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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

Clash of Ideals [P] Empty Clash of Ideals [P]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 9:05 pm
It had been a long time coming.

The training ground was strangely deserted today. It was as though the area knew what was about to take place. Over the past months, Yuuma had come into his own as a shinobi. Discarding some ideals that had held him back and evolving those that would carry him forward. Ever since becoming a Chuunin, Yuuma had strode to find his path. Now, clad in the figurative armor of his goals, he'd face down one of his fondest memories. Together, he had taken his first returning steps into the ninja world alongside this figure. They had helped each other overcome certain danger, and both of them strode to uphold that which they both believed made Hoshigakure their home. Although Yuuma never looked upon the youth as an adversary, it was clear from the moment they had met that the two of them would be headed in the same direction. Even if their paths were to diverge, Yuuma realized that the place they were meant to go would ultimately be standing side by side with one another. But today was not about assuring their mutual ends. Today was about testing each other. Testing their paths. Yuuma's blue gaze would fall to his opponent and his friend.


The area was an 80mx80 arena, bordered on the edges by thickets of trees that made passage incredibly difficult by conventional means. The ground was the typical padded dirt of the training ground and the space lacked any significant obstacles at the outset. The two faced each other in the center of the field, forty meters between them leaving twenty meters behind each of them to where the trees gave them a makeshift border. Neither of them had yet taken preparatory measures for the fight- at least as far as Yuuma was aware- and stood now facing each other knowing that they would spar soon. Raising his voice, Yuuma would speak out to his friend. "Today we are finally going to see what each other is made of, Tsuna. I've been looking forward to showing you what I can do for some time. So don't hold back and neither will I." A simple sentiment offered followed along with a short bow from the elder of the two. Taking up a readied stance, Yuuma would roll up the sleeves on his robe and prepare for the battle to start.

WC - 397

Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Clash of Ideals [P] Empty Re: Clash of Ideals [P]

Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:27 am
A clash of ideals… it’s a fitting name, Yuuma and Tsunayoshi, former teammates of the same squad, both shared the same dreams. Though, they both sought very different paths. But their respect for each other never once wavered, not even for a instant. Tsuna held Yuuma in such high regard, almost in the same light as an older brother. The Hoshimura could vividly recall the first mission they tackled together. The beating that Tsuna took on that mission - the trinkets that he earn, with swaying from Yuuma. 

The jewel dangled from the hilt of his Just Maid, extended from over his right shoulder and fasten to his back. The boy stood 40 meters from Yuuma. Clad in his Bittersteel armor. His equipment properly stored and placed where they should(Stat page for placements) Cyan eyes would meet with sapphire ones. A smile would erect on his face as he listened to the words of his friend, no…his brother. “This day has been long since woven into the threads of fate, Yuuma. From the day that I met you, it was destined for us to face each other. It only surprises me that that day was to be today.” He would laugh softly. Excitement overwhelming him as he thought more and more of the pending exchange. 

With a sigh, his expression would metaphor - something that Yuuma was not quite familiar with from him. As Tsuna honed himself and his skill as a warrior for Hoshi, it also changed him mentally. His once carefree and innocent face was no nothing more than a cold steely expression voided of all emotions. “Hold back, against you?” He voiced. From the neck of his armor erect the helmet that would coat his head in the resemblance of some sort of beast. Only a slit for where his eyes were, though impossible to see through. Piercing through that void a pair of crimson orbs that shimmered ominously with pearl floral pattern. “Never!” His voice completely distorted behind the helm. It was then set and in motion. The two would begin their inevitable battle. He would stand ready, watching for what his brother would do first. Carelessness was not something he was willing to burden in this fight. 

[WC: 372]

NE Stack: 1/5
Amatsu Orbs: 15

Kenseigan: -10 AP
Health: 300
Bittersteel (200 AP): 150 Health
Passive DR: 25
AP: 743 -> 733

Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

Clash of Ideals [P] Empty Re: Clash of Ideals [P]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:38 pm
Watching that shift in his companion's demeanor sparked a similar transformation in Yuuma. In contrast to the cold, focused restraint of the Hoshimura, Yuuma could feel his spirit begin to unravel, unfolding and unfurling into energy that bolstered and billowed. That warm smile pushed up wider on his lips as he felt the fire of battle stir inside of him when Tsuna's helmet was fully formed. This felt real. Tsuna would see how much he had grown since they had last seen each other in action. There wouldn't be any ogres throwing each other into walls this time, nor any heartfelt talks about a brighter future for one's family. Today, ideals would clash. Orange and brown chakra would flood into view, surrounding Yuuma's body as his fist came together and made an impact with the palm of the other hand, his voice lifting in a call.

"Show me what you've got, brother!":

Diamond shards would burst across the chest of the robed ninja, hands working individually to begin weaving a pair of seals while beginning to move back and to his left toward the wall. Left hand wove Snake. Ox. Ram. Dragon. Tiger. Snake. The right-hand weaving in the same instance Ram. Horse. Dragon. Hare. Snake. Simultaneously, a porting of earth three meters in front of him would bubble and gurgle before exploding in a cascade of rushing earth, chakra ripping across the ground as the earth wove like a current in the river, rushing towards Tsunayoshi. The mid of the river had been aimed directly for Tsuna, expanding to forty meters wide and rushing at top speed. Behind Yuuma and to the right at a forty-five-degree angle and at a five-meter distance would form a three-meter tall dragon head, a deep and billowing roar unleashing across the field as its open mouth appeared from the ground and began to emit a glowing yellow light, firing off a trio of one-meter diameter projectiles intent on intercepting any projectile that had been launched towards Yuuma, tracking its targets but careful not to hit himself, holding the seal of confrontation to turn the head of the dragon with his right hand if need be. Any shots not aimed at projectiles were aimed at Tsuna himself, aiming for direct center mass with each directed shot.

WC - 376
TWC -  773

Combat info:
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Clash of Ideals [P] Empty Re: Clash of Ideals [P]

Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:16 pm
A blue hue would coat Yuuma, evident that he possessed a affinity for water. Tsuna was made aware of this all because of his Kenseigan - one of its many useful perks. The Hoshimura would also take note of the orange and brown chakra that incased that. But before that he would notice the gesture which brought it about. “Brown chakra? Yuuma does use earth style Jutsu, so I’ll take a safe bet that his only natures for right now are Water and Earth. That’s good to know.” He too knew that determination. 

His right would raise to take the hilt of Just Maid into his grasp. Swiftly he would withdrawal the blade from its sheath. He would notice the dense chakra forming around the body of Yuuma, it solidify into something he never seen before. A raised brow would take place beneath the helm. “That’s new.” He would think to himself. It looked like Diamond…Tsuna would have to expect that it had some sort of reflective property, or durability even. Yuuma began to weave seals in each hand as he moved backwards. So it was truly time. 

With the blade in his right hand, that same hand would weave seals flawlessly while maintaining the weapon in his grasp. Under normal circumstances due to the rank of the tech that he was about to perform it would require more strain on his chakra, but because he was using a tech for weaponry he didn’t have to suffer such a strain from using a one handed seal. Once done, he gripped the blade tighter and it was encased in black, red and purple chakra that added to the health of his blade and its force. Simultaneously his a think cloak of chakra would wrap him while, visibly purple with light pink. His feet would rise from the ground 5 meters, at a speed of 205. He would then move forward towards Yuuma at that speed. 

He would note the chakra forming from the ground 3 meters in front of Yuuma and five meters behind him. “He’s trying to slow me down?” He questioned mentally as he continued. His left hand forming seals at max speed. As the sludge-like earth and 3 meter tall construct expanded at the speed that it did Tsuna was already 10 meters closer. His would notice the sludge coming his way and expanding wider as well as the shooting of the projectiles from the other tech. He would then elevate another 5 meters out of its path as the mud river did not raise above ground level and the projectiles were fixed point for now after firing. 

In that midst he would launch his Jutsu — 20 meters away from Tsuna, but 10 meters from Yuuma, at his eye level a 30 cm tear would manifest. A pitch black sphere would form and instantly it began to pull in anything and everything within its range of all directions of 15 meters. But that was just the initial pulling range as the zone itself would expand up to 30 meters which can be seen by the naked eye at a power and speed of 135. Anything or anyone caught within its pull with a power/strength less than this Jutsu will be pulled into the tear and suffer base damage of 50. Meaning this would pull in Yuuma and his Jutsu towards the tear. Should the Chuunin try to flee underground he would be pulled from it as well at Jutsu speed. 

Tsuna would look on from his hovering point. His guard up as he watched to see what Yuuma would do next.

[WC: 604]
[TWC: 976]

Kenseigan: 10 AP
Wosac [v7.2 - Unrestricted]: 50 AP
+80 Chakra and Speed
Stat Spread
Vigor: 50
Chakra: 205
Speed: 205
Strength: 25
Dark Chariot: 30 AP
+50 Weapon Health and Impact Force
Imitation Black Hole: 36 AP
+135 Power and Speed
One-Handed Seals v7: 15 AP

AP: 733 -> 592
NE Stack: 2/5
Amatsu Orbs: 15
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 116770

Clash of Ideals [P] Empty Re: Clash of Ideals [P]

Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:20 am
Thunderous booms echoed across the fields followed by the warbling garble of space-time techs being utilized in close succession. The entire event was creating no small amount of attention as the two parties opened with a volley at one another in an attempt to test just what the other is capable of. Others in the grounds would take pause at all the sudden action, sparing a glance if they cared to though it was not unusual for the sounds of battle to be present in the training field. This didn't sound like typical training, however, and as the trio of stray earth bullets exploded as they reached max range, others would begin to take a vested interest as well. 


Watching his opponent take flight, Yuuma had expected nothing less from his companion; naturally, the earth river was only meant to get Tsuna moving, and move he had. The earth dragon bullets whizzed under his feet, generating a small tug of air as they passed with the low whoosh of something seemingly heavy moving at quick speeds. As Tsuna's sword ignited into brilliant dark energy, the orange and brown chakra that swirled around Yuuma seemed to intensify as that grin persisted on his face. "Man, this guy sure is cool," Yuuma thought to himself. He was not deterred by the advance, welcoming it as his pace stopped once Tsuna ascended for a second time, Yuuma's hands already flying into the second set of seals each. On the right hand, Tiger. Boar. Rat...Horse. Bear. Snake. Ox. Ram. Tiger. Dragon. Ram. On the left, Rat. Monkey. Ram. Dragon. Boar. As Tsuna finished signing for his own technique, Yuuma would complete his as well.

From directly beneath Yuuma's feet, the earth would quake and rumble before an absolute massive structure would begin to rise at a staggering speed, outpacing the incoming technique easily as the knight-helmed titan of icy blue diamond rose from the ground with Yuuma atop its head. As it rose, however, there would be a visible shift of the earth beneath Tsuna as well, the outstretched palm of the massive diamond titan opened and ascended towards him at a rapid pace with the intention of snatching the flying ninja right out of the air and arrest him without a strong grip. The other arm was raised before the titan, prepared to intercept the next attack as it rose. Next to Yuuma, as the titan manifested, a pair of clones would appear in the likeness of Yuuma conjured from a diamond sculpture, one appearing directly in front of him on the Titan's head while the other appearing to the side, both within a meter of the original and planted on the crown of the titan with sure footing. The titan rose to full height in its attempted snatch of the boy out of the air, standing at an impressive forty-meter height. The icy diamond knight could rather easily be seen from most parts of Hoshi as it rose, bellowing across the field with a deep, rumbling roar. The Paragon Titan had risen.

WC - 511
TWC - 1,284

Combat Info:

Last edited by Yuuma Fujiwara on Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:05 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Corrected AP totals.)
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