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Running Us Ragged

Youta Shinkou
Shinrei Yamato
Sebastian Loghain
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:53 pm
Yamato's words spoken aloud held nothing in them but the truth, "Despite our efforts to make amends, to make this place better, it still isn't enough." The wolf would offer to his compatriot, "The shinobi have forever changed the village. Just the presence of those that can wield chakra probably make the common folk feel powerless." He would pause, giving a moment before continuing, "...and people Youta and myself don't make things easier. Our birthrights are seen by many as evil and vile, regardless of whether our actions warrant such fear." This didn't specifically mention his own horrible crimes committed before he was unable to control himself, but Yamato being not only a chuunin but also the most senior member of this mission group likely was privy to such information. It didn't need to be stated aloud. "Combine that with the fact that most of the religious and spiritual leadership in the village also see shinobi as abominations... its a powder-keg of a situation. Until we remedy this, I fear that not much will change."

The wolfs uneasy feeling wasn't going anywhere, and Youta would offer to utilize his dojutsu to scan the area. He still wasn't completely familiarized with what Youta's eyes were capable of, but he didn't imagine they would prove useful here. "Unless they can discern those villagers with misplaced ideas of who their enemies are, I'm not certain they will help here. I know that most many visual bloodlines can discern chakra, but I don't know if anyone here can mold chakra against us. And if not, it will no doubt only make things worse." He couldn't rely on his nose here, nor Youta's eyes. "Maybe its just best to keep moving." He of course expected everyone to keep alert, but that went without saying at this point. 

The patrol was leading them to an old warehouse building, clearly worn from time. The wolf remembered this building being on their list of tasks. It needed to be demolished in order to put up a new construction. It would seem as though they were a bit early since there were no construction crews or anything. Unless they were expected to destroy the building all on their own. "Looks like the same address we were tasked with helping knock down." The warehouse building was relatively isolated, other buildings just like it to its side but at a distance of 10 meters between them. It was on the edge of the trade district, likely a former storage facility for some merchants wares once upon a time. There didn't seem to be civilians in the immediate area, likely forewarned of the buildings impending demise. 

"Our patrols lead us to yet another task to check off. How do we want to go about this one?"

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Tue May 10, 2022 2:31 pm
“You would be surprised by the amount of trash one place makes in a week…trust me…Amegakure is much much worse.” Yamato said with a chuckle, but it was easy overall and the team went about their day without so much as even a hiccup. AS they moved on from the trash duties of the village Yamato washed his hands and kept himself as clean as he could knowing that the patrols were often about presence…if he looked like trash…it would be bad. Youta said he could activate his dojutsu and it could scan the area, but it may scare some civilians and Yamato was about to ask if any of them could in fact do anything of the sort. With Sebastian not having anything to say, Yamato nodded. “We are in your care Youta, please scan the area.” He would then see Typhon and he was about to remind him, but Sebastian was quicker than he was and explained about the village and the treatment of the shinobi and the civilians' thoughts and practices. “He is right…there was also a time when I had just come to the village where everyone looked at shinobi as ONLY weapons and they were treated worse than the trash that we just got through picking it up. The shinobi have weekly patrol duties to ensure that the villagers and shinobi can peacefully coexist with each other. Just continue doing your best and we will not have any problems.” He said as he too observed the villagers in smaller groups pointing and talking in hushed tones towards them. He was wearing his helmet and they could not see his face, but Yamato was still disgusted by this…after all this time…he is still the same little kid soldier that he was many years upon arrival and assignment.

Sebastian mentioned while they patrolled they were going to have to go to a warehouse for some demolition and as they continued to walk, their route soon brought them to their next destination and the question was asked. “I think we should continue our patrol and leave two here to do the demolition, or we can all take a portion of the place and take care of it quickly as we have been doing. Youta, did you see anything with those eyes of yours?” He asked as he waited for an answer, he did not push for an answer, but he was tired of the small tasks.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Tue May 10, 2022 8:34 pm
Youta would reply to the trash comment saying "Amegakure was worse that seems hard to believe that somewhere had more trash then this neighborhood. I guess its possible but we should maybe talk to the hogokage or maybe an attendant who can bring this to the royal family's attention. I do not know who or what would be best." Youta would hear Sebastian saying to Typhon about the village folk and how they view the shinobi. "that is why I do not usually use my jutsu or chakra in the city around the other villagers, they all associate Shinkou clan with people who willingly and purposefully got possessed by demons which is not true. The Yuumei are not demons they are just misunderstood." He would laugh to himself a little bit.  Then look at the others "do not worry i am not hearing any new voices in my head." He would bust out laughing and then he would get serious again.

Youta would fall back behind his comrades and then he would activate his meigan and look around "I do not see anyone of note sir. They all seem to have just basic levels of chakra.  We are probably ok unless they gang up. i cannot tell intensions with these eyes just if they have elemental chakra. They could gang up on us though so I think we should probably get a move on if you guys know what i mean. We do not need to antagonize them more then we need to do you guys agree?"  He would start to hurry up and catch up to the others. he would catch up and look ahead and see a man in a building up ahead "up in that second window that man he has fire chakra, I do not know if he is a threat but keep an eye on him. He could just be man on break no need to stir up trouble right?" We would walk past the man with no provocation  and continue on our way. to a building which they needed help destroying it was a rather large building.

"So we have to destroy this building or just help with the clean up and I know you too are probably wanting to do this the hard way but can i just release a technique and see what it does i can try to explain it to you the way my elders did or you can clear the building and watch. I am honestly a little tired from being the garbage man and want to get this over with then finish our patrols." he would ask Sebastian and Shinrei but continue "I have only done this once and it destroyed a lot of the training equipment so it should work! and with the building being about 20 m if i try to contain it it should hopefully not effect anything else."

Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Wed May 11, 2022 10:45 am
The group all stayed on alert as they patrolled the area. Sebastian made a good point that being able to see the chakra of the citizens would not be a surefire way of looking out for danger. Only just weeks before, Typhon had learned first hand that even a civilian child could be capable of surprise attacking a shinobi. The knife wound in his gut had only recently started to fade. As the group wandered from place to place Youta would occasionally point out people in the buildings and crowds that were channeling chakra in some shape or form. 

It was most definitely a powerful skill to have. It allowed Ty to focus on the people in his vicinity without fear of an attack coming from nowhere. The patrol went by pretty quickly and relatively uneventful. There were some moments of concern, but nothing terrible ended up happening thankfully. It was a small but good sign. Anything that helped improve shinobi / civilian relations was a good thing in Typhon's book. He was hopeful that one day the people would come to truly accept the ninjas as members of the community. Thinking that way helped make doing these odd jobs more bearable. 

The next job on the team's list was helping with the demolition of an old warehouse and their patrol lead them right to that spot. The four arrived at what they assumed would be an already toppled building. Instead they happened to find the abandoned warehouse still fully standing. "Are we supposed to topple it ourselves?" He would ask to nobody in particular. He was sure that the group had enough firepower to knock down a busted up building. The real problem would be taking it down without causing any damage to the surrounding area. Knowing that he himself had little way of dealing with this problem he would offer to continue on the patrol and leave the major demolition to the others.

(WC 324)
(TWC 1653)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Wed May 11, 2022 10:48 pm
The group kept alert, noting various people that could have been potential threats as Youta scanned the area. Luckily, he was fairly discreet about it, not drawing too much attention by keeping to the groups rear. A particular chakra presence was noteworthy, one holding the essence of fire within. It wasn't long before they stopped. Their reaching of the demolition site created a situation with a few possible solutions. 

Yamato would offer a few suggestions, the group being able to split and handle some of the tasks separately or stick together. Sebastian was honestly more keen on the idea of sticking together. While it was true that each member of this makeshift team was a skilled and trained shinobi capable of dealing with any trouble, splitting up could lead to situations that the wolf would prefer to avoid if possible. An ambush or the like could generate enough of an adrenal response to wear thin the lines between wolf and man, predator and protector. Of course, practice in the arts of self control were key to his successful coexisting with the village. Because of this, he would wait for all of the others to weigh in. 

"It looks like this area is clear of people. I think so long as we perform a quick scan of the building to ensure there aren't any people inside, this would be a safe time to utilize ninja arts to expedite the task." The wolf would give a quick sniff of the air, noting that he couldn't smell anyone in the immediate vicinity other than their group. "I leave the decision to you, Youta. I've seen some of what you can do and I know you to be skilled. If you feel confident you can knock it down without any unnecessary collateral damage, I won't stop you." There was a tension in the air, not between the members of the group but just... there. The wolf kept feeling like he was being watched, and Yamato seemed a bit tense as well though the wolf wasn't certain of why. Maybe he felt the same feeling of being watched.

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Thu May 12, 2022 12:21 pm
Yamato was scanning the area as well, the feeling of being watched was…not a great feeling, but he had to just shake it for now.  The patrol went smoothly for the most part, he took note of the one blip that might be an issue, but for now he just continued along and they seemed to all be looking for guidance on what to do with the building, Sebastian came forth and asked Youta about how he was feeling up to taking the building down.  Yamato agreed with this and followed suit, but as he was walking towards Sebastian, he caught the glimpse of something…someone at the corner of his eye.  “Stay here everyone…Sebastian I will be back momentarily…”  He said before using the body flicker technique to send him towards the spot he was sure he saw something.  It was the corner of a restaurant…the place was known for its rivalry with the other restaurant across the street.  Everyone in Hoshigakure knew about the infamous rivalry of the “Silver Spoon Cafe” and the “Copper Skillet Cafeteria”.  The one that was caught off guard though, was a young man that looked no older than 14, and Yamato whistled to him.  “Hey kid, why are you keeping your distance…we are not bad people ya know…”  He said before the teen male took an almost aggressive stance before beginning to yell about how shitty it was to be a ninja and making a scene.  

Yamato was…less than pleased as civilians began to take to the streets.  The teen was pointing at Yamato and yelling that he was a career killer, including his own insight on the duties of the village ninja…Yamato was of course put in a tight spot, but he had to quiet the kid down, some things were not meant to be known by the populace.

“You know, being a shinobi is not for everyone, but the issues you have had are your own…you have to CREATE the ideal situation, your own ability I can see is something you lack, but that does not mean you have to try and persuade the people whom we keep safe into adopting your mindset.  Ayato…our kage, your village leader…he is not only a strong man that has worked tirelessly to ensure everyone’s safety…but the shinobi under Ayato…we are people as well, and we have witnessed countless more things than you can imagine.  The good, the bad, and the ugly…it is what makes us who we are as a whole.”  By this time in his speech people were starting to cause a bit of a ruckus and Yamato was quickly reaching a “boiling point”  but he continued to try and keep the momentum going.  “We experience the beauty of life, we guard our way of life so that the people of this village can be happy and no longer worry about anything.  Have you seen the village in the crisis lately…no you have not, and I think you yourself know that kid…you should try this again, and in fact I will help you and show you a few tricks I have learned along the way…what do you say?”  He tried to persuade the kid, and he held out his left arm to see if the kid would at least take his hand. He could introduce him to the group after.

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Thu May 12, 2022 9:47 pm
“Just give me a minute there is no need to split up, it will not take that long. I hope this goes as planned, if not I will just lead them to you Sebastian or maybe Shinrei” He would start to activate his Yuumei when he heard Shinrei say wait. So Youta would quickly calm down and wonder what was happening. “What is wrong?” but Shinrei was already gone. So ayato would turn to the others :Do you know what is happening?'' He would look at the person Shinrei was talking to and scan him with Meigan. It was the fire user from before. His conversation with Shinrei did not seem to be pleasant and it was starting to attract some unwanted attention to what we were doing. “I will hold off Sebastian till the street clears a little. If that is alright.” he would wait for Shinrei to kind of deescalate the situation and calm the young man down. He had to be a newly graduated genin. Youta did not recognize him but it had been a while since he was that age and he did not go to the academy here in Hoshigakure but instead learned all he knew from the clan elders and tutors. He had seen the kid once or twice but never spoke or worked with him. Eventually Shinrei would return with the Ninja and introduce him to us to which Youta would reply “Hello my name is Youta and apparently I am going to be destroying a building that is old and a danger to the neighborhood, fire hazard, falling hazard. And I can do it without having any cleanup. They will just float away hopefully if everything goes to plan. But what is the worst thing that can happen?”

He would turn around and make some hand signs as he walked into the center of the smaller shop; it was only 20mx20m at the most. Youta thought he might have to move around to get to the far corners. So Youta would stand there and say it is only some wood and maybe a little bit of stone work he should not have to boost it or get the Yuumei involved the technique by itself should be more than enough. So he makes the hand signs Tiger -> Bird -> Ox -> Monkey -> Rat -> Bird and energy that looked like a black flame with purple accents started to form around Youta expanding till it hit the wall and it would just turn to ash and the grass and the building were turned to ash and blew away in the wind.

Youta would release the technique “all done so what are the next jobs boss? I do not know about you all but i am hungry now. Is there any chance that we can stop for some lunch or dinner. It is on Sebastian, I am 99 percent sure that is what the scroll I got said. Quote Sebastian will pay for food.``He would look at Sebastian and smile a little bit.


Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Tue May 17, 2022 4:15 pm
While standing and observing the rotting warehouse Typhon couldn't help but wonder how it had gotten this bad. The wood had holes in it and there were very clear signs of water damage. Should it fall over it wouldn't just cause damage to the immediate area. It would undoubtedly blast moldy air into the surrounding area. People tend not to think about the effects unseen things like germs and pathogens can cause. As a Canopic Ty was acutely aware of these things. With the training he had been doing lately the genin was confident that he could use his disease to crumble and demolish the warehouse with relative ease. The issue is that this could have serious repercussions if his ability were to go out of control. He knew he had the power to do the job but was not confident enough in his control.

Yamato would step away saying he needed to deal with something quickly and Youta stepped up and volunteered to take care of the mission. The young Shinkou was even confident enough to say the group wouldn't even have to split up. He would end up being correct.

Watching Youta walk up and so casually burn away the derelict building was a bit humbling. The flames undoubtedly burnt away the mold and harmlessly removed the problem. His companions were all utilizing their abilities well and making the best of what they've got. Ty wanted to feel confident enough in himself to use the virus freely. If he remained in fear of it forever he wouldn't be much use as a shinobi.

"I guess there's no need to split up then." He would laugh and wait for Youta to walk back to the group. In the time that this was happening Yamato slipped back in and returned with a young shinobi in tow. Ty hadn't seen the ninja before but that wasn't exactly surprising. He wasn't the most social person and there were plenty of shinobi that he had yet to meet. "You gonna tag along for the rest of our patrol?" He would ask the stranger on a friendly manner. He certainly wouldn't mind another set of eyes on the task, but didn't want to drag another bystander into this slog of missions.

Youta suggested the group stop for a lunch break and Ty couldn't help but agree. His stomach was rumbling in discontent and after spending the morning doing heavy lifting the genin was sweaty and tired already. A moment to stop and fill his belly would definitely improve his mood. "I second a break. I'm sure there's somewhere nearby with good food." He would scan the area and spot a few decent looking spots. Food was never far away in Hoshi. It was definitely a perk of living in the inner city. The smell of beef cooking on a grill nearby was almost enough to make Ty's mouth water. It was times like these he was thankful for the mask hiding most of his face.

(WC 501)
(TWC 2154)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Sat May 21, 2022 5:21 pm
The wolf would stand back, wanting Youta to take lead on this particular task and showcase just what he was capable of. While these missions might have only seemed like a bunch of small, trivial tasks, they could no doubt help build comradery and allow the members to better understand what the others were capable of. Each of them seemed to know one another in some capacity or another, but Sebastian knew that his teammate had grown quite a great deal more powerful in a short window of time. It wasn't always needed, but sometimes you just wanted to show off what you could do while with your peers. 

Yamato would speak up, stating he would return shortly. The man would vanish, his body moving at speeds that even the wolf couldn't help but be impressed with. The body flicker technique easily allowed for such breakneck speeds. The wolf had a far keener nose than he did eyesight, but he it wasn't far enough away that he couldn't see at least the basic forms. He couldn't hear the speech, nor did he know exactly what it was about but he suspected that his comrade had it under control. Youta would ask if anyone knew what was going on, but the wolf would just shrug and shake his head. "Can't see or hear any details. Judging by the crowd of people I imagine that that kids another rabble rouser." Yamato would seemingly start to diffuse the situation, though it was still surprising how many people managed to form around them to watch and catch a glimpse of what might have been going on. 

Loghain kept his senses on high alert, unsure if that young mans outburst wasn't just some sort of distraction to divide them in an attempt at ambush.... or perhaps the wolf was just being a bit too paranoid regarding this whole situation. He honestly felt a bit naked and unarmed here. If a battle did break out, he wouldn't be able to rely on the beast within else he damage the image of the shinobi forces working alongside him. Sure, he was also trained in hand to hand combat, but truth be told that was far less reliable in his mind. 

It didn't take Youta very long at all to clear the building away into nothing to which the wolf couldn't help but nod proudly. He can't say that he directly had any direct impact on Youta performing such a feat, but he was proud of his teammate all the same. 

Once everyone had regrouped it would seem as if only one thing was truly on their mind. The group seemed to be ready for a food break, to which the wolf couldn't refuse. "Oh, it said that I'll buy huh? Guess if that's what it says... orders are orders. Foods on me." He would offer in a jovial tone "I'll buy you a meal too if you'd like." He would offer to the youngling that Yamato brought along. Much of the tension from earlier seemed to melt away, at least momentarily. "Speaking of food, it looks like there are two restaurants close by. Wonder if they are any good?" 

As they approached, there would be some sort of ruckus yet again, but this time it was between two chefs in the street. One was holding a copper pan, holding it over his head like a weapon of sorts while the other was holding on to a large silver spoon that looked like it was meant for the worlds largest bowl of soup and held it at the ready like a makeshift hammer. The Silver Spoon Chef had a rotund figure and a large dark moustache. The Copper Skillet chef was lean and lacking any facial hair, though a white headband was tied around his head right beneath his locks of fire. 

"My food is better! The customer even agrees!" The Silver Spoon chef proclaims loudly, pointing to an equally round man that looked eerily similar to him and who had been nodding, clearly in agreement with the chef. 

"The food can't be judged BY YOUR DAMNED COUSIN!" The Copper Skillet chef would retort, his frustration clearly marked on his face. "We need an UNBIASED opinion!" The pair would look around, spotting the shinobi group. They both would have a look on their face like they just had the best idea in the world. 

Silver Spoon Chef:
Copper Skillet Chef:

Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Running Us Ragged - Page 3 Empty Re: Running Us Ragged

Tue May 31, 2022 7:38 pm
It seemed as though everything was going smoothly, so much so that they did not even need Yamato’s help when it came to the building's destruction. The youth looked a bit ashamed of what was going on, but otherwise ready to do anything that was asked of him. Youta, Typhon, and Sebastian were cordial enough as they seemed to welcome the newcomer with open arms…they all remembered just starting out, it could in fact be a bit hellish sometimes…Yamato remembered his days as a young shinobi…not that he was old now, but still. Youta spoke about Sebastian being mentioned in buying them lunch and it made him laugh earnestly as he knew exactly how this went as he witnessed it happen with Team Winter before and then once when the original Team Winter made their sensei pay for their meal…that was long ago and Yamato remembered those times fondly.

Sebastian offered up the restaurants that were actually back where Yamato just came from and the Chunin nodded at the notion. “I think that would be a good idea, the people seemed to be thinning out as we left the area just a few moments ago. Though it did seem like I had heard some rumors about this area…I cannot remember, but let’s go, could not possibly be that bad.” Yamato could not quite put his finger on what it would be about. So they set out to go have a bite to eat on the ryo of another shinobi and that was fine with him.

As they moved up there was another commotion ahead and this made Yamato sigh as it was between the two restaurants and he was not ready for another headache right now so he listened to the two of them before finally looking at Typhon. “Hey, Typhon, go sort this out, tell them something that will make them give us free food or something. They get louder and I might have an aneurysm.” He said as he rubbed his temples and waited.

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