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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:11 am
Satoru stood silently. He anticipated tension and yet the exchange was tension-free from both ends of the table. It was natural for the young man to be scared but a village that prides itself on strength had to regulate it’s members to ensure the best outcome for the village and the its members. Periodically, his gaze wandered around the room – nodding in approval if his sight caught the shine of the Leviathan Axe. He felt his cheeks vasodilating as the Sake began kicking in. Maintaining composure, he turned his attention back to the Genin as he responded to the Kage.

Nodding once, Satoru acknowledged the young mans courage to own his mistake and accept the punishment. “Wonder how it’d turn out had he not been willing to accept the consequences of his actions.” The orange haired Genin had a thought that was quickly followed by a grim mental image of a crucified Genin flashed into his mind.

Opting to remain silent, he simply continued to observe – he knew that the young mans actions were to carry heavy consequences but only time would tell what Ichigo would decide to do with the man.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:10 pm
Willing to accept the consequences of his actions, a wise decision, even if only a little too late. "Good". That being said, it was finally time to decide on a punishment for the young and foolish Genin. As he sat in his chair, Ichigo would consider how to move forward and what the best way to discipline Saturn could be. Many options came to mind, some too harsh, others too lenient. Nevertheless, the Raikage knew he had to make an example out of the boy in front of him. People needed to know not to mess with Kumogakure, not even if they were from the village themselves.

Allowing himself a moment to collect his thoughts, Ichigo finally came to a conclusion. "Good old Kumogakure tradition". The Kage took a deep breath, placing both hands on his desk before finally standing tall. The decision was made, a punishment decided. "If you sentence someone, whether to death or something else, then you should be the one to carry out that sentence". It was his burden to bear, no one else's. It would have been easy to let one of the ANBU handle it but just how the young Genin had to take responsibility for his actions, so would Ichigo for his decision. "Now, are you left-handed or right-handed?". A question that barely needed answering. 

(WC: 222, TWC: 1318)

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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:24 pm
He gulped. The question was perfectly logical, and his punishment appeared obvious. The Raikage's comment about how it would be good old Kumogakure tradition helped Saturn arrive at the conclusion without a doubt in his mind. He pondered on the question that was asked to him, looking up for a moment. "I'm not sure.." The first words that escaped his lips made him sound a little insane, but when he reflected on his life he thought that he had used both his hands equally often. He fought and ate with both his hands. There was a word for it, but he had forgotten what it was called. He reached into the pocket of his jacket with his right hand to grab a metal flask. "I suppose I am right handed." He spoke, taking out his flask.

"Lord Raikage. If I may, with your permission, use my hand one last time?"

Then, if he were granted permission, he would down the rest of his dark rum in one huge gulp before pocketing his flask and holding his hand out in front of him.

WC: 182 +206 (previous post)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Thu Jan 05, 2023 2:44 pm
Bloodied Hands - Page 2 SSh49C

Satoru remained motionless, observing the exchange between the duo in silence. As Ichigo stood to his feet, Satoru moved out of the way, clearing the area for what was inevitably to come! He crossed his arms, looking down at Saturn while gently shaking his head. The age-old saying of what goes around comes around was to be fulfilled within the hallowed walls of the Raikages chamber.

The tradition reminded Satoru of a story that was told during his time as a Shinobi where the previous Raikage removed the hand of a Kumogakure operative. Satoru had no doubt in his mind that Ichigo would act in a manner reminiscent of his predecessor, Noboru Kaito and so it was only a matter of time before the young mans fate was to be sealed.

Adjusting his cloak, the sake bottles clanged the sound reverberating throughout the room as if a gong announcing an execution. Raising a palm dismissively, Satoru muttered – “My apologies.” as he flashed a toothy grin.

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:02 pm
Satoru appreciated the ceremonial nature of the events that were about to transpire. His eyes wandered the room as he reached into his cloak, withdrawing a letter that he had penned prior to arriving at the village. The letter spoke of Kirigakure and its current state, the state of the leadership, and of the village. Satoru had spent an excessive period in that village, he didn’t anticipate spending most of the year in one location, but those were the cards he was dealt. The letter informed Ichigo about the imbalance of power in the village, making mentions of important figures who were no longer prevalent at the previously overwhelming world power.

The letter effectively detailed the events of his travels, while he would have loved to share the stories over a few drinks with his old partner, he opted to put pen to paper, expressing his learnings in a written form. Gently manoeuvring, around the room, he placed the letter atop the Kages desk, kneeling to tie his lace while sliding two of Kirigakures finest Sake bottles behind the chief’s table. Out of sight, the bottles would rest comfortably – a litre each – one was labelled with “Ichigo”, the other with “Noboru”. He was confident that his compatriot having taken the helm from the 11th Raikage would be aware of the agreement that the men had made prior to Satorus departure. Likewise, he was positive that the second bottle would get to the 11th Raikage in due time.

Standing, Satoru bowed his head to the Raikage as he went about his actions. “Sake’s made from Rice isn’t it?” he thought to himself as he quietly made his way out of the room – effectively allowing the Genin to retain his dignity in light of his indiscretions. Satoru was confident that the punishment would spark a reaction from the Genin, but he didn’t want to be the catalyst that fuelled his desire for attention.

Satoru knew that the boy would be dealt with in a swift and respectful manner. To some extent, the young man reminded the Jugo of his own trials and tribulations. The difference was that Satorus Jugo DNA would allow for his hand to regrow in some capacity – unfortunately, young Saturn wasn’t awarded with the same luxury. Now stood on the far side of the door, Satoru would allow for a few moments to pass, the instant he heard a prompt to indicate the completion of the punishment, he would bow his head to the receptionist, informing her – “I will be continuing on my travels, I should return shortly; please make the Raikage aware.”

The office and its immediate surroundings were quiet and empty. There was only the receptionist who could have heard that statement. “I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d make the Gate Guards aware of my departure too. Thank you.” He’d bow his head before making his way out of the building. One thing was definite – the interior of the Raikages chambers wouldn’t be invaded by Satorus rhetoric as he spoke quietly and relatively elegantly. Bringing his hood over his face, he returned to his establishment, getting dressed in his black cargos, black shirt, arming himself with his assortment of weapon pouches before departing for the village gates.


OOC – Appreciate the current personal circumstances and I didn’t want Ichigo to feel rushed to post so I’ll be making my exit.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:31 pm
With a subtle nod he granted Saturn permission, similar to a prisoner's last wish before their life would be taken, the main difference between both cases that this time it was only a hand. Ichigo then stretched out his right arm to the side, perfectly aligned with the ground, as a sundering sound could be heard throughout the office. The Raikage wasn't able to split the sky just yet, but separating a limb from its body was all he needed right now. "Don't look away" he spoke, ordering the young Genin to face his mistake and own up to them.

Mere seconds was all it took, a clean cut just below Saturn's wrist, the boy's right hand severed from his body. "You are hereby officially released from guard duty and prohibited from even setting foot near the village gates for the time being". The way Ichigo chose to end his sentence should have allowed Saturn the chance to pick up on the Kage's hint that it was only temporary, another possibility to right his wrongs. However, the punishment didn't end there. "I also sentence you to Warmongers, where you can prove you are willing to fight for Kumogakure with your life on the line. Should you be successful we'll talk again, and who knows, perhaps that right hand of yours will find itself reattached to its body". The young shinobi might have been angry, frustrated or even worse, but if he learned how to channel his emotions into something better, then the challenge he was confronted with would be less than a problem.

He sat down in his chair, the Leviathan Axe having carried out its punishment as blood started to drip on the floor. "Get yourself treated before the Mercury completely takes over". Besides losing a hand Saturn surely had begun to notice the effects of the poison making its way into his bloodstream. Ichigo reached for Satoru's letter before placing it next to him on his desk, determined to read it once the young Genin was on his way. "Good luck, I'll keep this safe for the time being". The troublemaker would have to leave without a hand, but with a challenge and a chance to redeem himself. 

(WC: 370, TWC: 1688)

+ 1 Nature Stack

Nature Stacks: 5/6

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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Sun Jan 08, 2023 6:13 am
Saturn groaned out in pain when the axe came down on his wrist. He had been looking right at his hand just as he was ordered when it was severed. He gritted his teeth, biting his tongue to suppress his urge to scream out and it made him spit up. He wiped his mouth with his left sleeve, and stayed crouched, gripping his forearm a few inches from where his hand used to be. A strange painful sensation made its way up his nerves while he listened to the rest of his Kage's sentence. He was not expecting a second part. Looking up at his leader with a twitching pupil, he let an expression of disbelief show on his face for a moment before regaining his composure with a calm expressionless face as a strange painful ecstasy engulfed him to distract him from the trauma. Then he felt the poison.

He was glad to fight to the death for the village that raised him, but he was conflicted about fighting in Warmonger's Arena. While he was eager to prove his loyalty, he was not particularly keen on taking the life of a fellow Kumon. Had it not been for his sentence, he probably never would have tried his hand at Warmonger. Since he would be sent to stand his trial however, he understood that he did not have a say in the matter. He recognized that arguing with the Twelfth on the matter would be an unwise endeavour.  He now had his own life to worry about.  He was not enthusiastic about his chances of success at the grand arena with only one of his hands. His arm twitched, and he could feel a stinging pain in his nerves from the Mercury.

"Thank you, Lord Raikage. I will prepare my weapons and act accordingly. I pray that the next time we meet will be under more joyous circumstances."

With those words, Saturn would tuck his bleeding right wrist into the inner pocket of the left side of his jacket and stand up - eager to be dismissed after the traumatic incident. It was as good a time as any to bet on himself. After treating his wound, he had to make his way to Dragon's Ravine to meet the best blacksmith that his ryo could afford if he were to gain any hope of retaining his life. Upon being granted permission he would promptly take his leave.

WC: 406
TWC: 2367
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:20 am
Approved of exit and claims
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:34 pm
With both Saturn and Satoru leaving the office, each of them about to deal with their respective business, Ichigo took the letter and read all about what happened during the Jugo's travels.


(TWC: 1720)
- 1500/1500 Bull Rush
- Saturn's hand
- discarding remaining words
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
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Bloodied Hands - Page 2 Empty Re: Bloodied Hands

Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:06 pm
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