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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:14 am
Mission Info:

 The snow in Snow was not like the snow in Cloud. Whereas Kumon peaks experienced harsher hail, the snow in Winter Wonderland felt more fluffy - its texture like marshmallows and sometimes even cotton candy. It gave way like solid clouds under Saturn's pirate boots as he made his way towards a public bench, placed under a streetlight. He took his seat, and munched on some mochi that he had picked up from a local shop, as he sparked a rolled smokable. After taking a puff, its warm spicy smoke blended into the fog as he let out a thick smoky exhalation. It was dark, and he was winding down after a long day in the wonderland, and trying to remember how he had arrived at the strange locality. To him, the oddities involving his strange transportation was awfully familiar. Last time, he had ended up on a beach in a wheelchair that was not his own.

 His starry cyan knitcap and short sleeved hoodie did little to protect him from the cold. The smoke in his lungs proved to be more helpful. He set his gaze on the roof of a house across from the street in front of him. There, there was a fairly large round shaped man creeping out of a long chimney with three large giftwrapped boxes. "Ah, Santa, hard at work. You love to see it." Saturn talked to himself, admiring the work of the greatest space/time specialist. As he looked on, the man jumped to the next roof, and disappeared down another chimney. The man on the bench munched on another mochi. After some time, the round man reemerged with more gifts than he had gone down with!

"Hold on..." Saturn squinted his eyes and leaned in trying to get a better look. He noticed that the man now had six boxes.


The man put his hands together and fixed his gaze on a spot in the ground, going into a deep contemplation, a debate with himself in his own mind.

Does this mean Santa is a thief? Was I lied to my whole life? Hold on, where is Santa's sledge? Was that a lie too? Is he visiting the people on his naughty list to take away their presents at the last minute? Does that make sense? What does this mean??!

WC: 385
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Thu Dec 22, 2022 5:24 am
Rin wandered through the heavily snow swept streets, still confused as to how exactly she had ended up here, certainly she knew enough about the manipulation of space time that she was more than capable of understanding the bizzare idiosyncracies of the space time manipulation that had brought her here; that, whilst unique and interesting, did not explain why her body had been so keen on leaving this world; she had reached out to protect those two from tanbogakure purely on instinct, how she had ended up here was Irrelevant, what plagued her mind was the question of what could possibly have possessed her to risk her life to protect two people who were basically strangers to her when such an action could have easily cost her, her life. Indeed it may very well have, stranded in this snow strewn town with no real idea where she was.

The villagers had been no help, oh certainly they seemed nice enough, plesantly engaging in the festive celebrations and embodying the giving holiday spirit; but they were hollow, many of them seeming more like puppets than true people, a question here would recieeve an answer that felt slightly off, as if it was pre-recorded, an action there would be repeated by a completely different villager almost to a tee, as if the villagers were simply going through the same motions in some sort of bizzare pre-recorded dance.

The oddest part about it however was how, despite all those oddities and excentricities how incredibly human they seemed at all other times, especially the children. Each person seemed to have their own wants, their own desires, their own needs and morals. She had seen a child comforting a girl crying over her spilled sweets, the boy reluctantly sharing his own sweets with her because it was the right thing to do. She had witnessed a woman feeding a starving cat a saucer of milk, and had sensed the genuine joy of the cat as it was taken to its new home. She had even gone so far to run a few minor experiments, even considering how horribly crippled her chakra pathways were, the incredibly painful and taxing experience that using her chakra was for her, she had still experimented with a few simple genjutsu on the villagers, ones to make them happy, to make them trusting, even one to make sure they didn't lie to her. They all worked, she could tell they did, she had felt the techniques take hold, she had felt them snap into place and had witnessed the effects as well, these people were certainly just that, people, possessed of chakra networks and perfectly capable of their own thoughts and emotions; and yet despite that, despite the multiple techniques she tried, the different ways she pushed and pulled at their psyches, those same quirks and idiosyncrasies resurfaced, perhaps those quirks were just that, quirks, oddities that despite their strangeness were still genuine parts of the people who displayed them, but Rin was not that trusting, the entire situation put her on edge and that was why, when she rounded the corner witnessing a completely absurd sight, she breathed a sigh of relief.

A young man, barely in his twenties from the looks of it, stood in the middle of the street, a completely absurd outfit for the weather covering him... no scratch that, even if the weather wasn't this absolutely freezing, even if they didn't have foot thick snow to trudge through at times, even if Rin ignored all those things the man's outfit was still absurd, a pair of... pirates boots were the first thing that jumped out at her, and that, whilst odd, might be something she could forgive if the rest of his attire matched, certainly if the weather at tanbongakure hadn't been so cold when she had... departed, she would be clothed in attire more fitting her normal decor, but that was not the case, the man's pirates boots were wrapped around him.

Certainly nothing was as odd as the attire the man was wearing on his lower body, but the brightly coloured beanie covered in depections of stars and a short sleeved jumper were still quite odd. If it wasn't for the missing pant's Rin might have though him up to something untoward, but surely the man must be in a similar situation to her, no doubt pulled here at an incredibly inopportune time by whatever strange powers were behind this place. Rin, reluctantly strode up to the man, calling out a brief greeting as she reached her one hand out to the side, trailing her fingers through the air as she fluctuated her chakra, tearing open the fabric of space enough to access her own personal storage dimension, pulling out a pair of women's yoga pants. "Hey there, looks like we both ended up here under odd circumstances" she said offering him the pair of yoga pants as she stepped up next to him.

Assuming the man took the pant's from her and put them on Rin would continue the conversation, feeling a little better now that she didn't have to deal with someone in attire quite so... odd. "So I'm guessing you got whisked away here the same way I did?" She asked, pausing as she heard a noise behind her, the sound of snow being dislodged from the rooftops, after being ambushed by urchins and pelted with snowballs the last time she had heard that sound she made a point of stepping to the side and spinning to keep the man and the source of the noise both in view. What she saw was a portly man in a crimson red outfit stepping into the building's chimney. "huh, i never thought i'd actually see him in person" she would comment watching for the legendary figure to re-emerge as she listened for a reply from the man. Of course Rin wasn't going to pass up the chance to get a closer look either; with a quick mental command she sent the two mirror images of herself that had been trailing her along the rooftops to hide by the chimney she had seen the figure dissapear down; when he emerged she might be able to catch a glimpse of whatever techniques he used to manipulate the flow of time and space; hell it might even give her a clue as to how to escape this place.
[[OOC: Why yes i did just vague you to wearing no pants, thank god that didn't happen in a hunter mission, now that would have been embarassing :P]]
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:57 pm
Saturn's journey to Winter Wonderland was a lost chapter. He vaguely remembered standing atop a cliff, with his cutlass aimed at a towering man whom he mistook for a missing nin. The man in question was a royal guest of the Raikage, but had slipped past the Genin when he was on guard duty. Having chased the giant into a hot spring, he finally had him cornered. Then, he tried with all his will and might to attack the man with his cutlass, thrusting the weapon in the air in hopes that a chakra based extension of the sword would pierce the man through his heart and put an end to his tomfoolery. He tried for a few moments, but could not muster up the strength to execute his attack. He had made a miscalculation. The duo then went on a trek, climbing the highest inner peak towards the Raikage Chambers. There, as he was lost in his worry about the repercussions of his actions, he found himself in a strange land with a festive atmosphere.

 While wandering the streets of Winter Wonderland, he had bumped into a child, spilling her sweets. He tried to pay her 20 ryo to compensate, but she would not take it. He had stolen a bag of mochi from a stray cat after catching a hint of a familiar smell. He came across happy villagers who waved at him even though he did not see any familiar faces. He met gullible ones who paid him ryo for reading their palms, and a very strange man who was completely honest, who had a bunch of disagreeable opinions that he was not afraid to share. Even that last man, however, was not honest enough to tell Saturn about his missing pants. When it came to the question of how he came to be in this strange town, none of the villagers were of any help either. He was about to give up, when he had caught sight of the mythical space time user atop a roof, coming out of a long chimney.

 When Rin strode up to him with her greeting, his gaze was distracted from the figure on the roof. He looked at her and seemed puzzled when she pulled out a pair of women's yoga pants from her storage disposal and offered it to him. "Pardon?" He would speak nonchalantly, blissfully unaware of his missing pants. Then, he looked down to see his hairy legs on full display. "NANI?!" His face visibly flustered - his bronzed complexion turned red. He looked at the pair that was offered to him. "I can't fit into that..." He formed the dog hand seal to perform Transformation Technique. He had hoped to put on some pants with his ninja skills. Instead, his black plaid boxers took on a checkered pattern of red and green. "Well, that didn't work..." He sulked, before signing Dog - Bird - Hare - Monkey - Horse to perform Hiding with Camouflage, turning himself invisible. Notably, his star patterned knit cap stayed visible. Then it contorted into a blob, crawling down to his legs, before wrapping around hist highs. Then his knit cap became his pants. Mimas the octopus was excellent at mimicking the texture of both organic and inorganic matter, and it was well versed with different fabrics. It wore comfortably. 

 Saturn released his invisibility technique to reemerge in his old outfit, without his knit cap. Then he would reach into his own storage disposal and pull out an identical knit cap as the one he had on before, and put it on before clearing his throat. Assuming that Rin would continue with her speech, Saturn's eyebrow raised when she asked him if he came the same way she did. "I still haven't figured that out, I was having too much fun. This town seems real serious about the festive season." He commented, "How did you get whisky - I mean whisked - here?" He asked, offering the kind stranger a cigarette from his pack of smokes, to try and make the circumstances of their first meeting less awkward somehow once he had sort of put some pants on.
"Yeah, he's visiting the naughty list." He would state, looking into the distance before noticing something peculiar from the eye of an owl perched on a tree behind them. "It's kind of suspicious how he doesn't seem to have a sled."

WC: 730
TWC: 1115
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:24 am
Rin had to stifle a genuine chuckle at the odd man's reaction, The sheer obliviousness he displayed alone was enough to bring a smile to her lips, and when he looked down, completely oblivious, only to shout "NANI." Well she had to physically stop herself from doubling over in laughter, sure it was weird to find a half naked man standing in the middle of the snow swept streets, but hey at least he hadn't been doing it on purpose. All the same she continued to offer the pants to him, trying to keep her face impassive as his face turned bright red, to her surprise however the man refused the offer of pants, claiming they wouldn't fit. Rin looked the man up and down for a moment before blushing and returning her eyes to his face, refusing to acknowledge the absentminded glimps of his unmentionables that she had just recieved. "They should stretch to fit you" She said, pulling the stretchy fabric out in explanation for a moment before continuing, "But its your choice i guess, either way you can't exactly stay like that" She said, wholeheartedly refusing to move her gaze downwards again.

To her surprise the man formed a shape with his hands, one that looked strikingly familiar, she tensed up for a moment as she recognised a handseal, but the man's chakra quickly rushed out around him in the pattern of a simple transformation technique, the chakra flooding out around him before the man reappeared in a puff of smoke... in completely the same attire as before. Rin shot a quick look down before mentally correcting herself, almost the exact same attire, the man's undergarments had in fact changed to a festive red and green.

That caused a frown to appear on Rin's face, had he meant to do that? Was the man playing with her? Was he just this inept; or was this another of this land's strange inconsistencies? she opened her mouth to ask at least some of those questions when the man spoke again, even as he formed more hand signs. 

"Well, that didn't work..." he said sulkily before performing another technique, one that very quickly turned the man invisible, that caused a moment of surprise to flicker across Rin's face, 'so not inept then, and likely not messing with me' she thought as she frantically tried to remember the handsigns he had used, sending a mental command to Codex from where it lay hidden in the distance. 'Codex, did you get that? can you replicate what he just did?' she thought, transmitting her thoughts to the clone even as she tried to gather as much information as she could from what the man was doing. She fed that information through to codex even as she asked a few probing questions about how he was doing that, if she could have codex replicate the ability it could end up incredibly useful when having the mirror image perform recon for her. At least that was what she thought until she glanced up and noticed the man's absurd star knit cap still sat there, floating in the middle of the street absurdly. "What in the everlasting f-" Rin's words were cut off as the cap seemed to unwrap into some sort of amorphus blob before crawling down the man's now invisible figure and contorting around what she assumed to be his groin. Rin couldn't keep the look of confusion off of her face as the man reappeared, his invisibility technique seeming to disappear as the man reappeared, that same amorphus blob seeming to shimmer and shift, resolving briefly into some sort of fleshy eldritch abomination before becoming a pair of pants... a very specific pair of pants in fact.

Rin could feel the blush forming on her face again as she looked at the bizare man now clothed in a pair of hot pink assless chaps decorated with floral patterns, his bright red and green chekered boxers peaking out through the gap in the pair of pants... "I... umm, i think your eldritch friend is playing a prank on you there umm... what was your name again?" she asked more than a little flustered at the absurdity of the situation.

Hopefully the man would berate his companion or find some way to remedy the embarasing attire he had ended up wearing, but either way Rin would, potentially quite reluctantly, continue, inquiring as to how the man had gotten here, and feeling out if he was in the same boat as her; a question that was quickly answered by his response

"I still haven't figured that out, I was having too much fun. This town seems real serious about the festive season." he said, and though she had to wonder how someone could show up in this town, not wearing pants and with pure obliviousness wander through it ignoring the freezing chill as the enjoyed the festivities, she at least got her answer. 'so he's another random individual pulled from somewhere in the world then' she thought to herself even as the man continued his own train of thought.

"How did you get whisky - I mean whisked - here?" he asked, and again Rin was struck by the man's... eccentricities, even as she was struck with a reminder of how long it had been since she last had a glass of whisky, it had once been her favorite drink, just as she had smoked profusely, but after the events of sunagakure... well the options were drinking herself under the table and smoking herself to death or giving up on those sorts of pleasures as she struggled to crawl her way back to some semblance of power. "Oh, umm, I got whisked here trying to save someone from a trapped space time scroll." she said absentmindedly as she found her thoughts drifting back to that horrible day. Rin shook her head realising the man was offering her a cigaret and she had just been standing there staring into space.

"Oh, umm thank you but I..." Rin paused, frozen with indecision for a moment before with a visible exertion of will she finished her sentence, "I probably shouldn't, feeding bad habits and all that" she said with a sigh. After that the two stood there in companionable silence for a short while, waiting for the legendary figure to re-emerge before the man pointed out something that Rin hadn't noticed. "It's kind of suspicious how he doesn't seem to have a sled." the figure said, and Rin tilted her head in thought. Pausing to send a command to her mirror images she considered the man's words, souring the suroundings to check that the sleigh was not in fact somewhere nearby but hidden from their view; it only took a few moments for codex to report back that there was indeed no sleigh, something that set the gears in Rin's head turning. "You dont suppose he's an imposter do you?" she would ask, already striding towards the building as the two mirror images she had set nearby positioned themselves to capture the imposter, which was convenient, for at that exact moment the figure popped out of the chimney, covered in soot and his sack stuffed thicker than it had been before. The pair of clones sprung upon him, capturing the man in an instant.
wc: 1223
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:39 pm
Saturn was dumbfounded when Mimas chose the most eccentric kind of pants to transform into. He was too flabbergasted to justify his situation to the woman anymore, and instead he immediately formed the Ram hand seal. He was too well-mannered to berate his companion in front of the stranger, at least not audibly. Instead, he would address his octopus telepathically using his Hiden technique while holding the Ram seal. "Mimas you fuck. Where did you ever come across a pair of pants like these?" He scolded the blob that was now stretched out into his 'pants', "Try wool, full length, and all around!" He seemed flustered as the blob darkened and contorted around his legs and hips, wrapping around him to form a pair of proper, modest trousers befitting the cold weather he was in. He then cleared his throat before answering her next question. "It's Saturn. And this blob is most certainly not my friend. It attached itself to me while I was at a beach, and has not left my side since. How about yourself, what's your name?" He asked her.

He was dumbfounded once again when the woman refused his offer of a cigarette. "Suit yourself." He would utter the words before lighting the cigarette up for himself. Upon his first impression of the woman, he was certain without a doubt that she was a smoker. He gained that information from a source that he accredited to a higher power. Now it appeared that his source had the potential to be incorrect. It was certainly a first.

"A trapped space time scroll?" Saturn repeated the words back to Rin. He had never heard of such a thing, but she seemed sincere, "Never heard of it." He would state, now once again staring into the distance at suspicious Santa. His sack was only gaining thickness. "Who knows?" He said, when she suggested that he may be an imposter. He was now overcompensating for his previous unfortunate sequence of circumstances with his pants and lack thereof by keeping a calm nonchalant vibe about him by minimising his words. He was still burning on the inside with embarrassment. "Wait, don't get too close." He warned her, and he would place his hand on her shoulder to call her back after following her when she strode towards the building. Although she had shown her use of Storage Displacement, he had not seen anything yet to indicate that she was a strong kunoichi capable of handling a thief on her own. Simultaneously, he formed the seal of confrontation to activate Mind's Eye of the Kagura to gain a better understanding of the situation with the Santa further ahead. That was when he saw what happened.

The two figures in the distance who jumped on the ransacker looked awfully familiar. He recognized that they seemed to be copies of the woman in front of him although he had not seen or sensed her performing any hand seals to summon clones. After letting out a subtle gasp, he looked over at the kunoichi. "When did you..?" His voice tapered off. There was something off about the apprehended man on the roof. Saturn vanished into thin air before reappearing on the roof next to the copies of Rin, five meters away from them. He actually missed the roof, spawning above thin air before shuffling his feet and walking over to the restrained individual. He leaned down to meet his gaze, and tugged on his collar while he inspected him, dusting him off before looking over at Codex. "This one's a clone." He said confidently, having sensed that it was a clone made of Water chakra. He turned his attention towards the sack that had spilled next to the thief on the roof. Before he could make his way over, the water clone snickered and exploded in a wet splash, drenching Saturn and likely the two copies of Rin unless they took some proactive measures.

Amidst the distraction, the sack transformed into a Santa lookalike with a missing tooth and a scruffy white beard. He snickered when Saturn reached out to grab him, before body flickering away at a speed of 100 before he could grab him. "Shit! He went that way!" He shouted, pointing Rin towards the next block of houses over a small park.
WC: 720
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:01 am
Rin watched as the strange man stood there dumbfounded when she pointed out his... rather embarrassing choice of attire for the second time before he quickly flashed a hand seal. Rin tensed up, for a moment, wondering if the man had embarrassed himself so much he had decided it better to attack her and avoid leaving any witnesses of this tale. Instead he just stood there for a moment, holding the seal; she could feel his chakra fluctuating of course, cycling through him in a way that signaled the use of... some sort of technique. A few moment's later the odd fellow's eldritch companion seemed to shift and twist again before reforming itself over the man's legs again... or at least it seemed too, instead it almost looked like it dissapeared into the man's skin, leaving his legs looking completely uncovered... at least for a moment, then she realized that whatever he had done his eldritch companion had transformed itself into a pair of nude woolen trousers, albeit one's that just happened to be exactly the same colour as his skin. 'oh thank god, that one would have been far too much' she thought to herself even as she mentally thanked whatever eldritch abomination that was finally covering him enough to provide some modesty . Rin was no prude but even she had to admit that hadn't been a sight she woke up wanting to see this morning.

Hearing the man clear his throat she pulled her eyes away from the man's new attire to look him in the eye just as he began to speak, answering her earlier question with a question of his own. "It's Saturn. And this blob is most certainly not my friend. It attached itself to me while I was at a beach, and has not left my side since. How about yourself, what's your name?" His name didn't mean much to her, she certainly hadn't heard it before and with such an uncommon name if he was anyone of note she would have at least recognized it. The blob that he had begrudgingly named Mimas on the other hand... that was interesting; a parasitic sea creature that was capable of morphing and changing its shape whilst attached to the hosts body? That was something worth investigating; remembering one of her earlier conversations within the city she wondered if this could be part of the path she forged for herself, the man seemed to not understand the true value such a creature could provide and her mind was already swimming with possibilities for it's use.

When he offered her a cigarette she was almost too distracted to reply, answering absentmindedly as she continued examining Mimas with her spiritual senses, the creature itself seemed innocuous enough, it wasn't weak per se but neither did it have the telltale feeling that true threats had, but that wasn't her focus, instead she found herself mentally probing the creature's connection to it's... owner wasn't really the right word, but bereft of anything better to use she settled on the word. Just as she felt she was starting to get somewhere, identifying the flow of the creature's chakra and how it interacted with Saturn's own, the man spoke, asking after her own arrival here.

With a sigh she would reply, resigning herself to the fact that she wasn't going to be able to examine Mimas in any significant detail until this man had his questions satisfied; when she mentioned being dragged here by a trapped space time scroll the man simply repeated her words, a look of confusion passing his face for a moment before he simply shrugged dismissed the topic with a simple "who knows." The nonchalance felt a little forced, but after his wardrobe malfunctions she could forgive the man's awkwardness. When she commented on the figure in red's odd behavior however his attitude changed entirely.

"Wait, don't get too close." He said stepping forward and putting a hand on her shoulder as if to keep her from running off. Rin had to suppress an irritated tisk, she wasn't some newborn brat, even with her power so diminished she could handle herself in a fight well enough, not to mention she had Vis and codex already in position to deal with the man. Calmly lifting the man's hand off of her shoulder she waited the moment as the man formed the seal of confrontation, cycling his chakra in a way that felt similar enough to codex's own techniques that she assumed he was using some sort of long range sensory technique. The man let out a slight gasp, the surprise evident on his face. "When did you..?" He trailed off; turning back to look in the direction of the clones who, were already subduing the imposter,

"I can take care of myself." Rin said simply, her tone wasn't harsh, nor was it annoyed, though she did have to make an effort to keep any such tone from her words, instead it just a calm statement of fact... of course when the man dissapeared using what was very clearly the body flicker technique Rin simply sighed, the youth were so keen to rush into things these days. Taking her time she started walking towards the building, confident that Vis and codex would be more than capable of dealing with what ever tricks this false Santa Clause might try and pull. A few moments later she felt the itch in the back of her mind that told her Codex was trying to relay information to her and so she opened herself to the replica, the sensory information it had gathered flowing into her even as events continued to unfold. The sensory specialist had already picked up on the fact that the 'criminal' they were just about to apprehend was in fact a simple clone and the real culprit was disguising themselves as a sack of toys. That was rather curious, she couldn't help but wonder where this strange individual was keeping their spoils if they were disguising themselves as the very bag that was supposed to contain those spoils. The question interested her for but a moment before she dismissed it.

She could feel the implicit question in Codex's information however, the request for confirmation that it should indeed capture the true culprit... but Rin was far more interested in seeing what this strange half naked man could do... okay that wasn't strictly true, she was more interested in what his eldritch companion was capable of, so rather than subdue the culprit she had Vis add a mark of his own chakra to the disguised individual even as he subdued the clone. A few moment's later the odd little man appeared on the rooftops, doing his best to take charge. She watched through codex's eyes even as she began to slowly walk up the side of a nearby building herself, watched at the man rather proudly declared "This one's a clone." and then subsequently watched as the clone, hearing his words, snickered. She watched as, just a moment before the clone exploded Vis threw the chakra construct to the side, the water splashing harmlessly over the building's rooftop as the force of the throw tore the construct apart.

Rin watched as the odd man was caught off guard, the sack turning back into a smirking man as his chakra began to flow in such a way as to indicate he was about to use the body flicker technique. Rin started shaping her own chakra, allowing it to seep out around her and create an invisible aura around her that would trap whoever entered it within a genjutsu of her own design. A few second's later the man's technique activated, taking him right past the spot she rested only to land a dozen meters away in a nearby park with a rather loud thud. She simply stood there leaning against the roof's chimney, as the man lay paralyzed on the park grounds, watching through codex's eyes to see what the strange man would do.
TWC: 3637

Mission complete, mid thread claim for completion, continuing thread with Saturn to complete all other Winter Equinox Missions (As an assistant yada yada)
Mission Claims:
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:29 am
Approved for Rin
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:45 pm
"Phew, close one!" Saturn let out a sigh of relief as he narrowly avoided being drenched with the disgusting water from the clone's body. He now looked down at the paralyzed man on the ground. It wasn't obvious to him that he was paralyzed. After all, he had revealed that he was deceptive, and this could be another one of his tricks. He observed him carefully and gauged the distance between himself and the false Santa Claus. He moved his hands up to almost form the Ram seal again, but he would stop half way, not letting his hands connect. He looked at Rin, then Vis, then Codex, and considered the optics of his next move. He went again, bending his elbows and bringing his fingers closer together, but he hesitated and let out an unsure grunt. That was when he caught the man's hand twitch from the corner of his eye. He sprang to action.

He slammed his hands together, forming the Ram seal. It was telepathy once again,  Mind Body Transmission Technique he called it. Mimas, use Wrath of Cthulhu!He commanded his companion telepathically. Wasting no time, the octopus stretched out one of its tentacles from an unfortunate spot, just about where Saturn's belt would have been. While its arm stretched out to cover the dozen or so meters between him and the ground, the rest of the blob covered up for the missing area, stretching out to leave no holes whatsoever. It even remained a good fit, not becoming tighter or anything. It was a mysterious blob. When the stretched skin colored tentacle struck the paralyzed man's back it would daze him, making him unable to form hand seals which was what Saturn had suspected him of trying earlier. He wasn't finished.

Mimas, now use Jotun Grip! He ordered, still mind to mind. The tentacle wrapped around the paralyzed man tight while keeping Saturn's blob pants modest and firm, and then retracted to lift the man up and bring him closer to Saturn, off the edge of the roof within arm's length. Saturn placed his hand on the man's forehead to use Psycho Mind Transmission (he still knew this technique in this timeline and had not yet replaced it to prepare for battle). Upon touching his skull, he gained the man's memories, how he was ensnared already, and also immediately learned that the man had stashed away his stolen goods in his Storage Displacement.

Taking his hand off, letting Mimas keep him hoisted, he began to form another set of hand seals. Monkey, Snake, Horse, Bird. Mind Clone Switch Technique would ensure that he did not lose consciousness when he carried out the next part of his plan. Tiger, Snake, Horse, and a Heart Shaped hand seal set up Mind Body Switch Technique, and allowed half of his mind to leave his body and enter that of False Santa while he struggled. While paralyzed, he would be unable to resist. From the eyes of the bandit, he saw how he placed his own hand on the man's head once again with Mind's Eye of the Kagura still active. He debuffed the Genjutsu that was casted on him, and released him. He was now free to move, if not for the tight grip of the tentacle that bound his torso. There was one flaw in his complex plan; he could not use Storage Displacement from the body of the thief.

Yet, the horror that was imbued in him by his invasive actions would eventually compel him. "Do it. Or else." Saturn moved his own mouth in unison with that of the captured thief, making their voices lap over each other with perfect synchronicity. This was spooky enough for the man's heart to pound, but Saturn calmed it down by taking a deep controlled breath from the baffled thief's nose. He made the man grab his left thumb with his right hand, and twisted it until it sprained and came out of its socket. He begged and pleaded for the fortuneteller to stop, and Saturn could hear his thoughts as they blended with his own. When he was finally allowed to move of his own volition, he quickly reached into a pocket of Storage Displacement and pulled out a large sack, filled with his exploits, and handed it over to Saturn.

Mimas could read a room to a limited degree. Upon perceiving that the man had fulfilled his role, it released its tentacle mercifully, allowing the man to fall down into a pile of snow on the ground before reverting to its pants form. He got up quickly and scurried away with a limp in his step. He was hurt, but he was going to be alright. Saturn released all his techniques and let out a groan as he put his own thumb back into place. "What?" He would utter at Rin and her clones if he caught them staring. The job was done.

WC: 825
TWC: 2660
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:59 am
TWC: 3637
putting it all towards sharingan on codex (using max stat discount
1st tomoe 1500/1500
2nd tomoe 2137/3000
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Santa Clause, but in Reverse Empty Re: Santa Clause, but in Reverse

Tue Apr 04, 2023 9:37 am
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