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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

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Fri May 27, 2022 11:11 pm
Some time had passed, relative to the perspective of the shinobi who rested his head in a home that was all too familiar to him but at the same time so foreign- he could hardly believe the changes that had occurred within himself along with those that had transpired both inside and out of his village. The ninja world was in a calmed state but chaos still plagued it- or, maybe this was just the interpretation of a man projecting his inner turmoil onto his view of reality. But who could truly blame him when all that he had come to know had shifted and those he had come to love had drifted. Darkness coated his room allowing only wisps of illumination to enter and it was better this way, at least for him- in darkness he wouldn't have to see just how much he had let his appearance go and in truth he could dull his ocular prowess, thus dulling his ability to sense or feel at all. Though able to dull his physical senses, he was unable to quiet the noise in his mind, the voice, his own and those who he had failed- "If only I had been a bit more attentive. Or even present for that matter.. I could have changed so much." Having left the village in search of of someone and in part to search for inner peace Zaine had made the decision to leave matters of the village to his peers and in doing so had to accept that this was one of the possible outcomes. 

Moving from a supine position to a tripod resting his hands on both knees and sitting at the edge of the bed he allowed his head to hang, keeping his gaze focused at the ground- his hair had become longer and disheveled, covering his eyes and matching the rest of his disarranged appearance. He would maintain this position up until he heard a knock at the door- a distinct knock that once filled him with joy now left him in a state of unrest and anxiety. He knew that this knock was the unavoidable auditory cue for him to begin putting the pieces together of "what" had happened and "who" had been involved- he was in the dark both physically and metaphorically at this point, which was a hard pill to swallow seeing as how his entire life he had his ocular birthright to lean on in order to mitigate this in any situation. Looking up and straight at his door he would rise to a standing position and make his way in direction of the knock moving as if he was stuck in waist high sand, reluctantly parting his hair to the sides and opening the door. The light gleamed from the crack of the opened door and it grew as the door fully opened- he winced as the light hit his face and he opened his eyes, revealing two dark brown irises which tightly hugged dimmed and constricted black pupils. A familiar face would be waiting for him but his own face would most likely appear foreign- or at the very least the lack of scarlet hue and absence of vitality from his eyes would surely stagger the Sarutobi. His motivation had deserted him along with his Sharingan.

WC= 553

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Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Ryo : 19000

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Sat May 28, 2022 12:23 am back isn't what it used to be...

The old man sighed as he made his way down the narrow, corridor-like streets of the village hidden in the sand. A thick, dull colored kimono drapes over his plump, hunched form, a polished cane, regal in its make, is held in one of his scarred, gnarled hands and is used to add balance to his weak, plodding steps. The wide-brimmed, straw made hat worn atop his grayed head that shields the man's face from the sun also obscures his look from passerby. Yet, if anyone did try to see through the shadows cast by the man's hat, they would find an almost unrecognizable and unkempt face.

Carried over the old man's shoulder is a hand-crafted sack, one that audibly clangs with clay sounds with each of his steps. With how the man moved, it was clear that the weight of the sack was almost too much for him and it was a wonder why he didn't ask one of his grandkids for help. Maybe he didn't have any. If that were true, then that would make the plump, hunched over man that much more pathetic. Still, with a determination that only the old man could understand, the hunched over elder pushed forward.

Who knew walking could be hard on the knees!

After a turn down the neighborhood in the area designated for the village's top officials, the cane-bound man made his way toward a specific road to reach a specific home. Walking up to the door, a faint memory rang in the old man's ears, the smells and sounds of an ever-lasting dinner came to mind. The laughter of that night many moons ago brings a somber smile to the plump man's face. He sighs and sets down the hand-crafted sack, wincing as his back spasms from the weight. He slowly rises and knocks, waiting for his spring-stepped compatriot to open the door.

The old man first knew something was off when it took many moments more than normal for him to hear his friend's steps in front of the door. The dreadful way the door was cracked opened gave more clues to the state of the man whose home the old man had come to visit. And the gaunt, plain-eyed look of his friend Zaine Uchiha caused the once regal-looking Raleth Sarutobi to stagger back. In an instant, the antiquated shinobi was brought back the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, seeing a young, broken boy deal with the trauma of losing his home. Unlike then, Raleth's strength as waned. Where before he could comfort his young ward with the strength of his Sarutobi blood, the plump, graying man can do nothing but lower his gaze in shame. Moments of silence pass between the two shinobi, the weight of what surrounds them is almost tangible.

" it as bad as the missive said?," mumbled Ralethh Sarutobi

WC: 493

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Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 25000

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Sat May 28, 2022 9:06 am
With his floral yukata blanketing his body, Guren forwent from going to the Spire today and instead left from the comfort of his home following the contents of a letter. Recently he had heard sightings of two men who were thought to be missing in action, within the walls of Sunagakure. The first, Zaine, had been reported to had left the village. The second, Raleth, was stated to have abandoned his tea shop. The last time Guren saw the first was when the two of them had met up to offer some lessons to Naki. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not recall when he had last seen Raleth. Either way, quite some time had passed since Guren had seen the Uchiha or Sarutobi from his former team. It was a shame. At one point he had been exceedingly excited to perform missions and defend Sunagakure as a trio. Yet those dreams never came to fruition, and instead ended up clouded by the events that occurred within the Sand Village. It all began when he was assigned a series of missions that took him away from Sunagakure for nearly a year. Following this, he returned and learned that Sunagakure and Kirigakure had been on the verge of a war. The summit which follow, resulted in the capture of Souji and Mizuki's eventual departure from the Land of Wind. All the while, Guren was tending to Sunagakure's internal affairs in an attempt to provide some level of stability. But this was too no avail, as the First Kazekage ended up committing suicide and Ibari had gone from the village as well. All of those whom Guren had been close to, had just disappeared. And so upon hearing of the rumors behind Zaine and Raleth. Guren had no choice but to investigate.

The weight of the burden the Third Kazekage carried with him was immense. He could never shake the feeling that he was responsible for all that was wrong with Sunagakure. Recently he had been attempting to make amends with his past, trying to address his problems head up and adapt a mentality that was more forgiving of himself. It had been easier said then done. And this internal turmoil and struggle could be read from the look of pain in the eyes of the Chinoike. He had lost quite a number of friends, and would often find himself distracted in thought when reflecting on each of them. And as he made his way outside his home, he continued down the walkway that would lead him to where the Jounin of the village typically resided. Formerly, there were a series of apartment buildings where all Sunagakure shinobi were given free residence. But since becoming Kazekage, Guren had created the Sunagakure Recreational and Academic Campus, of which had renovated housing for their shinobi to relocate to free of charge. However, knowing that Zaine had not redeemed this offer yet he'd head to where he once lived, figuring it should be the same complex as the one Zaine and Raleth were assigned. Once reaching its exterior and within 10 meters to the entrance of the building, Guren would activate his Byakugan. He'd quickly pan over the entirety of the building, until his eyes had fallen on two chakra signatures which appeared familiar to him. One, within the confines of his home. And the other, approaching that home. Perhaps this could be the two men convening. 

Opening the front door, Guren entered and began to ascend the stairway until he had reached the floor where he located the two chakra signatures. Once here, he'd deactivate his Byakugan so that his eyes resembled their natural brown shade. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his yukata, the man would hear the sound of a door opening then closing. Could have been Zaine letting Raleth in. And so he proceeded down the hallway until he neared the door he pinpointed the two men within. Passive chakra sensory would clearly show that these two were indeed the shinobi he was seeking. He'd raise his closed fist until it was eye level, and then he'd knock three times upon its wooden frame. He only hoped that he would be allowed in. 

WC = 706

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Mon May 30, 2022 1:37 pm
It only took a moment for the young Uchiha to notice a clear difference in his lifelong friend and once mentor upon seeing his appearance in the doorway- the once stout and burly Sarutobi had waned in weight and his posture though, still far better than the average person, was a far cry from that which he was known for. "I see that time hasn't been kind to you either.. but still its good to see you Raleth, please come in and sit, all of your questions will be answered soon enough.. along with some of my own." He uttered, ignoring the question that he would not be able to answer accurately until the other shinobi they were expecting entered his household- Zaine begrudgingly invited over their old teammate as well. This man was one of the legendary shinobi of Sunagakure and had in recent history made his way into the spot of Kazekage and though Zaine was happy upon hearing this news, he couldn't help but be saddened as well because in order for him to have ascended to this level, the second Kazekage must have disappeared or worse.

It wouldnt be long before another knock on the door could be heard and at this sound Zaine would approach his front door once more- how long had it been since he had crossed paths with this man? He wondered how he had changed and what questions he would have for the Uchiha and Sarutobi. He wouldnt waste too much time pondering as he would be able to find out soon enough. Opening the door he would see the man draped in a floral yukata, strong in stature and seemingly emboldened by what must be the will of the wind country. "Guren, its been far too long old friend. Thank you for coming. Please come in and have a seat at the table with Raleth." The Uchiha offered no pleasantries as he was unsure yet of the character the man standing in front of him possessed- there was no way to know how much of these horrible rumors (if true) Guren might be responsible for and so Zaine would choose to be neutral in greetings and moving forward until less of the events of the past were shrouded.

The stage was finally set, the room remained darkened, letting in only enough light to allow the three shinobi a faded view of each others faces- now that they all sat he would look at Raleth and sigh, as he knew this conversation would lead to an emotional downpour but there simply was no time left to put it off. Looking back at Guren Zaine would hold a stoic expression as he began to speak. "Ill start by saying that it is great to see you are good and well as the same cannot be said for many of our trusted comrades.. according to the rumors that I have heard. When I came back to the village I could hardly believe anyone that I had spoken to. SO I need to hear it all from you Guren. Someone we can trust and now the true leader of this village." A minor pause would break his flow as he almost could not bring himself to ask this first question. "Are Mizuki Ohta and Souji Hyuuga alive? and if so where are they? I heard stories of whats happened to them from rogue activity to even death.. and the thought of either... I just need to know. Oh, and while you're at it. How did you come to be the third Kazekage.. not that I dont think it befits you. But it seems the reign of Lord Second didnt hold for too long." A brief pause along with a look in Raleth's direction would lead him to his next point, "I would like to know where youve been as well and if you have any questions to add feel free to. Im sure Guren is more than willing to answer them.. as am I." He would return his expressionless gaze to the Chinoike as he patently waited for a response. 

[WC= 686]
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Mon May 30, 2022 10:31 pm
The shadow of a frown washes over Raleth's countenance as his comrade acknowledges the toll time's ceaseless pace has taken on the both of them. Upon hearing that Zaine, a former spymaster, was also ignorant of the goings on in Sunagakure, Raleth places a gentle hand on his shoulder. As the Uchiha was once the Sarutobi's ward, Raleth was well read in Zaine's countenance. Raleth would acknowledge the conflict his once-ward felt, answering his statement of soon uncovering the information they both seek with a simple, "Aye..."

Raleth lifts the hand-sewn sack. Being in the presence of his once-student, his tries his best to not appear so old. Zaine, being very much in his thoughts, might not notice, but if he did his earlier statement of how kind time had been on the Sarutobi would be confirmed. Raleth enters and sits, giving a deep sigh from the effort and begins setting up a water-damage, wooden tea set. He places the frayed wood near the center of three seats He places three rough-clay shot cups and sets a large porcelain bottle stamped with an X-eyed monkey, one that reeked of a strong rum. As was his custom, or habit at this point, Raleth pulls out an ornate pipe and, using his ash ninjutsu, lights up the contents of the bowl. As a knock is heard and Zaine opens the door, a strong scent of earth and rum would waft from the room. Raleth would lean back to see who it was at the door and was truly surprised. 

A man draped with a floral yukata met Zaine's weary gaze, and it took a moment longer than it should've for the Sarutobi to recognize his comrade, Guren. The sight of the powerful shinobi brought fleeting memories and scant interactions, but Raleth could not recall a time where they had a personal conversation. Raleth had always been aware of the shinobi's prowess and was unsurprised to see the symbol of the Kazekage on his person. Yet, this sight caused questions Raleth had been unable to ask before pop up in his head. Feeling this, Raleth pours the rum in the three cups as Zaine welcomes Guren inside.

Raleth noted Zaines neutral reaction to his comrade, and was unsurprised that the Uchiha's analytical mind was unchanged. His way of questioning, both the villagers and Guren, was something the Sarutobi had always known, it was what made his family believe he would be a prodigy, "a mind sharper than the sharingan's sight" some would say, both as a matter of a fact and in jest. So, this fact made Zaine's sharignanless eyes that much more poignant, it was as if his spirit, his fire, had dulled. The ember was still there, yet the drive that stoked that ember seemed gone. The cause of this was soon made apparent as Raleth was truly struck by what Zaine asked Guren.

!? Souji? Mizu? Not alive???

The sight of the young Hyuuga during their bout in the Chuunin Exams in Hoshigakure plays behind Raleth's mind throughout the conversation. Yet, Raleth stays his mind from jumping to conclusions by puffing on his pipe and he exhales as Zaine questions him.

Hm....where have I been...

Raleth answers tersely, "Sakura's Mountain.." the location, unknown to most, would be very much known to Zaine. And, before one could think to respond, Raleth speaks to Guren.

"I'm of the same mind as Zaine," rumbles his brasso voice, agreeing with the sentiment that Guren was a shinobi worthy of the rank of kage "Yet what is Ibari Uchiha's opinion of this? If I recall, he was an advisor to both the First and the Second. If something happened to Mizu, or Kenshin, would not he taken up the office? or at the very least, serve as one of your guards..." Raleth states, noting the absence of the serious, level-headed Uchiha. "Is he overseeing the Chuunin Exams?"
Raleth, having been a proctor and a teacher, could not stay his own habits, and, like Zaine, naturally slips into his old shinobi-role. "If there has been conflict, are our shinobi ready?"

Raleth would wait for Gurens answer and listen, periodically puffing on his pipe, pouring the rum for himself and those who would partake and trying to shake away Souji's dark expression.

WC: [715/1208]
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Where to begin  Empty Re: Where to begin

Tue May 31, 2022 11:07 am
Being greeted by Zaine was a walk down memory lane. His voice, carried a degree of sorrow in it, which had unfortunately been the norm amongst Sunagakure shinobi in recent history. Those higher ups who had any recollection of what things had been like from the First Kazekage's reign to the present had undoubtedly been through a lot. War discussions, rising tensions, losses, and the list went on. Guren only recognized this because his voice too carried it. Both men had been hardened since they last saw each other, and as his eyes met Raleth's he assumed that his voice would have a similar tone.

"Zaine, Raleth. It's good to see you both. I had worried for your wellbeing. Thank you for opening your home to me." Guren would cordially say, keeping his introduction short. Though excited to see his former team, he couldn't help but feel a degree of animosity in the air. Not necessarily tension, but a certain amount of unease. Perhaps it was the lack of any amount of warmth from Zaine, or even a greeting from Raleth. Nevertheless, Guren appreciated the hospitality offered by the Uchiha and would subsequently walk through the dim room and sat at his place at the table. Zaine exchanged a look at Raleth, which was shortly after met with a sigh, and Guren could already detect a number of ways this conversation would be heading. Yet he relaxed in his seat, and lightly grasp the cup of rum that Raleth had been kind enough to pour from him. He'd lift it to his lips, take a small sip, then lower it softly to the table. Guren then turned his attention to Zaine, who upheld a detached look upon his face. Following this, Zaine would unload the thoughts that had been brewing in his mind. Beginning with his recognition of Guren as the leader of Sunagakure, which Guren appreciated. He'd pause momentarily, then resume with a loaded question regarding the Second and her son. It would seem in Zaine's absence he had heard a number of rumors and tales regarding the pair's disappearance. And this would quickly segue into Zaine asking Raleth if he too wanted to question Guren. Guren would smile and chuckle softly, as he had no doubt that Raleth too had questions and sure enough they would flurry. The elder Sarutobi would begin with asking of Ibari's presence, or lack thereof in Sunagakure. This transitioned into a question of if Sunagakure's forces had been stabilized and prepared for any potential conflict.

The onslaught of questions has prompted Guren to once again raise his glass to his lips, but this time taking a deeper gulp. The smooth burn from the rum had tingled throughout the Second, warming his soul and easing his emotions when speaking on the subject.

"Well, I'd be a liar if I said I didn't anticipate this interrogation" Guren began with a slight joke, "but in all seriousness it pleases me deeply to know that the both of you are well. Since you have both been gone, quite a bit has unfolded in the Sands. And I'll begin at the top of it. When I returned from my leave conducting missions outside of the village, Sunagakure and Kirigakure were on the brink of war. Mizuki and Souji had departed for the Land of Tea for a Kage Summit, in an attempt to curb the tensions. Consequently this resulted in a scuffle between the Mizukage and Mizuki, which concluded in the capture of Souji and the strategic retreat of Lord Second. When she returned to Sunagakure though, her spirit seemed...broken. And when I spoke with her, she had been adamant on leaving the village. I disagreed with her decision, but stated I would be comfortable with her departing if she were to lose her knowledge of Sunagakure's secrets. This sparked an argument between us, and she left our village on bad terms with me. I do not have ill will towards her, or any animosity, but understand that above anything else I prioritize the wellbeing and security of Sunagakure. And upon her departure, I took the mantle of Third Kazekage agreed upon and nominated by Ibari."

Guren paused momentarily to read the reactions of Zaine and Raleth, mentally noting any hostility that they may or may not hold towards Guren upon revealing the dispute between him and the Second. If they were more loyal to Mizuki then Sunagakure, he'd expect them to meet his words with antagonism and scrutiny. Yet if they upheld their devotion to the same village than he himself had, then he hoped they would understand his stance. "As of where Mizuki and Souji are right now, I am not sure. Souji, I presume is still in Kirigakure, though the Mizukage had granted me an invitation to come to her village to retrieve him. Yet Ibari had requested that he be the one to go. That was some time ago though, and I am unsure of what happened to him. Yet before he left, he too told me he planned on leaving the village after he would return. I suppose his departure may have resulted in both his and Souji's capture, death, or defection. And I am sure that his potential defection was rooted in the suicide of Lord First, Kenshin..." At this point, Guren's voice began to trail off. He had lost a number of people he had been close to, and Sunagakure had lost a number of its pillars of strengths through various fates. It no longer hurt him to speak on, but still it was somber topic. He'd pick back up where he left off, "I plan on tracking the three of them down, but I must prioritize the safety of Sunagakure first and the development of our shinobi. At this point in time, I do not feel comfortable leaving our village for any business until they are all better trained. Tensions with Kirigakure have seemed to ease, and I don't think there are any other brewing hostilities at this point. But I don't know if our younger shinobi are ready, but I trust in the higher ups. To catalyze their development, Seb and I began the Sunagakure Exclusive Chunin Exams."

Guren during the moment of silence that followed his answer to the questions, would finally take a swing from his cup and finish his drink. He needed it. And following this pause, he'd break the silence and offer Zaine and Raleth a chance to comment on the happenings that he described. 

"Well, what do you both think of that?" he'd inquire as he folded his arms across his chest and briefly flickered his eyes between Zaine and Raleth, before returning to Zaine again. He had been calm and honest throughout the whole speech, perhaps the rum had helped with that.

WC = 1139. TWC = 1845
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Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:45 pm
It was time to dispense with formalities and begin this long overdue but necessary discussion- glancing back over at Raleth the Uchiha would have a slight but noticeable smirk as he heard mentions of the Cherry Blossom Mountains, a place where Raleth had once taken him to train when he was no more than a genin trying to gain control over his chakra. "Well I hope you said Hi to Ikkaku for me. I still owe him a couple licks for the last time he and I went at it." This was the closest Zaine had gotten to cracking a smile in weeks and it was more than welcome- he couldn't have been happier to hear that his old friend had atleast been in the company of beings that they both regarded as extended family. He would listen as his friend continued to ask his own set of questions to Guren, specifically commenting on why Ibari was not named the next Kazekage or atleast present for these matters- in truth Zaine had wondered the same thing and could not shake the feeling that something bad must have occurred. His gaze would return to Guren as he began to answer all of their questions in a concise manner.

He could hardly believe his ears upon hearing that Mizu had gotten into a battle with the Mizukage- his teeth threatened to crack against the pressure he applied to them, gritting them uncontrollably. "So she decided to act alone.. and Souji was lost to this act in the process. I cant.. I cant believe she would be so reckless. There must be an explanation and.. Kenshin, how? why?" He thought as he continued to listen. He would allow Guren to finish his debrief before speaking out. "Thank you for your synopsis Guren. Now, allow me a moment to offer my council. I may not be your official advisor, but I was advisor to Mizu and I like to think that I afforded her the opportunity to avoid cataclysm in multiple scenarios. I regret that I was not here to help  prevent the ones that you speak of." Coming to a standing position he would lower his head and torso and bow to the Third Kazekage, offering his apologies both physically and verbally- the amount of guilt he felt at this point could not be expressed and he now knew what he needed to do. "You are the Kazekage now and as you have stated, the consolidation of power in our great nation is paramount. You are needed here, now more than ever and I do believe that this meeting is much more than a coincidence. It is your will as Kage to meet with these three once again, that much is fair but you have shinobi to complete this task for you." His head now held high, he would make direct eye contact with Guren- his eyes would begin to swirl slowly, replacing the previous dark pool of brown with a bright scarlet red. The constricted pupil would now be triangulated with three tomoe that circled it in rhythmic fashion, only for a moment before stopping. "I will go and find Mizuki Ohta myself and if you should allow it, I would ask that you send Raleth to find Souji and Ibari. The budding shinobi of our village cannot afford to have their growth stunted by an absent leader. So, please allow us to assist in this capacity." He was relieved to see that Guren was still the man he knew him to be and would hope that the restored trust he found in the Chinoike would be reciprocated. 

Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

Where to begin  Empty Re: Where to begin

Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:35 am
Zaine's comment sparked an image of the mountain's blade, Ik-kaku, his words roared like a raging inferno.

"Tell that whelp I won't go easy on him next time!"

A deep chuckle rang from the Sarutobi's throat, accompanied by a thick plume of smoke.

As Guren drank his shot, Raleth poured him another, cracking a smile at the Chinoike and acknowledging the Kazekage's perception of the room. The humorous mood, though, changed, as Guren explained the current situation. The news caused Raleth to shake his head and drink.

I knew she would go in half-cocked, but to jeopardize Souji? How very unlike the Pale Lady...

As the rum in his belly began to take effect, the aged Sarutobi recalls the War Council, where he, Zaine, and Ibari spoke to Mizu. He wonders if, had he been a bit more present, had a bit more foresight, he could have prevented such an outcome. Raleth puffs his pipe, dispelling the thought.

The sarutobi stones his expression upon hearing of Kenshin's suicide.

...guess that was how he wanted to go...

Zaine's response was met with a small wonder from Raleth, the ember of the Uchiha seemed to flair, as if the crisis of his home fanned the flame. He spoke in a stately manner, offering his counsel to the Third Kazekage. The spirt of the swordsman shinobi could be heard in his words and was accented by the tomoe of his clan's namesake swirling in his eyes. 

The sight was inspiring, so much so that, upon Zaine's conclusion, Raleth Sarutobi stood from his sitting position, to his full, towering height. Though still plump, the mass of the shinobi bespoke a mountainous strength. The ashen-haired shinobi kneels towards his Kazekage, placing his right fist on the ground and his left hand on his knee and looking down, a Warrior's deference to his Lord. As he speaks, his basso voice rumbles the wisps of smoke in the air.

"I served on The Second Kazekage's Council as her Master of War. Like Zaine, I offer my services. Either as a blade, shield, or hammer." An old man cackle escapes Raleth, kishishishi, his laughing of his own meaning contorts the smoke around his body. He looks up at Guren and gives a wide, close-eyed smile. "Though I may be a bit rusty and chipped in places, I can be of great use, Lord Kazekage." As sunlight breaks through a window, the wisps of smoke surrounding the Sarutobi gives one the impression of a large, imposing monkey, and his smile, while sincere, gives one the impression of a brutal animal, ready to maul that which it is told to. Like Zaine, Raleth acknowledges Guren as the Kazekage. And breathes easy, knowing the village is headed by a tempered mind. 

A sudden thought comes to the red-from-rum-faced Sarutobi. He stands, puffing on his pipe.

"Oh, I've forgotten. D'you know what's 'appened with the Dr-*hic*Drunken Monkey?" Raleth is referring to his tea shop, yet does not explain this to Guren, as the rum and pipe have gotten to him. if Guren had not visited Raleth's tea shop before, he would be unaware of what Raleth was talking about and would assume he means a literal monkey. "Last I checked, had some whelp looking 'fter her. His name 'scapes me....uh...Tanki? Whatever, he should've been keeping up with her payments ssso is she *hic* still in good shape?"

Raleth does not elaborate but awaits his answer.

[WC: 580/1788]
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Where to begin  Empty Re: Where to begin

Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:03 am
As Guren spoke, he noted the level of frustration that Zaine had within him, accentuated by the audible gritting of his teeth. The timing of this was as the Chinoike spoke on Mizuki's fate in the Land of Tea, which segued into Souji's capture, and the Second's desertion. It was clear he had grown irritated with the events that had ensued, and Guren could relate as he dealt with them first hand and felt powerless as they went on. Even the hearty Raleth seemed dulled by the description of the recent history of Sunagakure. Concluding his summary when Guren's eyes met Zaine's, the previously numbed man would respond. He'd offer himself as an advisor to the Third, stating how it was duty under the Second herself. Then compelled to stand, he'd offer a bow to Guren and acknowledge him as the kazekage. It was a sentiment deeply appreciated by Guren, as he had gained the position of power in a way that he did not want. 

Zaine seemed to understand the situation he had been put in, agreeing with Guren's feeling of needing to remain in Sunagakure. And he seemed to offer a solution, using the shinobi of Sunagakure to search for those missing in action for him. Zaine then raised his head to lock eyes with the Chinoike, allowing his eyes to devulge into transmute into the eye of the Uchiha. It was red, as red as Guren's own ketsuryugan when active. And though it may had some time since Zaine had to use it, the sharpness of the trio of tomoe had spoken volumes on its capabilities. His next speech was a request actually, encouraging Guren to allow him to seek Mizuki himself and Raleth to find Souji and Ibari. And galvanized by his comrade's display, Raleth would kneel in turn and confess his services. What a formidable duo the two had been. It was a wonder that they had returned to Sunagakure.

Guren would rise from his seat, and place his hand upon the shoulder of Zaine and then on that of Raleth. He'd exchange a soft glance towards both men before receding his hands back to his side. In silence, Guren would reflect to himself on the situation at hand as he walked over towards the window. He'd take a momentary glance out its clear aperture, casting a brief gaze at this view of the village. The warmth from the sun's rays fell upon his skin, and partially illuminated Guren's stature as he stood within an otherwise dim and smoke filled room. He'd turn his head back towards Zaine and Raleth, then posture himself against the wall.

"Raleth, Zaine, thank you for your loyalty to Sunagakure and acknowledgment of my position," Guren began with an earnest tone. "For the time being, I'd like to give Ibari the benefit of the doubt. I do not think he would lie to me, and I'd expect him and Souji to return as soon as they can. Should I not hear from either in a day's time, I will issue a letter to the Mizukage's office to confirm if Ibari picked up Souji. The response I get from them will determine the actions we need to take. In regards to Mizuki, I have a plan in motion to begin tracking her whereabouts. But before any action is taken, I would like to see Souji, her son return to the village. I need to brief him on the events that have taken place, and consider his wishes as well. If anyone should seek her, it should first be her own son."

Guren paused momentarily before reflecting further. In a calm tone he'd continue, "In any case with the both of you just now returning to Sunagakure, I don't think it would be appropriate for you to depart so quickly again. Without a word, you had disappeared. And seeing how I blame myself for the departure of Mizuki and Ibari, I cannot let myself to allow the possibility of such a fate falling onto another Sunagakure shinobi. In my eyes, there are three Sunagakure shinobi out in the world. As strong as they may be, all it takes is one slip up for someone to take advantage and exploit them. Which could become even more of a threat to our village's security. I do not wish for that number three to become five...And our budding genin need teachers, and I can only stretch myself so thin. I would be preferential to the two of you mentoring a few of them in some capacity, the same which I have requested from Suika and Seb...." As Guren spoke, he'd monitor the two jounin's responses meticulously. His verdict was a tough one to deliver, but he believed it was the best course of action for the time being. With Mizuki and Ibari's absence, he was deeply reluctant to grant permission for anyone to set out from the village. Not out of distrust for his shinobi, but to preserve Sunagakure's internal structure and security. "When I hear back from Souji or Ibari, or from Kirigakure, then we will reconvene on this subject matter."

"And in regards to the tea shop, the quality is excellent. I still visit to this day. Though the staff, a bit shady...the clerk who helped me some months ago hasn't been there since. If that's the same guy you're referring to, then you may want to check on it yourself." 

WC = 908. TWC = 2753
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Where to begin  Empty Re: Where to begin

Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:43 pm
The Uchiha watched as Guren made his way over to a nearby window in his home and seemed to be lost in thought- it appeared that in this brief moment of pondering he had come to a decision on the matter. He would listen intently as the Chinoike turned and began to speak to both shinobi, first stating that he appreciates their level of respect towards him and then following with his wishes for the situation. Zaine was surprised to hear that in this situation the Kazekage wanted to take a cautious and patient approach. Normally, he would agree with this train of thought but in times where a situation is drastically out control, drastic measures must also be taken. He would nod in agreeance upon hearing the plan to wait for word from Ibari and afterwards if nothing arrived, waiting for word from the Mizukage- this seemed fair enough given Ibari's status and past record. The young Uchiha would find a problem in the words that would follow regarding Souji Hyuuga however- "The wishes of Souji? Allow him to go find Mizu on his own?" He thought to himself as he continued to listen. It would be nothing less than fair for him to let the man finish before expressing his opinion on this matter and it was a good thing he did as the following statements made by Guren were rooted in genuine care and love for the village and his fellow shinobi. 

He would first glance at Raleth to assess his friends take on the situation before looking back at the Kazekage and speaking, "Sunagakure will always be our home so loyalty comes second nature I assure you and moving forward I think I speak for both of us when I say that we will respect your wishes as Kazekage. I do believe however it is important to have transparency about these matters in order to build trust." Taking a seat he would continue to speak. "No one in this village, including his own mother can speak as highly of Souji's abilities as I can having been his mentor. Hes a once in a generation prodigy, or atleast I could never be convinced otherwise. But would you think it wise to send him to find Mizuki? After he had already been captured once. We havent seen the boy since he was put into captivity and as such we have no idea how he has changed and what affect it has had on him. You are a kind person so I understand your empathetic appeal to allowing him this respect but as you also just said "one slip up" and even a someone like him can end up the victim of exploitation." He hoped his words would not be taken out of turn, but Guren had to understand the relationship he shared with both Souji and Mizuki- this wasnt just diplomatic work for him and he couldnt afford to hold back his true opinions when it came to the safety of either of those two. "I agree that we should wait. But please evaluate him closely. You havent shared much time with him so theres a degree of exposure and knowledge regarding him that you may be missing on a personal level. Trust your instinct in this situation but heed one bit of warning. I know that young shinobi very well and even though he may be strong, he is quick tempered and if left unchecked that temper can lead to chaos." He had said all that could be said about the young man that once called him sensei and it was now time to turn his attention to those who may call him by that title in the future. 

He couldnt lie to himself, there was some disappointment in the fact that he would have to remain stationary for a time but this news wasnt all bad as he would have the chance to take up the mantle of sensei once again. His ears would perk up as he heard the mention of a former student of his and that he had become a sensei himself, "So Seb has worked his way up the ranks! Thats fantastic news. Ill have to see him soon." Of his three students, Seb was always the more withdrawn one and he didnt seem to have much ambition in the past so this news took Zaine by pleasant surprise. "Well, all I have left to say is that I would be more than happy to assist in the training of our shinobi. Itll take some time but rebuilding the villages strength will be our top priority. He would wait to hear what his friend thought on these matters and to see what Guren would have to say in return. 

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