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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 216000

The Malevolent Hour Empty The Malevolent Hour

Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:37 pm

A Mirage Dream

Bright light flashes and Zunair found himself in a new area. Where was he? Where was Onabi? Where was the snow? Listening to the noise that surrounded him, he always found the sound of rustling leaves a sentimental gentle swishing conjured emotions of happier times during the changing seasons when his village would hold festivals and he would compete with comrades for small favors. A warm breeze wafted lazily through the trees, stirring the intoxicating scents through the air while Zunair strolled along the edge of a secluded pond. The water sparkled with incandescent reflections from a deep sunset that painted the horizon with pastel swirls of light pinks and burnt oranges.

Casting an appreciative glance about the beautiful landscape, Zunair had the familiar sense that he had been there before but could not recall an exact time when he could have afforded such a pleasure. The mossy banks provided a cool, soft place to settle in addition to being just as aesthetically pleasing while the forest behind him gave the young Hyūga a feeling of comfortable solitude. He was alone, though he did not feel alone.

A feeling as if he were waiting for someone kept absently pulling Zunair's attention in different directions. His eyes searched the forest that surrounded the lake for any sign of his cousin, but it wasn't their presence he felt.


He jerked to the sound of someone's voice. A strange voice. A voice she didn't entirely recognize for it sounded like more than one.


He turned the other way in absolute confusion. It sounded as if the two voices melded into one. For a moment, he thought he might have recognized at least one of the voices, but the small sound of a child deterred his presumptions. It was the urgency in the child's voice that compelled Zunair to stand and search his surroundings more diligently. He began walking briskly along the embankment in a vain attempt at finding whoever was calling for him.


Zunair halted dead in his tracks. This voice was different. He turned suddenly to determine its location as it echoed from the forest and bounced off the water to confuse him. The voice wasn't so much a cry as there was need that strained in the strange combination. Regardless, someone needed his help, and he was desperately trying to figure out where they were.

"Where are you?" Zunair called in alarm towards the wilderness. Hearing the voice as if it came from the water, Zunair felt compelled to bend over the embankment. Surely, it was no water god attempting to play a trick on him as he peered hard at his own reflection.

Suddenly, a tall shadow appeared next to his reflection.

Now all he could hear were quick, ragged exhalations and marveled at the realization that it was his chest that was heaving. Placing his hand upon is forehead and feeling the cold beads of sweat that had formed, Zunair wondered at his sudden trepidation. Something or someone was calling for him, but he could not imagine who or what. The reflection in the water had been dark and indistinct. When he turned to see who was behind him, the figure vanished, and the identity of this individual remained a mystery.

"Zunair," was the last time he heard that voice as he jerked and fell into the water. The last voice was still a combination, but as he heard his name called, the Konoha shinobi was certain he caught the airy light voice of a woman.

Now in the water, Zunair begun sinking into the dark abyss that consumed the depths below. Struggling, his arms moved frantic as he tried to swim up, but it felt as if something was dragging him down. Was he getting dragged to hell? Was it because he didn't believe in some imaginary deity who has let people suffer for eternity? So be it. Closing his eyes, he let his body be taken by the current that was pulling him under.


With a twitch and a jerk, Zunair rose out of his bed. Running his hand through his multicolored hair; he threw the covers off him to the side and swung his legs around to meet the ground. With a light stretch, Zunair stood up and made his way to the window. He could tell it was daytime; however, what replaced the bright rays of the sun, was dark clouds that blanketed the skies above. Not only was it rather cloudy, but the skies were also crying crystalized ice particles. At an alarming rate at that. A day for them to be trapped indoors. How fun.

Turning his gaze, he saw that Onabi was still asleep. He was giving out a light snore as his chest slowly moving in and out. It was rather adorable. Walking to the front of the room, Zunair found himself in the bathroom. He began to brush his teeth before he dropped his clothes and stepped into the shower to rid all the filth, sweat, and dirt from yesterday's shenanigans. He loved the burning hot water as it hit his skin, steaming up the room. It was therapeutic for him. Finishing up, he dried himself and began to put his attire on before walking out of the room.

"Onabi, wake up. Get ready and meet me at the bar area for breakfast." Zunair said as he shoved his little cousin around. Whether or not Onabi got up, Zunair knew he could find him with his Byakugan. Heading down to the lower levels from night before. The area was much different from last night. While there were many people. It wasn't as 'lit' as it was. Most likely because the people were heavily drunk and having a good time. Well, not saying that these people aren't.

Zunair moved forward and found himself at a lone, wooden table. The serving wench took no time to get to him and it was the woman from last night. 

"Hello again. Seems like you don't get a day off?" Zunair laughed at his questionable jokes. 

Sophie giggled, "Only every once in a blue moon. So, what'll have?" She said, wasting no time to get his order.

"I'm waiting on another, so I'll just take some water and bottle of yale," he said. This was like a vacation for him, drinking started as soon as he woke up.

"Wow! seven thirty in the morning, you waste no time. Coming right up!" She cheered with a smile as she skipped off.

Now that he was alone, Zunair start eavesdropping and the random civilians' conversations. Apparently, Mizuki has been having an affair on her husband with his brother. Such an adulteress, now Mizuki and the brother has been shunned and exiled from the town. Don't worry, it gets better. Apparently, a man named Zato murdered his best friend, Anji, because he made the best toy in town. Zato had cement shoes made just for him and thrown into the Aisu Bay. Ahh, Zunair was a lover for the dramas.

However, Zunair's thought were cut short when a frantic woman came barreling. Zunair could tell that she was distressed by the look on her face. Something was wrong. Waving her over, she came and sat with him, still obviously shooken.

"Is everything okay?" Zunair questioned.

"I don't think so. My husband. He never came home last night. And this blizzard. I think he's trapped in this storm!" The frantic woman began shouting.

"Okay, okay. Do you know where he went last night?" Zunair questioned.

"He went north. There's a logging site that we get timber for fires from. I'm so scared!" She said with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

TWC: 1290

Last edited by Zunair Hyuuga on Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:54 pm
Onabi looked around he stood aboard a vessel sailing the ocean, confused he looked for something that was similar to his own village, a person a structure anything, but Onabis search was in vain as he found nothing. Drips of water clashed against his face, the grey dark storm clouds started to release their anger. Onabi ran below deck to gain shelter from the brewing storm

The sound of the rain gently lulls the young Hyuga to sleep. Onabi could hear the water colliding against the wood on the outside of the chamber. As he drifted to sleep, he could feel the rain on his skin and could feel the water rise above his ankles to his knee to his torso and it’s beyond freezing cold. As soon as the water hits the torso, Onabis chest seizes for a moment and he has to catch his breath. The water rises higher and higher until onabi was fighting to catch his last breath of oxygen and inhale before the water level escapes and continues up into the lightless darkness. Onabi swore he saw something move in the water. Onabi glanced trying to catch it and he couldn’t see it. Something shifts his way, Onabi looked and tried to swim to gather it, but nothing’s catching his eyes.


A booming voice rippeled through the liquid the boy was trapped in. Then A flame flares up before Onabi, the light that spewed from its iris, golden and yellow completely enveloping Onabis body, nude, swimming through the dark water.


Onabi could feel this little heartbeat in his chest. He looked down and could see, against the dull gray skin of his chest, there’s a yellowish light source, the same light as the flame before him, pulsing.


A searing pain shoots into his chest, and Onabi looked down into the space where it’s pulsing. The water gets clouded with darkness, blood beginning to pour through and seep from his sternum. Onabi reached and clutched for it, but it won’t stop bleeding. Onabi started coughing and inhaling the water and he could feel his self drowning and coughing.


In those throes of his body shaking, the light begins to fade and numb and drift as the darkness takes him. Onabi woke up coughing in his bed, sea water in a familiar display, sputtering out of his mouth onto the edge of his bed.

“Augh!.. it burns.”

Onabi looked up seeing Zunair leaving the room to go and gather breakfast. The young Hyuga got out of his bed and wiped down the clear fluid that came out of his lungs. Onabi went to the bathroom and stripped off his ceremony fashioned clothing to enter the shower to clean himself off.
The salty fluid stuck to his chest which he wasn’t very happy about. Onabi showered in the ice cold water because all the hot water seemed to be used up by the other patrons. Onabi stepped out of the shower with his teeth chattering and his skin and pours tight. Warming up and drying off with his towel Onabi unfolds his traditional clothing and puts it on. Onabis eyes strained and his pre orbital veins swell as his clans blood line activates and allows Onabi to see through the wooden material of the lodge. His vision landed on his elder cousin who was sitting at the table from the previous nights festivities.

Onabi found himself making his way down the stairs to meet his Elder at the table where he found him talking to a distressed woman.

“What’s going on?”

Onabi inquired
Wc: 600
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:03 pm
Today was a odd day, as the girl jumped from tree to tree, earlier today she had been wandering the snowy roads, when a woman ran up to her with a story she couldn't refuse to help. Supposedly her husband had went out into the blizzard that was going on in this section, namely to go and get fire wood, the idiot, he could of just asked his neighbors most likely. Though as she stepped upon a branch she heard a sound you never want to hear, a loud snap as the snow plus her own weight caved it in, she felt herself fall backwards, quickly her arm reached behind her, grabbing her sword slamming it into the tree, that kind of force would break any other sword, but with how this one was made it was hardened to pierce. Though what did hurt is all of her weight suddenly falling onto one arm, she let out a somewhat loud scream as her arm was nearly pulled from its socket. Quickly grabbing with her other hand so managed to pull herself to stand on the sword it not sinking out of the tree by sheer luck, this all of course happened quickly, in the span of 4 too 5 seconds in fact, now looking down she had just narrowly avoided a 15-20 feet fall, that kind of fall would make your legs snap if you landed on them wrong without any techniques, slowly in one motion she jumped while pulling her sword from the tree landing onto yet another branch, this time it didn't snap which was a wonderful thing for Xena as she sheathed her sword and rubbed her arm. "Fuck that hurt..." She'd simply mutter quietly now climbing down leaning on a tree to hopefully wait for her arm to fix itself, how stupid she was to think that would work.

After about a hour her arm simply got worse, she figured she didn't have time for waiting, she was cold at this point with a simple fire of twigs in front of her, it was easy for her to make fire, it was her primary element, maybe she could leave a burning path for anyone else who needs to come through, no that would take far too much Chakra, proceeding forward now on foot she did leave marks in the tree's pointing back home, she didn't want to lose herself, that's for sure, then again she could likely just jump above the tree line.

Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:17 pm
Zunair shifted his position fully to the hysterical female, gaining intel of his whereabouts from the previous night. Her husband went to get wood and has not return. He's most likely stranded in this harsh, life-threatening, blizzard. Even trained shinobi would have a difficult time on such conditions like this, whereas these creatures would have a dangerous time with these cold elements, even if they're native to these lands.

"I see, I see," Zunair responded to the distressed woman. Zunair could see she has already concluded that the worst has happen to her husband.

Zunair was about to continue with the conversation, until the arrival of Onabi questioning what was going on. "Glad to see you're finally up, but this woman says her husband is missing and has been since last night. He went to get wood from a logging site and never returned." Zunair filled in Onabi on the situation at hand.

"Is there anything you two can do," the woman worriedly asked.

"Of course, we shall get ready and head out quickly to find your husband. But first, what is your husband's name and what does he look like?" Zunair asked. 

"He has black hair and blue eyes, about as tall as the rest of us. His name is Kato. He was wearing this typical winter attire for the logging site." The woman answered, looking at both him and Onabi. Not much help with clothing Kato was wearing but he figured he wasn't going to get much out of the woman any further as she seemed to be at her breaking point, if she wasn't already there.

"No time to waste, right?" Zunair asked Onabi as he got up from his seat and went back to their room to get ready. Gathering his winter clothes, he put on his: thick, black coat that had teal feathers on the trim, black boots, and black gloves to bear the winter storm. It was a lovely combination of black and pop of teal color. Many Hyūgas' like to stick to their traditional clothing, Zunair likes to find more extravagant taste, which also borders the line of gothic as well. After he was done getting his belonging together, he went back to the front of the inn and meet Onabi.

"The lady said that he went north. I'm going to assume the longing site is just off the path in that direction, if not, we can track him with our Byakugan, I'm one hundred percent sure we can find him. Let's get going," Zunair said to the smaller-sized Hyūga as he pushed up the double doors that led out into the snowstorm.

Fortunately for the Hyūga duo, the town was relatively small, so finding the north route was a piece of cake. However, the hard part was seeing. The thick snowflakes falling rapidly and the wind blowing the ice particles into his eyes, obscured his vision for the time being. Activating his Byakugan, he was able to see much more clearly now.

Another obstacle that they faced was the snow had become deep and thick, up to his ankles to be in fact. While Zunair did love the snow, he didn't like working in it, especially when it came to rescuing someone. But that woman is lucky that both Onabi and Zunair are shinobi, so just like water, Zunair was able to walk on top of the snow without any trouble.

It only took a couple minutes for them to get to the outskirt of the town. The found themselves on a seemingly, unseeable path that had led into the bare forest. The trees were covered in snow and stood dormant through the harsh winter; however, a few pine trees littered the forest, giving somewhat a pop of color between the white. When he first visited this country, it was snowy, but it didn't blizzard at all like this. Mother nature must be furious and these townsfolk.

The walk seemed it felt like an eternity, but it was only because they were moving at a slower pace than usually. Along the path, he caught sight of a small fire just adjunct in front of them but when his eyes scanned around, he saw no one. Maybe the man built a fire to get warm and has already gone back, or maybe he got lost in the woods. Finally, from his sight, he could see the snow-covered tree logging site meters ahead of them.

"Alright Onabi, do you see the tree logging site too? We're almost there," Zunair asked his younger cousin. "Run ahead and see if you can find the guy," Zunair said as he knew Onabi was faster and stronger then him, Zunair was only slowing him down on this walk. "I'll catch up in a few seconds," Zunair said. From his position, his telescopic vision searched through the camp and saw two chakra signatures, one he kind of recognizes and one he doesn't. It was very strange to him.

[TWC: 2,119/2,334]
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:48 pm
Onabi observed the display of emotion that came from the woman standing before the two konoha shinobi, she seemed to be truthful in her statements that she had lost her husband in the blaring blizzard that was holding the lives of this village hostage. Onabi looked at his elder realizing that Zunair had already set his mind on saving the man that had been trapped by the banks of ice and snow, Onabi smiled. 

Onabi looked at the woman and realized that she had believed that the soul she had connected her heart to was possibly dead. Onabi could not empathize with the woman because he couldn't imagine the pain her being was going through.

Zunair had realized the presence of the young hyuuga and greeted him warmly and explained what had happened to this woman's lover in his own words. Onabi thought to himself that the two Hyuuga would be able to locate the man fairly easily with the genetic gift that their clan had passed down to them. But staying warm would be the real issue at hand.

"Well it would be fairly easy to help this woman out, we have the means to lord Zunair." Onabi whispered in the teal haired Hyuuga after the woman worriedly asked for their help.

Onabi watched as his elder without hesitation agreed to take on the task of finding this woman's soul mate before she became a widow. Zunair asked for his description, which Onabi thought was a smart move. 

Onabi slightly frowned at the description that the small woman gave to the two shinobi, the description was vague but at least they knew a gender and a name. The woman seemed like she couldn't talk anymore she was going to melt into a puddle of tears if the two Hyuuga did not leave and go look for the man immediately.

Zunair shot up from his seat giving Onabi a sign that they were about to depart. Zunair ran back to the room to change his clothing. Onabi grabbed the mug he was drinking from and took a couple of gulps. Onabi stuck his tongue out of his mouth to signify that he disliked the taste of the drink Zunair seemed to enjoy so much. Onabi looked at the woman only seeing a grieving wife. "We'll find him. save your tears only if something bad has truly happened." Onabi took the edge of the sleeve from his kimono and wiped the tears of the bride before him. Zunair had came back into the tavern wearing an extravagant amount to clothing that polar pushed away from the traditional clothing Onabi was so keen on wearing. "You look very cozy my lord."

Zunair explained more of the location that the two had needed to travel too to gather the groom from. Onabi followed his elder out of the cozy warm establishment into the blistering cold that came from the weather that plagued the small town. Onabi felt fine in the cold but this was another level of freezing temps that Onabi was not so used too. 

Running through the rather small village the snow started to pelt the eyes of the young Hyuuga which rather annoyed Onabi. Following the Elder Hyuuga Onabi closed his eyes as his pre orbital veins swelled which allowed the young boy to see past the thick snow that limited the vision of any other normal civilian. Onabi foregave the three hundred and sixty degree vision for a sight that pushed forward for a mile trying to find the logger.

Making their way towards the logging site he noticed that there was a snow bank that raged on for a very long time past this point. Onabi started to walk upon it like he would water or trees which allowed him free movement. Onabi looked at his elder trudging through the snow to determined to spot the man to notice that his lower legs were buried by the frozen water droplets. "my lord you can walk on it like water." Onabi danced a little bit to show that the surface tension would not buckle if they walked on the top of it.

The time the two Hyuuga from the hidden village of the leaves took to make it to the borders of the town really attested how small the village that they were staying in really was. Onabi and his cousin made their way above a pathway that had completely been buried by the raging storm that the world decided to burden these people with.

The pace they were going slowed as Onabi wanted to march along the side of Zunair, Onabi knew that he could move much faster in the situation they found themselves in but he held himself back to stay with the main branch member and heir of the Hyuuga clan. Onabi and Zunair had spotted the smoke from a fire it seemed like there was no one near the location of the flames that were mystically lit in the rage of mother natures storm. Onabi could feel the effects of the fire that burned within the young hyuuga and started to pick up the pace a little and leading the way to the logging site that was close by their location.

Zunair called from behind Onabi that it was time to split and let the young Hyuuga to storm his way through the logging site. Onabi nodded and called back out "I'll make sure to come back for you when i find him!" Onabi looked through the logging sight with his vision "My Lord! there are two people in the area you go to one and i'll go to the other!" Onabi raced on toward the chakra signature that seemed to be closer to the ground.

Moving at his max speed Onabi forced his small body against the mighty winds that mother earth opposed him with. Onabi gritted his teeth and made his way past the half chopped evergreens and the tied up lumber. Onabi saw this mission like a game, The game is: I’m going to go find the person buried in the snow … the reward is they’re going to find somebody they love and they’re going to be with them for a little while longer. The way onabi dashed over the snow banks and jumped over felled logs he almost seemed like a snow dog searching through avalanches to find the missing person. An avalanche dog’s job is to find a person buried in the snow. Their digging is a signal to rescue patrol as to where the victim is buried. But Onabi had to be the patrol member as well, Onabi planted his body on top of the large snow bank where a persons chakra signature was buried below. Onabi begun the process of extrication, which was one of the most difficult physical tasks Onabi had undertook in a long period of time. You may think of snow as light and fluffy, but after it’s been through a storm like this one and it’s been worked, hardened by the friction and the movement and the fluidity, it sets up like concrete, Onabi shoved his bare hands into the bank ripping and tearing the snow apart digging downwards toward this buried chakra pool.

Onabi's body was completely gone from another perspective. It looked like the snow had swallowed him whole and he had been buried below the snows surface like the man he was saving was. but with a burst of white powder Onabi had a man with raven black hair and deep sea blue eyes, about as tall as the rest of the people that lived within the village. This logger wore durable jeans or maybe work pants? Onabi couldn't tell because they were stiff as wood from the snow. The man also wore a durable looking shirt and under that a long sleeve shirt. The man also wore durable, comfortable caulk boots. These typically have steel toes for safety and spiked soles for increased traction. He also also wore a hard hat, ear and eye protection, gloves, and other safety equipment.

Onabi moved as fast as possible towards the fire that he had saw earlier on his journey to the logging site. He saw that the tips of the mans ears were becoming blue and the mans finger tips were losing color. Onabi didn't know if the man was dead or unconscious he needed his elder that was well versed in the world of pharmaceuticals and the practice of medicine to look at this mans condition. Onabi did not want to return to the village to tell a poor worried bride that the worst of her fears were true and that she would have to live her days as a widow.

Onabi held the man in a fire mans carry and ran as fast as he could to the last known location of the flame. Onabi prayed that the fire was still alight. Because if it was not, the man might die from the cold. the run made Onabi lungs expand with sharp air and exhale what felt like needles. Onabi wrapped up in his own thoughts faltered the stilts of chakra which allowed him to walk on the banks of snow with ease. The tip of Onabi's shoes got caught in the snow bank tripping the young hyuuga, slamming him into the snow face first covering his body in the frozen powder. Onabi stood up and grabbed the man he had dropped and started to run once more. Onabi filled his lungs again and screamed.

"LORD ZUNAIR! I NEED HELP HERE!" Onabi bellowed into the air, hopefully the winds that blew around him would carry his message to the person that needed to hear it most. Onabi finally made it to the fire that he had spotted previously and he sat the poor man by its warmth. He could tell that the sudden change of temperature was hurting the man so Onabi stripped off his outer layers and covered the man, Onabi then picked him up and sat him a little farther away from the flames heat. "please be okay, you'll pull through it. You are going to see your beautiful bride once more. You are not going to leave her." onabi sat next to the man and he waited there in the blistering cold for his elder to come and give assistance

Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:53 am
Not up to much at this point the girl was sitting in front of a fire, created from a small fire jutsu, the kind that was easily sustainable and would keep you warm, for now she really hadn't much direction other then forward till she'd reach this cabin she was informed of, Perhaps she should just continue to move forward, dropping her hands the fire before her quickly reduced in strength until it completely fizzled out, the ground around being wet due to the melted snow, she sat up stretching a bit before with a leap she made her way back into the tree line, for now it'd be best for her to at least reach the cabin before she herself succumbed to blizzard conditions, she was already feeling chilled now that she had dropped the fire jutsu.

As the girl moved forward she was a good few dozen meters away, maybe 30 at most, each jump bringing her less then a third of a meter closer, she had heard of people capable of physically teleporting across the world, a incredible sounding power, she presumed you needed to be a god of shinobi to even attempt such a feat, the pondering of such thoughts was always interesting, perhaps some day she'd be capable of teleportation, perhaps. It would certainly let her easily escape the situation she had brought herself in. The Blizzard felt like it was getting more intense as she traveled through, too the point she genuinely wondered how long she'd last, and it was growing so thick she almost rammed head first into a heavy branch, only barely turning in mid air to catch it with her legs now hanging upside down from them she reached grabbing her swords hilt so it wouldn't fly out. With a sigh she slowly swung back and forth before releasing sending herself flying forward once again.

20 meters off from the cabin now she had since been using fire jutsu ever now and then to warm herself back up, very basic jutsu she could easily use and keep up to stay warm, she's heard of much more stronger fire jutsu, it was a advanced element, she hadn't ever learned its name however. Perhaps she should look into it when she gets home, her dad might have a book about it, though she doubted he'd ever let her look into it until she obtained her sharingan. That's all he seemed to care about, that he had a daughter who's only just become a genin and has still not obtained her Sharingan, she'd show him, she had her plans.

10 Meters off and the snow was at its thickest, then it happened, she had crashed head first into a tree quickly falling from it, with what consciousness she had she stabbed a Kunai into the tree, holding on to it for just enough time for her to now slide to the bottom, now sitting there holding her head, she felt shaken, and physically sick, likely a concussion slowly using her chakra she blew a flame out too attempt to leave something so she wouldn't freeze to death assuming she passed out from the heavy bump to the head.

WC:534 TWC:949

Last edited by Xena Uchiha on Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:54 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixing Spelling Mistake)
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:51 pm
"Giving me orders now?"

Zunair chuckled to himself as Onabi screeched at him to go check on the other individual as the younger Hyūga raced to the one that was locked underneath the snow. Shaking his head, he felt the kisses of winters furry upon his face. Saying it was cold would be an understatement. He wondered how the littles could thrive in such treacherous and subzero conditions. Whatever the case may be, it shouldn't be on his mind at this moment.

Quickening up his haste, he pushed through the mighty winds of the north. Instead of focusing his Byakugan on the surrounding areas, he telescopically zoomed into the individual. Long black hair was all that he could get from the person. They also weren't inside the logging site; they were just north of it. Almost like they were heading towards them, but something happened to raven-haired individual. Maybe the harsh conditions, maybe they were attacked. That couldn't be the case as the chakra reserves would be dwindling at on accelerating rate. But they weren't, so that meant they had to be still alive. Well, not for long if Zunair didn't help.

Finally reaching the person, he brushed off the snow that had accumulated on top of them. Turning the individual over, he brushed away the snow upon their face. First thing he notice was the gash on their head with trickles of frozen blood. Looking down onto their face, Zunair's eyes widen with realization and concerned. What was she doing here? How was she here at all? Giving a scough, it really didn't matter at the moment, did it?

The medical Hyūga about started to perform hand signs when he heard Onabi scream for his help. Immediately looking into his direction, he saw Onabi carrying the person across his shoulders back to the fire. Looking back to Xena, "Alright, up and at em'." Zunair smiled, while cautiously picking her up bridal style and maneuvering her over to where Onabi was, he sat her down gently.

"I found Xena from Konoha here, I didn't even know she was here," Zunair quickly told his cousin on his find.

"Anyway, Onabi. Can you make it back on your own? I can get them back to the inn quickly, but I can only take two of you with me at a time and I figured I'll take the ones with injuries and heal them there. Is that alright? I'll be in our room at the inn." Zunair said as he moved Xena's hand and made her touch the man's shoulder as he touched his foot with hers. With whatever Onabi replied, Zunair would still perform the hand signs Ram > Tiger > Dog > Snake > Bird > Dragon > Ram.

In an instant, Zunair was surrounded by the harsh winter of the northern lands then he was being kissed by the stinging warmth of the inns heat. Zunair looked at both of them before taking their outer garments off that were likely wet from the melting snow and sliding them both into the warm beds before he took a look at Xena. While the mission started out with trying to save the man, Zunair had extreme bias on who to help first. Looking over Xena, he saw that her head had a gash and her arm seemed like it was sprained, nothing to serious. He checked her vitals. While her oxygen levels were low, they were gaining back. Zunair began a series of hand signs, then his hands glowed over with a light green as he healed the wounds that were apparent on Xena's body.

"Hm, what is a newly appointed Genin doing this far north," Zunair said, whether or not he was talking to her or himself was to be found out. After healing her wounds, he would move over to the man and check him as he checked her. By the time he was doing this, he figured Onabi was back and had alerted the woman of the situation. Hopefully, he will keep her out of the room until he is finished.

TWC: 2,801
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:16 am
The snow, it was always so white these years, a element so untainted by Chakra, yet far deadlier then any Jutsu, she had felt it envelop her, her eyes so slightly glazed open, her concentration wavered, and the flame flickered, any attempts at moving fell to the snows roar, she didn't really think she'd go like this, dying in a forest just cause she bumped her head, she felt rather sick, but she couldn't really move to fix anything, the last movements she managed were to form a fire, and even then she didn't think it was reaching her. Her eye's felt heavy enough that they'd fall out, lasting 5 minutes, blood slowly trickling from her forehead her eyes finally shut, breaking into a different reality. A reality in her mind, she assumed that her last sight would be a dancing flame, as the snow snuffed it out the second her Chakra finally gave out as she slipped into unconsciousness, and that was it, although just before she completely slipped away she could hear the sound of the air whistle, as if someone was approaching.

Her mind slipped in and out of consciousness enough to realize she was getting carried as to where she had no clue, maybe she was grabbed by some organ harvester, how awful, the very thing she wanted to grow up too beat she was going to die too. So early into her career no less, but who was she to change the world, just some no one who didn't even have her Sharingan yet, she tried to move, to do anything, but she couldn't she could barely open her eyes, until once again she had fallen through the barrier back into unconsciousness, she felt so cold, and yet she couldn't stay up, how funny, she always preferred to be overly warm then overly cold when she slept.    

As her mind wandered into her subconscious a soft dream was made, one where she felt no chill, but instead simply enjoyed some time with her family as a equal, rather then a liability, but it always felt so far off, the voices were always so muffled, as if she didn't know what they'd say if they were truly proud of her, though one thing certainly struck out through the silence. "Do you plan on giving up?"  Her father stated looking at her, she could feel a bit of fear looking into his eyes. But she shook her head with a grin, she didn't wanna give up yet. "Didn't think so, now wake up!" "W-wake up?-" Her mind flickered, as reality seemed to shatter, darkness taking hold until she felt herself return to reality, as she suddenly recoiled up from her sleep taking a sudden gasp of air. Looking around her she found herself in a cabin, in a state of minor panic she reached for her sword only to slowly calm herself, realizing the people that were there, they had Byakugan, much less she KNEW them. Small world she supposed taking her hand off the swords hilt.
WC:510 TWC:1459
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:25 pm
As the two laid soundly asleep on their respective beds, Zunair indicated that they would most likely be out for a few hours. Zunair decided he was going to go the bookstore down the road to spend his time on seeing if they had any unique or interesting books for sale. On his way out, whether or not Onabi told the woman of the condition of her husband, Zunair would briefly update her on his status, telling her his condition and vitals are fine, just needing some rest to recover and heal. 

Once outside, the subzero winds and whiteout have subsided, almost ceasing to exist as the snowflakes are falling more gently and easy. The littles were once inhabiting the streets again as Zunair walked down the main road. The bookstore was only a block away, so not far at all. The clouds in the sky began to part allowing the moons glow to escape from its prison and shine down onto the snow country once again. While it was night, it was still early. Because of that, the plethora of stores that were held in this village, once again opened up.

One of those said shops was coming up quickly on Zunair's right, 'the Wild Wind' was the name of said place, but their main dishes were chicken-based products. Something that Zunair extremely loved. Looking at the menu that was outside of this side-bar shop, he saw something that looked like he might like.

"Ah, I'll have two of the Yakitori," Zunair asked the man that was standing behind the wooden bar. A multitude of cooking items and appliances lined up against the wall behind. Once Zunair ordered, the man quickly turned and started whipping up his request. The yakitori was skewered bite sized chicken that was dipped into a savory sauce. As Zunair paid for his food, he took his meal for the walk. Taking a bite out of one of the chickens, his mouth exploded with deliciousness and wonder. It was so good.

It didn't take long for Zunair to scarf down the two yakitori as for he had no self-control. He is definitely going back to that place before he leaves this village. Now, Zunair finally was at his main destination, the bookstore, Winters' Wonder. Upon entering, the aura was calm and warm. The smell of freshly pressed paper filled the air, it was all too therapeutic for the medic. He began walking down isle after isle, just browsing on what they have. He saw a couple books that caught his eye, but none were too interesting for him to get. That was the case until he stumbled upon a book named 'The Christmas Bells'.

It was a horror story that was also a true story. Now this is one that he'll buy of course. Zunair liked the disturbed and the scary, especially when it comes to real life events. Story on those who suffered and those who persevered through their ordeals are always something that intrigued the mint haired chunin.

Once buying the book, he returned to the duos beside again. Thankfully the man had started waking up by the time he got back. Checking his conditions, he let the man go off with his wife while Xena was still resting. Turning his focus, he started reading the book at hand. It was, how to put this lightly, violently horrific to say the least. Straight to the point, almost like novelette more than novel or that of a biography.

As Zunair was reading, Xena finally awoken. Watching her frantically look around and grab her sword to attack made Zunair chuckle. "Good morning, Xena." Zunair smiled as he slid his bookmark into the crevice of the novel before closing it.

"How are you feeling?" Zunair said, standing up from the chair he was sitting after sitting the book on the table.

"I got to ask, when I found you, you had a horrible wound on your head and a dislocated shoulder. What happened?" Zunair asked concerningly.

"Whatever the case may be, are you hungry? Thirsty? I can get you whatever you like." Zunair said, trying to appease to whatever she needed.


TWC: 3,496

+14,000 Ryo
+4,000 extra Ryo for being Chunin
+3,500 Ryo for being Maxed Stat
+3,500 Winter Equinox Tickets
+1x Full Dice (d10)
+1x Crescent Dice (d6)
1,875/1,875 to Chakra Scalpel: Senbon (25% off for being Maxed Stat)
375/375 to Demoni Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique (25% off for being Maxed Stat)
750/750 to Demonic Illusion: Butterfly Effect (25% off for being Maxed Stat)
188/188 to Sensory Deprivation (25% off for being Maxed Stat)
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

The Malevolent Hour Empty Re: The Malevolent Hour

Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:29 pm
Though she felt at ease she wasn't entirely sure she could sit up, she did anyway though, her legs slipping down from the bed connecting with the floor. so she was dreaming, trying to remember what had happened prior was difficult, she remembered being cold but couldn't remember the situation that brought her to be so cold. Her dream she could remember vividly however, it was one of those kinds of dreams where you couldn't possibly forget what had happened, though it was more so what she'd like to hope as a vision of the future, a future where she was actually a half decent shinobi and capable of holding her own in battle, where she had her families dojutsu, and where she could do anything she put her mind too though for now she needed to wake up and learn what had happened while she was out.

"I... I don't wanna talk about it..." She muttered when asked what had happened to her, in truth if she told him he'd probably laugh at her, that's what she thought anyway, someone like him, capable of seeing through anything with the Byakugan, she doubted he'd understand, though she will admit what happened after. "I... remember falling, at some point, I don't remember why, but..." As she talked she stretched a bit going to stand only to realize her legs almost collapsed in on themselves, catching herself with her hands on the floor she slowly stood back up. "God damn..." She had simply muttered thinking to herself, what was she to do in this situation, then she remembered. "Wait i was... supposed to find some man, he had gotten himself trapped out her." She stated though then she looked at the Hyuuga. "That's how you found me... So i assume you got to him first." She simply said with a somewhat sense of disappointment, her first attempt at a mission and she failed.

"I guess it's better that way, leave it to the professionals or whatever." Xena would say sitting back down on the bed thinking to herself, how truly embarrassing, her first real mission and not only was she rescued but they did it while she was nothing but unconscious, with a scoff she laid back on the bed spreading her arms to either side her legs still connected to the floor. She really wanted to do that mission on her own but it would appear she wasn't able too, maybe she could find another mission around this place. Slowly she sat back up to check herself, make sure she had all her things and what not, before looking at the Hyuuga.

"So uh... what were you guys doing here anyway?" She asked tapping her foot now onto the floor, thinking quietly of what could bring the two this way, perhaps they were attempting to be off on holiday, though wouldn't they rather spend that with their rather large family, do the Hyuuga even celebrate the holidays, surely they do. Why wouldn't they after all, though perhaps they celebrate them a tad differently from the Uchiha and other people of Konoha, though with that she finally asked another question. "And uh, is that guy alright? The one that old lady was so worried about." As she spoke she did look around, she wasn't exactly able to see that well, she actually had somewhat blurred vision still, but it would go away in time, likely by the next time she went out to do something.

As she spaced out to think of what happened she could really only remember jumping from tree to tree out in the forest, her legs had felt chilly though her cloak kept her mostly warm, well her outfit was insulated for cold temperatures, as well as had options should she get overheated, hell at the end of the day her cloak could be used as a blanket, such a thought was actually somewhat comical too her, using her cloak as a blanket while laying out in the wilderness, perhaps she might go camping one of these days, though for now she actually should probably focus on getting back to Konoha, perhaps the Hyuuga's were leaving to go back soon as well.

"On a side note... did you guys plan on returning to Konoha any time soon?" She mentioned calmly, wondering genuinely if they were, maybe not but for now it was best to ask and regret later then not ask at all, she had really no idea of this location too be honest either, maybe this was all just another dream for all she knew, though pinching herself it didn't seem to be the case. Well darn, there goes waking up and being home in her nice warm bed, though she supposed it wasn't all bad, perhaps she could train out here with the Hyuuga members if they'd like, though they probably were more interested in relaxing and enjoying themselves which she couldn't blame them, the snow was always pretty this time of year, it always reminded her that despite how difficult life could be, at the end of the year your rewarded with one of the prettiest forms of nature, even if she enjoyed fire, the cold had its perks being pretty was one of them.

WC:880 TWC:2339

Rewards Claim
Reward: 8,000 Ryō / 40 AP / 2,000 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Crescent Dice (d6)
Reward: 6,000 Ryō / 30 AP / 1,500 Winter Equinox Tickets / 1x Full Dice (d10)
(14000 Ryo /70 AP / 3500 Equinox Tickets / 1x Crescent Dice (d6) / 1x Full Dice (d10) )

WC Claims:
23 Stat Points into Vigor
2339/8000 into
Mangekyo Sharingan

Last edited by Xena Uchiha on Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding stat claim.)
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