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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Lightning within the Leaves

Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:39 pm
Akarui had been doing missions for a while so he wanted to do some more training. When he got up in the morning, he washed up and grabbed his training gear again. His experience with his missions showed him that there was a long way to go still. He needed to improve his tracking and trapping skills.

He was dedicated to putting in the work and live his dreams about being a powerful Shinobi. His plan was to train his chakra affinity. His born affinity was Water element but his father had lightning. So he thought he could obtain lightning element like his father.

His father had been famous for his lightning Taijutsu techniques and one day Akarui hoped to be able to inherit this like his half brothers and sisters did.

Akarui suspected that his mother had water element also because his father’s second element had been fire. In the few conversations Akarui got with his father about his past and his mother, he deducted that she used lightning but if so that wasn’t her born affinity or Akarui would have been born with Lightning element.

All this lead Akarui to determine that he second chakra too would be Lightning. He felt lightning element would complement his water born element also. Lightning would could also enhance his speed.

Once he obtained the lightning element chakra, Akarui planned on contacting his uncle and ask if he could secretly pass the clan lightning arts to him. Though exiled, he did plan to return to the clan one day. He just needed to achieve Jounin rank which was far from Akarui’s goal.

He wanted to be so formidable that the clan begs him to return. Bringing his head back down to earth, he left the flat to take his daily 10km jog. The fresh air cooled his head as he ran so he could focus on the training ahead.

Thing was, Akarui didn’t know where to start. Did he have to let himself be struck by lightning repeatedly until his chakra obtained a lightning aspect? Could he just find a powerful outlet around the village or must he climb a peak during a lightning storm?

He just didn’t know. He went through a variety of ideas as he jogged along the Hokage heads cliff. This is his favourite route to take every morning. The view was amazing and the air was cool on the face. He could see the main gates and all the districts that make the village.

During the time he gave up being a Shinobi he would come here to sit for hours and get drunk cursing his old squad mates and sensei. Watch the sunset them stumble home drunkenly. He had been in a dark place at the time. It took him a long time to return to being a Shinobi again. He had let himself go and had to train up to standard before reinstating his Genin registry.

It may not seem like it but his giving up on being a Shinobi for a while helped him in the long run. He sorted out his demons before they drove him out of the village. His motivation for getting stronger and being a Shinobi had been to get revenge on the clan that exiled him. On a father throw him away.

He couldnt see the bigger picture before, he was too short sighted. His old academy sensei helped him a lot and counciled Akarui on the right path to take for his well being. Sometimes just being a drinking companion and listening to His woes silently and non judgementally. That Sensei also trained with him in preparation to return Akarui to Genin level abilities. Unfortunately Jinzo Sensei didn’t have a lightning affinity or Akarui would have gone to him to get help training in it saving him a lot of trouble finding a teacher.

If Akarui couldn’t find someone soon, he would be left with little choice but to go find his uncle, Lightning Knight Kishi Jinsoku, renowned for his Raiton techniques. One of the last other family member he spoke to anymore. He could but it really wasnt worth the torment he would receive. Although his was from the Jinsoku branch of the Shujin clan so he didn’t look at Akarui like he was a stain on the families honour like all Kotei branch members did which made Akarui feel that not all his Clan members hated him over something he had no control over.

Lost in thought Akarui made his way home without knowing it. He leaped back upto his balcony as he always did. He hardly ever used the door, saying that is was for guests to use. He loved to enter his home this way. Having some time to kill before going to find his Uncle, Akarui made a lot of tea and relaxed to ease his mind over the issues of his past.

After half an hour when Akarui’s nerves were calm he decided to take a walk to the training fields to relieve some stress. It was a slow walk taking in the air as he made his way to there. Finding a rock, he sat down and played with a leaf he caught as he walked here.
(WC 878)
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:09 pm
"What a beautiful day", Sai said as he stood on his rooftop looking at some of the village below. He was in a great mood that day. He had been taking a break from his normal mission;s and decided that he would stay in the village today and work on some of his jutsu. There had been a couple new things Sai wanted to try out for himself, but he knew trying new things on a mission could lead to someone getting hurt if it dosent go right. He would hate to have someone else death on his hands, especially if they had gotten hurt because he wanted to try a new jutsu off, instead of just getting the mission done. Sai took one last look at the village and smiled as he walked back inside his building. 

Sai was pumped and excited to go to the training grounds so he quickly got in the shower. He waste no time in there like he normal would of on his day off's, but today was a different. Today he had some type of motivation behind him to accomplish all of his goals,even feeling good enough to take over the world, if only he had the power to do so. Sai got out the shower and got dress and left out, not forgetting to grab an apple from off his table. He rushed down his apartment steps and out the door. Kindly greeting all the beautiful women and friendly faces on his way down. Upon his arrival at the training grounds he was surprise to see Akarui there. He quickly felt stupid for being surprised knowing that Akarui was a shinobi himself and had to come to the grounds just like  him. Not wasting any time, he walked over to him. "Hey , hows the training going friend". Sai said with a smile. He hadnt had the luxury of training with Akarui one on one just yet, so he was pretty excited to get the opportunity.

It felt like everyday Sai was in the training grounds with someone new, and that was something he loved about coming to the grounds. you never truly know what you will run into when you come down to train.
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:23 pm
As Akarui stared at the Leaf in hand pondering the pros and cons of trying to find a high voltage outlet to use for his training and if so, what did he do? Run his Chakra into the outlet hoping it doesn’t explode and the chakra takes on a lightning attribute? No, it just wasn’t feasible as the risk was too big. Perhaps he could watch some other Shinobi preform lightning Jutsu to give him ideas. So waiting a the training field would be the best option. He would ask though Shinobi about their lightning element and how to unlock it. Each element had its own way of training So it wasn’t like he could use what he knew about training in the water element and apply that to lightning element. Any academy student was taught that. It was a pity that they didn’t cross over. He wouldn’t have such an issue as he did now.

They also say that getting a second element was harder the less experienced one was. Maybe he should wait til he was more powerful? No, that won’t do. He needed to get stronger now. He had received an odd letter from the Hokage administration without mission orders but orders to tie up any loose end around the village and to be on standby. It was cryptic. They were preparing to send him out of the village for an unknown purpose so he needed any advantage he could get while facing the outside Shinobi world. He had to obtain a lightning aspect before he left so Akarui continued to rack he brain over any possibility.

Lost in thought while looking intently at the leaf, Akarui didn’t notice Sai walking up to him until the fellow Genin Sai whom Akarui had yet to meet alone outside of the training they both did with Akira, spoke up in greeting bringing his head in the clouds back down to earth. Akarui looked over to see a smiling Sai looking back at him. Still sitting on the rock with his legs crossed and a leaf pinched between his fingers has replied.

“Oh hey Sai. It isn’t going I’m afraid.” Akarui with a smile that turned to a slight frown of consternation before continuing on, “I’m afraid I don’t know where to begin. You see, I’m trying to obtain a chakra element of lightning that I’m certain I’ve got affinity for as my direct blood relatives have it. And.. well I can’t ask them.. So here I am, thinking about the value of sticking a fork infused with chakra into a Power Point hoping it will come out electric. Anyway, here for some training?”


Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:20 pm
Sai didnt notice the leaf in Akauri hand untill he got closer. For a moment Sai wandered why he had a leaf in his hand , but then he had remembered the training the Tadashi had put his team mate Akira on. The training seemed like a fairly quick thing to learn , but then again Sai knew everyone moved at there on pace. Sai wasent the fastest of learners , but over time he had found new ways to help increase his learning abilities. Even though Sai wasent a good teacher , he knew it wouldnt take much for him to pass on his knowledge to someone else. 

When Akarui had started to speak about wanting to learning Lightning release , it put a smile across his face. He was excited to have the opportunity to teach someone , but at the same time he was nervous. He didnt want to be a bad teacher to someone who just wanted to improve their skills, forcing him to have more patience with people than he would normally have. Having more patience with people was something he had to work on, cause one day he could be leading a group of different minded individuals. So all the practice that Sai could get on helping and teaching people, was something he would take serious.

"Well today is you lucky day Akarui , i know Lightning element and i also can teach you how to use that power", Sai said with a smile. He had a piece of paper in his pocket. "Try infusing you chakra into this paper, Lightning is unrestricted force, like Fire, so try to let yourself 'go' with the flow.", Sai said handing the paper to Akarui.
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:57 am
The moment Akarui mentioned wanting to obtain lightning release, Sai's face lit up in a broad smile and he pulled out a piece of odd paper Akarui hadnt seen since he first became a Genin. Just squad leader made him and his genin squad use one before so he could know what their chakra affinities were. That’s how Akarui found his element was water release. From that day on, the squad leader made them all train their respective elements until he was satisfied that the whole squad could use their chakra natures efficiently in combat.

Smiling, Sai handed over the piece of paper while he informed Akarui that he himself had lightning release so he could give Akarui some pointers. Akarui happily accepted the paper and with a excited smile, he listened to Sai's explanation on the feeling lightning release gave the user and mused on what he was told. That feeling was rather different to the feeling water release gave the user. Water release was soft and fluid making it easily moulded and forced into Jutsu or just normal chakra. From what Sai was saying, Lightning release was the opposite, an unrestricted force. Akarui had to let the lightning flow so to speak. Curiously Sai said it was the same with Fire release. Then would earth release or wind release be similar to water release?

Looking at the piece of paper in his hand, Akarui was absorbed in his thoughts, filtering what he was just told by Sai. “Right, so you need to let it flow you say? I see, opposite to my water release which you can force out.. Let’s try this..” Akarui spoke to Sai before returning his gaze to the paper. Staring intently, Akarui opened his Chakra channels as much as he could but instead of pushing the chakra out, he attempted to let the chakra go unrestricted through his channels. On the surface nothing strange happened but within Akarui’s hand, his Chakra started to become chaotic before seeping out into the paper. Unfortunately it didn’t Blacken and shrivel like Akarui had hoped, rather it blackened a tiny bit before falling apart into mush indicating water release chakra.

“Damnit! It felt so close! My arm hairs started to stand on ends. Got anymore papers? Your advice is insanely useful. Thank you.” Akarui was all smiles. Although he had failed to produce lightning release, it was only his first try. He just felt good to progress with the problem he was stuck in of not knowing how. Now, he had a bit of a direction. Maybe if he saw a lightning release Jutsu preformed, he could improve himself with that demonstration.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:59 am
The feeling that he was getting from helping Akarui was one that he didnt expect to have. He thought that people was suppose to feel happy and warm inside about helping people but he wasent feeling anything. It was like he was empty inside and he didnt understand why. He knew what type of man he was and he wasent the mushy type but he thought that he would atleast feel good about doing this. It made Sai question his humanity slightly , maybe he was a lot darker than what he belived he was. He knew other would of felt like he was a mad man due to the joy he felt upon realizing what happeing to him. The darkness that he felt for so long in his heart was slowly but surely taking over the warm and kind person he once was. 

He was snapped out of his thought at the sound of Akarui attempting to use the paper Sai had handed to him. He felt slightly stupid for not keeping his focus on Akarui but he knew his friend wouldnt mind the slight zone out that Sai had."Yeah here take a couple more", Sai said as he handed a couple more papers to him." Hey , keep up trying I have something i need to tend right fast, catch up with me later and show me your new element", He said with a smile as he body flicker away.

Claims will be made soon
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:25 am
Akarui looked up to see Sai in a bit of a daze while Akarui had been practicing on the rock with the chakra paper in hand. It didnt bother Akarui in the slightest that Sai wasn’t paying much attention to the training, after all it was Akarui doing the training not Sai. Regardless the advice Sai had given him was a massive help along the way of his training. It may have taken weeks for Akarui to obtain this chakra affinity without Sai’s simple guidance so Akarui was quite grateful to his friend for stopping by and giving him much needed pointers. It wasn’t easy to figure out on his own.

Taking the spare papers from Sai and placing them into his pouch he carried, he bid farewell to his friend that he had met during a previous training session. Akarui could tell that Sai had something in his mind he didn’t want to share so Akarui just let him go. It wasn’t good to pry into someone’s issues they were dealing with. If Sai wanted to talk, He would have done so. After Sai left in a flash of smoke, Akarui took out another fresh chakra paper to use and held it with one hand before him. Closing his eyes, he focused on the small white paper in his hand and the chakra coursing through his body. Finding his Chakra in a particular state running through his channels, Akarui observed the way the chakra flowed around his body. Slightly detectable changes happened to the liquid chakra that coursed around his Chakra channels. It was still in a liquid state as his natural affinity was Water release so his Chakra took those properties without much effort.

The changes Akarui felt in his Chakra were hard to describe, from the soft malleable water essence to a sharp razor like energy. Akarui felt it was very peculiar. Staring at the small white paper again, Akarui surged his chakra through his channels a second time hoping to produce a lightning release current of chakra this time. The paper soaked up the chakra with a thirst not seen by normal objects when chakra is infused into them. A slight sizzling sound was emitted as the paper blacken and shrivelled under the guide of the lightning element chakra flowing into it. Akarui had finally succeeded! Feeling the static in his hands, Akarui let out a satisfied laugh as he played with the lightning chakra emitted by the paper.

“Finally! I’ve finally succeeded in obtaining my Lightning release chakra! This will open up a few new paths for me. But somehow, I get the odd feeling that my 2 chakra affinities are trying to absorb the other. It doesn’t seem to be detrimental to let them fall into an equilibrium.. I feel that I can do more with this. If I can combine the two? What would happen? From the limited sources I’ve read, it doesn’t seem to be easy but it is possible to merge 2 different chakra elements together to form a whole new chakra release. Hmm, how would one even do that? Could it have something to do with the convergence of my chakra that I’m feeling? What if I can follow that feeling and refine my chakra together. Will it work? Maybe. At least I don’t have to find a live power circuit to touch. Let’s try this.. But first, a couple more times..” Akarui started to speak out load to himself as he sat on the rock intently staring at the blackened paper before getting out another and surged his chakra out again turning it black and shrivelled like it’s predecessor before it.

Satisfied, Akarui again started to contemplate the changes to his Chakra that had occurred while obtaining Lightning release. It marvelled Akarui that his water chakra and his lightning chakra took on 2 different forms showing their own capabilities. They both seemed to want to refine each other to be the only chakra. Be the looks, it was difficult to use 2 different and opposing elements at the same time. Neither had a complementary nature to each other but what caused Akarui to be perplexed was that in the fringe, they seemed to show slight signs of merging at points. Akarui focused his attention on the points were they seemed to slightly merge. It was startling to find. Akarui hadn’t heard that chakra could do this.

Then Akarui came to a realization. This was the beginning of an advanced element! He had read about advanced elements before but it never went into detail. It also stated that not everyone can successfully make an advanced element even if they had the required chakra elements to obtain it. Was this why? Was it because they never noticed the points where the chakras merged? From what he knew, chakra always wanted to have a single characteristic as it was naturally formed into single elements and would resist being turned into other elements which was why it was harder to train a second elemental chakra release. Lost in his musing, Akarui focused on the merging points to figure out how to replicate it and turn it into a large scale merging. The more he saw, the more certain he was that this was how one obtained an advanced element by fusing together his stand alone elemental chakra releases. But while he was figuring out the method to merge the chakras slowly, it was evident to be no easy task.

Most of the day had passed by the time Akarui managed to figure out the exact method to merge his Chakra together. Only problem was, just because he knew the method, it didn’t mean it was easy to do! And he wasn’t sure what element it would produce. The books he had read didn’t give details on which elements together created which so he was on his own for this much to Akarui’s consternation. He wouldn’t give up though, he was incredibly motivated to obtain an advanced element of his own. Even as nightfall approached, Akarui sat still as a stone on the rock with his eyes shut concentrating on the task at hand. Every now and then Akarui would curse as his attempt failed numerous times. It was just as difficult as he had thought but he had made significant progress of the merging chakra elements only to fail right at the last moment undoing all the merge he had manually completed. This didn’t deter Akarui as he was too proud to be beaten after coming this far.

Again and again Akarui tried to merge his Chakra affinities together only to make it to the last part before becoming unstable and rapidly splitting apart that sent violent waves of chakra around his Chakra channels causing explosive pain to rack Akarui head to toe. On the last attempt he did, a small amount of blood started to trickle down from his mouth. Clearly that last attempt caused some internal injuries to occur. He would have to go to the hospital at this rate he knew. Opening his eyes, Akarui looked out at the dark surrounding him in surprise. He had unknowingly sat on the rock until after nightfall. Looking up at the stars, Akarui spoke to himself.

“Cough, Cough. That hurt.. I was so close that time. This chakra is so violent. I need to endure, no pain, no gain as they say. Right, this is my last attempt for the day. If I still can’t do it, I’ll seek more guidance from some body on the subject of advanced elements.. Right, here goes! Determination flashed across his eyes before his tightly shut them. Within his body, Akarui formed 2 clusters of chakra, one water release, the other lightning release. One like a docile cow and the other like a raging bull! To start with, Akarui slowly brought them together so that overlapped and started slowly signs to merge again. Akarui started increasing the pressure of which the chakra squeezed together. As he did so, both chakras began to resist with all their might. Seeing this, Akarui increased the pressure 10 fold and held it. The resistance the chakra was putting up was terrifying, it was that same resistance that reeked havoc on his Chakra channels. Akarui hold on for dear life as he fought it from separating. The vibration got worse as Akarui clenched his teeth and in a low yell, he gave it all he had.


Underneath the pressure, the chakras gave way imploding into each other before exploding out! Except it wasn’t water or lightning release.. A storm of chakra flooded out filling every channel in Akarui’s body. He had done it, he now possessed Storm release. With this, Akarui’s arsenal had expanded and opened up many possibilities for him to improve in. He was now ready to head out to adventure in the world to gain experience.
+32 Stats: (3200/3200)
+12 Chakra
+20 Speed
Lightning Release (2000/2000) Social training discount
Advanced Element: Storm Release (1000/1000)
+250 Mastery Of Genjutsu release (250/250) No hand seals 2/2 Mastery slots(Will I need to double its wordcount?)
+1 Chakra Body Clean (250/250)

((OOC: Checked rules and this might not be acceptable to claim at once so I can split the posts if needed but really, I’ve done both word counts, Lightning first than storm. Just didn’t claim in between. I had already written it before I checked the rules.. Apologies in Advance. Will check first next time.))
Kizmaru Senju
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Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:05 am
Your stat and element claim is fine since its in order, don't make the same mistake but you're making too many claims for everything else. Jutsu, Elements and Skills do not share word count with each other, only stats share word count with everything else. Right now you're claiming 3,500 words with only 3,200 @Akarui Kotei
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:26 am
Hi, thank you, I'll make sure to check first next time, I was just in the zone when I wrote it.
I'm only claiming 3251 words of 3255 words. 
Sorry that wasnt clear, but I was asking if I needed to double word count for mastery of no hand seals, 500 not 250 or if it just took two slots.
Kizmaru Senju
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Lightning within the Leaves  Empty Re: Lightning within the Leaves

Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:43 am
You don't need double word count for no hand signs mastery on Kai since it only takes one sign to cast it so it doesn't take two slots. That's fine. But it seems like you're trying to claim Lighting Release(2,000), Storm Release(1,000), Mastered Kai(250) and Chakra Body Clean(250). Is this correct? If so, then you're going over your word count produced.
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