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Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:51 pm
THe situation was quite dire. Zeo had a few ideas what this was meaning. A copy of Hoshigakure made by chakra-- and haunted spirits of the dead. The pieces of the puzzle kept adding up and added more disturbing throughts to Zeo's growing imagination. He tried to think...

... but it was pretty hard while Enishi and the girl bickered.

The mention of rancid breath, selfishness... death by the sound of her voice. A vein showed in the girls' forehead at the mention of all this and her eyes narrowed to angry slits. "W-Wh-What DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?" she shouted, outraged. If Enishi was trying to get her to back down, it had the opposite effect as this time he grabbed him by the hair and tugged to try to actually hurt him."I'M NOT THE ONE WHO BUMBLED INTO A DEATHTRAP LIKE AN IDIOT!! AND what were you thinking trying to FLY out of another dimension. At least your FRIEND here had the sense to keep on foot. But go ahead and fly into the endless void, you idiot!"

Zeo started to almost feel left out as he saw the two bicker, despite Enishi's clear if somewhat veiled words of cooperation. Of course Enishi tried to get Zeo to side with him.

"Hey! Don't rope me into this!" Zachary said firmly, not looking to cause more problems. He stood up and sighed looking to the girl. "Um... Miss? Look, all events aside, he's right. We should stop fighting one another. We are grateful for you helping us, but now is not the time to fight with one another. Can you please just bring us up to speed so we CAN be more effective in putting things into perspective?" he asked.

The girl stopped , and looked to Enishi-- before she let go of her violent grip on him. "Hmph! At least ONE of you has a cool head. Fine, I can be courteous for now. You are right. Now is not the time for silly bickering like children. " she said with a hint to Enishi, indication him. She glared at him before giving a soft grunt "This isn't over..." she mumbled.

Zeo sighed again, as he tried to get his head around the problem. "So we are trapped inside a space time jutsu used to copy Hoshigakure and fill it with the spirits of the dead. Do you know who or WHY this is happening? And for what purpose?" Zeo asked the girl. He then paused... realizing he never got to know her name. "Hey wait-- we never got your name, did we? I'm Zeo. Zeo Kamigawa and this is Enishi." he greeted.

"Oh, I know who you two are," she said curtly, quick to get to the point. "You had some impressive skills, most of the time..." she said but soon got to the point as she ran a hand through her hair. "I'm Rin Tosaka (lack of a last name for now ) Pleasure,. " she replied.

Rin... the girl had a flare about her, and not just from her sheer confidence and superiority. She must have had some skill to back up such a thing. She paused at the question though, realizing more was at stake than she shared. "There isn't time to explain the full story, but this much I can share. A man has stolen the power to harness the spirits. Using this untapped power, a bloodline trait, he used to create this shadow of our village. What his end game is, I cannot say, but I can say this much, he intends to kill and harvest the souls of all of Hoshigakure if he completes this jutsu." she explained.

This was concerning. An attack on the village from the confines of a space-time technique?

"At best, the actual village is probably oblivious to this. At most, the fog we see here is taking root there. But that is a mere side effect. Think of this time-space like a bridge... a space in between one place and another. A place for something or someone to adjust to the surroundings and acclimate to a new surrounding." Rin explained, looking out the window, seeing fewer and fewer visitors passing by. "You can guess what is trying to adjust to this place."

Zeo was putting the pieces together fasther. "You mean... these spirits ? If they adjust to our world through this place, what then?"

"All the caster needs to do is finish their jutsu and remove the space time field-- and everything in it will be moved to its associated space in the actual world. Everyone here will go there..." she said, gulping at the mental image in her head. Zeo had a terrible picture as well, knowing what would happen if the creatures here just appeared there. "Calling it an attack would be a joke. It would be a massacre. No one would be able to counter fast enough to know what is happening. "

WC: 842
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:28 pm
Self-control was a virtue that Enishi recently grasped over the past few years of his time as a shinobi. Suguru, Zeo, Tsunayoshi, Akaboshi, Yasaki, Hotaru... all of those people aided him in refining his ability to restrain his internal self. As opposed to himself at the start of his journey as a shinobi of Hoshigakure, Enishi understood how to control his actions even in the most vexing of situations...because he knew that if this was a few years ago, the Understudy would have most likely punched this girl in the face right now, doubly so after she started yanking on his hair, bangs of the color ginger gripped in her hand as she flung curses, insults, and many more intense vitriols at the Understudy's words. His expression, rather impassive, didn't change even as he started ripping away at his strands of hair as well as her insults of his previous attempt to fly out of the dimension. "...This chick's insane..." Deadpannly, he wordlessly communicated to Zeo through the Telepathy Seal link while berated, hopefully unbeknownst to the fiery young woman. Zeo tried to act as a mediator in the situation as he tried not to be roped into Enishi's logic — regardless of its soundness in the ginger's candid opinion. Eventually, he had to admit that Enishi at least had some resemblance of a point despite his logic being shrouded in irritation and jabs at the girl. Of course she had to put on airs about the situation as she even took the time to say that "it wasn't over" to the Jugo (whatever that meant), but she would finally explain what would happen, Enishi comedically taking this point in time to slip out of the girl's grasp of his hair and listen to what she had to say.

Zeo introduced himself, so the ice-blue-eyed shinobi would do so as well. "Enishi Kurosawa." He said curtly, still reeling from the pain in his hair but wanting to be as nonchalant as possible. The girl would introduce herself as Rin Tohsaka; Tohsaka didn't ring a bell as part of any notable clan, so Enishi's first thought was to assume that she possibly didn't hail from any notable clan; however, "Kamigawa" wasn't a notable clan name until he realized how deep Zeo's surname actually was in terms of lore, so he'd remember the girl's surname...warily. Then, this "Rin" character would divulge more information about the situation. Allegedly, a man has stolen the power to harness spirits. By using the stolen power of that bloodline, he created a specter of the village, and through his shadow, his desire is to reap all of the souls of Hoshigakure. But currently unbeknownst to her was his endgame, and as the current village would be unknown to this development, it would be the perfect "assassination" so to speak. Through this Time-Space area functioning as a bridge, all this man needed is completing this jutsu and removing the space-time field and everything in it will be moved to its associated space in the actual world. It was a secret attack that would attempt to blindside everyone and everything, even to the point that hypothetically, people like the Hogokage and Deputy Hogokage wouldn't be able to defend themselves from the attack.

How utterly terrifying.

Enishi couldn't shake the image in his head. Everyone he knew, and everything he fought for... extinguished within a second and turned to bloody corpses of ashen dreams and ideals. "This guy...he's serious about this, huh?" Covering his mouth with his hand for a moment to contemplate and calculate the possible routes of going about this, the Wraith entered the fray. "While this ability is powerful, it's rather telling that he wants to take out Hoshigakure... Objectively, Hoshigakure is the most militaristically powerful village of the six. All of the other villages are currently in a time of reconstruction with lower military personnel. The surface-level question would be to ask: why would he attempt to attack a village so powerful when there are other less well-off villages to take advantage of?" The Jugo calmly asked Rin and Zeo so he could get their opinions, cutting through the mist of confusion to see what their thoughts were. "My first thought would be that he's sending a message. If his plan goes through and Hoshigakure is massacred, no one else would be able to stop him, essentially. If you take down the Alpha Dog, all of the weaker dogs will scamper, around, knowing that they're done for. Again, I'm not saying that this is correct, however, I think this could be a possibility that could lead us to understand and then predict the man's future actions." This would be an initial theory but not a fact. 

The ginger then turned to Rin, "Tohsaka, before you found us, what were you going to do next? It appears that I, at least, will not back down from aiding you in your future course of action. What this man is doing is plain wrong, and he'll pay for threatening Hoshigakure. I would have already rejected your demand to stay here until this lays over, but now, I cannot let this stand. This is not just because I am part of this village, but because it is my duty as Nova." His clenched fist would eventually subside, sighing before closing his eyes and reopening them tiredly. This was going to be a long day.

"I don't think the possibility of just standing idly by while a scumbag tries to commit genocide exists anymore."

WC: 922
TWC: 8480 | 7000 Required WC
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:03 pm
Rin glanced at Enishi's question regarding why to target Hoshigakure. "Let's just say he is rather zealous with his religious outlook, as our village here is known for. You can't deny there has been unrest between shinobi and those of a more religious following. Utterly stupid..." she commented, having to know the insight of their enemy. Oddly so, suggesting she indeed wasn't telling them everything about their enemy. Probably for her own personal reasons, but she tried then to divert the attention to the task at hand. "I likely arrived at the exact same time as you, though I came from the north entrance. It's unlikely anyone else is here, so we should presume we are the only ones here outside of the Visitors... Anyway, when I tracked the enemy here just as the barrier went up, I tried to start isolating the location of where the caster is. He was able to create this huge area, but he must have a focus-- an area which to channel all this chakra somehow. While it is unlikely he is defenseless, I can't imagine him trying to maintain a huge space-time jutsu like this and not be vulnerable in some way." she commented as she thought aloud.

"But we still don't know what else he is capable of beyond that. He may of found a way to fight and fend off intruders. I can't imagine he would conduct an attack of this scale and not be prepared." Zeo commented to her as he leaned against a nearby wall.

Rin glanced at him and nodded. "You're absolutely right. Anyway, right now the goal is to understand how this space time is constructed, and if we can, dissolve it before he can gather enough Visitors to launch his attack. First we must---"

THUMP... THUMP... A small tremor shook the store that made some of the loose objects rattle and they felt it . It was an odd pattern, almost like... footsteps. Cautious, Zeo got to a nearby window and glanced aside, still hidden behind the sill to stay out of sight. Rin and likely Enishi would take notice and spy out-- but what they found was clearly not normal.

A black, hairy beast of some sort stepped out-- easily towering over the small shop they were hidden in. It seemed to stalk its way, slowly passing them. Ash white patterns were adorn on its black fur, and from a quick glance-- Zeo could recognize it. It was a wolf... a familiar wolf. Was it perhaps the same one he saw before? He never saw it this close up-- but far bigger as well. More so, and most importantly... Enishi and Rin could see it as well.

"What the hell... is that?" Zeo breathed quietly.

"I don't know. Another spirit that bastard might of summoned," Rin surmised as she observed the beast as well. "Damnit. The enemy must of realized we were here and sent out more advanced creatures to eliminate us." she evaluated.

It was then that suddenly the beast halted-- and though hidden and Zeo being careful, he caught a glimpse of its wolf like head-- and saw it turn. The wolf's orange eyes-- haunting, creeping eyes looked down through towards them and spotted Zeo.

"Shit!" Zeo gasped and dropped to the floor, his back against it. He didn't move as he was afraid any more movement would give away their position. "I think it saw us!"

Rin, however, wasn't phased. "Calm down. This barrier we're in is designed to keep the vengeful spirits out." she said. With it, she puffed up her chest with pride as she explained her jutsu. "The barrier works directly to repel evil spirits, both physically and sensory-- meaning even by chakra sensory, it be impossible for them to discover us or even break down the---"


The entire building shook and in a matter of seconds, splinters of wood, beams and tile came flying from the other room, taring the building apart. It was like a storm had hit and plowed right through. Rin was frozen in shock, as the building was torn apart. Zeo covered his head from the impact but luckily all three of them were clear of the initial wreckage. By the time the debris ended, half of the building was gone, the three of them exposed as even the ceiling was torn off.

And exposed to the open area, was the giant black wolf that now glared down at them, teeth bared and growling fiercely. "Grrrrr.... found you..." it growled darkly.

Shock didn't even begin to describe the looks on their faces, but Rin didn't waste a moment. "Why you--- How dare you destroy my barrier you, stupid mutt!!" she shouted, and with a wave of her hands, conjured a series of 'sealing tags' once again from thin air. With a hand sign, she caused the tags to 'ignite' and turn into the same spiritual bolts of energy she used on the Visitors. The blasts quickly pummeled against the beast's large frame, causing it to growl out loud and angrily.

The beast was clearly strong, still standing after those blasts, that easily took down a small group of Visitors. It clearly was not as 'flimsy' as those other ghosts, or whatever this beast was. The only show of wounds it had, was growling at them as it lunged, attempting to stop the attack with a physical blow.

Zeo quickly got to his senses and body-flickered out of the broken house, rushing into the open street and clear of the debris. "Get out of there! It's a bottleneck!" Zeo shouted as he formed hand signs, focusing on building up the chakra into his hands. With the final sign, "Ox, Snake, Rat", he reered his arm back, causing a crackle of lightning to run up his arm.. "Raiton-- THUNDERCLAP ARROW!!"

His throw caused the lightning bolt to fly forward, smacking the wolf on his patterned side, and causing another howl. However, the blow didn't seem to do all that much damage. The beast took the hit, but glared back at them, now pretty upset and pissed.

Now on alert, Zeo activated his Uchugan. While his vision was distorted due to the misty environment of the time and space-- he could see the chakra, or essence of the wolf before him. It was something else.... a pitch-black essence, but unlike the Visiors he observed, there was no malice or a void. It was something else. A 'royal' black that seemed to stand out bright and strong... something odd. It was almost a sharp color that didn't fit in with anything in this place. Then again, it was clear it wasn't human or natural in any form.

"What the..." Zeo thought aloud.

"Hey! Now is not the time to space out, blue-haired dolt!" Rin shouted, snapping him out of his thought.

WC: 1160
TWC: 8246
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:54 pm


Tremors upon tremors shook the building where the three teenagers sought refuge, immediately shifting their attention from the enigmatic figure that wanted to attack Hoshigakure, and now on something far more pressing...Rin and Enishi silently agreed to spy out and see what was approaching them outside, but this was far beyond what the Understudy ever thought he would encounter in his lifetime. An ashen, battleworn beast of boreal descent resembling a gigantic wolf advanced towards the shack. Enishi froze as the wolf's gaze locked onto him. He held his breath, afraid that any movement might trigger an attack. The wolf's eyes seemed to bore into his soul, and for a moment, Enishi thought he saw a flash of reconigition in them, but it wasn't towards him. The wolf's eyes — if only for a little bit — bore into Zeo's. A million thoughts rushed through Enishi's head as the boreal wolf stalked the empty plains; it was as if he wasn't there as Zeo and Rin were conversing with each other on how to deal with the current threat. According to the young woman, the Fuuinjutsu barrier she constructed would ward off the beast since she assumed that it was a spirit summoned by the creator of this parallel dimension.

This was obviously, false.

The air shook as the wolf howled with a primal roar, instilling fear and submission to all that had the displeasure of hearing the devilish sonata of a bloodthirsty monster. The entire building shudderedand in a matter of seconds, splinters of wood, beams and tile came flying from the other room, tearing it apart in a fearsome display of force. The force of the beast was overwhelming, and Enishi stumbled back, barely managing to keep his feet. He could feel the tremors of wind — almost as if the very air dreaded the  giant hound — even from where he stood, and he knew that they were in serious danger. By the time the debris ended, half of the building was gone, the three of them exposed as even the ceiling was torn off with the ashen wolf staring right at them through the destroyed ceiling. Rin tried to use some of her makeshift talismen to create blasts to confront the beast with, but those only resulted in an annoyed visage and a dismayed look. The Understudy's instincts soon took over, not skipping a step as he moved out of the building with Zeo, watching as his friend would unleash a well-timed Thunderclap Arrow to attempt to shock or potentially pierce the beast. However, just like Rin, the wolf tanked the attack and seemed more pissed than anything, but there was hope! The beast's body still had lightning coursing through it...

Perhaps this attack could work.

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 81727-A96-A069-4-F47-A191-971-D9-D4-A1-E44

"Foul Legacy: Endless Sword Dance."

Weaving through his fair share of handseals with expert fluidity, the Sage of Pleiades congregated the available natural energy within himself and the environment; the moisture in the air would bend to his will instantly as fifty gigantic greatswords of pure water infused with Natural Energy would form above and behind the understudy, pointed upwards and lined up horizontally in the air in a single file row spaced out an inch between each other - Enishi being at the center of the line. Swinging his hand at the beast, the swords would fire in a machine-gun formation, trying to pierce the wolf at all sides. But the real fun effect would be that since Zeo's aftermath of the Thunderclap Arrow would still be coursing through the environment and the beast, the water from his swords and the lightning would fuse with each other, turning the swords into flying electric buzzsaws! Enishi didn't expect anything to come from this seeing as the beast basically took two sets of attacks head on without much difficulty, but he needed to see if there was any weaknesses it could have.

"Surprisingly, our 'savior' is right. We can't let this guy breathe for even a second: assault with haste!"

WC: 665
TWC: 9145 | 7000 Required WC
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:39 pm
The attack from Enishi was indeed an impressive one. He conjured blades of nature and spacial energy of some sort-- and fired them in rapid succession to the wolf. It would of worked, but the wolf had other ideas as he easily twisted his body-- and wind and shadow swirled around his form. He knocked the blades away, shattering them into a spectrum of energy.

Zeo gritted his teeth. They were not in any world he knew, and faced foes, unlike anything they have seen. Rogue shinobi was easier to imagine than this!

The massive wolf howled in annoyance at t he assault, snarling at them like a vicious beast. However, that was not the end of their problems.

Now exposed and in the open commotion, the fog revealed more Visitors start to appear. The same umbrella-holding bastards, along with headless school girls and creepy old hags started to lurch towards them! Rin glanced around her, finding them appearing from all sides in the fog. "Damnit. They're sensing us again. We can't afford a drawn-out fight!" she warned, drawing more sealing tags, this time prepared to aim to the Visitors approaching from all sides of the streets.

Zeo could see them as well, and decided to do something about it. While not able to get them all-- he drew out his bubble pipe and took a deep breath. Entering a soft spin, he blew out a squall of bubbles, causing them to fly in different directions around them. The ghosts didn't even seem bothered till they got too close-- and the bubbles exploded in a violent cascade. The bubbles erupted in their faces unaware. It was a stop-gap measure, but it wouldn't last long. The longer this went on, the quicker they would gather toward them.

However, sensing the additional prey, the wolf snarled at them as well. Then it did something unexpected. While still facing the three young chunin, it took in a deep breath, its chest puffed out. A massive howl soon echoed through the ghost town-- followed by a massive gust of wind, like a tornado. A horizontal tornado tore from him, shooting just overhead the three shinobi-- though still feeling its intense gust. However, the wind swept and tore apart at the Visitors all in their path, causing dust and debris to fly all over the place creating a storm of a mess.

Smoke and debris filled the air, obscuring vision. Zeo tried to see, using his Uchugan but it didn't completely filter out the smoke-- and then it happened.

A black smoke charged! Black, dangerous-- the wolf's face in view as it lunged right for Zeo. Zeo's eyes widened, unable to stop it or dodge as he saw it charge right in front of him. He blinked from the smoke and shock....

... and the smoke and dust cleared.

There was an odd silence. The Visitors, or most of them, were gone now. But more notably, so was the vicious wolf they had encountered. It was nowhere, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. Zeo felt in shock as he looked around with his eyes, trying to see through the strange fog, but no matter what direction he looked-- he saw no trace of the creature's chakra. "W-what the?! Where did it go?" Zeo gasped.

Rin looked just as confused, unsure how it vanished like that. "I don't get it. It just disappeared. How did it do that?" she gasped. No doubt Enishi would be just as perplex. He probably could get in a few more good moves in, but it seemed the Wolf had charged-- and just as quickly disappeared in the chaos it caused.

It took them a few moments for the smoke to clear, but the fog continued to give way to more ghostly visitors coming their way. Rin grittd her teeth. "Damnit... forget that for now. Our cover is blown. We can't stay here. Come on, lets keep moving-- after we handle these undead corns already! " she swore as she pointed an index finger, and fired her bombarding sealing charms. Each contact exploded a few Visitors, using them as means to repel and dissolve them from approaching.

ONe they were done, the path the west region was growing more open. "Let's go, before we encounter any more surprises." she said.

Unwilling to argue, now outside again, Zachary followed Rin.

WC: 732
TWC: 8978
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:42 pm
The beast vanished.

After firing their barrage of attacks to temper the sinister boreal creature, the giant wolf stopped and let out a vicious howl. The tremendous howl echoed through the ghost town — the very "ghostwire" within Hoshigakure. Followed by a massive gust of wind, a tornado shooting just overhead the three shinobi ravaged all in its wake, causing dust and debris to fly all over the place creating nothing more than pandemonium when the tornado ceased. But just as the tornado vanished, so did the beast that reigned in the ghost town.  What...the hell? Enishi was at a loss for words.  Not only were their attacks painfully ineffective...but that wolf, was able to create such a ravaging carnage but then disappear in the blink of an eye. "Your guess is as good as mine..." The Sage of Pleiades spoke with an unrestrained level of sheer bewilderment and perplexity at the situation when Zeo was at a loss for words. Dear lord, he could feel a migraine setting in, and the "mindfuckery" for lack of a better word was only going to get much worse the more they ventured into this alternate dimension.  Rin immediately tried to get their attention, however, deciding to guide them to the western region of this world. Enishi had no reason to refuse her decision; it couldn't really get much worse than whatever that was. 

"Hai, hai, Princess." The Wraith sighed in exasperation as he followed Zeo and Rin. His first day after training from Morio was getting thrown into fights against ghosts, spirits, and giant beasts. 

How fun!

WC: 265
TWC: 9410
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Mon May 01, 2023 9:06 pm
Leaving the battle scene behind them, the two moved at a steady pace through the ghostown. The Visitors were clearly behind them, and at least they didn't see or sense more of them around. Still Rin led them at a brisk walking pace, to keep them sharp and alert. Zachary glacned back to Enishi, realziing both of them were a bit raw from these unreasonable circumstances. Plus the giant wolf that came out of nowhere-- and disappeared just as quickly.

Zachary gave a silent thought to Enishi and soon remembered their link. He g ave a thought. "Let me see if I can learn more about Rin here.... he thought and soon awakened his Uchugan eyes again.

He glanced around, finding the strange haze of chakra in the air. It did seem to mess with his own vision a little for long distances-- but soon fell upon Rin ahead of them. Rin's chakra or rather 'soul aura' was paticuarly noticable. A brilliant ruby red-- surging with confidence, strength and pride. It wasn't negative, but warm-- fiery and passionate. However at her core, the inner part of her, there was an orange hue-- showing a hidden softness inside... almost like an...

... insecurity?

"I wouldn't use your eyes here, if I were you," Rin replied.

Zachary's eyes snapped and blinked-- his Uchugan fading with the call out of his eyes. "Huh?! Um... excuse me? What do you mean?"

Rin turned as they walked, a casual calm look on her face. "This place is filled with the chakra of our enemy. It will be very hard to pinpoint him through a doujutsu. I suggest to conserve your chakra..." she replied, not knowing Zachary had intended to look at her.

"Um... okay, yes sorry."Zachary said, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed. "So... do we have any idea of a likely target where our enemy is held up? If we stop him, will the barrier be destroyed?" he asked.

"hard to say. But we will know when we find him. And besides, I have a personal score with him. " she replied as they continued on.

The three of them soon reached a clearing, an open field more ideal for the parks in Hoshi. Due to the fog, it looked far more empty than most. It was too easy to get lost in this mysterious mini world. Even Zachary had no clue what their bearings were anymore.

"Did we get turned around?" Zachary asked, looking at the empty lot.

"No... I " She suddenly topped, sensing something off. "Wait... we are not alone?" she warned.

Zachary grew more alarmed by her notion as he looked into the empty clearing...

... but soon was marked by a single figure. A black dressed figure, cutting through the fog. He was completely head to toe in black, with orange marks-- an old school ninja attire outfit. The only real markable feature on the stranger, was a mask. He wore a strange, white mask, with a single horn and markings-- looking like a kind of oni. The mask was clearly a disguise-- but ominous none the less.

"Is that... the one behind this? The one you're looking for?" Zachary asked.

Rin, however, glared crossly at him. "No. It's definitely not him, but he clearly is part of this. Likely a follower... not that it matters." She said defyingly, with a smirk. She ran a hand through her hair like a 'princess' like Enishi teased and said. "Anyone who is our enemy will regret crossing us!"

Zachary glanced at Enishi. Who made her in charge? Zachary thought to Enishi.

WC: 613
TWC: 9591
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Sun May 28, 2023 11:55 am
I'm not sure if that's a good idea... Telepathically replying to Zeo who was in the process of using his Uchugan to scour some information about the commanding girl, Enishi wasn't convinced at how secretive he could be. For all they knew, Rin could also have some countermeasures in play for those who tried to peek into the depths of her soul. She knew everything about this world; who said that she didn't know a thing or two about the Kamigawa Clan? Nevertheless, the moment Zeo's eyes began to flicker, she would immediately shut him down on using his eyes. Silently observing their interaction while following their steps, Rin informed the Kamigawa that the area was dense with chakra, so trying to pinpoint specific types of chakra within a mist of unknown energy would be the same as trying to find a needle in a haystack — a fruitless endeavor. So I can't use that then... The understudy pondered, momentarily unfastening the connection between the two so he could think by himself. Indeed, Enishi had been hiding a few abilities from the two that were necessary for his survival, but even he was reluctant to tap into them yet. They weren't "earned" in the same way that someone would learn a new power. Anyway, the Jugo stopped his ruminations in the meantime and paid attention to the two once again; defeating the culprit wasn't enough to set off the barrier, which made it more possible that this "culprit" could be incorporating some Fuuinjutsu in this world. Historically, the strongest Fuuinjutsu were those that remained permanent even upon the death of the caster, so that would be the obvious conclusion. But at the same time, the culprit's expertise in other specializations could be so powerful that even upon death, it would remain active. Or perhaps...the "enemy" wasn't the caster, it could be another being entirely that was creating this world?

Regardless, it was too early to jump to a conclusion.

The three of them soon reached a clearing, an open field more ideal for the parks in Hoshi. Due to the fog, it looked far more empty than most. It was too easy to get lost in this mysterious dimension, to the point that Enishi had trouble figuring out where they were concerning where they started. "Is this world...looping?" The Jugo questioned as he grasped his head, feeling a headache coming in due to the lack of "pure" natural energy in this world. Natural Berserker was a bloodline in which the Jugo feed off of natural energy to live, so being separated from it for a long time could cause some horrific "withdrawal" symptoms. Normally, this wouldn't matter much because natural energy was everywhere throughout the world, but in areas, fields, or even dimensions that didn't follow the "laws" of the common earth, many Jugos could start feeling as though they were fish on land. Enishi was trying to work past this feeling of dread and sickness for the whole time, but the more that they kept aimlessly walking around this area, the more that the understudy's clock would tick down...and even he wouldn't want to know what happened if he ran out of natural energy. "This world is absolutely vile...there's no natural energy at all here. Even breathing feels like I'm suffocating with dread the more we're getting in. Are you guys feeling the same thing...or is it just me?" Enishi's breathing was getting hastier, he had three Nature Chakra Storage Seals left, so they could buy him some extra time with "charges" of natural energy, but this was getting very risky...

Suddenly, A black-robed figure appeared on the other side of the clearing. Adorning a traditional ninja outfit with orange markings and a menacing white Oni Mask, his appearance cleanly disguised his identity. Unfortunately, this wasn't the guy who they were looking for, but Rin was ready to rumble! The Raven Princess prepared for battle, asserting her leadership to crush the opposition. Zeo humorously poked fun at her arrogance through their link, as Enishi would give a slightly pained smile, grasping his chest for a moment. "She has the right spirit though. Fighting one of us would have already been a death wish, but all three at the same time? Heh, can't feel bad for the bastard anymore. He picked the wrong people to mess with." Despite his condition, a warlike grin reminiscent of a berserker flashed on Enishi's expression.

Don't worry about me, Zeo...Let's just try to wrap up things and get out of here as soon as possible!

WC: 870
TWC: 10280
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Sat Jun 10, 2023 11:08 pm
Enishi was not wrong. Though focused on the enemy-- there was NO natural energy in this place. It was completely cut off from the natural world and as an effect, Enishi would get no nature energy, not without help by some other natural source like a summon or some kind of battery. Either way it didn't stop his berserk like affliction to battle. Zeo almost felt that as reassuring as he readed to fight. Despite his disagreement with Rin, Enishi was right. They had to fight him.

The masked man didn't waste time as he soon wove hand signs-- but it was different. They were seals in the air, no different from Rin's style. A fuin user of some kind. With it, bolts of chakra- colored projectiles flew out, forming swirving projectiles dangerous to be hit by.

"Scatter!!" Zeo warned as he quickly moved, dodging the air-bullet style behind him.

He kept moving, his eyes focused on the mask. The masked man looked at his direction and with it, Zeo attempted to use his eyes. They glowed-- revealing their black and starry method to entrance and capture the man under his genjutsu....

... but it didn't take. He knew it immediately as the genjutsu didnt' seem to cause the man to pause. Was the mask acting also like a blinder? Cause he would have to not be able to see to not be affected by the genjutsu of Zeo's "Dreamwalker" genjutsu.

Rin didn't hesitate as she wove hand signs in the air, conjuring her sealing tags. "Use my art against me?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR FOOLING?!" she shouted with pride as her talismans became like chains, hoping to ensnare the man.

However, the figure drew an arm back with a chop-like form-- and with a simple swipe, the chains that formed from Rin's seals shattered into pieces. It was almost unnatural to break a seal via sheer strength, and that surprised Rin. Dumbfounded to see him just break her seals so easily. An ominous glow generated around the man, an almost black like aura that wafted from him like a flame in the wind.

Having enough, Zeo pulled out his bubble pipe and blew out several bubbles-- all of which flew for the masked man. Enishi would have to be careful to not intercept the bubbles if he got too close and personal to the target. The bubbles would detinate if they hit a target. However, as the bubbles had a homing quality, he hoped to get the upper hand with the elusive foe.

However, the man was observant as he saw the bubbles coming-- and was swift. He was not just skilled with seals, but acrobatic too. He easily manuvered, dodged and wove through the squall of explosive bubbles, even as they chased him. This guy was questionably human at best, and harder to read due to the mask like feature covering his face. It may of been three on one, but they fought an enemy of unknown potential...

WC: 502
TWC: 10,093

Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission) - Page 3 Empty Re: Ghostwire Hoshigakure (Mission)

Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:40 pm
The masked man's combat style initially seemed very similar to how Rin battled, appearing to be a Fuuinjutsu user of sorts as his handseals manifested in the air rather than on himself. Instinctively, seeing bolts of chakra fired at the group made Enishi dodge the bullets; sure, he was getting a little sluggish, but his natural battle instincts still flushed through his body. Rin and Zeo were fighting with all they had, so there was no reason he should fall behind. However, the masked man was extremely skilled, able to weave through Zeo's assortment of bubbles that the auburn-haired Jugo made sure to get out of the way of. Not only was he able to easily destroy Rin's seals, but he was also acrobatic and deft. This guy...was strong, and through this small sample size, he showed Jounin or Nova-level qualities. Beating painfully, the Wraith's heart felt like it was going to explode out of his body. It burned, so much...

He had to help.

He couldn't stand while his comrades were struggling against a powerful enemy.

Even if it kills him.

I'm a Nova after all...even if it doesn't feel like it, even if it was just some luck, I won't let this bastard run away. He want to harm Hoshigakure? I'll make him pay for ever considering that possibility...!


A single epiphany. A single sword. A single belief. It was all that was needed to create this technique. All of the collective wishes of those he's slain, those he's failed, yet those he would protect without failure, it was within the very soul of this ability. A star that vanished like light, yet shined endlessly among the moonlight sky - this was the culmination of his two counterbalancing forces of natural energy to create something that could never be replicated. The Beguiling Light of the Divine Light...this was Vanishing Chariot. Brandishing the blade that Morio gave him that was sheathed on his right hip — Arondight — the silvery golden sword was shrouded with a whitish-blue laser-like surge of ionic energy, reminiscent of a supernova. It didn't even look like a physical sword anymore, it simply resembled a laser of light that would cut through anything it touched. But just as it was once fueled by the power of Ion Release, it became fused with fire. Arondight was a fire attribute sword that would take infuse any property with the power of Fire Release. The supernova of ionic light became the supernova of inferno and lightning. The very dimension would condensate and heat up with blazing lightning. Those who gazed at the blade knew one thing: to get out of the way. Zeo and Rin inadvertently distracted the masked man with Enishi able to gather his last bits of natural energy for a final blow. 

And so, The Wraith dashed towards the masked man, assaulting the world with his stride.

With each step, Enishi left behind afterimages that resembled a ghostly chariot, creating an illusion of multiple attacks converging on the masked man from all angles. Converging, almost seemed as though different "truths" were aiming at the figure to the point that even he didn't understand what was even happening. The sheer velocity and ferocity of Enishi's assault made it difficult for the enemy to keep up, forcing him into a defensive stance.  With explosive speed, his galvanizing dash was fluid and precise. The Vanishing Chariot technique merged his berserker-like strength with his honed battle instincts, allowing him to strike with unstoppable force. As Enishi closed in on the masked man, the Vanishing Chariot unleashed its true power. The laser-like blade sliced through the air with blinding speed, leaving behind trails of ethereal light. With a single swing, the sword carved through space itself, creating temporary rifts and warping the surrounding chakra. However, the masked man deflected the blade with ease on the side of the kunai, temporarily diverting his assault...however...

"Gladsheim: The Press of Death."

The light that surrounded Arondight exploded. A surge of primal energy thus erupted, unleashing a cataclysmic spectacle that defied the laws of nature. A blinding flash of searing light engulfed them, illuminating the mist-shrouded battlefield with an intensity that rivaled the sun itself. The supernova reverberated through the air, a deafening roar that shook the earth to its core. The ground quivered beneath their feet as cracks snaked outwards, fissures forming in the wake of their collision. The sheer force of their combined attacks sent shockwaves rippling through the very fabric of reality, distorting the space and time of the dimension. Zeo and Rin would surely be sent flying at the activation of Gladsheim: an explosion of Vanishing Chariot. A surge of supernatural heat engulfed the area, accompanied by a tempestuous gust of wind that tore through the landscape. Leaves and debris spun in a chaotic dance, caught in the tempest created by their clash. The very atmosphere trembled, unable to contain the raw power being unleashed. As the collision reached its zenith, a supernova-like explosion erupted, its brilliance blinding all who dared to witness it. The shockwave expanded with a voracious hunger, devouring everything in its path. Trees were uprooted, their trunks splintering like matchsticks, while rocks were pulverized into dust by the sheer force of the blast. As the dust settled and the remnants of the explosion dispersed, revealing the masked man standing unscathed, Enishi's heart sank. The force of their clash had been overwhelming, but this formidable adversary had somehow managed to endure. The Wraith's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the masked man swiftly close the distance between them, his kunai gleaming with malevolent intent.

With a swift and precise movement, the masked man thrust his kunai toward Enishi, piercing through his defenses and finding its mark. The excruciating pain surged through the Jugo's body, his breath catching in his throat. His eyes locked with the masked man's, a mixture of shock and agony etched on his face. "What...the hell? How were you able to survive Vanishing Chari-" He couldn't speak anymore, as mounds of blood escaped from his mouth, polluting and silencing his throat from ever speaking.

"Too many openings, kid."




WC: 1040
TWC: 11320

Will make claims on another post
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