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Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Genin Training Gone Wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Genin Training Gone Wrong

Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:22 pm
"Live exercises huh? I'll be the first to admit admit I've still got alot to learn"

He laughs a bit embarrassed about his shortcomings versus Travin and Niko. Though what other way would there be to learn aside from doing. Even if it was with a newbie like her he still wasnt much farther along than she was

He sets up for them a simple forest environment in the sim. A calm and quiet place, only the wind and the birds breaking the quiet. Standing across from the new nin Mitsu readies his sword. Taking a calm breath

[Exit Claim]

1100 WC

25% Max Stat Discount
1051 wc towards Temple Style Bark [2062/2062]
49 wc to the void

Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Clanless
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 78550

Genin Training Gone Wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Genin Training Gone Wrong

Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:49 am
"We always will, that won't ever stop. That's what it means to be a warrior."

Her expression changes as the world around her shifts into a forest. Getting into a low stance with her hand gripping the hilt of the sword tightly. Razor sharp focus and a disciplined stare, lessons beaten into her by her own father and the ever present feeling of her heartbeat.

She didn't know Mitsu that well. This place was still kind of foreign to her. There was a part of her wondering if that's how it always would be. Would the faces remain unfamiliar, the places still carried a kind of menace from her lack of acquaintance. It was an odd time to live in. Dealing with new places was a more problematic thing than a simple fight. The stresses were less familiar, and the stakes entirely different.

Though now wasn't the time for those kinds of worries, it was just another fight, another spar, with a clear end and a clear beginning. The quiet of the forest and the sunlight of the trees as the participants readied themselves across from each other. There would be a silence preceding the first move, whoever made it, and then the battle would really begin. There wouldn't be any worries of misspoken words, unproper etiquette or poorly conveyed feelings.

It would just once more be the dancing under the trees, the shower of sparks that came from the meeting of metal against metal and the genuine desire for victory. As well as learning, it wouldn't do well to forget why she was there. To learn to take her chakra and infuse it into their weapon, give it form, and transform the shape. Chakra was just another weapon for her to use and she had to master it like the rest.

Though one thing did irk her, when Mitsu said she was a shinobi and not a samurai. Firstly because samurai were cool, at least the stories she heard about them, and secondly there was some part of Yuri that grated against those kinds of words. She wasn't sure why, it was just another little worm of agitation wriggling through her mind and nesting inside of her psyche.

Now a part of her was left wondering what would it have been like if she grew up as a samurai in the land of iron. The constant snowing cold, the way of the sword, honor, duty and obligation, and more importantly peace...

Peace, it made her think back to Makoto. They accepted the work of being shinobi, the muck, and relied on another being to clean that sin from her, while continuously staining her hands.

Once more that little divide played in her mind, as she fought Mitsu under the trees.

WC: 1319
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Clanless
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 78550

Genin Training Gone Wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Genin Training Gone Wrong

Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:01 pm
[Exit Claims]

[1319 WC Total]

+7 points into Speed [83 to 90]
+8 points into Chakra [15 to 23]
+1 point into Strength [29 to 30]

750 WC to Samurai Sabre Technique [B rank] [50% Discount] [750/750]
50 WC to Chakra Infusion [50% Discount] [1000/1000]
500 WC to Flying Swallow [50% Discount] [500/500]

Last edited by Yuri on Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Ryo : 176650

Genin Training Gone Wrong - Page 2 Empty Re: Genin Training Gone Wrong

Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:59 pm
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