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Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:14 pm
Mission Deets/Reqs & Rewards:

A snowstorm would rage on. Gusts howling like a banshee’s wail which would outcry in a horrendous sound of maddening fury. The snow fall would come down in massive increments, blanketing the land in an opaque white shroud. It’s design blocked line of sight from anywhere that was further than 25 meters away, with the exception of shadowy figures or dim glows from the occasional light in the distance, piercing the veil of calamity. Such was the way of things, especially within the winter months in the aptly named Land of Snow.

While Hiroki didn’t actually know this was where he was, the inference about it could be made after mysteriously arriving here. Earlier within that very day, a scroll had showed up on the doorstep to his house. Upon it being opened, the prankster was then brought to this white wonderland. But, unfortunately enough for him, it was during this rather brutal storm, even for a place such as this. It was something thought about more, as the few houses which he had begun to pass within the outskirts of the neighboring village had all their doors shut tightly, raucous laughter echoing from beyond it. People were having a merry time, but seeming to do so inside. It must have been bad given the fact that normally, even during periods when there would be the accumulation of snow, people would still be outside whether playing around, or just going about their regular day to day things.

It wasn’t until long that the houses would begin to increase in their number, and it would seem that the Chunin Roki had reached the main village of this country. Rows of lights stretched downwards into the rest of the settlement, and not a sound could be heard outside, save for the lone voice of a woman calling out to someone within the distance. Their figure could be seen, but the distance at how far she was away couldn’t be determined. But, this could possibly give something for him to do, so the Dragon Slayer would head off in that direction.

WC: 348

Last edited by Hiroki Shimada on Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed to only doing both missions once with OOC perms from Jun, Duncan, and Ichi)
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:04 am
Despite his best efforts to look around, it was hard to truly tell where he had found himself now. A snowstorm would be raging and howling, limiting his vision a great deal. The giant of a man would slowly but surely trudge his way through the snow, the depth of it to even him surprising when you considered the sheer size of Duncan. While he couldn't tell for certain due to the storm, it almost felt like this thick blanket of snow coated the entirety of the world around him. The more he thought about it, he was finding himself is strange ass places more and more. First it was that weird Springtime Festival, then it was that damned beach. Now he found himself it what he could only imagine was some sort of Winter based locale. Was there some sort of strange mystical place for each of the seasons? It almost seemed like it to the man, but he would refrain from going too deeply into that train of thought, else he might find himself questioning his reality more and more. 

Why exactly did Duncan find himself here? Well the answer to that was simple at least. Much like the Spring festival, a strange letter was delivered to the man. Without knowing just what the letter contained, he would open it up. The letter could have been anything, including directives from Kumo's top brass. It would tear open with ease and inside was a fancy piece of parchment, the writing stylized and fancy with loops and swirls, and the paper had the slightest hint of the scent of...  something. What was that? Was it peppermint? Not that it mattered a great deal. The letter mentioned a call to all shinobi across the realms, asking for assistance. Duncan felt that he was up for such, as it had been a while since he had done anything of note. He would sign on the line requested and then there was a bright light, far too bright to keep ones eyes open. Closing his eyes to avoid damage, when he opened them he found himself here, in this Winter Wonderland. 

The large knight would quickly (at least for him) make his way towards what could only be described as the sounds of people having a good time, joyous laughter and songs filling the air. It wasn't long before even through the storm he would be able to see what looked like houses, any sorts of entrance to the buildings shut tight to try and ward off the fierce winds. There wasn't a soul out and about on the streets, and there were no signs of tracks in the snow leading in or out from the houses, suggesting they had been inside for some time. Duncan would follow the one set of tracks he was able to find, another unfortunate soul seemingly stuck outside like he had been. It wasn't long before the sounds of cries could be heard, the voice that of a woman calling out for what he could only figure was either her husband or son. Duncan was here to assist, knowing that he always seemed to find packages of grand gifts and prizes delivered to his house shortly after one of these strange events. 

Despite the storm, he could see the faint image of another person, their crimson attire a stark contrast to the unending sheets of powdery white snow in every direction. Upon seeing another, he would hurry his pace hoping to catch up with them before they would be lost to him in the storm once more. 

wc: 600
TWC: 600/3000
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:39 pm
It had been a few days since Jun had been mysteriously teleported to Winter Wonderland after opening a golden scroll that he found at the foot of the door of his house. The young genin had been captivated by the festive village, joining with the residents and other shinobi, from the most varied nations, to carry out some missions and well... to celebrate! However, the joyful mood of the last few days had suddenly been interrupted by a massive and intense blizzard that had been raging for the past few days.

The young Shibasaki clansman was taking shelter at the local tavern, in the company of a few other villagers that went out for a drink and were also trapped in there, as the whole Wonderland went into a lockdown after the snowstorm got stronger in the last couple of hours and the village was almost buried in snow.

As the howling winds of the snowstorm echoed throughout the old and small tavern, Jun was disinterestedly throwing some darts at the wall, as he seemed extremely bored. The first few hours at the bar were fun, as people just kept drinking and partying. But after 12 hours of enclosure, things started to get kind of… sad, as some people were just absolutely wasted by the heavy drinking, while others, more responsible ones, were worried about going back home and checking on their families and houses. As time passed, the atmosphere in the tavern became more and more melancholy and boring.

Jun kept throwing the darts on autopilot as there was nothing else to do, hoping for the storm to pass so the festivities could carry on, before he was snapped out of his mental trance by a faint cry from what sounded like a woman’s voice. First, Jun could barely hear it, but the voice started getting louder, as if the persons was getting closer to the tavern, and soon Jun was able to listen what that feminine voice was screaming:


Perhaps if it weren't for being so damn bored, Jun would have ignored the woman's call for help, but helping her seemed like a better idea than being trapped there, so he decided to face the storm. First, he activated his doujutsu, the Tengan, just scan the area around. From far away, he could detect a weak thermal signature of the woman screaming, about 50m away from the tavern, as she was courageously out in the storm, so that was where he was heading to.

Jun opened the door of the tavern with great difficulty, it was jammed by the snow, and left the place, heading towards the unknown woman, using his flaming Tengan as a source of heat and to be able to see something in the middle of the storm. After a difficult walk through heavy snow, Jun finally got close to the woman, who saw two beacons of incandescent light approaching.


Jun became pretty familiar with all the people trapped alongside him in the tavern, so he was sure that there was no Shigeo among them.

- Lady, I’ll help you, but you must seek shelter and… - before Jun could finish his sentence, he detected two other thermal signatures approaching their position… one of what appeared to be a gigantic person, and the other one appeared to have more of a regular size, so the genin put his index finger under his nose, telling the woman to be silent, placing his other hand over one of his Kunais as he waited for the two other persons walking through the storm to approach, without knowing if they were hostile or not.

WC: 620
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:43 am
A storm would rage and the wind would howl, imaginary cries filled the area around him. Winter Wonderland was its name, but for now it only seemed to bring terror to people's hearts. Hope and despair had never been so close, but this place was different. Snow painted the landscape, each and every single one of his footsteps would leave their mark behind, a crunching sound underneath his feet. Ichigo, dressed in the black Darkened Skies armor, made his way deeper into the village, or at least whatever remained of it. Abandoned, worn out houses were the first things he laid his eyes on, similar to how the storm laid waste to wherever he ended up.

The wind blew and whistled, the sounds it created similar to a siren seducing sailors and leading them to shore. His sight was limited, his hearing hindered. The odds were against him, but he kept moving forward. The cold was nothing and the snow didn't stop him, the harsh temperatures no match for the man dreaming of splitting the sky one day. He surpassed his limits, conquered his doubts, a long and troublesome road which eventually led to Ichigo becoming Raikage. Compared to that, Winter Wonderland would be no challenge at all.

His steps were firm yet steady, his resolve never wavering. The snow and cold were nothing alike the Drunken Storm of Kumogakure. He would rage and go against the wind, the harsh temperatures unable to stop him from moving forward. There were many challenges laying up ahead, all of which he intended to complete. Ichigo watched and listened, seeing and hearing a lot of things at once, each and every single one of them combined and overflowing his senses. Whistles of the wind, screams of the scared and cries of the cornered. Not a single sound escaped his ears.

As he continued to make his way throught the storm, faint images would begin to appear around him, the noise of troubled voices starting to become ever so clear. Ichigo would pick up pace as his footsteps got heavier, the crunching sound of snow underneath his feet even louder. Proceeding to walk in the direction of the alarming cries, the Raikage suddenly felt the presence of four different individuals, each of them within twenty meters of him. "Reach out if you need help" he shouted, hoping the wind didn't stop his voice from coming through. Patiently awaiting a response he then started to take small steps forward.

(WC: 414)
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Thu Jan 19, 2023 11:53 pm
Even through the Fuijin’s mighty and howling bursts of zephyrs, the undeniable sound of footsteps could be heard coming from three different directions. One coming up from behind, the second heading in the exact same direction as the lone Senju brother, and then the third which was oncoming from his right hand side. Each would be going at differing paces with different amounts of force and impact carried behind each step. The one from behind, while stomping loudly would be done so at a more casual pace, contradicting the one to the front which was quite literally it’s opposite. Light footfall with a more rushed pace making their way towards the lady’s voice. From the right was a combination of the two, with the sounds of both acceleration and power of the crunching snow ramping up the more they went along.

Activating the Sharingan, three tomoes would appear on the now red toned iris. And with it, tilting his head to face in the directions of the different sounds, the crimson hooded clad Hiroki Shimada would be able to see three different chakra signatures. The one on the side, would appear to be one that he’s encountered before as well. Their voice would only go on to confirm that it was the current Lord Raikage, Ichigo. Whereas the other two hadn’t been memorized before, but the one taking up the rear seemed somewhat familiar of sorts. And then whoever was up ahead had started to talk to whoever was crying out on this frail, wintery night, but the sound of their conversation was quickly cut off.

Taking a sigh, the shinobi couldn’t quite stand to deal with the almost complete loss of sight from the storm. So, Roki would form several different handseals before coming across the final one and holding it for a few moments. The ground around him would proceed to shake and rumble as 2 “hallways” of trees would be formed; both would end up perpendicular to one another forming a capital t formation if the t were laying on it’s side. Going vertically, the trees would stretch down past all of those present spanning a total length of 30 meters, whereas the one to the right would only go out 20. Each hallway consisted of two separate rows of trees which had a width of 4 meters of space to form the “halls” and this was done in a way to where none of them would touch or come close to another person. In each row, the trees were only spaced apart to be 3 meters from the next one in that same row. Their foliage would grow out to stretch in a 5 meter area around the tops of the 15 meter tall trees, closing enough space to partially clear up the falling snow from above.

Now being able to see better, Hiroki would glance back down each length of the rows of trees, being at the point where all of them would converge. He’d notice that the giant heading up was also none other than Duncan, someone he had met not too long ago. The gentle man had informed him a few things about his once thought to be dead brother. Obviously there was Ichigo heading in from the side, but the shinobi who was already standing next to the distressed individual, he didn’t recognize. But with the enhanced vision granted by that of the Uchiha doujutsu, the headband of Kumogakure could be made out.

Once both Crawford and Sato would meet up at the spot where Roki was standing, he’d greet both with a kind smile. Nodding his head, voice saying ”Duncan. Lord Ichigo. It’s good to see you both here. The two ahead of us…” A left index, middle, and ring finger would be pointed in said direction to give a visual indication of where he was talking about ”…I do not know, but the man has our headband. Let’s go lend him a hand shall we?”

WC: 665
TWC: 1013
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:51 am
The giant of a man did his best to catch up to the shinobi he was following behind, the footsteps at a pace that he was able to move at reliably. Voices could be heard, first that of a conversation between what sounded like a woman and a young man ahead but soon after another voice would speak up. This one held a different tone, one that held a certain level of authority. They called out to ask people to reach out if they needed help. Duncan did not think that he was the one such a statement was meant for. The howling blizzard did a number on range of vision, but suddenly the giant would hear the crunching of the snow and earth alike, the cause being a sudden outburst of trees from the ground around them. The creaking of the branches as they fit into their place as per their masters will would finally cease, the foliage acting as a barrier between the shinobi and the snowstorm. It was easier to see those around him now, and it would seem as though there were four others, only one of which he had truly met prior to this. Hiroki was a known quantity, his status as a fellow Kumo shinobi well known to the giant. Duncan would note that the other man's name was Ichigo, and the fact that he was called lord brought his position to the large knights mind. Lord Ichigo, the newest Raikage of Kumogakure. The giant hadn't expected to work with such a prestigious figure.

"Always glad to see my fellow Kumo brothers in arms." He would offer in response to Hiroki, and then shift his stance and focus over to the Raikage, "And it is an honor to work with you, Lord Raikage." He would offer with a respectful bow. The giant would then listen as his fellow shinobi briefed them on what he knew of the situation. The giant would note the eyes of his comrade, a bit taken back by the sight. His former master held deep seated distrust of those that held the Sharingan eyes, but found himself able to trust Kiseragi with his very life. Because of this trust, the knight also allowed himself to trust those of that particular bloodline. 

"I did not know that you were of that clan, Hiroki." The giant would offer respectfully. "I agree, though. We should lend a hand if needed." With the other two warriors, Duncan made efforts to reach the lady and the last Kumo shinobi. 

"So what is it that we can help you with?" Duncan would ask, letting the pair answer. 

Assuming the lady made clear her need to find her husband, Duncan would stand tall and scan the area as best he could, his own eyes channeling the raging lightning storm housed without his very soul. With his own eyes, he would look for any signs of life through their bioelectrical pulse. Other than those in the immediate area, no other people were detected. "Can't sense anyone in the immediate area, at least out to thirty or forty meters. Ma'am, it would be of immense help if you could point us in a general direction." He would then turn to the others, "Unless, of course, one of you is able to detect them."

twc: 1154
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:17 pm
As the young Shibasaki clansman waited for the two man he detected with his Tengan to approach, as he was not sure if they were hostile or not, he heard a faint but familiar voice in the storm, calling someone to reach out if help was needed. Jun was absolutely sure he had heard that same voice before, but he could not remember who it belonged to at first. As he was trying to remember the owner of such voice, he could see with his Tengans that the 3 unknown figures gathered together, and the regular size guy pointed towards Jun’s and the woman’s location. “Shit, we are screwed…. It’s 3 versus 1…and one of this guys is absolutely gigantic…”.

But before Jun could get any more tense about the situation, one of the guys asked them if they needed help. His voice sounded gentle and sincere. Still, it could be a trap, but at this point, outnumbered and in the middle of a storm, there wasn’t many options left for the Shibasaki clansman, and he decided to approach the group of three as check it out.

- Ma’am, stay close and follow me – said Jun, in a low voice, while signaling the now scared woman to follow his steps.

The young Kumon genin slowly approached the party, closely followed by the woman, with his hand over his kunai and ready for any surprises and with his doujutsu still acitavated. As they finally were close enough to see the 3 man with their bare eyes, Jun deactivated his doujutsu to have a better look at the shinobis, and he was positively surprised: both the massive man and the regular sized guy wore Kumogakure’s headband, which implied that they were shinobi from the same village as Jun, albeit unknown to the young Shibasaki.

Well it is true that this could be impostors, the third man of the party was recognized by Jun: it was the Raikage himself, Ichigo Sato! That made Jun realize that was the owner of the familiar voice from before. While he never actually met the Raikage in person, he already listened to his some of his pronouncements and speeches as the Village’s Kage.

- Rai… Raikage-sama, it’s an honor! -  said Jun, while giving the Lord Raikage a respectful bow. – It’s an honor two meet you guys too, fellow Shinobi of Kumogakure. My name is Jun Shibasaki, I’m currently a cloud Genin. – Jun would again bow in respect for his compatriots – This lady lost her husband, Shigeo, in the storm, and I was trying to help her find him… but so far, I could not find him… would I have the honor to have your assistance, Lord Raikage and my fellow Cloud Shinobi? – politely asked the Shibasaki clansman

He would observe that the big guy had a doujutsu of his own, one that was unknown to Jun, that gave the impression that his eyes were made of a raging lightning storm. And the other guy also had a Doujutsu of his own, this one being more recognizable, as he carried the famous and legendary Sharingan. They tried locating the stranded husband with theis own visual prowess, but to no avail, when the big guy asked the woman a general direction of where he could be.

- I… I don’t know. My husband is a policeman, and lately here in the Winter Wonderlands someone have been stealing presents, Christmas trees, and ornaments from people's homes. People have been calling him the “Winter Wonderland’s Grinch”. A few days ago, the police chef gave him the mission to find and apprehend the burglar, so he left home in order to search for the Grinch… and he never returned. I’m so desperate, please, I implore you, Shinobi of Kumogakure, help me bring my beloved Shigeo back home, please…. please!

While not very helpful, the woman’s words were very sincere, and she sounded and looked desperate to find her dear husband. Jun would suggest for the party to split up so they could cover a larger area in the village, but being in the presence of the Lord Raikage left him inhibited to do so, so the young genin just stayed silent, waiting for the Raikage and the other Shinobi to manifest themselves.

WC: 710
TWC: 1330
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Thu Feb 09, 2023 12:46 am
The blizzard continued to rage, the wind howled and whistled while the snow would paint the landscape. A harsh environment only suited for those able to withstand such challenging circumstances. Survival of the fittest, almost as if the gods were testing them. "A higher power at play, here in Winter Wonderland?" the Drunken Storm questioned himself. The odds weren't exactly in his favor, nor in anyone else's, but that wouldn't stop Ichigo from moving forward and meeting it head on. With determination, instead of avoiding it. Such was the way of the man who currently stood at the top of Kumogakure. 

No longer finding himself in the comfort of Lightning Country but in Snow instead, the Raikage knew about the potential dangers and surprises lurking in the dark, or the mist in this case. "Hm, what's that noise?". He could hear and feel the sudden sound of rumbling, vibrations of the earth shaking nearby. Countless trees would begin to emerge, their branches acting as a temporary cover and a  barrier between them and the raging storm at the same time. The air around him would clear up, even if only for a little bit. No longer hindered by the lack of sight, at least not to the extent from earlier, Ichigo slowly made his way towards the others.

The first person he recognized would be Hiroki, the village's Fuinjutsu specialist. He would greet the young Shimada before turning his attention to Kumogakure's own giant, a man who seemed capable of moving mountains. "You must be Duncan, it's a pleasure meeting you". Once the formalities were out of the way Ichigo would listen as the Chuunin gave his fellow shinobi an update on the current situation they found themselves in. The Raikage tracked his surroundings as the Senju started pointing in the direction of another warrior of the Cloud. "Let's move" he voiced as everyone seemed to be in agreement. 

The three of them would pick up their pace and soon join the other two, a young male in the company of an older woman who appeared to be in distress. "Likewise Jun, can you tell us what you know so far?" he both greeted and asked the Shibasaki shinobi. Ichigo listened as the youth briefly explained the situation they were currently dealing with, the boy sharing the information he possessed after coming into contact with the woman standing close to him. "Most unfortunate". But also expected. A blizzard on such a scale wouldn't leave the area before taking a couple of victims with it in its wake. 

A couple of minutes passed, said span of time used by Duncan to ask the elderly lady if she perhaps could point them in the right direction, making it possible for the Kumogakure shinobi to find and rescue her husband as soon as possible. Sincere yet desperate, the woman started to talk, mentioning how her husband - a policeman, was tasked with investigating the recent robberies taking place in Winter Wonderland. The man set out for the so called Grinch, only to never return. "No worries ma'am, I'm sure he is simply hiding somewhere safe waiting for the storm to pass". That would be the best case scenario.

Having little to no time to waste, Ichigo realized they had to find the missing person as soon as possible, lest they wanted to return with the sad news of her husband's passing. "Jun, you're with me. Hiroki and Duncan, the opposite direction". The Raikage briefly explained their plan of action. Once everyone knew what would be expected of them, the Kumogakure shinobi would set out to the village, hoping to find the local policeman before it was too late. "Keep your eyes out and don't hesitate to let me know when you think you saw something". Activating his Byakugan but keeping it hidden behind the contact lenses, he would use the lilac dojutsu to aid him in their search. 

(WC: 654, TWC: 1068)
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:20 am
After receiving verbal agreeance in going towards the two off in the distance, Hiroki would trudge through the ankle high blanket which whited out the earth’s crust alongside his two fellow Kumo Nin towards the two off within the distance. As the gentle giant had mentioned that he was unaware of the fact in which Roki was a Senju, the Chunin would crack a bit of a grin to the comment. ”Indeed. Somewhat newly awoken the powers of the great Senju clan, but I’ve been keeping them under wraps. I need some kind of trump card after all, and what better trump card than slamming an entire forest on top of someone’s head?” A light chortle would then leave his lips, followed by the wispy breath of man which tinged the air slightly in a haze as it touched the cold exterior of the environment.

After reaching their destination, the Shimadan brother would let the others do the talking…for once. He’d just simply listen with a keen ear as the woman would recount her tale of woe. A slight nod of the head would be offered to her in condolence though, for losing someone in a snowstorm such as this very one could give even the most emotionally sturdy of people a bit of a shake down. But, to get straight into things, Hiroki’s head would then turn to the Raikage, seeing as he was already taking reigns of the situation immediately after she had finished dishing out the assignment; nodding to him this time in agreeance upon being directed to go with Duncan into the storm. ”Right. Before we set off, here.” With crossed arms, the black and red haired shinobi would whistle notes which all ascended by a half step in their order. ”I’m going to place a seal on each of you. It gives us all a means of telepathic communication so that way we’ll have easy means to speak with one another. If you see anything, just activate the seal and think what you need to say. We can all then converge if needed.” And so long as all of them were fine, Hiroki would place his left hand behind the trio’s ears where the Telepathy Seal would be formed. This would also be linked to the one already placed on himself, so there was no need for him to place another one on himself.

Once the seal had been placed, they’d then split off into their respective groups. ”Come, Mr. Giant. Let’s get started, and make haste with it.” He’d then immediately led Duncan away towards the village, taking the left most side of it, allowing for the other duo to go on the right hand side most likely.  The young prankster wouldn’t initiate much small talk throughout their search, but would respond to any given by his partner. But even if there was any, his left eye would keep an extra sharp watch on their surroundings via his Sharingan. Eventually, he’d take notice of some red and green shards lying on top of the snowy ground. Taking a closer look at these pieces, they had seemed to all come from ornaments of some kind but ended up being shattered in some capacity. Looking towards his compatriot, with a hand gesture he’d motion him over. ”Looks like our thief was getting slightly sloppy with their trail. Look.” And along the way, he’d point out several more broken ornaments all right next to a path of foot prints.

Assuming that Duncan would want to follow this lead, the two would set off doing so; inevitably they’d reach a single house right along the outskirts of town, closer to the opposite end of where they all had originally met. So if they came from the south, they were now likely to the north east. Hiroki would then promptly activate the telepathy seal; giving the others an update along with their current location. It was one of the best shots that they had within the moment, so might as well take what they got. Roki would also signal for the ex prisoner to stand their ground while they waited. They didn’t wanna go into a potential fight without the extra sets of helping hands. Any shred of it would only add to ending things quicker, so it was better this way. Once everyone was back within one group, then they could go about actually investigating the house. ”Alright boys, let’s do this quickly, and quietly. We don’t want whoever’s potentially in there to get away.” He’d say, in a hushed whisper, while pointing that he would go up the side of the house and enter from a second floor window. He’d let anyone who wanted to, follow. If not, then they’d be somewhat separated again, but not as far apart; at least this time around they’d all be within shouting distance from one another.

Using his pirate boots which granted the boon of surface walking, the Sage would tread lightly up the side of the building, entering it via the window that he had pointed out earlier. Inside, he was in a room that was currently packed to the brim with certain things that had seen out of place. It was all a bunch of presents? These must be some of the ones that were stolen. Ain’t no way one singular person could have this many gifts, let alone having them all sit out in the open where someone else could find them. The train of thought though, before it could come to it’s full conclusion would be abruptly ended by a grunt coming from the closet. Turning to it, a very dim chakra signature came from inside. Such a low one that it had to be one belonging to an ordinary person. Could it be the thief, or someone else currently hiding away? Slowly, he’d creep his way towards the door, where the Kumo nin would then open it up. Sitting there, on the floor, was a man. He appeared to be pretty badly injured, bound, and gagged. Hiroki’s eyes would widen at the site, taking to action right away. Using the telepathy seal once more, he’d convey the message ”Found a bunch of gifts up here, as well as the husband of the lady. He’s badly injured, and I’m going to get started on treating the wounds. Take care of the rest of things while I do this.” And now, it was all up to the other three to find the remaining stolen goods along with the one who did the stealing as he’d be preoccupied administering medical jutsu to the lad.

WC: 1106
TWC: 2119

Mission WC achieved, will close things off fully at a later date, just wanna get these out in time before the event deadline

Mid Thread Claims:

10k Ryo (mission base) + 4k Ryo (Chunin Bonus), Total Ryo: 14k
50 AP
2500 Winter Equinox Tickets
1 Full Dice

Will be claiming WC at the end!
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

*Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here* Empty Re: *Insert Joke Title About Winter Missions Here*

Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:48 am
Hiroki Shimada wrote:WC: 1106
TWC: 2119

Mission WC achieved, will close things off fully at a later date, just wanna get these out in time before the event deadline

Mid Thread Claims:

10k Ryo (mission base) + 4k Ryo (Chunin Bonus), Total Ryo: 14k
50 AP
2500 Winter Equinox Tickets
1 Full Dice

Will be claiming WC at the end!

Mid-Thread Claim Approved for Hiroki!
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