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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Mon Oct 04, 2021 1:14 am


There was something terrible in the air, tonight.

She couldn’t remember how she ended up here in Yugakure. Was it a vacation? A mission? Perhaps they were just passing through to other pastures? It was simply going to be a stop over. Everything was going to be fine. They would go back home, smile, and everything would be fine.

Then she started finding the corpses. Fresh, bloody, yet lifeless. In just a night, her friends had turned from living beings to slowly rotting hunks of meat. It made her hopeless, scared. And, more importantly, it made her angry.

Moving down an abandoned street, 20m wide and 100m long before turning off into other streets, Kikuko would form the seal of confrontation before beginning to walk, a poof of smoke enveloping her. Being at the farthest end of the street and straddling the middle at the 10m mark, Gafas would silently alight upon her left shoulder as jitters would jump up and down her entire body. She knew that Gafas had begun to draw nature energy immediately upon her summoning- a trick the two had worked out over the course of their partnership. Something had to be here. Something was hunting the people of this town. Perhaps human, perhaps animal. And in that feeling, there was an even more terrible sense.

The sense that soon, she would be next.



Summoned Gafas [40AP]
Nature Stacks: [2/6]

New AP Total: [1310/1350]
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:07 am

It was on this very night that Kikuko found herself in an unfamiliar and scary place, Yugakure no Sato. This village was a terrifying place located deep within one’s dreams which served the purpose of testing one’s abilities- at a cost. Survive this nightmare and reap the rewards, but fail, and lose everything.
This nightmare started off by our hero finding those closest to her slain mercilessly in the streets, hunted by a ghoul who at one point long ago, walked the Earth as a living and breathing shinobi. Now- they were nothing more than a shell of a person, occupied by an insidious evil.
The evil presence stalked Kikuko at a distance far enough to ensure that they would be able to operate undetected by suppressing their chakra. The ghoul would revel in each emotion that rushed through her body as she looked helplessly upon her loved one’s corpses- knowing there was nothing that she could do to save them.
The realm of Yugakure was dark and the only light that emitted was that from the moon above and the occasional flickering oil lamps that were scattered throughout the village on various buildings. Now that the Kukuko was in a distraught state, it was time for the Ghoul to put an end to her suffering. The ghoul followed the girl as she walked down the street. As he did, he performed 5 hand seals (Dog - Bird - Hare - Monkey – Horse) and upon completion, the ghoul’s entire body would become completely invisible to the naked eye. The undead continued to stalk Kikuko at the distance of 20M.
3 Meters prior to Kikuko stopping in place, the ghoul would activate a technique that would release yin-yang chakra from their tenketsu points to create a spatial shell around their body that was not visible to the naked eye. Once Kikuko would stop, so would the ghoul, maintaining the 20 meter distance between them. Just as she stopped, the ghoul would weave 11 hand seals (Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird - Rat - Ram - Snake - Tiger - Bird – Ox). Upon completion, the ghoul would target a location, 3 meters behind Kikuko’s back and 1 meter above the ground, generating a dome of invisible, pure gravitation energy that would expand until it reached a 15M radius.
If Kikuko failed to withstand the gravitation force created by the ghoul’s jutsu, then she would find herself rendered completely paralyzed, and so would her summon.  

WC: 416


(OOC: Good luck!  Fear and Blood [Hunter] 1f47b  If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on Discord)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:34 am
The gentle tickle of air on the chin. A cold shiver up her spine. Walk, walk, walking. She would have walked up until she had stopped moving when suddenly-

Her chakra senses pinged from the five meters of chakra sense she had passively about herself. Something behind her. Something fast and expanding.

‘Kikuko! Put up some walls!’

Without even pausing to wait for Gafas to finish talking she would already be forming a hand seal, forming the seal of confrontation at a speed of 75 even as Gafas would fly through a series of ‘hand signs’ at the same speed. The moment she began her seals, she would immediately begin flight, Kikuko being brought along due to being held by her strong little legs- moving one meter forward during which she would complete the signs for Tailwind. Immediately upon completion, Gafas would accelerate to 125 speed and take a diagonal path to a resting height of twenty five meters five meters forward from her original location- raising 6.5 meters for every one meter forward.

twenty five meters upward, moving one meter forward for every five meters upward. After a meter of flight, during which the hand seals would complete, Tailwind would activate- causing her to accelerate to 125 speed.

From the ground, 25 meters to her direct back and 10 meters to her direct front, two Rashomon walls would rise at 80 speed and power- blocking off avenues of escape as they with the addition of the entranceless buildings would form a rudimentary trap. From the fact that she couldn’t see anybody in front of her, and the fact that the attack was coming from behind her she would have to make that split second decision- that somebody was in fact ambushing her from behind. Each being fifty meters high, twenty five meters long and five meters thick, they would cut somewhat into the buildings on each side- thankfully, Kikuko wasn’t afraid of collateral damage at the moment.

Meanwhile, she would be scanning the surroundings for any sort of danger- and found nothing.

‘Gafas, what’s going on? Is it the attacker?’

‘I don’t know! But there’s some sort of distortion below us. It’s large, and it covered my full range before we escaped it- so at least ten meters away. Probably more. Whatever’s causing this, they’re doing it at range.’

Doing it at range, and she couldn’t see anybody around them for some distance. Was it perhaps a disguise technique? She knew one of her own- Hiding with Camouflage. Was it a similar one? Or perhaps the very same? She wasn’t sure, but it didn’t hurt to be cautious. Immediately after forming the seal of confrontation she would form the seals of the tiger, bird, ox, monkey, rat and the bird, she would then designate the space ten meters behind and five meters above her starting position above as the origin for the technique- 20 meters from the front Rashomon. Five meters above the ground the Devouring Sphere would expand rapidly in a 10m radius at 80 speed and power, the ball of volatile black chakra swallowing everything in its path- and hopefully whatever assailant was stalking her.

‘Do you think we got it, Gafas?’

‘I just don’t know, Kiku. Stay sharp.’

That...was not reassuring.



(100+ chakra means all costs paid have 25% AP reduction.)
Devouring Sphere: 30AP
Double Rashomon: 60AP
Chakra Sensory
Gafas: 40AP

Total: [1180/1350]

Total AP:
Nature Stacks: 2/6

(85 chakra means all costs have 15% AP reduction.)
Tailwind: 34AP

Total: [816/850]

[835 words]
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:44 am
The ghoul watched the small bug on her shoulder begin to miraculously lift their target into the air. At the moment her feet left the ground, the ghoul would begin to sprint towards her at their max speed in order to close the gap. Although the ghoul could not fly, they needed to be as close as possible to harm them. The girl weaved hand seals as her companion lifted her through the air, and upon completion, two large walls would begin to form. One behind the ghoul, and one in front of them both, and once they would fully form, they would lock them both within a makeshift enclosure.

The ghoul would continue their sprint and whilst sprinting and prior to Kikuko reaching a resting height of 25M, the ghoul would finish weaving four hand seals (Dragon > Rat > Hare > Bird). The ghoul, now underneath Kikuko, would launch a technique that did not require hand seals just as Kikuko would begin to ask her summon “What’s going on?”. 5 meters below her, a point is selected, and a sphere is created, spreading up to 10M in radius. If Kikuko did not move out of the way fast enough, the sphere would close the 5M gap underneath her, and continue to grow 5M above where she currently was, consuming anything in its path.

Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:35 am
Upon reaching a height of 5 meters, with the effects of Tailwind in full effect, the sound of thumping footsteps from behind would alert Kikuko to a rapidly approaching presence. Already flying high into the air to avoid an incoming attack, Kikuko’s senses would flare once again in alarm as she felt yet another attack burning hot on their coattails as the duo would raise into the sky.

‘It’s gaining on us!’

‘Yeah, I know!’

Thankfully, despite the fact that the dastardly Devouring Sphere was traveling at 167 speed, Kikuko and Gafas would be quite fine fleeing from the technique- with 125 speed being 74% the speed of 167, by the time that it had fully expanded to its full range of 10 meters she would be out of range, having moved 7.4 meters upwards in the time it would take to move ten, the five meter distance in its spawning giving her the extra space required to escape from the attack. The zombified shinobi would almost certainly not be so lucky, as- having stood directly beneath Kikuko to launch an attack, but also specifying to spawn it 5 meters below her- would be right in the epicenter of its own attack. Crispy.

With Kikuko’s previous actions having not been hindered in this case, the Devouring Sphere she had cast would sphere from her designated location (twenty meters from the front Rashomon) before reaching its full radius of 10m, just barely clipping the zombified shinobi when fully extended. This, of course, would only occur if the shinobi were to immediately cancel its Devouring Sphere- as otherwise it would be defeated in a clash of jutsu due to its inferior power when compared to its adversary. But then again, if it were to not, it would be unlikely the zombie would survive under the onslaught of its own power.

Following this, Kikuko would float at the end of her trajectory path, having safely made it twenty five meters into the air and five meters forward. She wasn’t sure what to make of this situation, but she would wait until the proverbial smoke cleared before she acted further.


(100+ chakra means all costs paid have 25% AP reduction.)
Devouring Sphere: 15AP Upkeep
Double Rashomon: 30AP Upkeep
Chakra Sensory
Gafas: 40AP

Total: [1095/1350]

Total AP:
Nature Stacks: 2/6

(85 chakra means all costs have 15% AP reduction.)
Tailwind: 34AP

Total: [1240/850]

(Feel free to DM me if I wrote anything that's straight up nonsensical, I wrote this right after marathoning both Dune movies and I'm only semi-lucid. Cheers.)

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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 2:08 am
The ghoul had caught itself in its own jutsu, the black mass spawning on the ground next to the ghouls’ feet and expanding to consume them, as well as destroying the clashing jutsu. Although undead, the ghoul could feel the pressure created by it’s own jutsu and the damage that the self-infliction had caused. The ghoul would cancel their jutsu and it would fade away by the time that the girl reached the end of her trajectory path of 25 five meters overhead and a few meters forward from the ghoul’s current location.

The ghouls own jutsu had put his own jutsu, Hiding with Camouflage, on cooldown, causing the invisible assailant to become visible to the girl. The ghouls’ eyes glowed blue from down below with spite, their eyes fixated on Kikuko. Feeling the affects of their mistake, the ghoul formed seven hand seals (Monkey -> Ox -> Snake -> Ram -> Tiger -> Dog -> Boar) and upon completion, the ghouls body would become coated with an aura comprised of medical chakra.

Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:45 am
As the proverbial smoke would clear, her enemy finally coming into mundane sight as she gazed upon him- and what a ghastly sight he was! Kikuko would finally be able to take more overt measures to bring the wraithlike creature into custody.

Immediately after the Devouring Sphere being dispelled, Kikuko would tap into her stored up Nature Chakra- brilliant blue wings flowing from her back to spread out at their full wingspan of 4m. Feeling a sense of vitality and strength flow through her, she would immediately attack as soon as the the Sage Mode had begun activation. Flowing through the seals of the dragon, the rat, the hare, before ending with the bird. The amplifier flowing all its excess energy into the speed of her technique.

Five meters in the air above the zombies, a series of six portals would open from which six tentacles, each 10m long and 1m thick would spawn. The first two of these would be directly beneath her with a foot’s space between her front and back, the next two 1m to the left and right respectively and 20m below her, and the final two being 2m to the right and left as well as 20m below her.

Reaching out with lightning grip and terrible strength, they would reach downwards at 240 speed to bind and crush the attacker. The first two would reach directly downwards, the one to her front aiming to seize the zombie by the left arm and the one to her back aiming to seize it by its right. The tentacles 1m to her left and right meanwhile would run interference- extending 5m to the ground and then swinging inwards to bat him into the range of the first tentacles. The outer two would sweep in a long, arcing motion to encircle the attacker- binding him in the range of attack for the rest of the appendages. Should he be unable to escape their binding, the tentacles would fade back into their home dimension, taking the wraithlike entity into the void along with them.


Jutsu Calculations:

(100+ chakra means all costs paid have 25% AP reduction.)

Kosmos Ghiah- Grasp of the Unknown [190 Power, 240 Speed, 190 Health (Speed Amplified)] - 75AP
(Operates off of STR check)

Space/Time Amplifier [+50 to one stat in Kosmos Ghiah]- 37AP
Gafas - 40AP
Double Rashomon - 30AP Upkeep
Butterfly Sage Mode [+80 vigor, +80 chakra] - 37AP

Total: [876/1350]

Nature Stacks: [1/6]

(85 chakra means all costs have 15% AP reduction.)

Tailwind: 34AP
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:31 pm
The ghoul watched as brilliant blue wings erupted from his targets back overhead. The blue hue of Kukuko’s wings were reminiscent of the ghouls own soulless eyes which staired onwards. “Garrahahhah” The ghoul moaned in frustration. A few moments later and 5 meters in the air above the ghoul, a series of six portals would open and from each, a tentacle would be produced. The ghoul had found himself in a sick online video. Feeling confident the ghouls chakra armor would protect him, he would begin to formulate some hand seals, but the speed of the tentacles were too much and before the ghoul could complete said hand seals, the tentacles would secure them with lightning grip and terrible strength. The ghoul could feel his lifeless bones cracking underneath the pressure of the tentacles. Another tentacle would bat him towards another and now flying through the air, until he was secured one more and then dragged into one of the portals from which the tentacles came. Feeling helpless and angry whilst being dragged away, the ghoul would let out another grotesque sound, “Ggrrrrahhhhahhah!” The portal would close up leaving Kukuko alone, as the sole survivor of this match and the ghoul would spend the rest of his days floating through the void.
Wc: 212
Twc: 1026

[Mission Complete/ Kikuko Wins!]


4,000 Ryo = 8200 New Total Fu
20 AP = 182 New Mission AP Total Fu
20 Bonus Ap = 451 New Bonus AP Total Fu

1026 towards Strength of 100 2417 Previous WC. 3443/4000 New Total 
8 Tickets 
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:48 pm
Breath in. Breath out. Was it...was it over? It was!

Upon the zombie being dragged into the Kosmos, Kikuko would finally flutter down to the ground with a muted thud. She had won. The creature would wander the space of her created world until the day it died. She should be...happy, no?

But how could she be? All the people it had gotten to. Those she couldn’t save. She was too late. All she could save was herself.

Quietly going to her knees, she would weep. The sky would open up, a terrible, torrential thing. Howling, roaring, the wind catching up into her ears. It would be better for her to fall here, she felt. If she couldn’t protect those who she had sworn herself to safeguard, then what was she worth? What was the point of her quest? She supposed that she would just die. And then-

She woke up, to the sound of rain. Another day, another job.

...And there’s a dead person at her feet.



[1646 words]

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Fear and Blood [Hunter] Empty Re: Fear and Blood [Hunter]

Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:18 pm
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