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Stat Page : The Logs
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

Of Monsters and Men Empty Of Monsters and Men

Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:00 pm

As Mac fled from the haunted hotel he was horrified to uncover that his troubles had only started, crashing through the window revealing a far and foreign place. The sky met his eye not with the pale light of a moon he was oh so familiar with, but instead a slightly malformed simulacrum of a moon, waning in the weirdest function from the top with a point, and with an orange hue, creating the image of something that looked almost like a pumpkin making its way across the night sky.  Searching for more knowledge on his area, Mac found a road, and figuring it must lead somewhere civilized, he followed it left until reaching a grand and unkept gate. Strewn about the front of the gate in crooked letters, worn by time and showing obvious signs of neglect, the sign read in broken bits that Mac could piece together from the broken letters on the ground in front of it, “Welcome to the Village of Yugakure no Sato,” but seeing the shoddy nature of the sign and the vines that had grown all around the gate, almost getting to the point of sealing it shut, Mac felt anything but welcome in this new and foreign place.

Mac, with some caution and consideration, worried for the unconscious woman in his arms and hoping to get her somewhere to rest, brought himself and his secretary through the rough gates of Yugakure no Sato, continuing along the main road with the intent to find some sort of people now that he had evidence that there was some sort of architecture. For a long time he found nothing but wreckage, smashed carts, crashed stalls, buildings seemingly ripped into shreds, complete with boards littering the street, all with the cherry on top of many decomposing bodies strewn about the place. Gazing at them for even a second gave Mac the heebie jeebies. Not for the usual fear of death, he was more than experienced finding dead bodies back at his old job as a detective, but there was something in those bodies, something still animate. It wasn’t like Mac saw them move, but there was something about them that could not escape Mac’s thoughts that at some point these corpses were going to rise again and go ahead and attempt to grab at the detective. Brushing aside the worries he had for now, Mac decided it was the best idea to try and deal with the stinking, potentially writhing corpses at some time he had his hands free.

Trodding along the main road, taking in all the horrifying vistas of lost people and places, Mac eventually made it to a sort of level deeper inside the village that had a noticeable change, as opposed to those teared buildings closer to the gate, a level categorized for its common occurrence of more complete buildings, but also boarded up doors, doors Mac would attempt to find people behind, knocking door to door with the best answer he received being absolute silence, the worst a silent breathing behind the door that indicated a primal fear. Passing by more of these boarded up houses of paranoia and distrust, searching for answers for whatever it could be that was causing them to board up their doors and windows, Mac was thinking how related this was to the torn down buildings, imagining there must be some sort of force that was taking down these houses, something that was likely responsible for the deaths in the streets and now the paranoia of the living villagers, turning their life into their own certain type of death while still walking around, like something that kept them going just enough to not realize they were being held back by that same force, something they would have to confront.

Passing by the deluge of abandoned buildings mixed in with those far too attended by the nail and board of paranoid villagers, Mac eventually found the first grand building that appeared to all be in one piece. It was highly ornamental and obviously government issued building, Mac had seen the type before, far too over bloated with the offices of bureaucrats and politicians than it deserved to be. It brought him a slight sense of joy to see it in the deteriorated state of the state house, a reminiscent marker that spurred on the thought that, hey, sometimes politicians get what's coming to them, obviously not enough though in this case as it was similarly boarded up, this time with what was obviously silver, always with their ornaments, like a reverse silver lining. Making his way to the front door of this colossal cathedral looking building, Mac began to knock, expecting a more snide, but equally distrusting response he faced with the other villagers, but to his surprise, a kind voice on the other side responded, “Who goes there, are you in need of assistance?” 

“I am a traveller from what I believe is a far off place, I seek refuge and an answer to what is plaguing this town, and as payment for those services you could do for me, I shall do everything in my power to put a stop to whatever it is that has been destroying your village and killing your people, I seek the truth in exchange for justice, as much as it is possible to achieve in the current state of affairs anyway,” Mac would respond, hoping that this nice guy routine could at least get him into the building and start his knowledge on the field.

“Please come in,” the voice would respond, opening the door, “We have been plagued by creatures of the full moon, werewolves, they have been destroying our homes and we need someone strong and powerful, no a group of warriors strong and powerful to take them down, I can offer refuge for your sleeping friend, but I ask you do not become a corpse along the other members of my village, we need more assistance than just one mere man,” she would say, taking Vera from the arms of Mac and placing her gently on what was reminiscent of a pew.

If only I could find the right crew for taking on some werewolves, they’d have to all be some tough sons of guns, but I think we could do this, Mac would think, partially filling his internal monologue quotient for the day.

WC: 1068
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:31 pm
Finding himself walking down an extremely familiar road somehow, Hiroki "came to", so to speak. It was almost as if he was walking without even realizing it, and then all of a sudden, the surroundings had become apparent. This road was from a dream that the boy had recently; the one where he met a fellow shinobi in a graveyard. However, something about it has changed. Now it had appeared that the road didn't just lead forward this time, like the trees and foliage that had once blocked the path behind was now mysteriously gone; moved to either side of the path, rather. Knowing that the way forward would just eventually lead him to the same clearing from before, Hiroki decided on taking the alternative route this time around.

One of the noteworthy additions in this presumed dream, was also the moon. What once was only a crescent, now appeared to be full. Yet still, it was rather odd now looking up upon it. It wasn't it's natural color, but had taken on an orange tint. Certainly something was off with this place. These woods. This road. Hiroki had a bad feeling that he couldn't shake away laying deep down in the bottom of his stomach, slowly churning around like a witch's brew that was about to bubble over. A few meters ahead, another feeling had started to grow within this unease. A feeling of being watched. Ever so slightly, peering to his left and right with just his eyes, that's when something had grabbed his attention. A different pair of eyes, distant within the wooded area. They were glowing and yellow. And hungry. Very. Very. Hungry.

Just as quickly as he noticed them, the eyes had closed, with a sudden rush of movement in the direction the Kumo nin was headed. The sound of rapid steps, almost as if it was two people or two pairs of legs clearly could be heard through the stillness of the dreary evening. This was then followed by branches snapping, and a loud, gnarled howl. A wolf? Best be on my guard. Hiroki had thought to himself. It was now probably in his best interest to make haste upon heading towards his destination, wherever that may end up being.

It wasn't long until he had stumbled upon what appeared to be a village. There was the remains of a gate, rather small in size. Hiroki made a mental note to himself that this mustn't have been the main road, as surely if it were, the gate would've been bigger. Lettering had been scrawled upon the door, but it was illegible due to more lettering graffitied on top of that, reading; 'Keep Out, Village Overrun by-' but it had appeared that whoever wrote this, never managed to finish. There was a body, presumably dead, pinned right next to the words. Most likely whoever tried to warn people not to enter. This sight wasn't even the most disturbing either. The other gate was currently being held open by an entire pile of corpses, unlike the first these ones weren't fresh. Even from 5 meters away, the pungent stench of rotting, wet flesh had pierced Hiroki's nose. Instincts immediately kicking in, he placed his hands over his nose to eleviate the smell somewhat, but even that barely did anything. After all, there easily had to be 20 bodies stacked one on top of the other. The way they were placed was also kind of weird, almost as if it was a mass grave that had yet to be buried or burned.

Still standing outside the gate, frozen like a deer in headlights by the horrendous visual and manic thoughts of overanalyzing what could have possibly occurred here, it wasn't until another howl shot through the air that he had come out of this state of shock. This howl sounded much more closer than the last one did, and the tone of it was different too. The first one just sounded like any regular wolf howl, the only actual natural thing that Hiroki had experienced so far. But this one sounded as if it was a call of some sorts; like to bring others to its location. Heart now racing, the shinobi quickly doubled down and passed beyond the gate to be greeted by nothing but seemingly abandoned houses. Emphasis on seemingly, that is. Most of them had been boarded up, both windows and doors. No light was shining from within any or along the street, except that granted by the moonlight.

Being cautious with his approach, Hiroki decided to climb a nearby house, and explore the village via rooftop. This way, in the worst case scenario, he would at least be blessed with the advantage of having some form of high ground. Dashing from building to building, another howl came through. This time, right at the edge of the village. Taking a brief minute to do so, Hiroki quickly turned his head to look back at where he entered. Doing so revealed that several pairs of yellow eyes were right along the edge of the gnarled wooded area met the village. But, for the most part, it looked like they weren't moving too much. Simply watching and waiting their next meal to come to them.

In this moment, Hiroki knew he had to get inside, and fast. Looking around at his options, he noticed a faint glow coming from a nearby first floor window. From the looks of it, the second floor windows weren't boarded up either. Certainly they wouldn't mind if he had stepped in for a few, right? Making it there in a few quick jumps, the teen had started on opening up the window, making sure to do so as quick and quiet as possible.

Once it had been opened, he quietly made his way inside, hearing a female voice coming from the first floor...explaining to someone that there was a werewolf problem...great, just Hiroki's luck. More monsters. Stepping out of the room, he was now standing on a small balcony area overlooking the ground floor. From this point, he could now clearly see the woman talking, along with another man and a woman being laid down on a pew. This was the perfect opportunity to now make his presence known to the small group. "So it seems you need some werewolf killers, eh?" when speaking this, he made sure to have his hands raised above his head to make it known that he was an ally.

WC: 1077
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:00 pm
Kota woke up to find himself in the middle of a field. The moisture from the field soaked into his clothes giving him a chill, his bow was beside him, but his quiver and arrows were missing. “This is just freaking great.” He frowned at his misfortune, only slightly relieved that this time he was in actual clothes, as well as having his kunai and other gear. The costume was nice to wear once or twice. It was not an everyday wear. Kota never considered himself that vain.

As the night wore on Kota had to decide on a plan of action. Thinking to follow the road he believed he could find the nearest village. He travelled in an odd direction, he saw no one but the smell of blood and decay became stronger. It was a prevalent scent of death that sent a chill down his spine. He reminded Kota of all the times he was being tracked by beasts on a hunting expedition. The first couple of times he would have lost his life if it was not for his father assisting him.

Walking along the road Kota felt disturbed, at first he could not figure out why, then it dawned on him. The area was too silent. Even the stench of blood would have attracted scavengers. The lack of creatures could only mean one thing. A dangerous presence was still near. Kota held his bow tightly in his hand as it gave him a sense of security.

A soft growl and the smell of alcohol, signaled the start of the battle. Kota swung his bow at a bit of what appeared to be empty space. The sharp edges making a splash of blood against a familiar flannel shirt. “Your skills are better than I thought they would be. You can take joy in knowing that you will die for your rejection. As well as that other twink b**** when I am done.” Kota took a step back, after the initial impact, forming a chakra arrow with his right hand in the process. He refrained from speaking as his focus was on ending the fight. 

At the range of closeness with less than a meter between them. The werewolf became a pin cushion, as Kota sent the arrow through the neck. The werewolf grabbed the arrow as it fell to the ground injured and bleeding from the ruby red flame arrow. Singing the flesh before dissipating. Leaving the blood to exit from another injury. While on the ground and injured, Kota felt courage as he moved to finish the job.

“I reject you once and you try to kill me you bastard. Almost giving me a heart attack.” The wolf glared at him with hatred and a dash of annoyance. “If you could have held your liquor this would have been a harder fight. As I do not wish to leave you with hatred in your heart. You can only blame yourself for what happens next.” Kota swung the sharpened edge of his bow at the wolf next. A squelch was made as the head and body separated, leaving the scent of fresh blood on the creepy field. That only made the overall air quality lower just a smudge. Kota was a bit pissed about the blood that got on his shirt from the initial confrontation. Feeling that it was better to move on with his journey he headed back on course.

Taking the head up as a souvenir, Kota walked to the village in the distance. He was unaware that just behind him an arm popped out of the dirt. As a low sound of moaning started in the air. A nine minute walk later was when Kota briskly walked into Yugakure. A head in one hand and a bow in the other.

“Yellow! Anyone home!” Kota was nervous that the dilapidated village was empty. A pleasure he did not have to wait long as a piercing scream filled the air. Kota turned to see a lady pointing at him in absolute horror. The action filled him with displeasure. His looks were not god-like perfect, but he never had someone point and scream in fear at him. Kota was going to give himself a once over when he looked at the skull in his hand. Then back at the lady. A sense of relief washed over him, as she was only screaming about the head he carried.

“Yo..You… You killed the demon wolf!!!” Words had finally exited her mouth. As if she was unbelieving about the fact that Kota actually had the head.

“Demon wolf? You mean the pervy wolf bastard?” Kota wore a look of confusion. He killed the wolf in self-defense, and vague annoyance. He was unaware that the wolf had some reputation behind him and was terrorizing the village. A fact that only came to pass because the werewolf was not his type. If it was, Kota would have been fine with a night of debauchery before letting it go. 

“Follow me.” She acted as a guide, taking Kota to one of the few buildings that did not look like multiple people were murdered there. “You can take the head to the chief inside. He can give you a reward for killing the monster.” Kota had a semi small flash of consciousness. This was not an official mission, meaning the reward could be subpar, also he did not do it on purpose. It only lasted for a moment before he remembered ryo was ryo. He gave a nod of approval before walking in.

“I am here and I brought a present. Rumor has it you needed a wolf head……” Kota stopped talking as he felt a strong presence. He placed his guard up ready for a battle. The pressure he was feeling was worse than when he was being stalked by the wolf. If the presence was nice and friendly. He would have no qualms about moving his arm around him, calling him ninja brother, or nin-bro.
Stat Page : The Logs
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:02 pm
Hearing the knocking on the door, Mac would immediately get cautious, worrying that whatever this threat was would be immediately outside the door, they could be waiting, praying, and hoping that someone would answer the door so that they could get their own entrance into the building through social means. Cautiously warning the person who let him in, “Be careful, don’t let them in too early, we have no clue if they could be one of whatever it was that destroyed the previous buildings I saw in the village, one of those monsters that destroyed the your place of living and killed so many of your village members. In fact why don’t you let me get up to the knocker and see if we should let them in,” Mac would state, approaching the entrance. Peering through to see a ninja with a headband representing the cloud, an ease to the aging detective as he recognized the displacement of ninja scattered from the world virtually proved this guy would not be virtually disqualified from being any sort of monster that was a resident of this domain. Accepting the entrance of another ninja looking to help, Mac would let him in, and in response to his question, reply, “Some werewolf, and potentially more monster, killers would be greatly appreciated around here I would imagine, name is Duncan McNally, but you can just call me Mac, what is it you go by stranger? Can’t have too many friends around these parts and it’s best to know what their names are,” Mac would state, letting the man in and trying to welcome the company and assistance as politely as he possibly could, trying to make his best impression for the newly met shinobi from a village he had not yet interacted with. Just as Mac was greeting the kumogakure shinobi, he felt another presence approaching the two of them, and so whirling his vision around, looking again through the port hole to see a woman accompanied by a man, the head of a large wolf in his hand, gripped by the hair

“Oh well shit, looks like I done did solve the mystery of wherever that god damned werewolf was, or should I say it solved itself, even came and served itself on the platter of… this guy,” Mac would say, eyes focusing first on head of the werewolf before widening his gaze to accept the view of the one who had slayed it, an apparent Ninja from Suna, pulling the door open and greeting them, Mac would offer his hand out to shake, “Name is Duncan McNally, can call me Mac, you got a name wolf’s bane? Figure we could all team up while we’re hear, safety and numbers and all that,” Mac would state his eyes drifting to the wolf as he had the weirdest feeling something about this wasn’t over, that something about this village wasn’t over. As Mac’s eyes met the rolled back orbs of vision the wolf man possessed, he couldn’t help but break eye contact, and seeing in his peripheral vision the mouth twitch, all the sudden the eyes rolled back into place, and the headless undead remains of the wolf began to talk, “You have slayed me yes, but now feel the curse of my unending spirit, the night of my blight on the town!”

Just as the undead wolf man finished his words, he spit out his tongue and returned to his previously re-dead state, showing no signs of coming back, but beyond the dead head Mac saw something much worse. The bodies that had been scattered around the village began to raise, slowly at first, almost naturally with bodies that appeared almost entirely complete, but as the first minute of this crusade came to a close, he noticed more and more horrifying abominations of flesh raised themselves from the dead using the powerful spirit of this werewolf, and they were hungry, all shouting and chanting, “BRAINZ!” as they made their hovelling walk in the direction of the church, seemingly detecting the presence of living flesh, and with dripping maws assuredly looking for fresh flesh to feast upon. Seeing they were in deep trouble, Mac got to quick thinking, trying to find some sort of plan that might allow the group to survive this onslaught.

“Hey wolf’s bane, you mind teaching me some neat tricks with weapons? Might allow us to survive a little longer if we all know what to do with what we got,” he would say, picking up a long steel candelabra and quickly fashioning into a makeshift trident, “You show me how to work this thing, and we can all watch each others back, you obviously have some sort of talent if you could take out that furry bastard. You, from the village hidden in the clouds, you got any talents we can use? If so use em, we are going to need all hands on deck for this shit. I don’t know about you guys but when I was out there I saw a lot of corpses and seeing them all rise tells me we are in for a long night, so grab your gear and get ready. If none of you have a better place, I saw a watch tower along the way hear from the gates that allows for a nice choke point entrance, if we can group up there and take shifts, we should be able to survive. I don’t know about you guys but in all my time here I haven’t seen any of the day here, I always awake here in my dreams, and by the time it hits morning I’m back home in my office, so I have a feeling if we can somehow survive the night with all these god damn fucking out of nowhere zombies, we can probably make it back to our villages, a place none of em can follow us hopefully,” Mac said, summarizing a plan that should allow them all to survive the night before putting it in action.

Utilizing whatever tools and techniques Kota would be willing to teach him, Mac would assist the group in fighting their way to the watchtower, stabbing through the heads of zombies and nailing them to the ground as they went, before breaking into the tower and helping in the construction of wooden barricades that would allow them to stab outside of the doorway, without letting any of the sluggish zombies in, fighting for his life with the intent to keep this up until the morning broke, side by side with shinobi of different villages all working together for a common goal, not just to survive, but to kick some zombie ass. And so, barring any great disruptions in their zombie killing spree, Mac and his fellow Genin would go on murdering and murdering through waves of zombies to the point it got downright boring, was a helluva great work out though, nothing gets those biceps going like impaling a head that bears a maw with teeth that have your name written all over it. Eventually, however, as all things do, this would have to come to an end, and as he felt himself no longer being able to push back the zombie menace, he would retreat somewhat up the stairs, feeling the barricade become more and more weakened, and attempting to bring his other companions with him, start outright running, giving their strength a break so they didn’t get too tuckered out. This revealed to Mac a plan that would have been easy right from the start, as he jumped from the top of the watchtower to the roof of a neighboring building, and found the gap too wide and too tall for any zombie to follow, effectively allowing him and any who accompanied him to follow and survive the night

WC 1309, TWC 2,377
Mission WC for both satisfied
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:30 pm
Thank goodness, the people inside the building which Hiroki had now fully entered were friendly. For now, at least. Remaining somewhat cautious, his blue eyes fluttered between the people currently present with him: there was the man who had greeted him who seemed to be a shinobi as well. Then there was also two others there as well, both women, both seemingly noncombatants as well. Hiroki had calculated the one laying down being a noncombatant solely due to her being unconscious. So it didn't necessarily mean that she couldn't fight, it was just not being able to assist with the current problem. Certainly enough though, there was no way that the two of them wouldn't be able to take down a werewolf by themselves though. There was no way in he'll that a werewolf could overpower two shinobi, albeit both low-ranking genin, but still. The two of them had several advantages in which monsters didn't possess; that was to the best of Hiroki's knowledge at least. What if these monsters could use jutsus and other fighting techniques? What if it was actually more than one of them? What if they were just simply outmatched? All these questions popped through his brain at rapid fire mode. He deemed it best to still take caution whenever they were about to set out to take it down. Especially since he knew that there were at least other wolves roaming around.

Listening carefully to the words being spoken by the ninja who had just introduced himself as Mac, Hiroki smiled warmly as the greetings were well received. Also, it was just a nice relief to be greeted with respect. From the looks of how the other nin's first impression was, he would have to be on his best behavior. Unfortunately it seemed like now wouldn't be the right time to joke around, so Hiroki simply started saying "The name's Hiroki Shimada. It's a pleasure to meet you. First things first however-" Before the Kumo teenager could finish what he was about to ask, he took notice of a shift in observation from Mac. Almost as if he saw someone outside. Spinning his own head around, that's when his gaze fell upon a familiar face. That's when his vision had moved towards what was being carried, which was yet another familiar face. Or head in this situation? "Well nevermind. Seems like the werewolf problem has already been solved. Less work for us at least." Hiroki told Mac, his voice filled with a tinge of delighted energy. Although it did somewhat ruin the fun that they wouldn't be able to enact this hunt, it would certainly help save resources. Whether it was physical tools such as smoke bombs, or just saving energy for later, it was all basically the same. Hiroki decided to look at the bright side of this because it was less of a hassle now.

As Kota had walked over to the building to join the small group, Hiroki greeted him and the woman traveling with him as well with another smile; joyfully saying "Well, well, well. If it isn't our savior. I knew there was something off with that wolf pack I saw earlier. And it seems as if you got their leader thankfully. That's the lumberjack dude from before, isn't it?" His smile now transforming to a sly grin. He had it coming after all. The head of the beast didn't really freak him out too much. In the years that Hiroki had been a ninja, he had come across some pretty grizzly sights. Some caused by him, others stumbled upon accidentally. It was only when the head had spoken after being previously decapitated that brought some unease within him. It caused enough tension to send shivers down his spine and shake his very soul. A talking head was freaky enough, let alone when it was informing them about the events which would soon follow after it ceased to speak.

Now on edge, Hiroki stuck his head out the door to see what was going on. He immediately noticed that the moon's color, which was once similar to that of a pumpkins', had now changed to a scarlet red. The second thing that he made note of was his suspicions being confirmed...the dead was beginning to rise from their previous state. The air was now being filled by an ungodly chorus of groans from the dead. These sounds coming from all around, there was no set area in which it was coming from. Meaning they were essentially surrounded at this point in time. Anyone with decent logic knew this was never a good thing. Being surrounded had meant the three ninja-teers would be fighting their way out. How unfortunate. It looked like Hiroki would have to fight after all. Knowing that they were in a bad position currently, Hiroki immediately turned his attention back towards the others, making sure to shut the door to give them some time. It wouldn't be much, but it was still something.

On the inside, Roki was now in full blown panic mode. But he didn't showcase this to the others. The best thing to do would be to remain calm. A freak out at this current moment would not do any of them any good. About to speak aloud his own plan, the words were practically stolen from his lips as Mac summarized one instead. Eugh, stealing my thunder much? He didn't say that though, wasn't a completely bad plan. So instead he just nodded in agreement, adding a few things here and there  "[color:ac64=cc33cc]I whole heartedly agree with that. We don't have much time here, if any. Those zombies will be upon us soon. I personally didn't see said watchtower, so you can take the lead on getting us there. I'll create some clones to assist us with this, as I don't have much besides that right now. I'll follow after you then, Mac. Kota, mind watching the back to make sure we don't get flanked on our way there?" Hopefully, the group would be in agreement with this, as their time was almost up. The cacophony of undead moans were drawing closer and closer by the second. Before the headed out, Hiroki quickly noted again in agreement with Mac, "Me as well. This place certainly isn't genjutsu, but it's certainly not natural either. There is something off about this village which I just can't entirely shake. Now, it's best we be on our way to this destination. " Immediately after responding, the sole Shimada survivor formed the ram seal; causing 3 clones to appear around him. He gave each of his clones a kunai, and started to run out after his fellow shinobi did.

The journey to the watchtower wasn't very long, but boy was it action packed. It seemed around every corner there were just more and more zombies. One after another, Hiroki and his clones would take down the reanimated corpses. Between the four of them, they were having a contest to see who could rack up the most kills. Here and there, numbers would be called out. "8 down!" said the first clone. Hiroki himself would respond with a bit of snarkiness to his tone while stabbing a zombie in the head "Oh yea, well I got 14!" After which, he couldn't help but laugh a bit. This was actually kind of fun.

The lighthearted vibe would quickly shift though after reaching the tower. Now, only 2 of the clones were remaining as one had been vanquished by the neverending horde. Slashing at zombies trying to get past the makeshift barricade which had been put up in front of the door, Hiroki shouted towards his companions "[color:ac64=cc33cc]This is useless! The barricade is about to break, but don't worry, I got this!" Reaching into his pack strapped on to his belt, he grabbed an explosion tag, and began to charge it up. After it was ready, he strapped it on to a kunai which he previously lodged into the body of a zombie which was now dead. Then, he proceeded to throw the corpse outside at the group of zombies trying to break in. Seeing Mac retreat, the boy followed suit, calling out to Kota [color:ac64=cc33cc]"C'mon! My clones will hold them at the door for as long as they can, once you're far enough away, I'll blast them to bits."[color:ac64=cc33cc] Reaching the top of the tower, the black haired teen wasted no time when jumping to the other rooftop, almost not making it. That could have ended poorly. Once Kota would be at the top as well, he would then go on to form the snake seal; activating the tag which was now about 20 meters away. A boom could be heard, as bodies flew about. "[color:ac64=cc33cc]Explosion, success!"

Now, it had thankfully looked like they would have a reprieve from combat. All they had to do was wait until day.

WC: 1483
TWC: 2560
Mission WC for both satisfied
Kota Apollon
Kota Apollon
Stat Page : The quiver of knowledge
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 224340

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:25 pm
Kota was having a hard time calming himself down. The older man seemed polite enough. Stifling the fear in his heart Kota had to put on a brave face. He would not allow himself to bring shame upon the ninjas of Sunagakure. “My name is Kota. Kota Apollon, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am also always down for a team up with a powerhouse.” Kota was unsure of how to proceed from the current situation.

A familiar voice saved him from the weird air that was encroaching the place. He felt the shit eating grin form on his face before the familiar man could finish. “Yep. It was the same butthole from before. It makes sense as the loser was always pushy. They say pushy being one moment away from being a psychopath.” Kota was returning the banter with relative ease. He relaxed a bit. It was almost strange how well Kota could relax with Hiroki around. It must have been because he felt Hiroki to be the same type of terror as a puppy. A bit of a biter but overall harmless. Especially if he was going to compare Hiroki to a monster like Mac.

Even now he could see Mac staring at him oddly. Kota got scared as the head in his hand started talking. “Hell no.” It was the only two words released from Kota after the head spoke, they were not spoken loudly in the moment, yet in a way the words spoke volumes. He dropped the head and with his bow. He calmly started slicing it to bits. Kota wanted to make sure the head would not talk again, or come back to life. Kota doubted the head's ability to come back to life after all that. If it was able to regenerate then the group would just have to be boned. A litch would be nearly impossible to kill unless Mac was a hunting master.

“I just had to have been thinking about a litch. Now we have undead monsters." Kota was no longer smiling, as he mentaly cursed at himself. If he hazard a guess they would be fighting zombies. Kota was not a big fan. He’d seen a fungi reanimate a bug and use it to hunt other bugs. It made him slightly interested in the process, going down a rabbit hole to zombie books. He was not a fan about how they bled easily in most cases. Bloodstains were so hard to get out of his gold threads. Kota made sure he avoided the blood landing on his clothes earlier.

Kota gave a nod of affirmation at Mac. “Yep. I can show a thing or two and hold my own. The main thing is we watch each other's backs. I can bring up the rear. The main thing to note is to go for the head. The lore I read said the head is the only way to kill them. Not a hundred percent sure on the accuracy but it is something to work with.” Kota agreed with the plan, giving a few tips to Mac on how to use his makeshift weapon, as he assumed the weapon was for Mac to keep. Kota would not agree to putting his bow away for another weapon. He would consider it blasphemy as far as he was concerned, to put down his own weapon which was second to his life. Kota had to go back to agreeing, when  the deal of the fighting till day came. It was an observation he had had before and just did not have it confirmed till now. Even if they could not defeat the wave, they could fight it off.

Kota was slightly worried about leaving his life in the hands of a person he could not beat, moreso a person that was not affiliated with him. “It would be better if I do not think too hard about it. The hesitation could be just as deadly. May as well go out on a limb and trust him.” Kota had to fight back the intrusive thoughts that tried to invade his mind. At crucial moments like this he had to concentrate on the bigger picture and minimize his risks.

“Do you have a place to hide or do you think you can make it out with us?” Kota was asking the villagers currently alive and present. Even if they were possible figments of his imagination. He did not want the bad karma of letting innocent people die if he could help it. Not that he would go out of his way and endanger himself to save them. He valued his life as more important, he was no hero. The villagers nodded as if they had a back up. Kota did not question it as their secrets were none of his business. He merely started following behind the others bringing up the rear.

The first thing Kota would notice when leaving was the stench. It was as if rotten eggs made love to puke on a bed of sardines. Kota had to fight back the urge to gag for the first time in forever. A quick swish was made as he used his bow to decapitate a zombie. His habit from growing up in the wild, always better to aim for the head to kill. Kota turned for a split second to wave his bow through the air. A tinkling sound was made as shards of glass formed an arc. The arc travelled outwards tearing a group of zombies to shreds. It cleared them out from around the building they left. Having the rest of the horde focus on the three ninjas. It was the last that Kota could do for the villagers, the rest of their fate was in their own hands.

Kota was the last one to make it in. He had to immediately start working on the barricade to keep the horde out. Any zombie that managed to sneak a limb in would have it removed. It was a bit of a waste to use his bow as a common blade. Still he had to do his best. That included dicing limbs and body parts as best as he could. It relieved the pressure and kept them out. Kota was starting to adjust to Mac’s presence. The two worked together to stay alive, with Hiroki helping in his own special way, he saw the man grab an explosive tag. Kota simply did not think much about the action.

A closer growl was the first warning he received. The barricade that they set up managed to keep them safe for a while. It was just impossible to keep the horde out due to the sheer numbers of all the zombies. Kota could calculate that survival chances would drop to nil if the barricade was breached. He was unable to stop it from happening. As Mac led the charge to safety this time Kota stood in the middle, in a way. Hiroki had the clones try and bring up the rear. Kota would see them get devoured by the numbers. Their noble sacrifice added up to seconds of survival time. Kota could have outran Hiroki but had plans of his own. He cut the palm of his right hand with the sharp edge of his bow. Blood drops formed and dripped as he came up the stairs. It was driving the horde crazy as they picked up speed. Trying to follow up the stairs as best as their decrepit bodies would allow. It allowed for most of the horde to make it in. The building groaned under their weight.

The jump to the next building was a simple manner for Kota. As soon as his feet touched the ground he could hear the rumbling sound. The explosives that Hiroki had set were of use. The building went down easily. Some limbs shot outwards making for a gruesome site. It was a good thing that Kota had attracted most of the horde inside. The few remaining ones were stragglers. No sooner than Kota felt moderate relief did his eyes narrow. He stood up and shot an abrupt flaming arrow from his bow. It set the dried rubble of the other building ablaze. Turning the zombies inside to ashes as the others started to flee in fear.

“I am kind of glad that worked. I was worried they would have crawled out of the rubble to continue their assault. It looks like we made it.”

WC: 1,420 TWC: 2,421

Mission WC has been achieved.
Stat Page : The Logs
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36300

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:51 pm
Finally reaching the light of dawn, Mac would see the dawn from his place perched up high, he had a good time, albeit a stressful one taking out zombies with people he met in a dream he could even call his sort of friends. As dawn broke, he felt the sun peak over the horizon, blinding Mac, forcing him to see all white, and as darkness seeped back in, he awoke in his office, the light of day starting to peak its way over his mountain of whiskey glasses. It was a new day, and the end to a night of horrors. As he started to stir, Vera would enter the office, slamming another manila envelope filled with mission dossiers for the day on his desk.

WC: 126, TWC: 2,503

Missions Complete!
14,200 Ryo
70 AP
18 Tickets
1.5/1.5k En Chakra Detection up to B rank continued from Here
1966/2k One Handed Seals
Thread Exit
+17 Chakra (58->75)
+8 Speed (100->108)
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:03 pm
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:50 am
As the last of the three boys had jumped across, there was finally a wave of true ease which washed over Hiroki. They were finally finished with the terrors brought on by this night and mysterious village. Looking towards Mac, then back to Kota, he gave the latter a knowing nod. "Don't be a stranger. Seek me out in Kumo when you get the chance?" His tone light, the voice softer than before. Now exhausted, before Roki could get the chance to listen to a response, his eyes started to close just as the sun began peaking out. And just like that, when his eyes began to open again, he was back home in Kumo.

At least his night was far from boring.

WC: 122
TWC: 2,682
14,200 Ryo
70 AP
18 tickets
2000 words to Chakra Infusion, (2000/2000)
500 words to Wind Release: Sudden Rise, (500/500)
54 words to Bull's Rush (was 446/500, now 500/500)
Stats: 10 to Vigor, 10 to Chakra, 5 to Speed, 1 to Strength
Thread Exit

Last edited by Hiroki Shimada on Sat Oct 23, 2021 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Of Monsters and Men Empty Re: Of Monsters and Men

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:15 am
Approved but you cannot bank wc. Please use the remained protected discard. Thanks!
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