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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:34 pm
Cole watched as Yuri walked over and picked out a wooden training sword from the rack, and listened as he asked for any advice on the fighting style, and similarity to total concentration breathing. “There is a connection to the total concentration breathing. To the point that if you can not use total concentration breathing, you can not learn how to use water breathing.” He would tell Yuri while rubbing his chin with one hand and thinking about how to best describe the techniques. After all, this is the first time he had been the one teaching something. “With total concentration breathing, you pull air in to inflate your lungs, allow for bursts of speed and strength. Water Breathing is similar in that you pull in air except that you pull in the water molecules from the air, and you use this water to enhance your attacks and body.” Cole would take a second and make sure that Yuri was following, and hope that he wouldn’t have to really explain too much further in to it, as he was still unsure how to exactly explain what he was talking about.

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An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:18 am
Rubbing her chin, Yuri thinks it over. Closing her eyes as she spins the wooden sword in her hand. The explanation they gave was honestly not that helpful. Unless it was that simple, but the skill itself didn't seem to come that naturally. Though despite that she still sort of understood the idea of what they meant. The basics were that it was a water technique, which meant it was an internal technique that required proper breathing and infusing water into one's being. Those we're what seemed to be the fundamentals of the concept but still... 

"Do you think you could show it to me? I think I pretty much already get how to do the first breathing technique. Total concentration breathing but the water breathing sounds weird. Any techniques that use it? I'm more of a visual learner." 

She rests the length of the wooden sword in her shoulder as she opens her eyes again, looking at Cole. Well, being capable didn't really mean being good at teaching things. Even her dad was kind of spotty when it came to educating her, so she couldn't get too mad. Though looking at him again, her eyes focused on the marking on his face. Why did he have some kind of number tattoo? Was it a family thing?

WC: 1991
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:16 pm
Cole looked at Yuri while he thought about the best way to go about it since most of the tech was invisible to the naked eye, or at least the important parts were with chakra control. Figuring that she had some way of being able to see what he was doing, he decided to go with it. Pulling out his wooden sword and turning in a direction to where Yuri would still be able to see what he was doing while he faced one of the wooden training dummies. “First concentrate on your breathing like in total concentration breathing” he would say while taking a few deep breaths. “Then focus specifically on the water in the air you're breathing, putting tiny amounts of your chakra within each water molecule” he would add as his breathing became slower and more clam but still as deep as before. “From here you push that chakra infused water inside your body into your next jutsu” he would say as his sword flashed with a blue color and gained an aura of water. 

This is the first form Water Surface Slash, and all other forms are built off of this one jutsu. Your mastery of water breathing will be decided on your mastery of this jutsu. This jutsu has two uses, the first being to add additional cutting power to your strike, while the other use is to throw the water aura off your blade in a ranged attack.” he would tell Yuri explaining what the tech did as he swung his sword around him showing the water aura flowing around him as his sword moved. Before swinging one final time towards the training dummy, allowing the water aura to fly off the sword and slash deep into the training dummy. 

I’m not sure how much you can get out of that but let's see what you can do, and I’ll give you some pointers as you go if you want” he would tell Yuri.

WC-330 TWC-520
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:18 pm
Breathe in the water molecules...maybe that was a metaphor or something? Shaking her head as she furrows her brow. Closing her eyes as she takes in a deep breathe. The air was cold, and a little dry with little moisture to it. There was some, just not alot. It made her wonder who she'd use this technique in a dry climate like a desert. Maybe she could improvise. Taking in a deep lungful of air, Yuri begins transforming the chakra in the center of her body. 

As the air enters her body, she starts to mould the chakra in her center into a water nature before spreading it through her body. There was no visual effects but she definitely felt hydrated. A self enhancement using water chakra. Though maybe she was doing this incorrectly? It took her a long time to get basic breathing down, so transforming the chakra as she uses it to enhance their body was taxing. It really went to show that even if she had the basics down she wasn't familiar with the advanced usage. Even nature transformation took her a while to figure out while she was still an academy student.

"I think I get the idea at least...this might take me a little bit to get the hang of though."

WC: 2207
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:06 am
Cole watched as Yuri breathed in and out, taking in the air and water into her lungs before release it. She did this for a few minutes while Cole watched, not bad, he thought to himself. Knowing that it was difficult to pick up the breathing, but once she had mastered how to breathe the forms would come easy. He thought back and thanked Travin for the memories that he inherited from him about how to use the breathing and the first 2 forms. Having the memories of how Travin had done it made it so much easier for him to get it down, as it was more about practice and less about learning how. 

You are doing great” Travin told Yuri in response. “Try holding the water in while letting the air out build up the water within you, then take a final breath to push you over the edge. It may help you get the hang of it, and once you do, you can do it all in one breath” he would tell her. It sounded like sound advice to him, but not everything translated very well it seamed with him either. “Once you get the hang of it, we can do a spar half speed or something and go over the basic first form before we throw them both together in an actual attack” he would add.

WC-230 TWC-750
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 78550

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:10 am

She nods, more firmly this time as she gets into an iai stance once again practicing the same deep breathing she used while learning total concentration, alongside the circulation of her internal energy. Though there was a slight alteration. As she breathes in the moisture in the air is kept tightly in her being and every breath that came out of her mouth was bone dry. As she finally starts to get a proper grip on the execution of the water breathing techniques. The furrowed focus that was on her face was replaced with zen. 

Muscles too tightly concentrated would snap, and a mind too tightly wound would break. Too properly fight the body had to be loose, fluid but also firm on demand and powerful, like flowing water. Next came internal visualization. To do what she wanted to she'd have to visualize what she wanted to do and make it reality using her own power. Measuring the aspects of execution in her head multiple times before following through with a single clear execution. The water intrinsic to this technique begins to form along the blade, before loosing cohesion as Yuri slowly opens her eyes, a little more exhausted. The visualization process became difficult once opening her eyes, she'd have to process information and still form the image in her mind simultaneously, possible, and maybe next time she could do it at least for a while, but it was strenuous to learn so much so quickly. 

"Alright next time I'll definitely have this down, so I hope you're ready." 

Projecting a cool, calm confidence as she looks at Cole. There was a slight smile on her face, despite her own struggles. She still, after all, had a short term goal to reach.

WC: 2500

[Will do exit claims shortly.]
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:34 am
Cole watched as Yuri began to get the hang of it. Focusing more and more on it, Cole saw her blade began to glow with chakra. Taking on the aura that it needed for the first form. However, upon opening her eyes, the aura fell apart. It seemed she still required a bit of practice before she could use the tech without having to think so much on it. Cole thought back to his own time practicing the tech and learning how to wield it. It had taken him some time before he was able to call upon the tech without having to think about it, and knew that it would probably be the same for Yuri. 

Whenever you are ready I shall be here to help you learn the next step” Cole would tell Yuri in response. Before turning around and placing the weapon on the rack. “But for now I think I shall go and find some food” he said as his belly began to growl. He was not too sure on what he was going to eat. He could always return to the manor and have some food made for him, but he figured that he had some money and why not go and spend it on some food he didn’t get every day. “Good luck with the tech, once you get the basics down the rest comes pretty easy” Cole would tell Yuri as he walked out the door of the training room, giving her a wave bye as he shut the door assuming she was not behind him.

WC-263 TWC-1013

Exit claiming 10 stats for Cole
1k WC for Water Breathing due to 50% off since Travin has it
teaching Yuri both Water Breathing and first form water surface slash
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : here

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Clan Focus : Clanless
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 78550

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:38 am
==Exit Claims==

[2500 WC Total]

Stats- 31 stat points to allocate due to Training Center Bonus
-1 points into Chakra [31 to 30]
10 points into Speed [140 to 150]
15 points into Vigor [75 to 90]


500 WC to Water breathing [500/500][75% Discount for being taught]
625 WC to Water Surface Slash [A Rank][625/625] [75% Discount due to being taught]
1125 WC to Iron Wall [B Rank][1125/1125][25% discount due to hitting stat cap]

Last edited by Yuri on Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ryo : 176650

An Air of Legacy[Travin] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:11 pm
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