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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Mon Oct 04, 2021 8:35 pm
"My sword is my soul." She could almost hear her father repeating the words to her. He wasn't here, it was just her sitting in a 'false' field underneath a singular tree. The sun was high in the sky as if midday and the beams of light filtered through the tree's crown before turning into thin rays of light. Facing the tree itself, in front of her, was a simple black box. Long and rectangular, the wood was finely finished with an exquisitely smooth surface. The only thing keeping it shut were two buckles on the left and right surface on the opposite side of the handle.

She lets out a faint exhale, each breathe a release, as the moment's tension builds up inside of her and is then released in that breathe. With a slight clack, she undoes the buckle and opens the case. The insides were cushioned with down and the contents further guarded by a swaddling of white cloth. Every care had been taken when it was sent to her, every precaution to make sure not a single nick, not even one fault, had befallen it when it was brought to her. Removing the swaddling from the package finally brought it to light. Karuma, still sheathed. The sheathe itself was simple, like the blade. Blackened leather, capped with gold. Her hands were trembling, an unseen weight on her. Meditative breathe starts to lapse into hyperventilation, sweat on her palms, and hesitance in her heart before she notices. 

A note, it was tied to the scabbard with a thin cord. Pulling the knot, and plucking the letter free, unfolding the paper. It was a letter from her dad. Relaxing subconsciously as she starts to read. 

'Dear Yuri, I was never one for letters but I honestly missed you-' 

The note crinkles in her hand, wincing. It was a reflex from psychological pain, it was easy to avoid for the time she had spent here but suddenly a warmth was flushing her face. A nostalgia and comfort she was missing. She felt like an idiot as she finally realizes where the fog in her head had been coming from this time. This entire time it was just kind of obvious. She was a kid when she suddenly left her home and came to Kirigakure. 

She'd spent so long training that she never gave herself time for anything else. Maybe she was training so she didn't have time for everything else. Everytime she was relaxing it felt like something was building up, and the only time she ever really felt relaxed was whenever she emptied her mind and just stopped thinking. 

She missed her dad.
The unmistakable feeling of a stirring wellspring was rising up from her eyes. Another deep breathe and she tries to force that feeling back down. Pushing it to a later time, and trying once more to read that letter. 

'No father ever wants to see his daughter leave, really. I always wanted to give you something I never had, and so I never knew how to so all I could do was teach you what I did know. When the time finally came for you to become a Shinobi I felt like it was too late, and I squandered my time. A part of me wished you would give up on this and come home. It was the greatest pain, and the greatest joy, when you decided to take it, Karuma-' 
She did what she could to convince her eyes they weren't watering up from this. It was the pollen in the air, or maybe some small down had gotten in her eye. That indescribable feeling that had made her heart cloudy was finally being squeezed out and running over. It was almost a relief. Wiping her eyes dry, it was another deep breathe before she could even continue. 

'But I can't stop you. It's because I love you that I can't stop you Yuri. We are our actions, I at least taught you that much. That's why I could only show you I care by doing my best for you and teaching you what I know. Why I could only show I care for you by writing these words, and only show I trust you by letting you choose your future. Until I no longer can raise you I'll do everything I can. I'm happy to see that you'd grown up into a proper girl, and lastly... 

Please write back, or come home some time if you can, everyone here misses you as well. 

Also, I left you a second gift under your first. I know you love them. 

It was enough to ignore her shaky breathing. Just ignore the blurry vision, wiping off her eyes one more time as she looks back at the box. A small jar, resting inside. It was whenever she tried the hardest to be relaxed that she was the most wound up, and it was really only when she came off as unworried about anything that she was worrying about something. 

Looking back into the box, she saw that familiar form. A jar with the small lumps of preserved plums was almost nostalgic. Snatching it out of the box, and popping off the metal lid, it was a cozy feeling as she bit down. The sweetness coming took her back home, before the following sourness suffused her mouth and brought her right back here. Tears streaming down her face, as she curses the stupid sour little plums in her head. Curled up under a tree, she was missing home.

WC: 931
Travin Iburi
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:01 pm
Travin was sitting behind his desk chair turned away so he could look out the window of the skyscraper his family business was in. from up here Kiri looked very small and he could understand why some people started to think that they were better than the common people below them. However, Travin was also a shinobi and the head of the Rentei clan, or well would be soon anyways. He was already doing the job just hadn’t gotten the title just yet. The fact that Travin often left the tall buildings and mingled with the common people is probably what has kept him grounded in his life so far. He had made several friends and he was grooming Rune to take over running the day to day of business freeing him up. He had known that he wouldn’t like being stuck up in the buildings away from people, but it was what his clan needed at the time and he stepped up as was his responsibility. Now things have calmed down and they have taken over their biggest competition and he can now leave things in the hands of the more competent in this area. He was a shinobi and it’s what he was good at. 

Bruce, Rune you guys keep everything under control here I’m going to go for a walk down to the military training facility, and see what I can get into” he would tell the duo who both simply shook their heads after all no one in this building anyways would dare to try to tell him otherwise. Travin looked down at the street below and made a few handseals before vanishing in blue light and reappearing down on the streets. It had been a while since he had walked through the streets of Kiri, and he needed to do it once more. Not for any reason other than he felt like he needed to walk among the people that he helped keep safe. The day was nice and warm and the sun was doing its best to break through the mist but it didn’t seem like it was going to win today. 

Travin made his way through the market and grabbed a few snacks sealing them away within the cloak on his Rentei clan armor. He honestly didn’t know what he would do without that thing having an extra-dimensional space on your back was way too handy. It wouldn’t take him long to get to the military training facility as it was only getting to be about mid-day. The guards on duty gave him a nod and allowed him access to the building. Walking in the fresh cool air hit him in the face and broke the humid heat of the day. He would walk over to one of the chairs and sit down deciding to take a short break in the meantime and cool off thanks to the air conditioning. While watching to see who all was showing up today to work on some stuff.

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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:38 pm
A deflated Yuri was on her way out of the training facility just as Travin was on his way in. She was miles less professional seeming than him, coming off as little more than a teenage drifter with a sword at her waist if it wasn't for the headband strapped to her forehead. It was baggy pants, a jacket, and sandals all with a full color to them. Her hands were in her pocket as she tried to keep something of a casual look. Looking a little bit like a reck as she passes by Travin, before coming to a complete halt.

There was nothing more tempting for her right now than just going home and collapsing. It wasn't a long day but it was a bit tiring. Except there was one thing more tempting than just flopping into bed and napping the day away. There was still, after all, the matter of staying familiar with her comrades. It was awkward going from being a mess in the training facility earlier to this, even if the former moment was private but it wasn't fit for a shinobi to let that stop them from something important

Dropping into the chair closest to him, she looks at him with a curious glance. Leaning forward with her arms resting on her legs she stops thinking and starts speaking. "Are you waiting for someone or something? I'm Yuri Karuma by the way, a genin. I've been trying to get familiar with alot of the other shinobi if I can but I haven't had much luck meeting many people. Though there were a few, what rank are you?"

She pauses a bit, thinking over what she just asked. Was it bad taste to ask a shinobi their rank? She wasn't sure, this kind of culture was still foreign.

WC: 1234
Travin Iburi
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Thu Oct 07, 2021 10:09 am
Travin was simply sitting enjoying the cool air of the lounge and watching the random people walk in and out of the training facility. He was in no hurry today and didn’t really have much to do either when a young girl got his attention. Unsure as to why as she didn’t look anything too special, and looked to be a bit of a mess as well, but for some reason, he watched as she walked out and went to leave and stopped. Before turning and walking over to him and sitting down in a nearby seat. It could have been the way she was carrying herself or the fact that she stopped in mid-walk and turned around he was unsure, but she had piqued his curiosity at the least. 

She asked if he was waiting on someone or something before introducing herself as Yuri Karuma. She went on to say that she had been trying to get to know some of the other shinobi in the village but has yet to have much luck with it, before asking what rank Travin was. It was a quick barrage of questions and information, but Travin was used to that and took it in stride not breaking a sweat. 

He rubbed his chin for a few moments while Yuri talked and once she was done he would speak. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Yuri. I am Travin Rentei a Jounin within the village, and I am not waiting for anything and was just enjoying the air conditioning in the building before going for a workout. If you are not too tired from your own workout and our talents ally with each other I might be able to teach you a few things. What are you currently studying” he would ask her his tone staying neutral and polite throughout. 

WC-307 TWC-809
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:21 pm
"Bukijutsu mostly!" Her chest puffs with pride when she mentions it. "My dad was a blacksmiths and he taught me how to use weapons, mostly swordplay though. Another genin told me to remember I'm a shinobi and not a samurai but still it's the thing I'm best at. I've never really seen a samurai though."

A jounin, she was talking to someone really important then, and they were even offering help. A smile of good fortune was on her face as she starts to bounce slightly in her seat from excitement, before just forcing herself to get up. The hunts of exhaustion in her body were already gone and her mind was psyched up for a second go at training today.

"I'm always up for more training! After all I have to become a chunin as quickly as possible. There's no time for slacking off too much." There was always time for a little slacking off in her head though. "What do you do?" Except for the impressive armor there wasn't much of a give away to any secret talent or anything, though he was a jounin so of course they definitely had to be talented. Maybe she could get that good? Rubbing her chin as she analyzes Travin.

"Do ya think I could become one eventually?"

WC: 217
TWC: 1451
Travin Iburi
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:33 pm
Travin listened as the girl Yuri said she was studying Bukijutsu mostly and could tell she took great pride in it as well. It apparently stemmed from her being the daughter of a blacksmith that taught her how to use a weapon. “I wouldn’t worry too much about what others say, I've seen shinobi do just fine with similar mindsets, and some do amazing things even though they are crazy” he would tell her with a smile at the end. He was talking of none other than Saya ofcourse a friend of his you could say. If anyone he knew was crazy it was that girl, after all she had her puppets take on parts of her personality or something anyways. 

When she said that she was always up for Training Travin thought that it would be a good time to let Cole get some work in as well. He was also very enthused about weaponry stuff as well, and this way it could possibly give him someone else to bug about it other than himself. Reaching out with his mind across the mental connection he shared with both Cole and Rune. Travin would send a message for Cole to come to the training facility. Within seconds he got a response saying he was already there and training. 

I tell you that I have a fellow clansman that is also very interested in Bukijutsu, and he just so happens to be here training. If you want I can introduce you two and you can work together on some new stuff. He has the knowledge of the Water Breathing fighting style I gave him, and he can share it and teach you how to use it if you want” Travin would tell Yuri. If she agreed, Travin would lead her back into the military training facility. “I think if you work hard enough you can become anything you want” he would add as he opened the door for her to walk in. 

Once inside Travin would lead her over to the training cage that Cole was working out of. Opening the door the coal black haired boy would turn to see who was there. His shirt off and laying on the bench by the door showing his fully developed physic in near perfect form. With his black loose pants tucked into his boots, and a wooden sword in his hand. The marking on his face and the number 69 on his cheek in full view, as he turned and walked over to the duo giving a wave as sweat dripped down his body. 

This is who you were talking about” he would ask Travin. Travin would give him a nod “this is Yuri i think the two of you will hit it off pretty quick” 

The names Cole” he would say offering a hand, his voice deep but smooth.

WC-478 TWC-1287
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:34 am
'He looks really strong.' She inks with a look of astonishment, though was it normal to have numbers on your face? She shakes his hand, hers were surprisingly rough compared to the rest of her. The words water breathing fighting style were giving her the wrong impression of what she'd be learning. She was imagining something sort of like an aquatic style, but if a jounin was recommending she was to learn something she had faith. A smile on her face as she greets her would be Mentor.

"Hey Cole, I'm Yuri. Thank you for the opportunity."

She takes a step back and bows, a quiet resolve in her smile at Travin's own encouragement. If they thought that she could become anything she chooses to, she'd just have to live up to that.

"Most of what I'm studying is Bukijutsu, well really I just use one specific sword. I'm planning to get more ninja tools but I have alot more work to do before I can just buy them all."

WC: 1610
Travin Iburi
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:14 pm
Travin stood at the gate entrance to the training area that Cole was using and listened to the exchange between Yuri and Cole. “Well ill let you two get to work, I got some stuff I need to do” he would tell the two of them. Making a few hand seals, Travin would vanish in a deep blue light and appear somewhere else. 

Cole, used to Travin appearing and disappearing when ever he chose, just carried on with the Conversation like nothing happened, simply giving Travin a nod before he vanished. “It's no problem, I enjoy training and working on my sword skills” Cole would tell Yuri. 

He was happy to find someone else that also studied Bukijutsu like he did. “I’m about the same at the moment, focusing on my weaponry skills, but my clan has promised to show me some ninjutsu and help me get the hang of how sensory works soon” he would tell her before adding. “If you want to learn the water breathing style of fighting, grab a wooden sword from the rack And we can get started” he would say pointing to the rack near the gate entrance.

WC-194 TWC-1481

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mid-topic claim for Cole gaining 50% discount for Travin knowing the jutsu
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:28 pm
is approved.
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An Air of Legacy[Travin] Empty Re: An Air of Legacy[Travin]

Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:28 pm
Yuri walks over and takes off the scabbard of her sword, resting it down by the wall where the array of wooden swords was waiting. Grabbing a kendo sword from the set as she looks at it with an appraising glance. Spinning it in a quick flourish and measuring the weight. Shrugging as she turns around and heads back over to Cole.

"So Water Breathing is related to Total Concentration Breathing right? I'm kinda familiar with both of them, my dad told me about 'em, but I never really started learn them myself until now. You have any secrets about 'em or mystical understandings to help me pick up on it faster? It'd help a little."

There weren't any shortcuts on the path to mastery, but there was always just plain good advice but learning from your betters was still a pretty important step. Plus maybe it'd help her with her other stuff. Stopping in front of him with her usual casual demeanor.

WC: 1774

Last edited by Yuri on Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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