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Tsukasa Akari
Tsukasa Akari
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"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Sun May 06, 2018 12:07 am
"..And you might lose a foot." 

I helpfully inform the idiot, currently trying to climb over the fence of his Families property, eyes half-lidded as I deliver the droll warning to the Adult man, wielding a knife.

The man's rotund, short, stinking drunk, and overall about as threatening to me as a cocker spaniel. Still, the man freezes, turning to look at the young man, dressed for Class at the academy, with a pack loosely slung around his shoulder and a dry look on his face as the man dangles from the top of the fence, trying to carefully lower one foot onto the ground away from the path.

"There's explosives lining the perimeter if you can't surface walk it's best to just not risk it." He declares with a shrug of his shoulders before he calmly walks to the door of the gate and walks through, locking it shut behind him, ignoring the fevered swearing from the fat would-be assassin as he walks towards the Academy.

He also ignores the loud bang from the direction of his home, and the not as loud muffled whimper, he calmly side-steps a scorched round man flying past him and then steps over him with the declaration of "I told you so." as he continues on his way.

Luckily, the man's blubber seems to have kept him in one piece, so that was pretty lucky.

He rounds the corner with the mental note to remind Mother to replace the warning mine in the front of the gate, and decided that perhaps it'd be a good idea for him to ask for tutoring in the basic Shinobi art, he'll need to work on his chakra control and balance training for when the Exams come up as well...

Oh boy, the Exams...

His lips curled into a worried frown as he considers the upcoming tests of his prowess, and how it only focuses has been revealed to be...well, a Ninjutsu test-. Now, he's not bad at Ninjutsu, but his focus has been elsewhere, like learning how to properly dodge volleys of Kunai and Shuriken thrown from a high vantage point, how to not lose a limb from a surprise ambush via explosive tag, how to properly fall when thrown from a high building and his least favorite...How to dodge a horde of rabid alleycats while doused in catnip and trout.

....He really could have done without experiencing that last one, he doesn't think he can ever look at a cat without cringing ever again.

The trip takes him about fifteen minutes once he starts running, his level of speed, when compared to the Civvies, prompted a few dirty and suspicious looks his way.
Really he can't see why they seem to be so distrustful of Shinobi, they're the ones with the heretical religion hating the ones who keep them from being raided, raped, murdered, and plundered into extinction. They should be a little bit more happy that Lord Hayato and Lady Akari, (aka one of the better proper Akari Rogue's to ever grace the Earth, may her heretical Goddess accept her with open arms.)  decided to bring this beautiful example of a village with more money than sense into being the only independent village left in the entire continent.

Unfortunately, reading between the lines of that boast implies that we're also the only one with several villages looking at us like a particularly delicious piece of tonkatsu.
This thought has the Academy Student scowling and eying the alleyways on the way to the Academy Grounds as his deep-rooted instincts as a paranoid child soldier begin taking hold, and he begins to wonder if that one shadow looked like a trash can shaped enemy Ninja...
Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and he didn't start lobbing explosive kunai into the definitely empty alleyway.

I mean the Cat he flung a rock at when it jumped out of the trash can was there, but that doesn't really count. And yes, he missed the Cat.

Setting his backpack up in the entrance area inside his locker, which he's, of course, brought his own locks from home for, he moves to the training grounds and begins his regiment.
These of course involve running, jumping, climbing with the use of chakra, diving, dodging, rolling, punching as you stand, stabbing as you stand, kicking towards the groin as you stand, stabbing for the eyes as you stand and tossing a bunch of dirt into someone's eyes before you do any number of combination of the aforementioned horrible acts before standing.
His actions are not only good dexterity, stamina and endurance training but have the added benefit of driving away the group of clearly foolish civilian children about his own age looking to poke a Shinobi trainee during training.

He especially liked how the brain haired one paled when he clearly stabbed at crotch level and twisted, though maybe his smirk was a bit much. It's not his fault, he's always been slow on that maneuver and he's finally gotten the motion perfect.
With the group of boys showing some survival instinct and getting the hell out of dodge, hopefully with a lesson learned. Tsukasa begins his cool-down routine, which of course involves him punching and kicking a padded post until he's scared he'll break something or actually breaks the post.

Followed up swiftly by simple balance and chakra control training, which of course involves flowing his chakra throughout his body as he balances upside down on the unbroken post, if the post was broken you balance on it anyway with the clear purpose of making sure you're not as his grandfather put it "An Uncoordinated meathead who'll trip over his own two soon to be missing legs." ...He's rather fond of his legs, so he'll continue this training until he's sure he's safe from being separated from them.

Soon, his morning training is done and he joins the rest of his class as the bell rings for his practical history lessons to begin. His chakra control is god awful, his speed is more like a particular fast Civ than a Ninja Trainee and he can't take a punch to save his life...And to top it all off, he still has no idea how to do the Academy Three.

.....So no shit, there I was...
Stuck with my family who, for some unfathomable reason have all gotten to be B-rank Shinobi without learning the Academy Three, a Bookworm Chuunin who has more important Students to teach, and a class that holds a generally poor opinion of me because of that one time I happened to blow up a section of the cafeteria wall because of a particularly stressful morning involving my Mother dressed as a Kumo Missing-Nin.

And I have no idea how to pass my exams in two weeks.

[1136 Total Word Count, all towards +5 stats]

Last edited by Tsukasa Akari on Mon May 07, 2018 3:32 am; edited 2 times in total
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Sun May 06, 2018 7:38 pm
Gotta post your claims at the end of the thread buckaroo. Here, you would have 5 stats, in addition to 1136 words towards jutsu(s), which should have (words towards/words total) put next to it so we know what words are goin where. Bump this when you've made claims, por favor
Tsukasa Akari
Tsukasa Akari
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"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Sun May 06, 2018 9:14 pm
That makes a lot of sense, and for some reason, I didn't think to do that!
Thanks, all edited in since I didn't train any jutsu here!
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Mon May 07, 2018 1:58 am
Sorry for the late response, was busy. And feel free to claim jutsu even if you don't *directly* train it, so lemme know if you wanna use these words and I'll be back
Tsukasa Akari
Tsukasa Akari
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"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Mon May 07, 2018 3:32 am
Nope, just the stats this time, thanks!
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Mon May 07, 2018 4:06 am
Aight approved
Tsukasa Akari
Tsukasa Akari
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"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Wed May 09, 2018 1:02 am
"-and I could have been killed!" I shout with a panicked fury while hiding behind a cast iron pan like a soldier hiding in a trench, my Mother in response to my near death at her hands merely rolls her eyes and tosses another kunai in my direction  which prompts me to swat it away with the pan and dive behind a wall to avoid the follow up salvo.

"Don't be a wuss! You were way too relaxed during breakfast!" His Mother declares in the face of my unreasonable request to not have sharp knives pelted at me while I'm eating, while slowly and cautiously advancing on my position more knives slipping into her grasp.

The Creed of Paranoia and Constant Vigilance in my family is something that I both detest in the very core of my being, and cling to like a manic security blanket. My family is insane don't get me wrong, but that insanity is also well ingrained in ME and they all managed to live to become Jounin even if it's been in their later years. His Grandfather, in particular, has lived a very long impressive life, with a Wife that wanted to secretly Murder him no less! 

All she got from Grandpa was a ring finger and in response, he took an eye...

In response, Grandma and my Aunt almost took MINE so yes, Paranoia is kind of part of how I live.

So when my Mom rounds the corner and finds the hole I discretely carved into the hall finally knocked open for such a very occasion and myself long gone...Well, she's definitely going to try and poison me later but it won't be the kind that lingers.

Gotta read between the subtle things like hallucinogenic drugs and stomach virus pellets spiking your food, one of these things says "Next time wash the dishes when I ask you to." and the other says "I'm proud of you, but you've still got a lot to learn, enjoy the trip Kunai-Magnet." ....

....Yeah, thanks, Mom.
I am bravely fleeing the premises and by the time Mother Dearest realizes I've ruined a wall in order to make an escape route I'm already halfway to the Academy grounds...I pick up a snack on my way since I'm still pretty hungry.
The Civs are all giving me a wide berth because of how noticeably twitchy I am this morning and the usual suspects are giving me a cautious stare.

So it's a normal day, all things considered, only I've gotta try and learn the right kind of jutsu for the upcoming Exam. And I'm not even sure which jutsu I'm supposed to be learning, it has to be something basic right? He's seen a few of the other Genin-hopefuls climbing up the sides of walls and playing with their elemental techniques...So he'll start there.
Now, Surface Walking as explained by his Father a few moons ago was simply the art of throwing yourself feet first at a wall and then cheating on logic and common sense for their hotter sister "The Rule of Cool"...whatever the hell that means, luckily instead of following his Father's directions of "Finding a rival and running up trees together for countless hours in order to form a bond that you can later use to gain more power" (again, seriously dad what the fuck?) I decided to follow the instructions in the Academies very helpful scroll and simply channel chakra into my feet while taking tiny wobbly cautious baby steps.

The exercise is exceedingly simple, and soon I don't have to even hold the ram seal anymore. While I am quietly enjoying my ability to give gravity the middle finger, I decided to make use of another scroll that my Grandfather recently chucked at my head with the instruction to "Get some offensive options you noodly armed moving target!" ...My arms are not that thin.
Still, after a sit down on the side of the wall where I crack open the scroll, followed by me going back down to pick up said scroll because I didn't think that all the way through, I decided to sit on the roof and read. The Training posts are nearby so this...should be fine? 

I'll get closer before I actually try to test out any technique.
Settling in, I focus over the edge of the roof I begin focusing the chakra from my belly up to my chest and into my arms before the chakra reaches the tenketsu in my hands I shift my focus slightly and feel the slight hum beneath my skin that tells me I've successfully activated my nature. My eyes are narrowed slightly and I weave the snake seal as I push from walking down the wall into a jump which I turn into a slight run.

And then I thrust my hands forward, static clinging to my skin as Lightning Natured chakra flies from the palm of my hands scouring deep gouges into the wood, scorching it with the slight heat, I hold the pose for a few moments until I feel the static attempt to rebound, which is when I cut it off completely with a slight flinch-.
I shake my hand as it tingles slightly luckily I didn't manage to burn or electrocute myself too badly, though my hair kinda feels a little frizzy...Oh jeez, I'm gonna need a comb from somewhere.
With a sigh, I pull up the hood of my jacket and begin weaving the seal again there are two ways to do this.
With that in mind, I once again push the chakra up from my belly towards my chest...And then I push it up to my throat, changing the nature to lightning chakra just as it reaches the back of my throat...Rearing back and bracing my arms at my side, I suddenly lean forward. I breathe lightning at the training posts exhaling all the while, the sensation of lightning chakra erupting harmlessly from my mouth is strange...Kinda like a trip to the dentist where they have to use anesthetic in your gums.

But that weird feeling of tingling numbness also comes with a feeling of power.
Cutting off the chakra, my mouth clicks shut and I rub curiously at my jaw as this time...It seems like I've avoided any recoil from my jutsu.
I glance up at the sun and decide it's about time I head back...

It's only later, did I realize that you need the Clone, Substitution and Transformation techniques to pass the test.

...So no shit, there I was.
A Ninja in training, surrounded by his crazed family members yelling into his ear with inane attempts at giving him advice, dodging projectiles when they got irritated with him failing to understand the rambling instructions, with another week before the Genin Exam actually takes place...
I only managed to shock someone once.

[Total WC; 1,145. 500 Words going towards RAITON: SPARKS, and another 500 going towards SURFACE WALKING. Can't recall if these words also count towards stats, but if so, I believe I get +5?]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

"One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.] Empty Re: "One wrong step-" [Private, Training Thread.]

Wed May 09, 2018 1:20 am
In the future, could you do me a big favor and link the jutsu you are trying to learn? Please?

Approved for stats and jutsu.
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