of the town from the southern side and once he had arrived he had seen the back of a familiar person. Normally he would not lump features to one singular person yet he knew these features all too well.. Walking up to their right he would let out a small chuckle as he looked out into the distance of the town itself," You'll get used to the cold very soon my friend. It takes you back for a moment, but once you let the fire burn everything becomes fine. Though I didn't know they allowed grumpy old men into this, but it seems that I could very well be wrong," a playful little jab at his Ushitora brother.

His head would turn slightly to see the features of his friends face before speaking once more," Though I cannot say I am surprised to be here once more. It seems like every other day I get dragged here to help someone or stop some idiot from stealing something. Whether its Konoha or this place there is no end to the tasks that pile up. How long have you been here exactly?," trying to strike up a conversation or two to past the time before seeing what it is exactly they were supposed to do. Normally someone would just run up to him for help. A kid or some tired and out of place wife looking for something. A snow fight waiting to happen or heavens forbid a group of kids sticking their tongues to poles. This place would never cease to amaze the male, but one thing came from it. An untold reward that appeared upon him once he was back within his dwelling. Whether or not that was the case however only time would be able to tell. Resting his left hand on the hilt of his katana he would continue to scan the area with his sunset colored eyes and pondered something he didn't really think about until recently," What do you think really teleports us or brings our plane to this one? Would it be the Gods or someone with too much time on their hands?," he would ponder the question to Ject as he waited with the male a little longer. All Iscarot knew was that whatever did had an abundance of goods and rewards for those who helped the denizens here. Those rewards while not needed were definitely appreciated as they provided the male with the means to actually progress his own life among other things. For the moment however he would continue to speak with Ject as they stood, unknown to both that they were waiting on two more.

WC: 1,012
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:29 am
“N-No wait…please! No! No-ugh!  Rwaaaaaah! raaaaaaaaaa!”


Bitter screaming pierced the void of silence. Blood curling, heart wrenching, spine chilling, and hair raising loud. Unsettling…and yet most satisfying. Droplets of crimson nectar rolled and fell from the digits of a demon. Splashing upon the cool concrete floor of an underground facility quite suited for interrogation and torture. Tenzen Kyuyabaki, an infiltrator caught in the act was tasked with tracking down a shinobi. Apparently that shinobi was Auron Yamaguchi. A missing ninja who was once affiliated with the leaf, but defected due to personal and conflicting circumstances. Auron later since found himself in the company of two great people and soon after forming their crew, Grey and Cid. It was a shame, really. Tenzen was given outdated information. For you see Auron was now affiliated with Konoha out of the good graces of the Hokage.

Speaking with Ooetsu soon after his return, he was informed of the conversation he and Auron shared. There was a connection, a moment of understanding between the two. Somewhat brotherly. Aokidanza understood that feeling, understood how much that meant to Ooetsu and considered it sternly. Supporting the decision, deeming it necessary. Unfortunately for Tenzen, the man that caught him was a man at all, but a demon.

A malicious smirk formed on the face of the demon, Aokidanza standing from a kneeling position. Blood spattered upon his face. Crimson eye with three triangulated tomoes around the pupils as black scleras hugged them close. Demonic armor, bone like spikes and ominous air.

Tenzen. Tenzen. Tenzen. Shameful, your contact neglected to inform you that this village was under my command. Or else you wouldn’t have ended up like this. Truly shameful.

He mocks, malevolently. Staring at the corpse of Tenzen. The Sensory core came to be quite useful, immediately notifying Aokidanza as Tenzen entered their range. The demon reached towards the head of the corpse. Slowly as if to build up anticipation for a climactic effect. Grasping the black hair and lifting it from the ground. His eyes, not sparing an inch for his next point of cruelty. Suddenly he was not where he should, soles of his shoes found themselves sunken into snow.

The sudden shift in temperature sent a sensation that both tickled and annoyed him. Cutting his eyes to the right, slightly lowering his head; his hair sways in the breeze. The Terrible One heard the voiced coming from abaft of him. Deadly instinct kicked in, yet it was invulnerable willpower that kept it in check. Gradually turning to face the ones behind the talking he learns that’s he was in fact behind them. The demon smiles widely, but then he notice…horns. Ushitora? Here? He thought, it wasn’t common. He’s been to this land many of winters. That vexing old man in red and spirit possessed this impossibly hard to digest power to summon him without flaw.

One barely had clothes, a number of scars. The other silver hair, Shinto exorcist attire. Being 5 meters away he sensed that their chakra levels weren’t much, one at average and the other below. Yet those physiques revealed that they were more dangerous in a physical area. Yet that is nothing new in relations to the Ushitora clan. His eyes would narrow, his arm lowered as he bring down the corpse.

You two, turn around. It’s not very often that I come across yōkai. Your clan tend to put up the best fight.

The chakra of the demon begun to seep from him, pouring its toxic nature in foul coloring into the environment. Coiling itself around the Senju into a twisted and grotesque abomination of a display of power that towered over them by 10 meters high. His power far exceeded there own. This would do them no harm, but serve as a forewarning that he was above think in terms of existence.

The hand let go of the corpse of Tenzen, it thuds as it hits the snow. Steadily growing more malicious the chakra of Aokidanza raged. He would smile eerily as he awaits there faces to be revealed. But then it donned on him. Jecht and Iscarot. Both shinobi of his village. He recall the similarities in their appearances from the photos on their ryo request forms.

Damn… that was a close one. To think, he almost eradicated them both. Aokidanza would compose himself instantly. Blood still stained his face and hands, exposing him for something that was gruesome for a Kage to take place in.

Now I understand, you are Jecht and you are Iscarot. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you two, face to face. It has also come to my attention that you, Jecht have completed a number of missions, proving your worth to the hidden leaf, therefore congratulations. I now recognize you as Chuunin level.

He would then realize that his words may have been somewhat puzzling to them, to Jecht especially. No one knew who he was because of the sudden change in power and his refusal of a ceremony. He chuckled menacingly as he came to terms with that.

Ah yes, forgive me. It didn’t cross my mind that you two do not know who I am. I am Aokidanza Senju, your Hokage…

His words would bring chill to them, and even so his name, should any of them possessed the bingo book would recognize him as a high profile target that recommends that Chuunin and lower ranked shinobi should steer clear of him. Even Jounin that does not have unique skills should not engage him either. He was labeled as a monster, a man that was fickle in his choices. Yes, his choices had a way of being seen as so and so, but his reasons outweighed them.

The Demon would then look past them, noticing what they saw. Ah yes, he remembered such a place as similar as this. Only there wasn’t a candy cane entrance with a note. He would look around, scanning the snow and the constructs. Turning to face those of his village. There was only three of them.

It would seem that we are short a shinobi. Usually there must be four.

WC: 1,028
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:53 pm
Snow painted the landscape, a perfect canvas for one with hair as silver as his. "Looks like we're far from home". One moment he was sitting at his desk dealing with village matters while the next he found himself teleported to some place unknown. Even though he had traveled before, visited a lot of different places, this time would be different even for Goto. "Winter Wonderland, seems fitting". Instead of freezing to death, the young Senju had started to explore the area, questioning a couple of passersby to find out the name of the place he found himself ending up.

A strange feeling came over him, news of a massive and intense blizzard raging in Snow Country only adding to the already suspicious atmosphere one would be able to sense when investigating the area. As he continued making his way through Winter Wonderland, Goto was able to pick up on a handful of rumors terrorizing the village, one more worrying than the other. "I guess it wouldn't hurt investigating a bit more" the silver haired Senju thought to himself, aware it might be the best way to spend his time now that he had nowhere else to go until he figured out how and why he ended up there.

With the crunching sound of snow underneath his feet the Deputy of Konohagakure continued to explore the village, a scenery far different from the one he was used to back home. Goosebumps covered his skin, the cold a worthy opponent. The wind whistled in his ears, almost like a siren guiding him to shore. The air wasn't the only thing calling out, whispers from the people around him almost as if they were trying to call for help. Rumors turned into cries, a plea for help as if they were hoping to be saved. Far from the savior people made him out to be, Goto decided to investigate things on his own.

Snow, rain or wind, neither of those were capable of stopping the young Senju from finding out what was going on in Winter Wonderland. Compared to his time in prison or the battle against two rogues, the current situation would be nothing more than a breeze, pun intended. The further he went, the deeper Goto found himself in the village, following the sounds and whispers that would lead him to solving the curious case of Winter Wonderland. Doing so, the silver haired menace stumbled upon an interesting piece of information, finally something worth investigating.

Apparently, at least if what he heard was true, the massive and intense blizzard had been raging for the past couple of days, resulting in one of the locals falling victim to the ruthless phenomenon. Now, the woman who reported her husband missing, was looking for people brave enough to face the storm and return her loved one home. "Tragic" the Senju thought to himself, wondering if there would be anyone up for the task and volunteering for the search party. In the cruel world they were living in there weren't that many people willing to risk their lives for anyone else.

For now he would set those thoughts aside and continue his walk through the village, determined to discover more clues and uncover the truth hidden in a web of lies in Snow Country. As he made his way and traversed the streets of Winter Wonderland, Goto soon came across a familiar face, one accompanied by two other individuals who seemed to be in conversation. "Congratulations Aoki, you finally learned how to count to four" the silver haired jested as he walked up to the group of three. The Demon would be in the presence of two men, both resembling more of a Neanderthal than they looked the part of a shinobi. "If I didn't know you any better I would almost think you were making friends". Whatever the case, at least now they could put their heads together and figure out a way to leave. 

(WC: 662)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:10 am
A chuckle could be heard coming from his right, Jecht wasn’t sure who would be laughing at him but the voice that followed the laughter got rid of that mystery quite quickly. It was Iscarot the younger Shinobi and fellow Ushitora though not by choice that Jecht had grown quite close with over time, though both training and working with. “Grumpy old men psh they certainly allow angsty young men in here it seems.” Jecht said returning the jab to someone he would consider a brother. It did seem that Iscarot had more knowledge about this place from the following bits of information that he gave.

“So this isn’t your first time here then?” Jecht questioned as Iscarot mentioned that it seemed this place was always in need of someone helping out or needing a hand every time he had come here prior. “I just arrived recently I was on my way back to my home after some morning training and found myself transported here against my will.” Jecht explained the cold no longer bothering him as he had been cycling fire element chakra through his body thanks to his knowledge of the Red Oni fighting style. “I’m not sure what is bringing people here, but to do so against what it seems to be everyone, they must be extremely powerful. So maybe, just maybe they are a god or sorts.” He offered to his fellow comrade, Jecht wasn’t a religious person but he knew that there had to be hidden powers throughout the world if any of the legends of old held truth and if his own Clan’s legends held truth then he no longer doubted some of the others he had been privy too.

“Oh, do you remember our discussion on being able to use both fighting styles of our Clan? I think I might have some more information on that should we get back to Konoha.” Jecht offered as he looked around the area, at that moment a chill ran down the older man’s spine, not one of cold but of danger. The sound of footsteps approaching them followed by the speaking of an unknown individual that called out to them calling them Yokai. Typically those close to the clan called them Onis or Ogres, while their enemies tended to call them Demons, Monsters, or Yokai. This put Jecht on edge even more so as his senses were screaming at him that this person was dangerous, he looked at this man with black hair, strange eyes and a visible scar underneath that hair on his forehead.

Something about this person seemed familiar but not in a having met them before but as if Jecht had seen their picture somewhere but couldn’t place it. The man’s words told a story of impending battle without room for compromise and this was not a time for Jecht’s normally carefree approach to take the forefront as he quickly took a fighting stance as he felt the man’s chakra rage and grow seeming to changing the very color of the air into something tainted and toxic. “Brother, it seems we have found our purpose on coming here.” Jecht mentioned with intense seriousness, a moment passed just before he was about to strike the man’s expression changed greatly and his chakra diminished. He called them by their names and even knew about Jecht’s progress within the village speaking about promoting him to Chuunin.

“What? Only Lord Hokage Ishimaru or Deputy Kage Goto can do such things and you are neither.” Jecht mentioned while maintaining his alertness he wasn’t sure who or what was happening and he wasn’t going to relax his guard till he figured out what was going on. Though just as soon as Jecht had been questioning the man in front of him, he told them that he was in fact their Hokage which only baffled Jecht more as he hadn’t heard of any changing of leadership or the passing of Lord Ishimaru. A look of confusion passed over his face, though a look of recogniction passed by just as quickly hearing the man’s name Aokidanza Senju. The earlier familiarity that he had seeing the man’s face came in full force now that he had a name, the Bingo Book that all Shinobi had access to which held the name and face of those of the most dangerous threats in the world as reported by all villages.

Aokidanza had been listed as a A-rank threat with potential to be S-rank, one that was not to be taken lightly in interaction or combat. Nothing makes you believe what is being said by a criminal like them having dropped what looked to be a corpse at their feet and exuded such foul and toxic aura towards you then claiming they were actually your very own leader. “Aokidanza Senju, a known Missing Ninja of A-rank threat. Claiming to be the very Hokage.” Jecht prepared himself to die fighting, as long as they could injure Aokidanza they would have at least done more then enough to help people in the future. A moment passed and it was interrupted by someone that Jecht hadn’t seen in person except when first becoming apart of the village years ago. Goto Senju the Deputy Kage who served besides Lord Ishimaru.

He spoke to Aokidanza as if they were friends, which lent credibility to what Aokidanza was saying. “Lord Goto, is what this man is saying true? Has he replaced Lord Ishimaru as Hokage?” Jecht questioned refusing to take his eyes off Aokidanza watching his body for any signs of attack. If this was true then what happened to Lord Ishimaru and why wasn’t this more publically known? Jecht wasn’t one to focus to much on the going on of the village but such a major shift in leadership should have had some kind of reaction from the people, unless it had been done so quietly that no one but the highest of people in power knew of it. Had there been an overtake so quick and expertly done that Missing Ninjas had implanted themselves into the highest parts of the village’s leaderships. Though why would they leave Lord Goto? A million questions ran through his mind and none of them had any easy and simple answers, each one leading to more stress and worry on the older shinobi’s mind.

WC: 1066
TWC: 1698
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:32 pm
"Angsty? Young? Surely you jest. You aren't that much higher than me in age Ject or did you forget that?," a small laugh escaped from the Elder Dragon as he patted Ject on the back gently...well as gently as he could honestly. The brother like bond that he had formed with Ject over the past weeks had been something that the male had desperately needed. Before then he was someone that did not want to deal much with any person and stayed out the sights of others. Now he had been walking around proudly displaying his horns and accepting his new body. It had to admit that it was because of his talks with the other Oni that he came to this point. He would nod at Ject's question looking around at the surrounding area that had not even changed one bit since he had last been here which was definitely interesting. Scratching his chin he would shrug and respond to the other Oni in kind," This would be my....third time being in this space? I am starting to think that everything resets here and the same problems persists for the denizens here or someone is playing a cruel joke on those that get pulled here. I was about to head out into the village to do some training myself, but as soon as I opened my door I wound up here again..," it would seem that Ject also shared the theory that it could be a deity of sorts that had been pulling people here. A normal ninja would be unlikely since he had been seeing people from different villages and walks off life, but this was definitely something higher. Whatever it had been however they could have at least warned people before puling them from their daily lives.

More information on their clan? This had piqued Iscarot's curiosity as he turned his head only slightly to look over at Ject." So you found some information on if one could bear the weight of both? Then we must get through with whatever it is we are here for quickly...I am curious to hear what it is you found," though as he finished his sentence something had perturbed his very being. It would seem as if Ject had heard it as well, someone had called out to them. Not as people, but as Yokai and the killing intent that he had felt from this chakra had been suffocating. He could see that Ject was already prepared for battle and as he took his stance, Iscarot would reach for the hilt of his blade as he turned prepared for battle ,"It seems as if we have..," he had little more to say and even if something within him had been scared, he was not going to back down. At the same moment Ject was about to break out of the gate with an attack he had stopped which had caused Iscarot's drawing hand to stop mid way before the steel had left its scabbard as he too had heard his name being stated. The sword would slowly find itself retreating back into its scabbard as only few knew the name of the fallen knight and even fewer knew what he looked like. For a moment his eyes would scan over the male, the same confusion that had plagued Iscarot had also plagued his brother beside him. Iscarot himself had only heard the name when Ject had said it, but when he had mentioned the being in front of them being of A rank threat. Someone who had been such a threat to the world stood before them and even if he had been something out of their capability they couldn't retreat either. The blade would find itself unsheathed as he gripped the hilt of the blade with both hands, blade pointed at Aoki poised to strike.

The moment he was about to dash forward and attack someone else had joined into the conversation, mentioning the male by name and then it had hit him. The white hair....He had been a recluse sure but he knew of the Deputy Hokage. Something was amiss here, but when the male known as Goto added credibility to the males story, the blade would return home as he offered a small bow to Aoki," Forgive my rudeness Lord Hokage... It would seem as a mistake may have been made here. Though I share the same confusion as my brother here. If you are the Hokage now what has happened to Lord Ishimaru?," though if a change of power had happened and this male was no longer a missing ninja then something... no worst case scenarios were never his forte. If something had happened to the Hokage then he would have assumed that Goto would have avenged him. Seeing them being buddy buddy meant it was probably a mutual exchange of power, but only they could answer that. In the midst of it however he would turn to Ject and smile," Congratulations on your promotion none the less. Putting this aside we have an objective to complete and we can speak more on this later, to catch us up at least on the going ons. This is definitely a weird precedence, but if you are our Hokage then I will trust that word and that of Lord Goto as well. It is a pleasure to officially meet the both of you," he'd say not brownosing as many might when meeting a Kage. It was more about respect than anything else. Even if he had drawn a sword at him that is.

Returning back to the task at hand he would fill them both in on the requirements on leaving this landscape," In order for us to leave we need to accomplish whatever task we were sent here to complete. From my experiences here it could be a multitude of things but once we are all together it becomes known to us. So at any moment honestly we should get some indication on why we are here."

WC: 1,009
TWC: 2,021
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:37 pm
Making a mid-thread claim to claim rewards in time of the event conclusion

1,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Full Dice (d10)
2,000 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Crescent Dice (d6)
2,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Blank Dice (d4)
2,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Blank Dice (d4)

Last edited by Aokidanza on Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:42 pm; edited 2 times in total
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:42 pm
Making a mid-thread claim to claim rewards in time of the event conclusion. (WC and ryo will be claimed together with my exit post.)

1,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Full Dice (d10)
2,000 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Crescent Dice (d6)
2,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Blank Dice (d4)
2,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Blank Dice (d4)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:43 pm
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Leaves In the Snow Empty Re: Leaves In the Snow

Sun Feb 12, 2023 10:20 pm
1,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Full Dice (d10)
2,000 Winter Equinox Tickets
2,500 Winter Equinox Tickets
2,500 Winter Equinox Tickets

Making my mid thread claim as well to make it in time
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