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Shitai Orochi
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Village : Kumogakure
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Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi) Empty Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi)

Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:16 am
How long had it been since he had came into the village proper? A day? A few? They had all blended together so seamlessly that he had almost forgotten. At the moment he had been staring out of the small window in the inn room that he had been occupying for the duration of his stay, enjoying the view and the scenic locale that he had chosen. With a decent view of the mountains and to the other side just barely he could see the bleak black of the charred forest, Ikumo definitely was not lacking for anything. Today had been a little different than the others however. Where he had spent some time looking around the village and learning about its locale, foods, and interesting places to visit he had forgotten to go to the most important place of all- The Raikage's Office. Knowing that this would be the only way he could make some money while in the village, he planned his day around a meet and greet of sorts. He had only heard honest words about the enigmatic male that had became the Raikage, nothing major but nothing that would also deter his examination of their character. Being a man of culture, he never relied on word of mouth or heresay to determine one's worth. Their worth was determined when they spoke, and that was honestly the way that he liked it. Finishing off his morning tea and breakfast, Ikumo would begin to dress himself from the waist up. A simple black sleeveless shirt and his "iconic" white jacket would be the only thing he would need to put on his person as he had already had his pants and sandals on. Giving himself a good once over, he would give himself the nod of approval and begin to head out toward the office.

Thankfully he had asked around the day prior and had a good direction to go off of to find the office, which would have definitely shaved off some time for his commute there. As he walked he would pick up a few country specific fruits for his interaction with the Raikage, moreso for himself but the Kage himself would like to partake of the fruit then who was he to deny him? Moments turned into an hour as he took his time, getting the lay of the land and making a mental map of the area he had been in as he neared the office itself. One had to have keen knowledge of his surroundings to make sure they could not be ambushed and at least had three or four routes of escape. Just in case. As he stood tall in front of what had been the Raikage's Office according to many credible sources, he would push the door open with his right hand which had been free at the moment and walked in. Looking for a secretary he would begin to peruse around the front area until he had found he or she. Standing in front of their desk he would give a small smile as he seemingly soulless eyes looked to them," Hello I am Ikumo Kurogane," he started off with," And i am here to seek an audience with the Raikage concerning temporary work and asylum," he made sure of course to be as friendly as possible to give a pretty good first impression of himself.

He would of course wait a few moments for the secretary to take that all in before pointing him to his destination, or of course paging the Raikage themselves and notifying them of company and then sending him on his way. Once either had been done he would take his leave but not of course without offering them some fruit. As he walked the halls he would take in the sights, looking over any pictures or objects that had littered the area, finding interest in the architectural differences that the village had compared to that of the Suna that he remembered. Once he had arrived at the office however, he would rap upon the door three times and wait for an indication that he could come in. Once approved of his entrance, he would walk in and give a small wave to the Raikage as he took a moment to look around the room," Sorry for coming at such an odd time, i figured that since i was in your village i would come and give a proper greeting. I hope you do not mind, also do you care for fruit?," the question had been asked as he rummaged through the bag he had been holding in his left hand and pulled out what looked to be a peach. Maybe it was a peach? Either way he would extend the fruit to the male before continuing talking in any fashion.

806 WC
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi) Empty Re: Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi)

Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:49 pm
People came and went, almost to the point where the next meeting would start before the previous one even had time to end. "I guess this is what it means to be popular, who knew all it would take was becoming Raikage" Ichigo laughed at his own remark. Only a couple of days had passed since he took the mantle, but by now it felt like eternity. Nobles, merchants, shinobi and civilians, they all found their way to his Chambers hoping to be able and discuss matters most important to them. Some even came from far, traveling all the way to Lightning Country only to meet with the person standing atop the Kumogakure hierarchy.

He would sit at his desk, going over his schedule in order to see how many work there was left. "I was never one to remain holed up in the office, but when duty calls.." the Kage said to himself, almost as if he was in need of some encouragement. It only took Ichigo a couple of days before realizing why Kaito always dreaded the paperwork so much, his friend and former Raikage preferring the open air over the Chambers where he sometimes felt locked inside. A feeling of being trapped in one and the same spot so to speak.

As he sat there going over a couple more things, his Kage hat on the desk, a couple of glasses in the middle, Ichigo would prepare for the next meeting. A sudden message came through the intercom, the voice belonging to his assistant informing him of the arrival of another visitor. "Hm? Says his name is Ikumo Kurogane? Alright, send him my way dear". Ichika would then direct the man towards Ichigo's office before returning to her desk in case something urgent required her attention.

Three knocks followed, his voice calling out in reply to the signs. "Yes". A single word, that's all he needed to let it be known it was fine to open the door and enter. Ichigo's hands were intertwined, a friendly smile and nod as the visitor set foot inside the office. "Welcome, no need to apologize, I can always make time" the Kage greeted the man who looked around the room as he briefly explained his reason for visiting. Observing the man's behavior Ichigo noticed the bag he carried in his left hand before retrieving what appeared to be some piece of fruit.

Not exactly what he expected but after all those years Ichigo had learned to always expect the unexpected. "Sure, why not. Never work on an empty stomach as they say". He would thank the man and accept the peach, placing it on the left side of his desk before offering him a seat. "Water, sake?". Depending on the answer both glasses would soon be filled by either of the drinks. "So, what can I do for you? Unless you simply wanted to hand me some fruit which, although appreciated, I can only assume won't be the main reason for your visit" the Kage inquired with a friendly smile.

(WC: 510)
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
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Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi) Empty Re: Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi)

Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:50 pm
There had been a small chuckle from the male as he extended to give Ichigo the fruit and to respond to his first statement at the same time," I know how busy the life of a Kage is. Once upon a time I had been good friends, at least i thought, with one and he had always been busy but that was just the way he was personally. He loved to stay busy no matter what," an odd remembrance of Koroshi's odd yet efficient work ethic. As Ichigo took the fruit and offered a choice of water or sake, Ikumo would smile and sit down in front of the table," Sake. Please. I have to say that during my very brief time here I have fallen in love with your Sake. It doesn't taste anything like what i've had from many other lands including the Land of Rice. I want to ask what your secret is when it comes to the creation of the sweet wine. Ah yes," he would drink the rest of it before continuing," Can't work on an empty stomach nor drink on one as well," he would add as well as he sat the cup down and the bag near his right leg as he reached into it for another peach thing.

The point. Yes. Ikumo had almost forgotten that in the midst of his fascination of the Kumogakure wine. Leaning back into the chair he had been occupying he would begin to toss the peach into the air as he spoke," You already know the status of the world is chaotic, something I have witnessed with my own eyes as I journeyed here. I know not what my old home is like or even stands, but for someone who does not have a home," he paused as he stopped tossing the peach into the air to be more serious," I am in need of temporary asylum. I know it is very suspicious and even foolhardy to take in someone with no ties or affiliation to any village. One who has no allegiance can sway like the wind, but I am hoping within our meeting today I can build a repour with you and your village. I am in need of funds and tools to sustain my life and I want to wager that you need bodies for various tasks and other...assignments you would not like your village to be identified with," he'd stop for a moment as he took a bite of the peach thing, and continued," I'm sorry but in the midst of my ranting I never asked for your name Lord Raikage," it would have been said with a very educated, yet respectful tone a he waited.

454 WC
1260 Total
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
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Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi) Empty Re: Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi)

Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:01 pm
The man going by the name of Ikumo claimed to be able and relate to the busy life of one carrying the title of Kage, mentioning an old friend who once shared the same burden. "A toast, to friendship. Raijin knows how difficult it is for people like ourselves to find ones we can call as such". Ichigo raised his glass of sake and would clink it with the one he gave his visitor before emptying it in one go, letting the alcohol hit the spot as it made its way down. A welcome form of relaxation after a day of hard work.

A smile formed on his face upon hearing the man's remark about Kumogakure's secret of creating the finest sake in the world. "Let's just say our village is known for a lot of things, its alcohol being one of them" the Raikage replied with a joking expression. When thinking about the Land of Lightning there would always be a couple of things coming to people's mind, either their ability of pummeling someone with their bare fists, or the sweet taste of sake. "Speaking of, let me refill our glasses". He would bring the bottle to both of their glasses and watched as the alcohol filled the cups. A conversation always came with a good drink.

That being said, Ichigo listened as Ikumo cut to the chase. The man would begin by mentioning the chaotic state the world was in, a fact no one could deny. "I'm afraid I have no other choice but to agree to that statement". The Drunk himself had the unfortunate pleasure to experience such a thing first-hand. The most recent Kage Summit and the assassinaton attempt on his life as two of the endless examples. Perhaps the shinobi world wasn't ready for peace after all.

As their conversation continued the visitor humbly requested temporary asylum, hoping he would be allowed to stick around for a while in order to get his life back on track. "There will never come a day where I refuse someone's call for help, no matter how small the appeal". There had been others before Ikumo, arriving at Kumogakure hoping to be welcomed with hospitality. If they treated the village and its people with respect, they would receive the same in return. "Now, why don't you tell me a little bit more about yourself? I'm interested in hearing the story behind the man sitting in front of me" the Kage spoke gently. 

Taking another sip of his drink, assuming Ikumo wouldn't mind sharing a little more about himself, the Raikage took the moment to formally introduce himself as well. "Ichigo Sato, Kage of Kumogakure". And as he spoke, he raised his glass once more. 

(WC: 455, TWC: 965)
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
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Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi) Empty Re: Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi)

Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:08 am
"A toast to friendship indeed."

A toast would be made as he brought his cup toward Ichigo's causing that classic *clink* to fill the room before bringing the cup back and drinking from it. Once the name "Raijin" had been brought up, it made him think of a few other people he knew in time that gave thanks to different Gods. Fujin. Takemikazuchi. Amaterasu. All of them meaning something different to them, but a belief system was essential for them to actually go through their day to day. Ikumo didn't have one per se for himself being a scholar more than a believer, though he held an individual belief in the greater beings and the afterlife itself. Another fact of Kumo becam3e apparent to him as he smiled and sat his cup down and nodded quite happily. Alcohol was something that he had recently picked up during his time traveling the lands. He never really liked beer or heavy wines, but Sake was a nice compromise. As the cups were being poured he would begin to slowly pick up the cup.

A question had been posed to him as Ichigo had first accepted his plea for help, but now... he had been asking about the story of Ikumo. What a long tale that would have been, but he would have been happy to share it over a drink. Taking a small sip, the cup would be brough to his lap where it would sit perfectly in the center of his palm," My tale starts in what was a very early in the days of Sunagakure. I was under Kazekage Koroshi who during my tenure as a Jounin was probably my closest friend. At that time i had spent most of my time tending to the animals of Suna. I had a very close bond to not only animals but the summoned races of the world as well, but...after the attack that caused Koroshi to disappear from the world as a whole, i left to wander the world. In my wandering for a new purpose, my connection to the world and the summons waned for reasons that I still don't understand but i found a strange kin in Lightning. Before I knew it I left the life of a scholar for the life of a fighter as I was stuck in a coliseum for years until I finally left. After that I traveled the world again for a year until I arrived here on my first stop. The path has been long, but i feel my new connection to Lightning has given me a new purpose that I intend on delving into," another sip would be taken as he took another sip before setting the cup down.

"How did you come to being Raikage? And do you like your current position?"

470 WC
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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi) Empty Re: Meeting the Kage of Lightning (Ichi)

Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:32 pm
He both listened to Ikumo's story as well as share his own of how a simple son of a blacksmith ended up as the Raikage of Kumogakure. "It's not what I expected but at the same time it feels right". Who else but him to take on the weight of the world on his shoulders? The village and the lives of those living inside those walls were his to protect, their safety his burden to bear. A responsibilty that couldn't be compared to anything else. However, he wouldn't have it any other way. Ichigo came a long way and it only made sense for the Drunk to eventually end up where he was standing now, atop of the Kumogakure hierarchy.

Taking another sip the Raikage deemed the moment right to make Ikumo an offer. "If your connection to the Land of Lightning is what got you here, why not stick around?". Depending on the answer he received, Ichigo placed a Chuunin Flak Jacket in front of him. Regardless of what the man in front of him decided, the two of them would continue to drink and discuss the many things in life.


(TWC: 1157)
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Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:53 pm
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