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Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:24 am
The Morning was bright and sunny in the Land of Lightning and Lark had woken up just before lunchtime as he had nothing really planed for the day but to wonder around aimlessly until he thought of something to do, having woken up and gotten out of bed he slowly went to wash his face and brush his hair before changing into his clothing for the day. Now he was dressed he made his way to the kitchen and started to make himself some basic breakfast of toast and a cup of juice, he ate his food while looking out the window and felt the breeze hit his face. Now that he had finished his breakfast he cleaned his plate and put it in the sink to dry and made his way to the door before saying "Goodbye mother" as he left looking at a picture of his mother on the shrine inside his house of her. Getting out the door and making his way down the stairs to get into the village itself Lark didn't really have much of an exploration of the village as he would have liked to have had as a child due to his mother looking after him and all, but now was a good time to do it as any. He started walking aimlessly around the area from his house to get the layout of his surroundings incase ever needed directions to get back home if he ever got lost due to being so young and small compared to everyone else.

WC: 257
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:35 am
Lark's House was in the back streets of the main section of the lower levels of the village so he was near the Ninja Academy if anything but he didn't have much else around there that he would want to go to so he made his way towards the Ninja Academy itself to go and say hello to his other classmates if anyone was there or his teachers if they were at the Academy doing paper work or something else. He started to enter the building of the Academy and noticed one of his teachers look towards him and smile, "Hello Sensei" he said with a nod of his head in the direction of the teacher and the teacher replied "Hello Lark, what are you doing today?" With all lark could think of saying was "I am just wondering and exploring the village, figured id start with areas I know first before explore more". The teacher nodded again and said "That's a good idea its better to learn the village while your young instead of trying to figure areas out when you are older." Lark laughed at that and agreed and then waved goodbye to the teacher as he started to make his way around the classrooms and the training grounds of the academy before he made his way back to the main area to leave the academy itself. Having gotten his fill of the academy for the day he started to make his way outside of the academy and back towards the main street that connected the academy to the other areas of the village up higher or on the same level, he walked pasted a few street vendors and noticed a few of them feeling a bit off about something like an uneasy feeling they couldn't shake. He didn't understand and continued to walk away with a smile on his face to continue his exploration of the village.

TWC: 577
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:56 am
Getting out of the Academy's vicinity and out into the streets he saw street vendors and small shops selling food, clothing and tools for daily use stuff like homeware. Stuff like basic necessities all the way to ingredients for preparation of food all the way to tables and chairs, Lark kept a note of these shops as he might eventually need these items to replace anything of his if they ever broke or the wear and tear became to much now that his Mother wasn't around to help him anymore to keep the house maintenance under control. As he was walking past the shops he heard people talking about strange things happening stuff like they turned their heads and thought they saw shadowy figures or something that felt like it was watching them but when they fully turned themselves to look nothing was there at all, Lark never really knew about shadows or the like as his mother had never told him of spirits or apparitions so he didn't quite understand what the people were talking about so he was kind of confused as to what they truly meant but that didn't stop him from continuing walking around to explore a bit more. It was starting to get towards the afternoon so it started to get less busy for some of the areas and Lark was starting to get a bit hungry how so he made his way to a Dango shop and ordered 2 skewers of his favorite type then found himself a bench to sit on as he started to eat his food.

WC: 265
TWC: 842
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:07 am
Having eaten his food Lark threw the skewers into the bin next to the bench and got up and started to walk towards the what was known as the Iron bank were he would eventually have to go to store any excess money he gains once he becomes a Genin and higher rank, with that thought he was excited and started to make his way towards it to get a better look at the building itself. It was a big building in his eyes but he wasn't that tall really so he was in awe of the thought that this building would house all the villages money if they chose to put it into the vaults. Thinking on that the security must be top notch as it would house enough money to run a village and peoples lives, you wouldn't someone like Lark himself to look after the building as a security officer it wouldn't go down to well if someone tried to rob it. Now that he had see the building he walked off towards another section of the village and this one looked a bit more darker and sinister to him, he looked off into the distance and he could see what looked like a building surrounded by a tall wall and razor wire at the top of it. If he remembered correctly his mother said this would be the Prison that housed criminals either against the village itself or small time thugs that caused some violence in the village and got caught by the authorities in charge, He made sure to stay clear of that area because it gave him the creeps and he didn't want to get in trouble from being so close to the buildings vicinity.

WC: 291
TWC: 1133
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:15 am
Now that he had started to move away from the Prison building itself Lark thought it would be a good time to start heading home as it was starting to get dark with the sun setting and his mother always told him to be home before it got to dark, he still followed this advice because he was still young and not really classed as a Shinobi or a Ninja itself as he was still just an Academy Student trainee and not really someone that could defend themselves if they got into a lot of trouble. Making his way back from the prison area towards the Iron Bank then slowly towards Street Vendors and small shops Lark noticed a weird looking shadowy figure out the corner of his eye, he turned to look but nothing was there this made him think of what the people he had passed all day were saying and it made him a little freaked out as he didn't know what any of what they were talking about earlier meant. He shook his head and continued his way towards the Academy were his teacher was making his way out of the building to go home himself "Oh Lark, make sure to get home before it gets too dark" He said with a smile, Lark nodded his head and said "Yes Sensei I am on my way home now, you get home safely too" he said with a smile of his own. As he left his teacher he started down the familiar streets that too him towards his house.

WC 262
TWC: 1395
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:30 am
Having finally got his house insight Lark started up the stairs and made his way to the door and opened it, as he opened it he said "I am home mother" and walked inside the house where he took off his shoes and went over to the shrine where he lit up the incense candles and prayed to his mother and told her about the day he had. He told her about how he went from home to the academy saw his teacher, then went off to the street vendors and recalled them saying about strange happenings and weird sightings of shadowy figures or just some general uneasiness from the Citizens. He also let her know how he finally found the bank and would have to eventually start an account up there and then how he went to the area that he didn't know was the prison but he quickly left that area because it scared him, but as he was making his way back home he himself thought he saw some shadowy type figure out the corner of his eye that made him a little scared so he made his way home just to be safe then sorry if it was anything or someone playing a trick on him. After he finished praying to his mother and telling her about his day he went off to make himself some food for dinner, it wasn't anything fancy it was just some rice balls with some flavoring added to it as he wasn't quite confident with cutting a lot of things yet. Having finished his dinner he started to have a shower and then get into his Pajamas and brush his teeth before he went to bed.

WC: 286
TWC: 1681
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:42 am
During the night Lark started to dream about training to become a Ninja using his fighting style he learnt from his mother that was apparently a Clan specific style and also some basic Ninjutsu that would help him to become a starting Shinobi where he would then enhance himself from there in his own way whether it was using Chakra based Jutsu or anything else he could think of it was ultimately up to him as he got older. As his dream continued and he was training a bit more with other classmates, teachers, his mother he started to feel weird like inside his dream something was watching him it was a feeling he didn't like and his dream started to move into a weird pace. He for some reason was moving away from the training grounds and making his way down the village towards the Black Forest underneath the village itself, he had never been there before so he was confused as to why he would know the way to this place and why it would try and steer him towards that area of all places of the village and surrounding areas. Lark managed to wake himself up from the dream with a jolt and he noticed his sheet was on the floor and his blanket was beside it meaning he must have been tossing and turning pretty hard to throw them both off the bed and onto the floor while he was on top of them. He got up groggily and made his bed again before laying back down and trying to get off to sleep again.

WC: 269
TWC: 1950
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 2:54 am
Having made his bed and slowly trying to get himself off to sleep he just tossed and turned for awhile so he got up out of bed and walked over to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water and drank that while looking outside his window, he noticed some figures walking down the street were the vendors normally sell their products and tilted his head. He was thinking what? isn't to late at night for people to be walking around now? But as they walked a bit closer to the street lights he noticed they disappeared a bit and he couldn't believe what he saw and shook his head and tried to focus his eyes again and the figure was gone. Lark chalked it down to he was tired and needed to go back to sleep so he put his cup down and started back to bed getting under covers and closed his eyes again trying to drift off to sleep. Successfully drifting off to sleep Lark woke up the next morning and it was as sunny as the other days and he slowly got up to continue his daily routine of washing his face, having breakfast, brushing his teeth then getting dressed before he told his mother he was off again at the front door. He made his way out the door and down the stairs towards the street vendors they were still talking about the Shadowy figures and he heard some saying they saw them last night walking around outside and that made him gulp thinking what he say wasn't just his imagination or him being sleep deprived.

WC: 272
TWC: 2222
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:05 am
Coming to the realization that this wasn't a dream anymore sort of scared him but his mother didn't raise him as a coward and she told him that if he was to live by himself he would have to be a big boy and grow up to be strong enough to continue her dreams of him living a good life as a Ninja and keeping getting stronger and stronger so she could rest easy knowing he wouldn't be her little baby anymore having to rely on his mother all the time. As he continued past the street vendors and small shops to keep exploring the village he started making his way to the area called the Thunderpeak Campus this is known as a Library and also holds a training grounds for high rank Ninja to learn the skills and Jutsu inside from the library itself, Lark looked up at the building and it looks more like a Church like Cathedral then anything else like a Library or anything else it was big like really big and it intimidated him with how big it was. But it was a place of knowledge and maybe some place Lark himself might end up in at one time or another to learn something only those walls that hold the information he would be after who knows what or when they day might come. Moving on from the Campus building lark noticed in the Distance the Training grounds were most ninja that Are not academy students anymore would train to their skills and jutsu.

WC: 259
TWC: 2481
Lark Kaguya
Lark Kaguya
Stat Page : Lark Kaguya Stat Page

Current Stat Points: 207
Current Health Bar: 200
Current AP: 100 + 5 AP from mission

Vigor: 10
Chakra: 100
Speed: 40
Strength: 57 (+25/25) [107]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 50700

The Wonderings of a Child Empty Re: The Wonderings of a Child

Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:25 am
As Lark looked up at the Training grounds he could hear in the distance sounds of battle an weapons clanging so he could tell those areas were definitely being used at the moment with people training to get stronger and stronger, that made him excited knowing there were people who he could either learn from, get tips from or even fight himself someday up there right this moment learning, training, fighting. Walking away from the Training grounds slowly pulling himself away from the area he was looking about to try and see if he could even get a glimpse at the people training but it was too high for him and no one was coming close to the edge of the platforms to his dismay but he turned away and kept on to his next destination, As he was walking for awhile he started to see a big building that had a Lifelike statue of someone standing in the gardens and he didn't know who that was but he must have been someone important he guessed as he got closer and closer he noticed the words Medicine and considered this to be the Hospital were wounded people would end up to get treated. He had never been here but he knows his mother had been a fair few times due to her sickness she had before she died so he wasn't really happy with the fact this place didn't fully heal her and she still past away due to that illness, He didn't understand what incurable illnesses were or anything like that he just thought if they went here people would instantly get better and be able to come back to their families and continue their lives but that sadly wasn't the truth of the place as nothing was ever final with Medical facilities even Advanced ones like this Villages.

WC: 310
TWC: 2791
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