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|HM| Anger Management | Gael - Page 2 Empty Re: |HM| Anger Management | Gael

Wed Dec 15, 2021 3:31 pm
It's working! It's working! It isn't working.

"Fuck!" Hina hisses at the sight of her mighty tiger being overwhelmed, heart pounding. She's only got moments to react, and there's only one trick she has up her sleeve that could match that. It's time to fight fire with fire. Her hands weave together into two seals and a clap, and a crimson aura (Crimson Blazing Heart) springs to life around her as she whirls into a twirling series of spin kicks, ready to introduce this wily shinobi to her feet and blow him into next week (Whirlwind Pirouette Kick).

Her kicking twirl has a Power of 180 and a TB of 160, amplified by 20 by her Crimson Blazing Heart. This results in Hina becoming a dervish of twirling flame as she tears through Great Fire Annihilation, setting it on cooldown. All or nothing. The moment she'd begun spinning she'd also moved forward and leapt from the ground towards the jumping Gael - tearing through the smoke to intercept him mid-jump via a snap judgement of his trajectory (if she's good at ANY of this ninja stuff, it's judging where she'll be able to kick someone in the gut), legs tearing into his torso in a series of terrible, burning kicks to send him sailing 15m directly upwards.

She's only dimly aware of the clones that have appeared behind her, that then dissolve into nothing when she exits the smoke bomb's range.

Gate of Pain -40AP
Whirlwind Pirouette Kick -40AP
Crimson Blazing Heart -20AP

570/750 AP

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|HM| Anger Management | Gael - Page 2 Empty Re: |HM| Anger Management | Gael

Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:42 am
Hina and Gael both awkwardly freeze in mid-air as she's caught in his Genjutsu, the woman's face a mask of shock as she sails, locked mid-kick, and... thump. The two awkwardly smack into eachother midair, the paralysis keeping Hina from landing a hit, but not changing either of their trajectories. Gael is unable to form the Rasengan unless he cancels the Genjutsu. This leaves them to both tumble on to the grass in separate heaps one meter apart, Hina having absolutely no idea what just happened.

Gate of Pain -40AP
530/750 AP

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Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : here

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 78550

|HM| Anger Management | Gael - Page 2 Empty Re: |HM| Anger Management | Gael

Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:26 pm
Immediately after they tumble to a stop Hina activates genjutsu release for the first time before the Uchiha bursts into crows Hina scrambles to stand on her feet as quickly as they can. They just dissolved into crows and now they were pecking her. But that didn't make sense, they didn't seem able to hurt her with something that simple, so why would they risk their body doing something like this. Unless...they were hiding.  That same instant she got to her feet, she turns on and puts onnher thermal visor, and that's when another snag hit.

The crows didn't display on it properly.

And that exact moment is when she figured out she may be under an illusion, and that same moment is when she activated genjutsu release. The birds already vanishing as she quickly turns to find Gael, mid jump, fleeing. A mere two meters away in the air. She didn't even hesitate, leaping after them at full speed, and activating furious design simultaneously. A wave of billowing killing intent flowing off of her. The power of her gates about to fade, she was going to use every moment of it.

By the time he was three meters away from the tree,  the wave of killing intent would reach them, their bodies movements and their own internal control of energy becoming faulty. When Gael was one meter from the tree, their arcs and speed would cause them to intersect for a moment, putting Hina in range to reach for Gael's throat as quickly as she could and activate Jotun grip. Crushing his throat hoping to end this quickly.

-180AP Genjutsu release
-40AP Gate of Pain
-30AP Jotun Grip
-30AP Furious Design

WC: 261

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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

|HM| Anger Management | Gael - Page 2 Empty Re: |HM| Anger Management | Gael

Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:52 am
You cannot bank wc. you have to lose it or use it

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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

|HM| Anger Management | Gael - Page 2 Empty Re: |HM| Anger Management | Gael

Sat Apr 23, 2022 8:37 pm
Claims approved for Gael!
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