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Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:15 am

It felt like it had been ages since Crom had went on a standard mission that didn’t involve tracking and dispatching a criminal, it was a strange feeling when you didn’t go into a mission thinking it could possibly be your last if you messed up. It was freeing in a sense to be back to the less dangerous missions when it comes to the loss of life though that didn’t mean there were no hazards in these missions as anything could happen and it would be one heck of a way to go out due to letting your guard down on a mission all cause of complacency.
Regardless Crom made his way to the where the mission board was located a familiar and old sight for the young man, he use to come here almost daily when he first became an Genin and would quickly progress through the requests that littered the always filled board. It was a moment of nostalgia for the Yuki, but he pushed through that so he could focus on what tasks he wanted to undertake now. There were many various missions that he could undertake now though they were still limited to as high as a B-rank till he was awarded the rank of Chunnin so until then he figured he would grab a few from the C-ranks and one from the B-rank to get him back into the mindset of undertaking missions again.
“Now what ones should I take? Do I look for more dangerous ones or ones that I would actually enjoy?” Crom muttered to himself as he pondered the board. It took a bit of time but he finally decided on which ones he wanted to do and they were the following, A mission that spoke on investigating where a traitor noble house’s money was coming from, another that asked for help with moving and transporting files and scrolls for the Kozai yuki National Archives and the last being one that asked for help to with settling an old rivalry between some famous restaurants here in the village.
The enjoyment of figuring out a mystery, handling important information and documents and possibly eating some delicious food from two of the most well known eateries in the village all appealed to the typical shut in. After all it was everything he typically did in a normal day but he didn’t have to pay for the food and he got the rewarded for it, it was overall a win-win for him. “Alright, now to just go sign up for these and meet up at the listed place for any others that are suppose to join up if anyone does.” Crom said as he approached the front desk to register himself for the missions, the lady behind the counter gave him a slip that had the meeting place on it and the time he was to meet up with the others.
Crom took this slip and went back to prepare himself for the missions and when the appointed time came around he made his way over to the place listed which seemed to be the City fountain, he wasn’t sure who was suppose to show up or if anyone else would but he was more then ready to get these missions underway and going. His stomach growled slightly and his mind drifted on what kind of food would be served for the judging, but he kept his alertness for the approach of anyone. “No reason to get taken by surprise even at the meeting.” He thought to himself.
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Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:07 am
“Have you tried the mission board?” The question didn’t really seem to have a place in the conversation, which had been mainly about housing.

Nozomi’ Baliquis’ Hozuki had reconnected with her elder sister, Ikazuchi “Yukihime” Hozuki. To say it was awkward was a bit of an understatement. How do you bridge the gap when two siblings conveniently spent 10 years apart? Not only that, Yuki had spent time with Geni while she was a shinobi.

Now they were to make up for the lost time and have decided to start small by spending time together and talking. It was… excellent for Baliquis. To have another person in addition to Isaribi, a person with whom Baliquis did not need to pretend nor hold her mask up on the high ground, was very comforting. Bali had taken the time to explain everything from her end to her sister. Everything she felt could fill it: that Yuki-sized hole in her world where her sister should have been this whole time. Even Baliquis training herself in Ninshu and then the ability to share her memories with her sister to explain her side of things left her feeling as if the void would never be filled. Even now, when Baliquis had come to speak with her about finding housing, she wasn’t expecting this conversation.

“Mission board?” Bali echoed, and Yuki nodded, “...Why… would I go to the mission board?”

“To move through the ranks. I suppose we both have to now.” Yuki said as if it was meant to be obvious, but clearly, it wasn’t to Bali, “Yumi was working up through the ranks of the shinobi. Perhaps she made higher-ranked friends? If you are trying to find out what happened to her- you’re already behind, Zumi.” It wasn’t the childish nickname that made Baliquis’s brow furrow and her fast twist: it was the implication that she was behind anyone, which could also be construed as her being beneath someone. Bali wasn’t going to accept that, ever.

“Explain,” Bali demanded, and Yuki took a sip of her tea before voicing,

“Yumi was, I think…A Chunin?” Yuki looked up at the ceiling to recall the information, but she followed it up with, “However she passed years ago. As much as I’d like to mourn, we are to try and find why or what killed her; we have, to be honest with ourselves, we’re a few years too late. This is a cold case. Everyone who was a chunin around her has probably moved up through the ranks, but shinobi don’t have a particularly long life span… so they could be dead. That being said, I think if you were to get access to the National Archives, you could find out something.”

“...Why would her teammates and fellow Chunin kill her?” Bali asked around, then followed it up with, “She could barely stand to be in the same arena as others her rank- for the Chunin Exam- why would they kill someone like that?”

“Some people in this world were easy prey. Some people want prey that fights back.” Yuki replied, “Perhaps one of them even killed her on accident.”

“The archives are open to all, are they not?” Bali ventured, and Yuki replied,

“Yeah, but they’re not going to let some low-ranked peon into an area of the archives reserved for the leader or whoever their next of command is.” Yuki took a swig of her drink before going, “We can do it; we’ll both work up the ranks. You’ll take on the shinobi here. I’ll take on the shinobi out there.” Yuki said, and Bali nodded, “I was told… by someone else who works in my district and is… ‘moonlighting’ as a shinobi… that you move up through the ranks by missions and the Chunin Exam.”

“I do not wish to be in that filthy sand-filled arena.” Baliquis voiced and grumbled, “Sage knows where all of it has been….”

“But you have to.” Yuki said, and Bali looked back to her, “You need to infiltrate them: doing their missions, learning their jutsu, besting them at their own game: that’s how you do it. It starts, and I suppose it ends with the mission boards. Work up the ranks as quickly as you can.” Yuki suggested, “The faster you move up, the faster you can get to those sectioned-off sectors of the National Archives, I assume, but the faster you do things, the more information you’ll have access to. Maybe if you remember me, you might be able to help me expand outside of the village.” Yuki said, then added excitedly, “The designs-” But Baliquis stood up smoothly though unexpectedly,

“I will go look then and see if there is anything available,” Bali said with renewed determination and made her way to the mission board, but it was too much and far too overwhelming, so she went to the nearest help desk. For once, she began asking questions about what missions she needed to complete and which ones she could access. The attendant informed her that she was C-Rank in power and in the title? Genin. She knew those parts. She did learn what missions she needed to complete to move up when she had no prior knowledge. A “D-rank Hunter Mission,” a “C-Rank Mission”, a “C-Rank Hunter Mission”, two “B-Rank Missions” and an “A-Rank Mission”. The shinobi and their naming of these things sure were strange, but their name for the magic they possessed was strange as well. Either way, she took the opportunity to also ask if there were any open missions that she might be able to join. The woman gave her a slip of paper with a meeting place and a time to one, and she left to go to the location with a brief description of who else was meant to be there. She made her way to the City Fountain and saw a man of similar description and walked up to him, stopping a foot or two before him in her towering height of six feet and two inches (with the last two coming from her heels), “Hello; I believe you are the other person I am looking for, who is doing the missions? You may call me Baliquis.” She introduced herself.

[ WC: 1,042 ]
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:40 pm
Youta would wake up and get some breakfast. He was still avoiding his adoptive parents because he did not want to have the uncomfortable conversation about the wolf’s den. He was not looking forward to that but he would rush out the door with just a “I’ll see you all later.” Picking up some toast and butter and ran out the door. Youta woke up to go turn in a few missions. He had done a little bit of work and had spent most of days doing jobs and getting ready for the Wolf’s den with Sebastian and a few others.  He had decided to take a break. And would go to the town center. He would walk around town stopping by a few stores picking up some food and drink.  

He would arrive at the water fountain to and see a familiar shinobi that he had worked with once or twice. He would think to himself “what was his name?” His Yuumei would answer “I don’t know! why are you asking me?  I don’t care what peoples names are unless I am feedin off of them.” Youta would say out loud “well I was not talking to you so shut up, gosh so annoying. I think his name was Crom or something we are gunna try it and see.” He would make his way over to see his fellow shinobi. On his way over he would see Crom talking to someone in uniform. A young woman and Youta was already committed at this point so he continued.

“Hey, Crom? How is it going? Glad to see I am not the only one out and about.” He would then turn the young lady “hello my name is Youta. How are you today?”  

WC 292
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:53 pm
Ryumi’s presence was made quite well known as she stepped into the room with three others, one person she was able to spot in the crowd instantly was the rather silent and more book oriented Crom Yuki… She had heard he had to go on one of those hunter missions as easily. She wondered if her strength would have been good enough to fight against a hunter all on her own, which from her memories with fighting Enishi of all people, she’d say she had a pretty good chance of fighting off against any of those so called hunters for right now. Yet the mission boards were a good place to waste time and help out the village with all sorts of different chores and actually important ideas. Her hands placed on her rather wide hips, her short frame contrasted everyone else's rather tall ones, Raven hair all slightly combed out yet it still spiked and flaked around. Her bandages however were much different then the first time anyone would have met her, as now they are a rather nice white, it was even opaque! No stains, besides the small bits of dirt that hadn’t been washed out due to using them. Yet her own bloody arms had been.. Cured… Fixed… She was surprised, thankful for Typhon, the Helpful Crow, that had come to her own little rescue as a result of her simply asking… Maybe she could ask him again, for one more favor.

She gave a small wave towards her fellow Hoshigakure alumni, those who walked around the village, either with their own significant others or with their parents… Sometimes she’d see people alone, downing a bottle of Sake they had just bought from one of the many alcohol vendors stationed at the city square, coaxing people in with their tales of where they had acquired their specific cheap kind of booze. Lloyd had already informed her not to trust them, and instead go to the local stores, the ones near the outskirts of town that only get really busy in the evenings when everyone’s out and about. It was one of the only things that Lloyd could do with his spine basically fractured from that same punch… She was blessed with the strength of her clan, and yet she had not fought anyone since Enishi or had gone on some missions since that day. Until Typhon had come along and helped her along the way, being her guide and overall helpful within the mission itself. She expected that when she entered the mission boards, the room would be empty, instead she found two familiar faces, and one that was unknown.

“Crom! Youta! Pleasure to see you two again!” She shouted across the room, causing the clerk to raise a slight eyebrow at the exuberant young woman. Her purple eyes wide with shock and joy at seeing the both of them together, not only that, that she would be working with them again was a shock to the system that she desperately needed to get out of her small funk. Yet the third individual who was there, currently dwarfing Crom in height, was a surprise, Ryumi had never seen someone so tall… She was even taller than Enishi was. She was like a giant compared to the short muscle bound warrior, her stride towards Bali was almost seen as aggressive at first, before a hand suddenly shot up to offer a handshake towards the one who was garbed in religious splendor.

“Heya! Names Ryumi! Ryumi Hiyu! It’s nice to meetcha!” Her voice was loud, almost too loud at times, she would most likely be known for the girl that had shouted at Enishi to get his head in the game. Yet now she was here, hopeful to help out with the current mission line-up that they had in store.

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Ryo : 500

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Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:17 am
Have you ever felt that weird feeling that time passed you by without your knowledge? As if you had been standing in a spot for like a month but it had only been a few seconds in reality? That was the sense of déjà vu that Crom was experiencing at this time, He had arrived at the fountain and was on alert for anyone that approached him so he would be ready for those who were to team with him for these missions. It wasn’t long till the first person showed up, a tall woman with long raven black hair standing a few inches taller then Crom. A new experience but not something that surprised him now a days, He looked this woman over and didn’t seem to recognize her during her introductions being only given her first name of Baliquis.
“Well met Baliquis, I am Crom Tokage.” He would say with a polite slight bow, his mind in work mode as normally interacting with people wasn’t something he enjoyed doing or wasted time doing, but with him being the first one here he figured it fell to him to take the metaphorical lead. “We have a handful of missions to accomplish today that should be simple and with the rest of our team shouldn’t be an issue.” He explained as another of members that Crom had been talking about walked up, a white haired red eyed Genin that Crom had prior interactions with showed himself. Youta Shinkou, He had taken the lead last time when they were in missions together, a team of Crom, Youta, Ciel and Ryumi as his memory recalled.
“Youta, I see you have been doing well. Glad to know someone on this group of missions.” Crom returned the other genin’s call out and was mentally gauging how well this slew of mission would go with the current team as he had seen Youta’s abilities during the last group of missions they had completed together They were good at Sensory and Fuin as he recalled with finding the bomb seals in the bathhouse quite quickly. Crom was confident that this would go easily, “As I was telling Baliquis here we have a handful of missions to complete that shouldn’t be an issue for our current team and we are waiting now for one more to show up then I will recount what our tasks are for the day.” He explained to the newly arrived addition, though while he was doing such the last member of the team showed up, the jolly and high energy Ryumi Hiyu, the girl last time they had seen each other had been covered in bandages and scars the likes only those who were either reckless or abused had. Though it seemed now the young woman had cleaned up the bandages as they didn’t have the same feel and look as last time, now it was like a covering instead of actually needed to help with healing. A positive sign overall though still concerning someone was wearing bandages as a fashion statement but Crom wasn’t one to judge someone on looks or fashion choices.
“Last but not least we have our final companion for these missions, Welcome Ryumi.” Crom would say in reply to Ryumi’s high-spirited announcement. It seemed that two of the three teammates for the evening were people that Crom had interacted with prior and at least knew a slight bit about in concerns of abilities and skill with Baliquis being the odd one out in that case.
“Now then with the appearance of our last companion I will go over what we have to complete as of today.” Crom began as the gathered the others around the scrolls that had the needed information listed. “We have three missions today, two C ranks and one B-rank difficulty missions. We will start with the B-rank mission which needs us to do an investigation into the Yushimoto Family, for those who don’t know this is a family that had tried to rebel against the village recently and had been put down quite quickly, though the sudden influx of arms and ryo is what we are looking for. Who gave it to them and where it came from is what we are looking for while we are looking through the files and paperwork.” Crom explained the first mission, it was better to simple getting the highest and most time consuming mission out of the way and then proceed to finish up the easier ones as the day was ending.
“The second mission will be heading to the Kozai Yuki National Archives, where we will be helping moving some scrolls and files to the new expansion that has been built of low ranking information so no one get it in there head about stealing or copying these scrolls as they are just going to be things you should be able to see naturally at our ranks.” He warned not out of worry that the others would ever think to steal or copy any of these but just a simple heads up that the majority of the scrolls they will be handling they would already have access too. Nip it in the bud as some garden fanatics would say.
“Our last mission of the day will be enjoyable and should end the night nicely, we will be helping settle and age old rivalry between the Idsha restruant and the Kilya restruant, the two best places of the food industry we have in our village. We will be acting as a judging panel of their food and decide who is officially the best in the village to hopefully put all this fighting behind us and move on. Simple task, more then enough benefits.” Crom would finish explaining the tasks ahead of the group, looking at each member of the team as he explained them making sure everyone was paying attention and understanding what was going on. He didn’t want anyone to walk away from this meet up confused or unsure of what was going to happen or what was going to be expected of them.
“If no one has any questions on what we need to do today, then we will head to the Yushimoto estate and begin our investigation there, from what I have been told the Queensmen are currently standing guard of the estate and will give us more information as needed upon arrival. This is a traitor’s estate and should be treated with upmost care.” Crom said with an emotionless tone, his mind already filling away the needed information of the team and what steps he wanted to complete for the upcoming investigation. A look into the family’s financial booking would be enlightening but also the first thing that most would search for so was easily going to be the hardest to find. There was bound to be hidden places and items in the estate and this is where he would need anyone good at Sensory to come through himself included.
Crom would lead the way to the Yushimoto estate as needed and get them into the building after presenting the needed documentation to show they were suppose to be there. Some of the guards sneered at the group seeing that they all looked a little young to be handling such a mission but Crom simply glared back at them with his uncanny yellow eyes and they didn’t bother pushing past the stares. Crom was fully in work mode and was already pestering the guards on needed information, like the layout of the building, maps of the grounds, anything that could help them maneuver around the area without looking like lost souls would be beneficial starting out. He also made sure to take note of any major rooms or the more out of the way buildings which there had been a few listed. Once he was satisfied with this information gathering he presented it to the rest of the group, “Okay so here is a map of the whole estate including the surrounding grounds, there shouldn’t be a missed structure on here but if I was a family planning rebellion I would make sure to have plenty of hiding spots and unlisted areas, these are what we are going to be keeping an eye out for.” Crom directed as he pointed out the information.
“Youta, I seem to remember you being good at sensory and fuinjutsu, I will need your expertise in both of those areas looking for any seals used to disguise or misdirect things and your ability to find the hidden in general. This goes for anyone else that has expertise in fuinjutsu or Sensory, keep your sense on high alert and look for anything that stands out.” Crom pointed out, unsure who else had the knowledge on using sensory techniques or jutsus besides himself and Youta currently. “If you don’t have knowledge on those areas that is okay it will simply mean teaming up with someone who does and aiding more physically, just cause we can sense things with Chakra doesn’t mean that they will be hidden with it as there are just as many fake bookshelves and trapdoors out that as there are Fuinjutsu Seals.” He pointed out to make sure no one would be discouraged for this task.
“Alright now we will split off in two teams, one team moving from the east and towards the center point here in the main hall while the other team moves in from the west meeting as instructed. If nothing is found on that sweep of the area we will take a more spread out approach as individuals and given a quarter of the area to sweep through. I doubt we will get that far but a plan to fall back on is needed.” Giving that information dump as easily as he could Crom would head to the east side of the grounds and with whoever came with him they would look over the map and begin their sweep as needed.
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Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:30 pm

The introductions started and went rather smoothly, “Well met Baliquis, I am Crom Tokage.” The white-haired man said with a polite bow and she smiled softly, “We have a handful of missions to accomplish today that should be simple and with the rest of our team shouldn’t be an issue.” He explained and soon after other people began to arrive. There was another white-haired man with vibrant red eyes approached them and turned to her with a friendly greeting and said, “Hello, my name is Youta. How are you today?”

“I am very well, thank you.” Baliquis said simply then a black haired-woman. She was wearing a one-piece sort of body suit that Baliquis couldnt help but like; perhaps when she left the temple she could get something similar and upgrade her wardrobe.She was also boisterous, her stride despite her shorter height was brisk- maybe even brash- but it was full of confidence and Baliquis enjoyed it.

“Heya! Names Ryumi! Ryumi Hiyu! It’s nice to meetcha!” The black-haired girl said and so began their leader speaking out,

“Youta, I see you have been doing well. Glad to know someone on this group of missions.” The man- Crom- would say to the genin who called out to him, “As I was telling Baliquis here we have a handful of missions to complete that shouldn’t be an issue for our current team and we are waiting now for one more to show up then I will recount what our tasks are for the day.” Crom said and added the new addition, “Last but not least we have our final companion for these missions, Welcome Ryumi.” It was nice that he took the time to say their names so that Bali could verify and remember the names of the faces properly.

“Now then with the appearance of our last companion, I will go over what we have to complete as of today.” Crom said as he produced and allowed the others to gather around the mission scrolls, “We have three missions today, two C ranks and one B-rank difficulty missions. We will start with the B-rank mission which needs us to do an investigation into the Yushimtoo Family, for those who don’t know this is a family that had tried to rebel against the village recently and had been put down quite quickly, though the sudden influx of arms and ryo is what we are looking for. Who gave it to them and where it came from is what we are looking for while we are looking through the files and paperwork.” Honestly, Baliquis was glad he was taking the time to explain everything, or else she may have been lost in thought and overwhelmed her otherwise.

“The second mission will be heading to the Kozai Yuki National Archives, where we will be helping moving some scrolls and files to the new expansion that has been built of low ranking information so no one get it in there head about stealing or copying these scrolls as they are just going to be things you should be able to see naturally at our ranks.” How crass; stealing low rank information they had access to already? What a waste of time however there needed to be people in life who were willing to waste that type of time for something like this to be said. Once more she was grateful he went out of his way to say such a thing and remind them why they were there and the lack of benefits for something like that.

“Our last mission of the day will be enjoyable and should end the night nicely, we will be helping settle and age old rivalry between the Idsha restaurant and the Kilya restaurant, the two best places of the food industry we have in our village. We will be acting as a judging panel of their food and decide who is officially the best in the village to hopefully put all this fighting behind us and move on. Simple task, more then enough benefits.” Crom paused to scan the group, perhaps to make sure everyone was attentive and listening, “If no one has any questions on what we need to do today, then we will head to the Yushimtoo estate and begin our investigation there, from what I have been told the Queensmen are currently standing guard of the estate and will give us more information as needed upon arrival. This is a traitor’s estate and should be treated with upmost care.” His tone was lacking emtoion but perhaps that was because the estate belonged to a traitor of the village. Were they all like this? Loyalists? For a fraction of a second, she wondered if she should also be so loyal but then he began to lead them to the Yushimtoo estate and she didn’t mind following.

Crom provided the documentation, assumably that they needed to get into the eviction, but some of the guards seemed to be side-eying them and Bali brushed it off. Lions should not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep. Either way, Crom was pushing them for information on the estate, and though they weren't forthcoming at first, they seemed to provide some as Crom returned to the ground and advised, “Okay so here is a map of the whole estate including the surrounding grounds, there shouldn’t be a missed structure on here but if I was a family planning rebellion I would make sure to have plenty of hiding spots and unlisted areas, these are what we are going to be keeping an eye out for.” Crom said and pointed out the information he was speaking on then addressed the other white-haired man,

“Youta, I seem to remember you being good at sensory and fuinjutsu, I will need your expertise in both of those areas looking for any seals used to disguise or misdirect things and your ability to find the hidden in general. This goes for anyone else that has expertise in fuinjutsu or Sensory, keep your sense on high alert and look for anything that stands out.” Crom directed,
“If you don’t have knowledge on those areas that is okay it will simply mean teaming up with someone who does and aiding more physically, just cause we can sense things with Chakra doesn’t mean that they will be hidden with it as there are just as many fake bookshelves and trapdoors out that as there are Fuinjutsu Seals.”

Crom continued, “Alright now we will split off in two teams, one team moving from the east and towards the center point here in the main hall while the other team moves in from the west meeting as instructed. If nothing is found on that sweep of the area we will take a more spread-out approach as individuals and given a quarter of the area to sweep through. I doubt we will get that far but a plan to fall back on is needed.” That was about the simplest way to summarize everything and Bali nodded but added,

“I am also a sensory user; however, if Ryumi is willing, I will pair up with her if she doesn’t mind; but i am not against another suggestion.” Baliquis offered as warmly as she could but would wait to hear from everyone else before she would begin moving. If Ryumi agreed she would go ahead and follow the other woman’s lead.

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@Youta Shinkou

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Last edited by Baliquis on Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited coding)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:47 am
Baliquis wrote:

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Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:27 pm
“Hey Ryumi and Crom, good to see you all again and Baliquis it is very nice to meet you. I am very good with Fuinjutsu which is all I am really good at sensing. But the reason I am here today is to see if the Yushimoto Family has anything to do with another case I was working on a while back that led to a lot of really dark stuff. It led all the way to some gang. I have a list of accounts and things I would like to compare to the records we found so I can tell the higher ups.” he would continue to listen to the missions that he would talk and continue “Oh the Yuki archives i have not been there in a long while. I wonder how it has changed but hey chrome you know i am always at your service for now till i leave on a trip soon.” he would continue to talk to the others about the case he worked on a while ago with Fu, Sebastian, and the others. He would continue “We found a bunch of paperwork showing a trail of money getting laundered through accounts and noble houses used to fund and buy weapons for a faction and rebellion. I want to see if this leads to the same area.”

WC 223
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
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Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:13 pm
The newest acquaintance that had caught her eye certainly was someone, she was absolutely gigantic in height! She’d have to look down in order to even see Ryumi properly in this case. Ryumi’s wide eyes dancing around the Hozuki clan members body, searching for any type of scarring or anything really that could be deemed as physical toning of any kind. She was certainly…. Well endowed to say the least. Hell hers might be bigger than her own. Yet before anything else could be said by the feisty genin, chrome had begun to speak towards the group involving their own missions. Making Ryumi’s heel spin, turning to directly face the man that was the leader of this whole operation. Chrome was certainly impressive, becoming a chunin during a time like this. She felt a small bit of pride enter her at the thought that someone she worked with had become a chunin so fast. Yet the appearance of Youta not being a chunin certainly was pretty strange to say the least… She thought he would have gotten it by now. Yet Crom had begun to speak fully, now beginning to talk about their missions in excess.

“I think Ive heard of them… although I haven’t seen a ninja from their ranks in forever. Yet their rebelling certainly doesn’t seem out of the ordinary, especially given what had happened prior to us all meeting here today,” Her thoughts crossed immediately towards that night of rebellion… The revolt led by one of the previous Hogokage’s. How someone could even do that to their own people, and lead a coup like that was sickening to her stomach. She just wished she could tear down that statue of his.

“Paperwork… Well I guess it’s a good thing that Lloyd taught me how to read and write… Since I have to look through the mail and all that!” She let in a quick joke after Croms whole explanation of what they were needing to find. Arms, and money, the thought of money being transferred to a well known house inside of Hoshigakure’s own court was certainly something special. There had to be some reason for the transfers of money and supplies. The house wasn’t cut off from anything, hell they got a light punishment in Ryumi’s own opinion. The thought that people could simply just get away with rebellion like that was surprising to her… What was it with people and evading punishment, she had no idea why or how, yet it made her think about the village for a moment. Her gaze crossed towards the rest of the group as Crom began to explain about what the next mission's info was.

The explanation of the Kozai Yuki National archives made it seem super important. She was focused on the task at hand fully now. Especially given that their B-Rank mission was essentially trying to prove whether or not people in Hoshi were ready to go at it again for another Rebellion. Was this place really that bad that people wanted change… No, it was probably something she knew that was always going to be a problem no matter where this mission would take us. The differences between the shinobi in comparison to that of the religious groups and common folk were certainly apparent. Especially given the circumstances that she was raised under. Yet she couldn’t believe that there would be so many problems regarding Hoshigakure and its own people. Yet the thought of them simply going around and delivering low rank information that they most likely already had didn’t really surprise her all that much. She was already used to the mundane of life. How everything seemed to be going through the motions instead.

The final mission was them going to judge a long rivalry between two restaurants. A nice hot meal to end the day was certainly something she could get used to. Especially given the type of things they were supposed to do during the first two missions. Primarily digging through information and transporting other information that they either weren’t able to access normally or be seen as sketchy. There was something odd about these missions, like they were meant to happen in a certain order. However Ryumi only shrugged, nodded her head, and shot up from her seat. She was ready to go from the looks of it, and it was exactly the type of fun she was planning on having. Following Crom and the rest of the group out in order for them to deal with the current traitorous plot that was about to unfold.

Her heart nearly came out of her chest when the super tall woman had requested that she be the one paired with Ryumi. It was certainly an interesting match… Something that Ryumi wasn’t sure if it’d work out well. Yet upon hearing that Bali was a sensory ninja, and someone that could act as Ryumi’s eyes just in case things went awry had Ryumi jump for joy! Immediately thinking about what the rest of them should do now that they had pairings together.

“Well that covers my weakness…. Not the best when it comes to sensory! So pairing up together would be the perfect combo!”

The group had managed to get inside of the clan headquarters, the raid had given them time to get the files and to also investigate where they could find any leads from. Ryumi’s eyes widened when she saw that one of their earliest payments was her own parents… What the hell was her family doing with this shit. Especially since she thought she would never have to see them again. Their faces were blanked out of the receipts… The only other names that were on there was someone that was named Chojin Kotoken… A mysterious individual who didn’t even have their image attached… It must have been because her parents had died that they decided to blank out the Id’s…

The filing of the details of what had happened weren’t the worst things to find. As she mainly stood watch and checked to see if everything else was going alright. She was able to organize the files to dates and also which types of purchases were made and what they received recently.

“We should probably take this to the kage at this rate… Something strange is going on around here… And I don’t like it!”

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Back to work Empty Re: Back to work

Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:48 pm
Youta would then go up to the group after they head to the yuki file and say “I have to head out I am sorry for the inconvenience please forgive me.”  He would bow and run off.
TWC is 552
Rest of missions have been done previously

Claiming reward for file mission
4,000 Ryo+500 Genin

287+552=839/1125genjutsu frogging
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