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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Student and Sensei Model 2

Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:06 pm
Where oh where to begin? Each heart was in a jar and shipped to him in a crate. A gift from someone who knew his condition. He'd recently lost each of his elements except for Earth. What made him a Terumi was now gone. No Lava, no Boil release. With each passing day the heart on his shelf began to seem important. Like something was telling him to open up the lid. With the first twist the smell of preserving liquid came out, then the weird part. Strange threads coming from Akabayashi's body wrapped around the heart and it was pulled into a strange opening that had formed in his body.

After a couple of minutes a mask formed on his shoulder of a fox. The mask and a mass of strings  were able to detach themselves from his body and use fire jutsu. This ability the Terumi, if he could still be called one knew had more to it. Which is why he'd requested the extra hearts.

The first jar opened when the threads touched the organ, acted as if they were shy. Unwilling to bring the heart into them. The second jar opened well the strings pulled the organ right on in welcoming it to the man's body. Third jar was the same the weird black strings pulling the heart into his body. The fourth jar once again made the strings move away and wrap around the fifth jar. Crushing the glass and then gripping the heart within. The last heart dragged into his body. The two hearts which remained he'd seal in the jars and put them on his shelf. Was this what he was now? Some heart devouring alien creature. What had Jack done to him during his captivity and why did this change take so long.

Maybe it was time to get out and do some training. Discover what this new body was capable of. So far no new masks had formed just the red fox max. Which he'd have to cover up before people asked about it. Of course on his walk he would begin a new Strength of One Hundred seal adding energy into a space on his forehead. Some things about him hadn't changed. The organs transplanted into his body were still there. His eyes were still Sharingan and Jashigan, he could feel nature energy flowing through him, and even though he couldn't use wood release he could feel the Senju power flowing inside him.

+50AP Strength of One Hundred Seal
WC: 414

Last edited by Akabayashi Terumi on Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:19 pm
Youta would wake up and get ready for the day.  He would grab a mat to do some morning meditation and maybe some more intense training at the training grounds.  He always enjoyed meditation with the sunrise and sunset.  He loved all the beautiful colors and the cooler air before the desert heat of the day that usually ravages the country of Haven. He would go to the pond and the gazebo to contemplate and work with his Yuumei.  He would walk downstairs and see his adoptive father getting ready to go to work.  So Youta would follow his father to work and help him for little while mostly doing a little grunt work.  He would be the one who mostly does things like carry coal and move some product around the shop.  Youta would then say to his father “I am going to go do some training today at the training grounds if you need me!” He would then run out the door and head that way.  

While walking down the road he would see a man also walking towards the training grounds.  He would instinctively activate his Meigan.  He would eventually recognize this man as his old sensei  and team leader Akabayashi.  Except something seemed off with his chakra elements. They were all changed around and in different orders then usual. He would then deactivate meigan before continuing on.  Youta always thought this man was a little crazy but he still learned a lot from him, in the long run.  He would run up and say “Hello, Sensei, how is it going today? Just going for some training I see.  You seem different.”  He did not want Akabayashi to know about him using meigan on him. “If you are going to train, maybe we can train together like old times.”  

WC 302
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:19 pm
"Different? Different how?" everything before those words was almost ignored as the Vulture looked at Youta through his shades quizzically. "Good morning Youta. Training together would be more efficiant, besides that I have a couple of questions about how your training is going. What with the shift in leaders." Hopefully, not many could tell something about him had changed with hope very few would learn so quickly.

The training grounds weren't far off, but they could talk along the way. "How is Loghain doing as the new team leader?" Akabayashi would ask waiting for the question to be answered and once it was the hard question. "How are you doing with Zeref's death?" The Vulture of Hoshi had been over it weeks ago, as this was the life of those who followed the path of a shinobi. With each person dead that he knew the damage was lessened each time. Not because he didn't care, but because his guard went up with every new person he met to minimize the pain of their passing. Not everyone had this self defense mechanism. Death rates were down from the times before the village, but they still happened.
+50AP SoO seal 2/10 posts
WC: 200

Last edited by Akabayashi Terumi on Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Tue Jan 25, 2022 10:37 pm
“It just seems like your elements have shifted no big deal, it could just be as simple as you have learned a few more of one element.” He was trying to just lie through his teeth. “I promise it’s not that big of deal but Sebastian seems to be doing great at being team leader. I will help him out when needed but my training seems to be going alright. I have some more that I want to learn but I am working on it. It was a bit strange I am not going to lie to come to a training session and see Sebastian in the front and you were nowhere to be seen. Then Sebastian said I am in charge now. It was strange but alright. He is a great team leader though. We have done quite a few missions. We have a few new members of the team and that’s going good . He is helping our newer members more and pretty much leaves me to my own devices. Which is perfectly fine with me.” Then he would bring up the name of our fallen comrade Zeref. “Yeah it was a tough time for a while. I took it pretty hard for a bit granted Zeref usually stayed to himself and didn’t really try to make friends. He was still the first teammate and comrade I lost in battle but he went out helping a friend. So here’s to that and to him. How did you take it?” He would then shake off the sadness and say “So on a more up beat note what have you been up to since Sebastian took over? How is business doing?”

They would reach the training grounds and finish their conversation then Youta would ask “So what is it you were planning on doing today at the training grounds anything in particular or just trying to stay in fighting shape?”

WC 319
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:07 pm
This was clearly a lie from Youta. Akabayashi's elements had not only shifted around, but he'd lost at least four. Water, Boil, Lava, and Wood. He currently had just Earth and Fire, if any Terumi DNA was left in him he'd be able to manage lava, but even that wouldn't work. Why did Youta feel the need to lie here? "What elements do you actually see?" The Vulture would ask the secret beginning to unravel within his first meeting with someone he knew.

The stuff about Sebastian seemed to follow with what the doctor assumed. They would do plenty of tasks with the werewolf and he'd put more focus on the other two's training. "He is just bringing the other member's of the team to your level. Otherwise, they'd just drag you down." Kind of like Zeref.

"Honestly, I didn't take Zeref's death hard. I almost expected it. He asked me to train him before that mission and right at the beginning he took off. I was so angry, I remember saying he was going to get someone else and himself killed. Turns out I was half-right." He knew Youta hadn't seen the mission report due to his rank, but Akabayashi had taken a look. Perhaps he should tell him what happened during that mission. "Zeref had been assigned to patrol duty when a string of fires began. A serial arsonist, a chuunin arrived first followed by Zeref. It seemed the arsonist had taken a hostage and the chuunin saw through the man's lie but for some reason allowed the arsonist to approach extremely close before he attacked. Zeref ran directly into the bulky fire starter with a body flicker and had his throat crushed.

The chuunin grabbed the hostage after he'd himself flickered into some trees and managed to escape."
The report made both of the Hoshi shinobi seem like absolute morons. Leaving out the chuunins name was intentional as telling Youta could only bring about resentment toward Zeo. There was no benefit to letting Youta know about the chuunin who ran away from his teammates murderer. "I don't dislike this chuunin for not saving Zeref. Zeref was not a very physical ninja, there was no saving him from his own reckless actions. I do however not like this chuunin for an entirely seperate reason. He made us all appear weak and incompetent." Training Youta was developing an ulterior motive for the Shinkou to beat Zeo Kamigawa in a fight.

What had the doctor been up to since he no longer had training duties. "Studying a rather unique power solely limited to me I guess. I got a doujutsu from a nightmare which included Sebastian and you. Other than that training these sharingan to use their mangekyou techniques." Taking off his sunglasses he would activate his mangekyou, unlike normal sharingan one eye had a Cat on the inside and the other was a pinwheel pattern. Until with three seals to use the fuinjutsu amp and the use of sage mode the pinwheel took the form of a jackal. "This isn't even the strange part. The weird part is this." The eyes would turn completely black and overlap with the powers of the Jashigan. "I can see fear in people and it glows. Also, if they are under a genjutsu. The weird part being I have a fusion of doujutsu which is incredibly rare."

"I was planning to train some elements. I think my body has become accustomed to a strange way of aquiring them. How about you? What did you have in mind?" Telling Youta about his Tau abilities was not going to be discussed today as Akabayashi still wasn't even sure how it all worked. He could feel a new mask had sprouted on his back. He would dump more energy into the seal on his forehead it wasn't close to full as of yet, but it would be eventually.

+50 SoO 3/10 posts
Placing Anubis seal in sharingan 250 power/speed. Fuin amp and sage mode used.
WC: 680
TWC: 1294
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Wed Jan 26, 2022 10:18 pm
“Well I definitely see fire and earth. There is a lot more earth then I remember but it has been a while. Also not as much mixing of elements and I thought you had wood. I do not see any water. It’s all ok though I’m sure you have your reasons. As long as everything is ok? I just did not want to bring something up if it was uncomfortable or a bad memory. How did you lose all your stuff? If I may ask?” He felt kind of bad for trying to hide his intentions and would continue. “Sorry for trying to hide my intentions there.”
Youta would stretch a little saying “I get the extra training for the other two. We had a session where we sparred with Sebastian and no offense to the knight named Regis, he was useless during that. But he will learn had to save him from a good bunch of the wolf. It would have done a little damage. I could tell it was not full power because it did not shatter my weaker shield I was using. Hopefully after the training they can take on Sebastian and I. Then I would be ready to put my life completely in their hands. Otherwise I would just feel even know hlike a babysitter.” He would then look to Akabayashi and sit down next to him. He would listen very intently to the story of how Zeref died and the mission. “Did they get the arsonist? Are they sending someone after him? Zeref did not give us much details; he just left our training session one day. He just said ‘I’m going to help a friend’ and left. Do you know who he was going to help? I do not blame him, he did this mission which was to save the hostage. But they could have planned a little better.”

Then he would stand up as Akabayashi talks about his new dojutsu and his Sharingan. He wanted to work on his new powers and powering them up. “You can see fear? This is from that vampire bull shit I absolutely hated that dream? Mission? Nightmare? I don’t know what it was all I do know is it sucked. A lot like a lot a lot. But I was originally coming here to meditate and try to get in touch with the Yuumei inside of me. But since you are here I was always curious about Fuinjutsu but I am willing to train whatever. I don't really know all the uses for Fuinjutsu. So we could train jutsu for a bit then Fuinjutsu or whatever you want to do.”

WC 443
TWC 1064
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:11 am
More earth? What could that mean? Unless, earth has shifted to my main element which makes sense it was the only element I could use before I assimilated Genki's heart. Akabayashi wanted Youta to take another look to see if a new element had taken hold in the Vulture's body as he couldn't see the mask or its color to even have an idea. Assumedly, each heart was linked to an individual heart. The hearts rejected being ones he already possessed meaning the other two were fire and earth. "Nothing uncomfortable or bad, I'm not entirely sure how those elements were lost. I just woke up and all I had was earth." It couldn't be denied hiding his intentions was odd, but who wouldn't be surprised by a complete one-hundred and eighty degree spin in someones elemental natures. Medically it was fascinating, happening to you it was very strange.

Seemed the new members of the team were as green as they came. Losing to wolves. It was laughable. "Never put your life in another's hands its the best way to never be dissapointed. When you start relying on everyone else you stop giving yourself the best chance to live. Teamwork is great, but it is never to be relied upon." More tough views of the world from Akabayashi Terumi. Hopefully, Zeref was a lesson on not relying on others.

"No they didn't get the arsonist and no we aren't going after him." It was a small lie, truthfully the village was "on the look out" but with such a basic description it was unlikely he'd be found. The guy was probably far away fom the village at this point and scouring the planet was nearly impossible. "I don't think he was going to help anyone. Personally, it seemed more like he was on the hunt for someone to kill him. Who runs into their opponent unless they are good at close range combat?" Saving the hostage wasn't even a thought for the Senju according to the report it was being the hero and trying to kill the arsonist with a pointy stick.

"Well teaching fuinjutsu is easy. Take this pen and ink start making seals that look like this." Making hand seals for unity seal the man would attach it to the tree. "This jutsu links multiple people so that they may fight in unison. Jutsu that don't effect the user will also not effect the people this seal is attached and linked to. Draw the seal and practice the hand seals. Applying fuinjutsu to surfaces other than paper and skin is rather hard. You can try after understanding the basics." As he explained another mask would form on his back this time a yellow color which again he couldn't see. He would then add more energy into his Strength of One Hundred seals.
+50 AP SoO seal 4/10 posts
WC: 481
TWC: 1,775
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:50 pm
He would say “wait you just woke up like this did that not concern you at all.  It is basically a one eighty from your old powers.  No offense.  Not that you still are not powerful, I am sure you are. Did you at least try to find out what happened?”  He was actually curious because he had never heard of anything like this happening.  It was definitely a mystery to him but not one he was very worried about right now.  “I am glad that you are doing well sensei! I am sure you will find out what happened to you and either fix it or not. I don’t know what you want to do.”  

Then his old sensei would continue with his life advice of always take your life into your own hands.  Which Youta agreed with mostly. “You never know who will come in handy though, and a few friends and maybe a girlfriend.  Eh eh eh any secrets Akabayashi? I’m just kidding, just having a little fun.”  Then he was told the arsonist got away.  And his demeanor got very serious, very quickly and he would say “well, did he now? No tracer Fuinjutsu or anything to find him later.  Zeref and the other chunin just let him get away.  What a bunch of amateurs? How are we supposed to avenge a fallen friend with nothing to go on.”  His Yuumei would start to take over and you would see dark energy forming around him and his eyes would glow a dark crimson. Akabayashi has probably never seen Youta like this. Akabayashi would feel the darkness emanating from Youta.  Youta having never really lost a teammate or had one get seriously injured before. Youta has always been a very loyal person especially to those who help him.  Youta would catch himself and calm down as the energy almost instantly disappeared. “Sorry about that, I almost lost my temper for a minute.  Starting feeding the guy a little too much chakra.  He got a little excited.  I am usually pretty good about keeping him in check but with a name like his it makes sense. I’m sure this got him all ready to go. He can be a pesky pain in the ass”.  He would laugh a little.

“So Fuinjutsu?” Soon Akabayashi would hand him a pen and paper.  Show him some hand seals and Youta would follow in instructions step by step. Rat -> Monkey -> Boar -> Serpent then he would hit the paper with a dragon seal with a lot of vigor.  Then nothing happened, absolutely nothing.  Youta would try maybe a half of dozen tries then finally after a bit he felt the energy transfer into the seal.  “I finally got it. I don’t really know what I did differently yet but I am sure I will figure it out by the end of it. Do you have anymore to show me I liked that one or something else? I am flexible. I do not know what all Fuinjutsu is really capable of so this is kind of exciting.”  He would sit down and look at the paper and wait for Akabayashi to continue with his lessons.

WC 531
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:08 am
"Well yes and no. I did and did not wake up like this. Though truth be told it was a little concerning. However, I am beginning to think my elements, plus others may now be returning. I feel different, as if my body is going through a metamorphosis." Akabayashi wasn't going to explain the experiments done to him by his former student which turned him into a heart eating mass of string. All in a quest for immortality, which now Akabayashi had achieved thrice. His Lazarus pit, mastering Creation Rebirth, and finally the abilities of the Earth Grudge Fear technique.

"I sort of know what happened. I assume it had something to do with Stein. Not something he directly did to me, more or less how his biology interacted with my own." It wasn't like Youta was aware Stein was a mass of strings with no bones and five hearts. Which was now also the case for Akabayashi. "There are certainly some things I'd like to have returned." The doctor of course wasn't one for having his jutsu taken so of course he meant he wanted everything returned.

"Girlfriend? Oh, you haven't met Emelia. The nurse that works for me. I'm sure you've seen her. I wouldn't call what we do dating as much as having fun though." It seemed Youta had misunderstood his statement on leaving his life up to others. "Teamwork is good if done well. So many people can't coordinate however and it usually ends in a mess. Yes, take help from your team. What I'm saying is never be in a situation where you have to completely rely on anyone else."

With Youta's change in demeanor, the visible black chakra, and his shift in eye color. Akabayashi would activate both his EMS and Jashigan. Youta could now likely see Earth, Fire, Water, and Lighting element were now a part of the "Terumi's" body. "Well at least it was anger and not fear." The man would say glad he didn't see a bright beacon of fear where Youta was. What Youta was doing was rather odd talking about his chakra as if it were a pet or person. "Feed who?" There was no one else around so surely Youta was talking about himself or a toad in his pocket.

When Youta finished the Unity seal it was time to move on. "So, many more. Like this chakra storage seal." Akabayashi would perform the technique and imbue it with a bit of his own energy and place it on Youta. "Now learn that jutsu then break the seal I placed. Later you'll be undoing my Anubis seal." He had already shown the genin how to break a seal but breaking your own was much easier than destroying anothers.

TWC: 2244
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Student and Sensei Model 2 Empty Re: Student and Sensei Model 2

Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:59 pm
“Stein, Stein” Youta will look back trying to remember that shinobi. Youta thinks he has heard the name but never in a good way and not much about him. “I think I have heard of that shinobi but I have never heard anything good or much about him in general. Was he a good shinobi? I guess it does not really matter who or what he has done.” Youta would go back to thinking about the task in front of him. While Akabayashi was talking about his girlfriend, Emelia. Youta does not remember meeting her but that does not mean much. Youta would say “well as long as you both are ok with it, that is up to you. Next time I go to your doctor’s office you’ll have to introduce me. I have not had much luck with the ladies. Been focusing a lot more on missions and training. And have you met most of the lady shinobi in the village. Talk about crazy and scary. They all seem to be a little different.” Youta would start laughing to himself. “Oh well, I am sure it will happen eventually. Nothing to worry about. And I think I understand what your saying that teamwork and support at home is great but if you can’t take care of yourself in the end you can still wind up dead.”

Youta realized he made a mistake and that he said a little bit too much about the Yuumei. “You know how when we met I said people think my clan was possessed by darkness and the Yuumei. And how I said that was completely wrong. Well that was a little bit of a lie. Yuumei are not demons and it is not really a possession like if he wants to take control he can. It’s more of a symbiotic relationship between us and the Yuumei. They like to eat chakra no matter where it comes from so preferably its others in the form of a ninjutsu attack. And when I get emotional, especially angry it can sense it and consumes some and releases more power to me which is what the Shinkou use to make attacks. So Yuumei have names in their and our language which can describe them. You can meditate and learn from and kinda talk to them in theory. So that’s the Shinkou and why trying to transfer our dojutsu does not work because without our Yuumei it is just an eyeball.”

Youta would then say “Chakra storage seal? How many can you have on your body at once? And I know how to break basic Fuinjutsu seals but I’ll probably need help breaking anything more advanced than an armory seal. Which is what Sebastian taught us. But I’ll try to make this new one.” He would make the symbols Snake > Ram > Rat > Dragon then he would try Snake > Ram > Rat > Snake. He would try and try and it did not take as long as the first fuinjutsu techniques. He would try and it would break and he would feel a rush of energy flowing through him. After that he would ask “What is the Anubis seal, what does it do and who applied it to you?”

WC 537

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