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Village : Kirigakure
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For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime Empty For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime

Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:12 pm
Ban's Stats:

For as long as Ban could remember, she had wanted to be in a stadium like the Kizmaru Stadium where she could publically show her skills. Now Ban could show her peers that she was exceptional and worthy of respect and admiration. Her opponent for the day would be Kita, one of the genin that had joined her to Hoshi for the Chunin exams. She lost during the second exam and Kita wasn't allowed to participate but they were still very capable shinobi. They were about to show this crowd what they could do. 

Ban wanted to prove to herself and Murata, the new Mizukage, that she was a capable shinobi. The Hozuki had been trained from a young age that being a shinobi was such a high honor, that it was worth giving your life for. If she couldn't be a better shinobi, she didn't see value in herself as a person. She had to work harder. 

Ban would arrive on the starting ring of the stadium at the same time Kita did. She wore her Kiri correction and Detention Armor with her odachi, Wave Slicer, on her back. They would have to wait and see what their stadium selection would be before they could start the match.

WC: 209

(OOC: requesting The Tranquil Lands Stadium)
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime Empty Re: For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime

Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:03 pm
Kita Hajime's Temporary Stats:

The crowd roared with palpable bloodlust as the two shinobi stepped into the ring. Kita had signed up to join this thing as a simple lark, a test of his skills against some no-name he hadn't met before, though fate had rewarded him with a treat. As he walked to his position in the starting ring, 10 meters from the edge, he stood 30 meters from his opponent. Ban Hozuki. As he finally reached his starting position, the arena's venue generator flared to life, creating the Tranquil Lands arena around them. Ban stood positioned 10 meters south from the edge of the starting ring, which served as the barrier between her and the Freshwater Streams section of the arena, located to the northern part of the arena. Kita was located directly across from her, near the south side of the arena, with the Savannah 10 meters to the south behind him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, have I got a fight for you today! To the north corner, we have Ban Hozuki! She's a lean, mean, killing machine, and she's ready to put this pint-sized pipsqueak in his place!"

The crowd gave yet another roaring cheer down towards the two combatants, though Kita's face began to flush with shame. He'd figured they'd hold off on the insults, but it looks like they'd decided to peg him as the 'joke' challenger today.

"And in the south corner, we have Kita Hajime! He's young and cocky, but he's here to show his peers that he knows more than a thing or two about how to throw down!"

Kita's mouth twisted into a deep frown. If he had any blood left in his body, his face would be blushing bright red by this point. Kita spoke quietly under his breath and rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand, drawing his Chakra Bonding Katana from its sheathe at his left hip with his right.

"Pip-Squeak? Cocky? They didn't need to disrespect me like that..."

Kita pointed his blade towards his opponent, a determined grimace spread across his face. Despite his bad mood at the moment, Kita didn't dislike Ban. In fact, at the end of this fight he'd like to talk with her a bit more in all honesty. For now though, Kita readied himself for a world of hurt. Ban was technically older than him, and as such she'd likely be far more physically developed than him. He'd have to trust in his techniques and instincts if he wanted a chance to squeeze out the win, and prove his worth as a chuunin.

"Are both challengers ready?"

Kita gave a small nod, removing his other hand from his neck and bringing it into a seal of confrontation by his side. Not the start of a jutsu, at the very least not yet. No, this was a symbol of respect for his opponent, an acknowledgement of her worth as a shinobi. A small smile began worming its way through the young boy's face, and he called out to his opponent.

"Lets have a good fight Ban! I'm looking forward to it!"

Word Count - 518

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For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime Empty Re: For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime

Wed Dec 01, 2021 6:34 pm
Ban would draw her blade and stare down Kita as she wished her good luck. "You too."Just as Ban and Kita were about to go at it, the announcer came back onto the speakers. 

"So sorry folks. Due to a maintenance issue with our stadium, we will not be able to continue with this match."

Sure enough, there was something wrong with the arena. One of the platforms that were supposed to go up wasn't working, causing it to stop in the middle of his destination. there was a large gap just left in the middle of the arena, a very easy thing to accidentally get caught in. Ban sighed disappointed, knowing this meant she wasn't going to get paid. "Maybe another time, Prison boy." She teased as she sheathed her blade again and walked off the way she came in. 

WC: 141
TWC: 300
300 WC towards Feint (300/375) 25% discount
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime Empty Re: For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime

Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:16 am
Approved. Please note that the Discounted Total does not extend beyond this thread so it will count as [300/500]
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime Empty Re: For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime

Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:46 pm
Just as Kita and Ban were about to start their match, to rush forth with intention of driving their opponent towards defeat, an announcement came on over the speaker which caused the entire crowd around them to groan and boo. Kita blinked slowly, taking in the information. Maintenence issues? The stadium was down? Kita's head snapped around the arena to take in the sight, scowling when he saw it. Apparently one of the platforms wouldn't raise, making it so that the entire arena couldn't form.

"Are you kidding me?"

The boy heard a sound, from Ban, and turned to face her. Prison boy? She gave a wave as she left the arena, walking casually off. It wasn't long before the spectators began filing out too, disappointed at the lack of show, most of which were likely going to demand refunds at the front gates. Kita was left alone, standing there with sword in hand as the stadium slowly emptied. The boy looked dumbfounded.

"I... You know what? I've had a long day. I don't need this crap right now."

Dissatisfied with the match's results, but satisfied after a long day of training, Kita eventually left the training fields, and returned home to enjoy a nice, relaxing day to himself.

Kita sheathed his own sword and turned around, walking promptly back the way he came. The boy spend the rest of the afternoon slightly moody, choosing to take out his pent up frustration on the training fields. He cursed his luck as he ran through his weapon forms and trained his new jutsu that he had learned, slowly attempting to whittle down the amount of hand seals he needed to actually perform the thing.

"What a waste of time. You think they'd have the common decency to check that their arena is working, but noooooo. That'd be too difficult!"

Dissatisfied with the results of the match, though satisfied with his training for the day, Kita turned around and returned home, preparing to enjoy a day to himself.

Word Count - 336

Total Word Count - 854

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For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime Empty Re: For Honor: Ban Hozuki vs Kita Hajime

Wed Dec 15, 2021 10:19 am
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