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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P] Empty Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P]

Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:03 pm
It was with a neutral look on his expression that the Wraith of Hoshigakure’s Nova Corps could be seen walking through the moonlit streets of the Haven’s capital. At the very center of said capital would be his current position, wandering through the meticulously constructed City Square. For the first time in a very long time, the half-blood Jugo felt truly conflicted, and the source of said internal confliction would stem from none other than himself. To attain such a state of accomplishment of finally reaching the ultimate form of a shinobi that would undoubtedly be a Kage's greatest weapon, the Sage of Pleiades sacrificed all aspects of himself. Without sacrifice, tangible gains were impossible - that was an immutable law of the world that all must abide by. The Understudy was no exception to this universal law, thus to become the Wraith that crushed all opposition to Hoshigakure no Sato - the failure that was Enishi Kurosawa needed to die. So the Wraith would relentlessly extinguish all memories that Enishi Kurosawa possessed to become the Champion of Hoshigakure an uncountable amount of times. However, there were still fragments. Fragments they were, but there were still percentages...percentages of Enishi that the Wraith needed to erase to become the ultimate shinobi. Anything else and his mind would be concerned with irrelevant matters that did not pertain to his sworn duty.

But was that truly respectable?

To kill oneself to be rebirthed into a single-minded being...was that truly the right way to approach adversity? The Sage did not want to admit it, but there was likely another way...something else, something different that could allow him to retain his humanity while being able to protect the village he cared about. He didn't want to sacrifice his humanity, not after all of the years he spent trying to acclimate to societal norms. Abandoning that meant those years meant nothing. Such thoughts would plague the mind of the Understudy until he felt a sensation that tore through his thoughts. Hunger. Yeah, it was a while since he ate. Today was the day he was discharged from his hospital, so he was still recovering from his duel with Tsunayoshi. Thankfully, he was right next to one of the capital's famous restaurants. Eh, why not. It was Happy Hour anyway, and he had some money to splurge. Upon entering the diner, the auburn-haired Nova would notice how empty the diner was. Hmm, odd. Besides a few people who were finishing up, he was the only one there. Well, there was no line at least. Walking up to the reception and requesting for some Seafood Soup with a side of Garlic Bread, he'd stand up to stretch and yawn a little bit while waiting for his food to be done cooking.

Hopefully, someone interesting could come around.

WC: 469

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P] Empty Re: Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 7:11 pm
Once he finished stretching, the understudy quite easily found an open table, sitting down promptly as he waited for his food to finish cooking. Since barely anyone - if there were people besides working personnel - were dining at the restaurant, Enishi was left to his own devices to ponder a bit more within his storm of countless introspections. To think that two years ago he was an Academy Student, and now he was one of the few Nova Corps members in the country... The old adage of "time flies by" remains true, huh? But since he would be working alongside equally as talented individuals to perform the majority of the most secret and important operations of the village, he couldn't fall behind. Times like these where he would be able to relax and eat dinner without a care in the world would cease; to ensure Hoshigakure's longevity was his reason to live now, and nothing could get in the way of that. With a sigh of weary resignation, the Wraith allowed himself to absorb more of the peaceful atmosphere - awaiting his food once again.

Soon, another person would enter the restaurant to Enishi's fervent pleasure. Finally, some sort of stimulation! Opening the door in a seemingly casual manner, her appearance would betray what the understudy thought would be a normal person. Her chestnut hair and eyes were the only things that seemed typical, the Jugo noticing a headband of Hoshigakure tied around her left bicep in a similar fashion to him albeit slightly lower for a quite...apparent reason. Her pale skin and slight build indicated a woman of most likely a similar descent from Enishi that wasn't originally from Hoshigakure, and if you went just by physical features, she looked quite young - except her gloomy expression revealed someone who's seen her fair share of screwed up stuff. What corroborated the most with his initial thoughts of her was that her left arm was...completely cut off. Just who was she? What has she experienced? Why did she feel so distant? Wh-

"This taken?"


Shit, he was lost in his train of thought just now. It was a bad habit that he never got rid of. The woman was asking him whether she could sit with him, placing her hand on the empty seat across from his table. Instantly grounding himself in reality, Enishi would speak with a mild-mannered attitude, 

"Not at all. Make yourself comfortable." His usual serene smile danced with his lips before fully forming. Once she sat, he would begin with a conversation starter so he could discern her name,

"I see you're also a shinobi; it's always enjoyable to see someone else who's in a similar profession these days, Miss...?"

WC: 452
TWC: 921 

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P] Empty Re: Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P]

Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:14 pm
The reticent woman would call herself Isaribi. It was an interesting name that Enishi hadn't heard before; seeming not to have any origin in the usual races and heritages that were common in the Shinobi World. She was most likely a Haven Country native similar to those who had positions of nobility and status. But those people tended to possess caucasian features, yet this woman seemed to look pretty damn similar to the understudy when you disregard hair and eye color. Nevertheless, Enishi decided that he was probably thinking too much about her unique name - but it was still something to take note of. Especially since right after she said her name, she used profane words and a rather brusque tone which made the young man's eyebrow reflexively twitch - not in displeasure but more in shock - if that was the right word. In less formal situations, he wasn't foreign to swearing but here? When introducing oneself to another? Well, that was another thing to take note of this woman - her attitude could really rub others the wrong way. But Enishi took her bluntness head-on, and actively enjoyed it. "Alright then, Isaribi who 'I didn't see shit of.'" His smile persisted, but it became wrier as the atmosphere shifted. Soon after, the woman gave him a dubious look as she began looking through the menu to see what she wanted. ...Was he really that suspicious? Enishi didn't think there was anything to be mad about in his behavior if anything - he thought he was being pretty inviting. Sighing internally, the Wraith would speak up, "Is there shit on my face or something?" He questioned with the same expression as before, asking in a joking tone as an allusion to her previous words.

"I haven't seen you around before; though it's probably because there are too many shinobi to keep track of these days. Have you just graduated or are you coming back from retirement?" He questioned, briefly glancing at her bisected arm for a moment before continuing, "Or are there certain circumstances that prevent you from disclosing such information?" His "smile" didn't look like a smile anymore, akin to a probing smirk that wanted to know who exactly this woman was. He is a Nova, after all, it is his duty to know who the shinobi he will work with are. The tension he created would be palpable by his barrage of questions before suddenly reverting it with the reappearance of his old serene smile.

"Ah... But that's none of my business. My apologies, Miss Isaribi. I was being too forceful, eh?"

WC: 431
TWC: 1352

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P] Empty Re: Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P]

Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:13 pm
This woman Isaribi...was truly fun to tease. It seemed that tonight would be quite the enjoyable one for her counterpart. Before today, ironically, the understudy never really understood why people liked to tease or joke with others... He knew now.

The expressions that she made almost made Enishi laugh out loud uncontrollably. Yeah, he was probably being an asshole in her point of view, but to be honest - he couldn't care less. When he was acting polite at the start of this whole fiasco, she seemed rather disgusted at his act of kindness; he could tell. It was written all over her face that she didn't try that much to conceal. Therefore, Enishi had no more reason to play "nice" anymore since it was thrown right at his face since the beginning. The Sage could hear Suguru in heaven (or hell) yelling at his adoptive son to be the bigger man and stop probing her, but Enishi Kurosawa was a petty ass motherfucker. If he willed it, he could have access to her file back at the Archives due to his stature as part of the Nova Corps. However, he decided against such a thing; if she was so guarded about her circumstances, then she would never disclose her "true" name to someone she appeared to be suspicious of. Isaribi was most likely a fake name and Enishi inclined to treat it as such as of this moment and it would fit pretty well since her appearance and "name" didn't match up. Additionally, the woman's chakra was rather potent the more he could feel her out with his Chakra Sensory - not really one that someone of a lower rank could attain. She was probably of an equal or higher rank than Enishi, which means that he couldn't see her file if the gap between the two didn't exist. Enishi knew this upon the first few minutes of interacting with

The only reason he continued to act like this was because he was petty.

Isaribi would ask him directly shortly after his questions whether he was a rat of some kind; the bluntness was to be expected, so the young man was getting more and more used to it. "Close, Enishi." His smirk grew wider as he replied, before lightly clapping his hands a few times in a patronizing manner. "That was an excellent dodge, Miss Isaribi. Ever consider playing spor- ah, I suppose you'd have a lot of trouble catching a ball with both hands, such a shame." Well, she definitely had circumstances that she didn't want to discuss, fair enough. Have it your way, I guess. Anyway, she picked out an item for what food she was going to pick. "The fried rice is a good pick, you won't be disappointed." He said offhandedly once she ordered. Pausing for a little bit to think about what to talk about next, an inquisitive expression rose on Enishi's face as he decided on the topic.

"Say, what do you think about this village?"

WC: 503
TWC: 1855

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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P] Empty Re: Night of Remembrance [Isaribi | P]

Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:47 pm
"Bleh, you're truly no fun," the former Chuunin was the furthest from pleased. Did this woman not know how to take a damn joke, or take a barrage of extended quips for that matter? It was these types of people that really got on Enishi's nerves - either taking everything anally seriously or not wanting to follow common social norms and accept a damn stunt. Well, she got him good he had to admit; he hoped that she got enough pleasure calling him a druggie the same way that he hoped to make her armless by the end of the night. Hell, the Sage forgot why he was even acting this way in the first place; was it because she was a woman so he instinctively thought that acting preppy and high class was the "gentlemanly" thing to do? Was he just bored? Either way, he could feel Suguru in the afterlife yelling at his retardation...which he couldn't really contest. His rough observation arrived in his natural tone with an irritated sigh, devoid of any form of "soy" as some would call it. It still felt rather odd to show his "true" personality to others, but he made a promise to her - to walk without any more masks. "I'm at a loss whether you're making fun of me, or you seriously think I want drugs from you. Anyway, it seems like you've been in some deep shit if you're automatically suggesting that, so sorry I guess? But no thanks, Becky." A slightly amused expression arose from his face from that final word. 

"You're probably asking 'why the fuck is this orange-haired beta binky boy talking to me so much?' I get that a lot. Well to be honest, I wanted to scout out who's recently joined our military for the Nova Corps and personal reasons." He took a risk in saying the Nova Corps which identified his position, but seeing as though he was nationally inducted as part of the highly esteemed organization - there was no reason to hold back anymore. "Our village is growing complacent, there's still a lot of threats that need to be eliminated in the near future. For that reason, I want to ensure that everyone is of suitable caliber to defend Hoshigakure. That is why I'm talking to you. I don't think I'm wrong in believing that it's fate that we're meeting each other." He paused for a moment, internally taking a deep breath since he was now disclosing information about himself. "I am Enishi Kurosawa, an imperial Nova Corps serviceman. If you're confused, we are the 'status equivalent' of the Queensguard; if you're still confused, then know that we are essentially the ANBU of Hoshigakure. Before you say it, no it's not a drug syndicate." This was a lot to take in, and judging by how this woman is, she would be skeptical of him. "I sense potential in you, Isaribi. Your chakra is far too high for just some run-of-the-mill NPC. Do you want me to hook you up with people so you can get juiced out? Do you need some people to train with? I got you for real for real. It's the least I can do for a fellow comrade. Connections ya feel me?" A neutral expression appeared on Enishi, his ice blue eyes staring straight at the woman. 

...We also need to get that arm fixed too.

WC: 567
TWC: 2422

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