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The Form of Resolve[Private/Solo] Empty The Form of Resolve[Private/Solo]

Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:42 pm
Yuri had never seen the Kirigakure research and development center before. In this somewhat advanced village  where she had always felt somewhat out of her depth, it felt like going from the shallows to the deep end as she arrived at the place. A labrynthine structure of glass and progress formed in smooth curving shapes. Unending hallways lined with windows, caged with laboratories, testing areas, and occasionally occupied by rogue monkeys and odd people in white coats chasing after them with vexed expressions on their face. Watching them run down the hall shouting after each other Yuri was like a silent ghost passing by as she searches this strange place for one singular location. All she needed was her own private nook with which to work on her own armor, in peace and quiet.

It took some time, she had to admit. First she had to talk to the front desk, wondering how she'd accidentally snuck past and missed them, then she found everything was booked tight with not a single space for her, so she had to help another person making use of the area with their odd experiment involving genetic recombination in chakra enhanced macaques. For someone already foreign to the idea of switching organs with another human for power the idea of putting a human organ inside a monkey the wall. Regardless it was for the sake of a good cause, hers, so she did it. When she finally had her own space, filled with the heat and smell of flames she felt the stress melt right away.

It was a humble sized room, with plenty of ventilation, and low on the lighting. It could almost be called aesthetic really. Almost taking her back to her home as she gently sets down her pack, a slight clunk as it touches down upon the ground. Now that she finally had the space to work it was time to finally begin her project. As a specialist in weaponry blades were a key part of winning battles, but alongside the sword there was need for the shield or in this case...Armor. Piece by piece she takes out the strange piecemeal armor she'd bought from the Ninja store here. She'd never seen anything like it, it reminded her of the Samurai armor from the land of iron but it was different. A lot more complicated looking, sleek, more flexible, but less heavily plated and less uniform. It lacked any of the elegance of armor from her homeland but it was functional and more importantly it was hers.

Setting aside every piece of the modular armor next she took out the necessary material for what she needed. Reaching into the very bottom of her pack she takes out a glossy black material that reflects the gentle amber light off its surface with ease, meteoric iron. She'd never seen it before, never heard of it, but she'd been reading everything she could on how to work this. Its apparent durability was top of the line, not to mention the damage it did to her wallet just to get two usable pieces of this.

WC: 521
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The Form of Resolve[Private/Solo] Empty Re: The Form of Resolve[Private/Solo]

Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:10 pm
It filled her with a painful longing as she watches the fire dance, and listened to the song of hammer on metal and the feel of plier twisting that near molten material. It had been more than a year since she'd last done something like this, and forging reminded her how alone she felt again. Not from a lack of friends but just the absence of her dad. Without him it felt like a long standing and ever present fixture of her life was just gone. She'd made friends here, but that didn't really console her.

She'd been working hard though, so she could see them again. Every strike of the hammer was a testament to that. Though now her mind was wandering back to her friends. Makoto's obligation, a clan focused on the concept of sins, though not handling them in the sense Yuri felt correct. They'd continue to stain their own hands and rely on their gods to give them absolution. Yuri didn't really understand it, to her the only way to absolve one's self was to either die or to do everything within your power to make things right. That was why one of her oldest dreams was that childish visualization of peace. For a moment her hammer pauses, as she's struck with the slightest feeling of dissonance at the idea. Striking a hammer against metal over and over again to make armor, to sharpen her proverbial sword, to prepare for battle for the sake of peace.

Maybe they weren't so different then. They were both continuing to do the things that put them in this situation. They were both in a way still sinning, the main difference was that as far as Yuri knew she was doing it to improve things, but chances are Makoto's clan saw it the same way. So maybe in the end they were nearly the same and all she was doing was just putting more weight on her spirit. 

She rolled her neck, hearing the slight cricks as she did, and letting out a deep sigh. Using a sweaty arm she wipes at her forehead to no avail as the heat gets to her slightly. The stress was bothering her again, she needed to relax but the question was as always 'how'. In the end she had to reexamine where she was coming from with this. Self reflection was the answer. She was starting to wonder if she made a small little superiority complex in her head regarding her own beliefs and Makoto's and having considered maybe they were equal it was bothering her. It was a fragile ego that needed that kind of weak superiority, but in the end she had cultivated something like that inside her.

Letting out a hot breathe the form of the metal continues to shape and blossom, as she lets her own internal form change with it. Focusing her eyes as an indistinct lump of metal started to take the form of plating that would be alloyed into armor. As her mind broke the fragile shell of ego and formed it into something more useful. The only superiority she needed was superiority over the self that came before. Gritting her teeth as she tried to change herself, though it wasn't having as much effect as she hoped. It was still there bothering her.

WC: 1077
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 78550

The Form of Resolve[Private/Solo] Empty Re: The Form of Resolve[Private/Solo]

Thu Nov 25, 2021 12:17 am
It wasn't that easy to just change yourself, it wasn't that easy to change metal. Metal needed intense heat and force to change, and for her mindset she may just need the same thing. Her dad had called her as stubborn as iron, and honestly the appraisal may have been accurate. It felt like pulling teeth the more she tried to change the way she viewed things. She was telling herself that she could do things and she could just get over it but there wasn't that feeling of peace or reevaluation.

Beating out the frustration on the metal, before realizing her own maturity, forces her to a halt. She wasn't just going to make herself change by thinking about it. She had to act, in a genuine fashion, maybe talking to Makoto to help it. Confront her, talk things through, and find a way to resolve this in her head. It was selfish frankly, it wasn't really Makoto's problem and it's not like she had to help her, still...Yuri liked to imagine they were her friend and that she'd be willing.

Then there was something else. Meeting Kikuko made her feel as if she was lacking something, not as a ninja or a warrior but a fundamental part of being a person. Some kind of gentleness? A peace in her soul? The comparison her dad made between her and metal irked her but she'd never considered why. Was she jealous? The idea of living a normal life, it was something her dad never gave her. Maybe she could try to cultivate something like that. As she put down the her tools and cleaned up her space and let the room cool down a foreign idea had entered her mind. Maybe she could try figuring out things normal girls would do and actually do them.

She didn't have many ideas what that meant but the idea settled her. Maybe she could ask Kikuko more later. Shopping, taking walks, maybe for once in her life she could actually wear a dress or something. The way of the warrior was the way of death, but if she'd already forfeited her life and was no longer alive then there'd be no more ability to grow. As she stared at the dying pit of fire as it depressingly sputters into mere ash and embers, she came to wonder if maybe her ideal was outdated or if not something that needed to change or grow too. Maybe that was the thing that was inhibiting her the most, and so far away from her father it also meant she was in a way the furthest away from that origin of her ideals.

WC: 1523
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Ryo : 78550

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Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:00 am
A slight smile forms on her face the more she thinks about it. Stepping out of the room she had taken for this process, the cool dry air of the Lab's winding paths greeting her with an annoying cold. In the time she'd spent working on her armor the time had gone from midday to afternoon. Orange sunglow painting the white walls with soft rays, the screeches of monkeys carrying down the hallway, and arrays of paper work detailing complex theory beyond Yuri's understanding litter the floor. The more she measured in her heart that metaphorical distance from her ideals as well as her dad the more she felt her mind relax. The Way was one of death but what if...

What if she didn't want to die?

It was an alien idea, it was the first time that she'd actually questioned the ideals she'd been raised with. Without anyone to ask for guidance she had to guide herself, and that agency was slowly making her wonder. She was lost, and confused but maybe that was the best thing that could have happened to her. For their to be light there must be darkness, and for there to be clarity there must be confusion and to find something it had to be lost. So this newfound freedom having been cast adrift, it was the best chance she had to examine herself. As a warrior, as a samurai, as a ninja, and more importantly as Yuri. She was a girl named Yuri, she was a person. For a moment there was a slight cognitive dissonance as she told herself that. She was a person, it felt so weighted when she considered that but it should have been normal.

"Yuri Karuma..."

Karuma, the repercussions for her...her actions. 

"We are our actions..."

Our actions, her actions. It meant one was defined by their actions, but inversely for one to be defined the actions one does must be their own. So for her to define herself through her actions she had to figure out what Yuri wanted to do. A slight anxiety rose in the back of her mind at the idea, and Kikuko flashed to the forefront. That kind of jealousy at someone who came across as normal, who had softness to them. The negative feeling had faded though with her current epiphany.

She'd mused that like metal her mind would need heat and pressure to change shape, but now she was wondering if all the stress in the forge was that heat and pressure. Her mind felt pliable, flexible and in a way relieved. It made her wonder, reforging her armor, and reforging her ideals. Ideals passed down to her by her father, who had it passed down to him by his father. It made her feel happier, in a way. The idea that she was taking this treasure from her father and turning it into something of her own. Bringing her closer to him while also keeping her as her own person, with her own still unfounded beliefs.

It was a source of comfort.

WC: 2036
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Ryo : 78550

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Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:03 am

Just using 2,000 WC to apply two augments using both pieces of my meteoric iron purchased here to augment my R&D Modular Armor
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Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:04 am
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