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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Testing 1, 2... Empty Testing 1, 2...

Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:10 am
It had been a rather long night for Emilia, who had just recently had a surgery to transplant a new eye into her. It was the Ketsuryugan that she had mysteriously received in the mail along with another organ. She had gone over to the Triple B store to see what could be done about the eye and she was given the choice to either sell it or transplant it for her own use. The logical thing was to transplant it and see what sort of new abilities she would gain from this eye. Emilia readied herself in a her normal attire and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a banana and peeling it open, enjoying the potassium filled fruit.
”I think today, I will train a little bit and try activating the eye. Attuning it and having an understanding for the feel and what it actually does. If I don’t train it, there wouldn’t be any point in me having it transplanted.”
The young kunoichi pondered her thoughts for a bit as she finished up her averaged size banana. From here, she made sure she had all the training equipment she needed and grabbed her handy dandy notebook and then left the house. She wanted to make her way to where she could appropriately work on her new dojutsu eye, and what better place than where there would be a ton of people. Of course, the market was usually crawling with folks and so this would give Emilia the perfect time to see through her new eye and get an understanding of what it would do for her. It didn’t take the genin long at all before she reached the market and she decided to perch herself on top of one buildings, that way she could have a big view.
Emilia activated her Ketsuryugan, instantly changing her eye from a rather normal color to all red with a black pupil and a purple horizontal line going across. If anyone saw her, they would probably freak out a bit so she tried to stay out of the line of sight of most folks. A slight smile crept onto her face as she realized some of the abilities that she now had, which included a chakra vision of sorts, something that would come in handy big time for Emilia.

Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
Stat Page : Emilia Kaneko
Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 68750

Testing 1, 2... Empty Re: Testing 1, 2...

Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:04 pm
The young Kunoichi’s legs were criss-crossed but straight out as she sat on top of the building. Emi had decided to do a little relaxing time and work on her “tan” that she would never get. She still was keeping her Ketsuryugan activated and working to master it of sorts, specifically working on seeing with the chakra vision in one eye. This was a brand new concept to Emi, as her initial thought with this is how would her vision be? Would her vision be normal in one eye and “not normal” in the other? Honestly, that would make the most sense, but it would be difficult to see that way and she may have to close her regular eye to see better.
Emilia looked upwards towards the sky, being in awe over the clouds that drifted ever so slowly across the land. She let her regular eye close, keeping her Ketsu open to see how the world would look without having both eyes open. Of course, things became a lot clearer as she was only looking through her new eye. She wondered if her brain was having trouble comprehending the images that were coming through or what, but it was definitely better now. ”I don’t like having to close 1 eye to see clearly with this chakra vision, but it’s something I will have to get used to because this ability just comes in handy too much to not even use it.” Her left quickly as she really didn’t want to think of anything else at the moment… her lips curled up as she leaned all the way back on the building and just continued her cloud gazing.

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