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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:43 pm
" I would say that entirely depends on your definition of "good". Was he a good person as in doing noble deeds and being kind? No. Was he a strong individual that would require a great deal to bring him down? Possibly, but he kind of just stood there after making threats to the village. To a degree that I found him to be completely suicidal. Thats not even to note his suicidal child as well." Yes, the question on if Stein was strong. As the last S rank missing ninja of any note he was rather disappointing. Not at all what Akabayashi had hoped when he inevitably betrayed the village. He just stood there for the attacks unwavering in his goal to die. At least thats what things seemed like from his perspective and the others hadn't refuted the notion. Stein killed himself by proxy.

Youta had asked a weird question about his dating, but why. Then he got to it he was having women troubles. "I'd introduce you but then it would just be harder to hide our indiscretions from her husband. A noble prick who lives by the palace. I was his attending and he said I was a devil in disguise, but I wear no disguise."

"Yes, only rely on yourself. Nine out of ten times those people you rely on will trip you to save themselves. Be like the nine and trip the one." Harsh words for harsh realities, but someone had to say them. Akabayashi was clearly not the sacrifice himself type, but he made that known. To him that was somehow better than these people who boasted of sticking together no matter what then when it came time to follow through, they ran and left their friends to die. Had those friends relied on no one to begin with no one could be left behind as they all had the same idea to save themselves. Simple problems just require simple solutions.

"So Yuumei is a sentient form of anti-chakra that can take over your body. Neat. And how exactly does it eat chakra. Does it have a particular sense of taste? Does it like fire release or water release more? Do advanced elements taste like the elements which make it up or something new? What kinds of personalies do they have and can I talk to them?" Not many got the chance to speak to shade. Well not many non-shinkou, so this would be great for science. If only there was paper and a pen to write all of this down.

In his excitement he'd forgotten to move on with the lesson. "You can apply up to five seals to yourself total. What combination of seals is up to you. As to what is Anubis. I won't tell you what it is or what it does, just that I applied it to myself." What use was there in telling him it summons the dead to drag down people's spirits. If he needed to know what it was that'd be one thing but nothing required that knowledge and no digging would find information on the secret technique of his right sharingan.

Moving on Akabayashi would use the Ghost Lake Breaking Seal. Rather ironic with Anubis being ghosts and Youta about to break it. If only there were a lake. "Ghost Lake Breaking seal is a little more advanced but its an offensive technique." Akabayashi would explain as he added more energy into his Strength of One Hundred seal feeling the compacted energy storage was half way full.
WC: 599
TWC: 2843
SoO seal 5/10 posts
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:59 pm
As Akabayashi would go on talking about this Stein character, Youta would hear about lt his strength and apparently his suicidal child. Youta would say “Well that’s good that he was strong, I guess except for the whole betraying hoshigakure thing. And that sucks I guess about his kid.” He would then go to talk about his illicit relationship with the nurse to which Youta would reply “Say no more! First off none of my business. Second off you both can make your own decisions and mistakes whether that is her marriage or whatever it is you two have. Third and finally it is still none of business and I do not really care as long as you are happy with it. You do you sensei!” Akabayashi would continue on his you can only rely on yourself thing. “I understand to focus on my skills and the rest will come.”

Akabayashi would start asking a bunch of questions about the Yuumei. “How does it eat? I don’t know I absorb a technique and it gives me either more power or energy. I don’t know how it does it. It just kind of does it thing. And taste? I doubt it it seems to just like energy I have no idea if it has a preference or if it likes one element or advanced elements over another. When I meditate I have tried to talk to hit but it likes to try to use fear and feelings of revenge to distract me. So I cannot use as much of its power. And can you talk to it? I doubt it but even if so that seems awfully personal and does not sound like something I want to happen. I know there is an ancient and ritualistic way of putting a loose Yuumei into someone if the elders and people of the clan in the village that the clan originates. I want to someday learn to do that but I would probably have to go to the village to learn it and because of my heritage I am not usually number one on their favorites list the whole being a secret” he would make air quotes “whore’s son and stuff. I do not know if they really want to teach me a technique like that. But in order to convince them I have to gain more power in order to convince them, I do not know how the technique would go or if it calls Yuumei from somewhere or if there is a temple. I have so many questions the elders usually refuse to answer. But that’s enough about the Yuumei; it is supposed to be personal. I guess I don’t know? It is probably fine. But to sumip the answer to all your questions about the Yuumei. I don’t really know. I was originally going to try to communicate today. That's what the meditation mat was for. I find it easier and more calming at the Gazebo over there.”

Akabayashi would then look to teach his next seal which was called Ghost lake Braking seal. He would explain that it was a offensive attack Fuinjutsu. Youta would try to do the hand seals in this order Rat, Dragon, Ox, Ram,then Tiger and try to slam it down and it worked the seal was placed. “now what? How do I activate it?” Akabayashi would explain what to do and Youta would follow his instructions to the letter. And balls of blue fire would form around him and he would fire them at the target. “That was pretty cool. Do you want to start to teach me more advanced Fuinjutsu breaking techique I have learned the basics and I might need to make it stronger so if there is a way to amplify it that would be great too.”

WC 637
TWC 2776
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:36 pm
Stein strong I don't believe I said that. What I said was who would know if he was? He didn't fight back at all before he was killed. Sure, he made threats but thats all he did before the other Shinkou forced his dark tendrils into the man's body pinning him down for Ayato to get the killing blow. Akabayashi knew the kage just wanted to take all of the credit for the kill. All of the work had already been done for him. Even the Terumi's boiling rain had no effect on the outcome. As the weakening effects would only come into play if Stein had chosen to do something besides stand there.

Pretty shy for a guy that wants a hook up. The man would think listening to the Shinkou go on about how what he does with another man's wife isn't his business. Even though he was the one who asked. "Odd that you asked how my dating life was going if you didn't want to know." Maybe the bit he said was a little too much for him to handle.

A noted lack of curiosity for sentient chakra. It was as if Youta never wondered these things and just accepted them as they are. Why is the sky blue? Simply because it is. Why does my chakra want to tear me down, take over my body, and eat chakra. Thats just what it does. "Maybe, trying to find out why it does what it does would help you control it rather than it trying to control you." He had said talking to it was rather personal.

He would go into the secret rituals of his clan to shove the anti-chakra into others. Seemed fun and like the method for sealing bijuu. It was just replacing one demon with another. Following that he went into his familu and why they would be unlikely to agree to teach him the method to seal Yuumei. Weird flex to tell people his mom was a whore, but alright.

With an awkward pause he would show Youta the fuinjutsu amplifier. "Just add that to the beginning of any fuinjutsu before you place it. It will concentrate your chakra a little better." Akabayashi would concentrate on his Strength of One Hundred Seal once more adding energy to the seal bringing its capacity beyond the half way mark. Shortly he would have the seal fully done and it would be ready for future use. He'd have to reapply Anubis after it was broken.

WC: 425
TWC: 3268
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:07 pm
Youta would reply “I asked because for some reason I thought I would get a normal answer. To be fair when I asked I had no idea that it would lead to you having an affair with someone. I thought it might be a normal conversation for some reason but it’s all good moving on.”

Then hearing Akabayashi saying that he should try to find out why the Yuumei does what it does might help in the long run in determining why and how it controls you. “So you're saying I should try to have a conversation with it. I never really thought that would help. It likes to go into your mind and bring out your own fears. He honestly seems like an asshole to be honest but maybe during my next break I can think about it and meditate to try to find out more. It could be interesting. Could help me further my studies into my clan. I never thought about what it wants I was always told that in order to survive with it you have to control it and make it work for you but maybe that is not necessarily true. Interesting hypothesis.” He would try to remember classes that some of the elders forced him to go to and how they made it seem like the Yuumei is only to be feared but maybe they were wrong.

“I get it, I know how to do something similar for my Yuumei techniques. Does it just make them stronger? Can you use it on Fuinjutsu breaker to break higher seals? Does it use more energy or do you just add something to the seal? This is very useful.” He would try it with the seal that he just learned the ghost lake breaking seal and now it seemed to do a lot more damage to the targets and seemed to be more powerful. “Well that was pretty awesome! What else do you recommend a new Fuinjutsu user should learn?”

WC 333
TWC 3109
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Wed Feb 23, 2022 10:31 am
"Have you met me? I'm usually pretty abnormal." Why someone would think they'd recieve anything normal from him was odd. On their first team meeting he'd shown them how to take important organs out of a dead body. "If it helps I'm not having an affair. She is." The doctor wasn't married or attached to anyone in any form so it was true. It wasn't that settling down was something he was opposed to he just didn't. Not that anyone would ever ask why he wasn't married.

"A being that brings out your fears. Interesting." If somehow Akabayashi could control Yuumei he could place it within people to bring out their fears. Allowing the Jashigan to percieve them even while invisible. The doctor would just nod as Youta talked himself through controlling the chakra eating demon.

"Stonger, faster, hardier. It can help out a technique with those extra seals. You can use it on fuinjutsu breaking you will have to use it to break the seal on my eye. Other stuff to learn all I have left to teach is the Rainbow Fort Seal and Absorption seal. We'll begin with absorption and then go to rainbow fort." With that he would weave some seals and place an absorption seal onto the ground. "It can either weaken or completely absorb an attack. If you have a seal of redirection it can also send it back at the person who attacked you."
Strength of One Hundred seal 7/10 posts
WC: 245
TWC: 3513
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:38 pm
Akabayashi would say he is abnormal to which Youta would reply “You are right. I have no idea what I was thinking. I should have just referenced our history to figure out that no conversation we have will fall under the catagory of normal. But I guess that is what makes you… unique. You are technically correct, she is the only one having an affair. I guess if you want to be technical she is the cheater. You are just, the home wrecker?” He would chuckle a little then realize that this might not be the right time and see how Akabayashi would react to that statement.”

“I do not know if it brings out your fears or just tries to use what it has access to at the time. I do not know if it can go deep into your conscience to find what truest scares you. Like mine was a day i was feeling lonely so it tried to use that to make it seem like you, Sebastian and Zeref were just going to abandon me during a mission and I would be all alone. But it’s not like it goes into my mind to find like phobias. I think it just works with what you are feeling at the moment. But I don’t know. You would have to ask an elder or someone more experienced about it.”

“That seems super useful to make them more powerful. And the rainbow one sounds cool. What all does it do? The absorbtion one does not interest me as much. I can naturally do that with my Yuumei. I have a couple of techniques to help reduce enemies' power and strength of their techniques. And if I absorb the techniques with my Yuumei I either feel a little stronger or filled with a little energy. Which seems more useful then redirecting the technique. Why send it back when I can absorb it and use it? But the protection seal you can’t ever have too much defense is what they say. I think”

WC 341
TWC 3450
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Fri Feb 25, 2022 9:58 am
"I prefer to think if she is cheating then their relationship was ruined before I showed up. People in a happy relationship won't go looking for someone else." Truly, the relationship between Stephanie and her husband was one based soley on money. There wasn't any love between her and her husband it was a prearranged marriage to join two noble houses. But anyway it was no longer the subject of discussion.

Abandonment is his fear. Good to know. He'd have to keep that in mind when using Bastet in a spar against him. "I try not to abandon people as often as possible as a policy." He would say  hoping it'd make him feel better. Based on things Youta really needed to speak to these elders to learn how to use the Yuumei. It seemed it was a bloodline he was unable to solve on his own, different from other clans Akabayashi studied. Though none of those clans included a demon.

"A rainbow fort seal is just a barrier. If you have to choose between this and absorption, I'd say typically absorption is better. Unless defending against physical attacks where a barrier is better or stopping many weak attacks."
With a bit of focus he would add more energy to his strength of one hundred seal. He could feel the other masks had taken form on his back.

With a few whistles for the fuinjutsu amplifier he would activate his sharingan with sage mode and copy his Anubis seal. The seal would appear on his foot the jackal marking attached to his heel. "Now break the seal on my eye."
SoO 8/10 posts
Thoth: Anubis 250 power/speed
WC: 272
TWC: 3785

Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Ryo : 89906

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:00 am
“That’s good, abandoning people for no reason is the most disgraceful thing you can do, especially in battle. But what I meant was I was feeling lonely that day and it tried to amplify that to make me fear abandonment. But you said earlier you can sense or see someone’s fear or something like that. Yuumei would probably be helpful for you to maybe make a seal that brings it out or maybe you already can make a seal or genjutsu like that. I do not know. I think the elders are rather hesitant to hand out Yuumei and from what I remember you have to go to some temple or Shinkou holy place in the Abyss Village in Demon country for it to even be possible.” He was always hoping someone in Hoshigakure had been to the abyss village but not many had. He had always wanted to visit again but never found good escorts or the time to go.

“Ok so versus someone like Sebastian my barriers would be better unlike someone like Ise who my absorption power is superior. I will have to remember that. The rainbow one seems like it would be good for a quick defense and does not use as much energy as my other barrier techs. Interesting.” He would sit and try to copy the hand signs Monkey then Tiger then Ox then as he does the Seal of Confrontation it kind of just fizzles out. So he would start over and it would take 3 or 4 tries till finally a barrier is formed.

“You want me to break that seal? Ok I can try.” He would think to himself that if Akabayashi put this seal down it has to be pretty powerful so Youta would activate Monster and do the hand signs to get Fuinjutsu Breaker ready then say “are you sure if so here we go”. He would slam the technique on the seal and at first nothing happened. So he would deactivate monster and as the black aura and what looked like smoke dissipates from around him he would say “I do not think the version I know is strong enough to take that seal away. Can you show me how to make it more powerful?” He would listen to Akabayashi show him how and tell him how to make it more powerful. After a little bit of time he would activate monster again and as that same dark aura starts to coalesce around him he would say “alright let’s try this one more time!” He would do all the hand signs for fuinjutsu breaker and touch the seal and it would finally break. “There you go I did it.” He would sit down and relax for a minute.

WC 460

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:31 pm
Well that was entirely wrong as Youta slammed his hand across the Terumi's face. "I can tell you, the seal didn't break since you should have touched my eye. No, no I'm good." He would say to Youta asking him how to enhance the technique which he had already done earlier. Besides he didn't need this genius trying to slam anything into his eye again. The doctor assumed he wouldn't have to explain how he'd need to be delicate poking him in the eye to remove the seal, but apparently he did and he'd learned his lesson. Youta was going nowhere near his face again.

If Youta continued trying to poke him in the eye after the doctor said they were done. A black thread from behind the doctor's eye would find itself plunging into his finger to make him pull back from the pain. "Thats enough for the day I don't need to be slapped twice to know your focus is completely gone." He'd say once more adding energy to the seal on his forehead.
SoO 9/10 posts
WC: 178
TWC: 3963
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 89906

Student and Sensei Model 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Fri Feb 25, 2022 2:10 pm
“Sorry about that I did not mean to just slap you across the your eye alright? I really did mean to go that hard just got a little excited and over zealous.”   He said in a truly apathetic way. But maybe after all of Akabayashi’s training methods in the past and all their conversations plus all the times Akabayashi has been plain weird, Youta might have enjoyed it a little bit and but tries to keep that a little bit hidden. “Ok ok it has been a long day sensei.  It has been a pleasure as always to see you and learn from you.  Have you talked to Sebastian lately? He seems to be a little distracted by something. I should talk to him when I get the chance show him all the new stuff you taught me and that I have been studying up on.  I do not think I have seen you since I learned the clan's specialty move the ultimate move of sorts.  Want to see I’m proud of it?” If Akabayashi would like to see he will stick around and show it to him it. If not Youta will say “Well I had a ton of fun, I don’t know about you. I will see you around.  See ya.”

WC 215
TWC 4125

TWC 4125
Claim 82 AP

Fuinjutsu speciality 500/500

Unity seal rank B 375/375

Chakra storage seal 375/375

fuinjutsu amplifier Rank A 625/625

Ghost lake seal 375/375

Fuinjutsu breaking c-S 1000/1000

rainbow fort seal rank B 375/375

Nature proficiency 500/500

Total of 4125
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