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Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Ryo : 23

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:59 pm
Mitsu winces in sympathy seeing Pinnochio popping out and subsequently popping into place his dislocated shoulder. Good lord this boy just has the world hating him doesn't he?

"Jounin level huh? Tracks with what I had seen her do with the puppets on stage honestly. Surprised that she had that much control over her own. If she's that much of a savant though might have to go ask her for some training later. In the mean time though I could probably teach you a little bit of the stuff that I know for some weaponry techniques you'd want to learn. Concentration Breathing, Flying Swallow, One handed Seals, Chakra infusion. All good ones to have." He says it casually as he gets up. Stretching a bit ready to get back to his own training unless Pinnochio needed something more than idle chatter together.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:51 pm
"Sorry. I figure us tough physical fighters don't mind a little intense throbbing pain between friends yanno? Also I couldn't have continued training without the use of that arm. Quick training tip: If you lose feeling in your arm because your friend messes with your chakra pointst... Do not swing it around until it pops out of joint. Big pain. Zero out of ten would not recommend. " He tested the apendage for several moments before continuing with their conversation.

"Yea, I mean. The puppetry skill actually came pretty naturally to her. Since she learned how to manipulate threads she's been a natural at making them do exactly as she'd like. You should see when she's seriously fighting. Her skill in puppetry is nothing compared to her ninjutsu. I cannot WAIT to beat her into the dirt.....Like in a spar. Not like in a mean way. " The shift from excited resolve to awkward backpeddling was almost instant. The issue with being passionate about things was that sometimes your passion can be misread as cruelty. While he was constantly frusterated with his student, he didn't actually wish her harm. His training to become stronger was as much to prove himself as it was to help protect her.

"I um. Yea! Training would be great actually. I've never heard of this swallowing technique, I dunno about flying around, and I think i know how to breathe well enough? Def tell me more about them though. Can't see a reason to learn about sealing one handed though. If i'm doing hand seals generally something is very wrong. Same with chakra infusion but for a different reason. The ability to infuse chakra into weaponry techniques was actually passed from Tria to me in my creation, so I've got that much down. "

He put focus into his form for a moment. He once again unlatched the Kama at his side, which had been put away for plot convenience. Chakra poured through his body, flowing from his heart point down his arms and into his hands. With ease he would light the weapon up, and then something interesting happened. Just like Mitsu had been practicing, THe weapon would begin to change shape. Instead of shifting it to a different type, however, he would lift the back edge upward as he chose its new shape. The snath of his weapon extended outward. The blade stretched and flowed from where it had once been. With the technique finished, he would be holding a giant scythe horizontally. Downside: He couldn't actually turn it upward without lifting himself up as if he were pole vaulting. He took a vertical slash at the weapon, but unfortunately instead of cutting strait through it, The energy shattered like glass upon connecting with the target. Not bad for a first try, but not exactly impressive.

"Is there something else I need to know to beef this technique up also? There isn't like some obnoxious prerequisite that I wouldn't have realized about, causing me to spend an entire day trying to slice a tree instead of punching it but getting no benefit?"

(TWC 3110)
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Ryo : 23

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:44 pm
"Well that prerequisite actually is Flying Swallow. Its a bit of an airy fancy name but it's a necessity for many weaponry techniques. It's also one of the reasons why one handed seals are important." As he spoke Mitsu drew his katana with his right hand and formed seals with his left. Tiger, then Boar, then an open hand, performing them slow enough for him to see. Once he finished them the sword began to course with blue energy. Similar to a normal chakra infusion. But a quick jab towards the nearby target dummy shows it to be stronger. Piercing through the wood like nothing before the infusion fades.

"It's main point and the reason its the basis for so many others like the Samurai Sabre Technique and the Temple Style Discovery is keeping its form and power through the rigor of other weaponry techniques. If you perform further techniques such as metal crusher or breaking throw the normal infusion won't be able to keep its form during them and will fall apart. Flying swallow provides the structure for others to build off of and more power into further techniques. Tiger, Boar, and a Clap would be the normal seals needed for it."

"As for slicing a tree... well that stops being an issue when you get fast enough" He says it casually with a smile "I can cut one in half with two swings! Well that is if Im not using any infusions for my weapon. Either way its probably not a good way to train but it is a good way to test your self. Remember chakra isnt just used for jutsu. Its also your stamina so having good control over it is still useful even if you only use taijutsu."

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 9:12 pm
"That... That actually explains alot. I could get the effect to an extent with just the use of chakra infusion, but there was a major issue in actually keeping its shape. I'd poured more than enough chakra into the technique. I think i might have actually overdone it, but it shattered in a really wierd way. The things I hit are supposed to shatter yanno?" He watched as the boy explained the purpose behind one handed seals. Were there really enough tai and weaponry jutsu that required seals for that to take up one fifth of his mental skill based capacity? How does one even describe the existence of skills in a real world scenario? The world threatening, fourth wall breaking thought had immediately started to give him a headache, so he focused on the task at hand. he would need to figure out how to fly and swallow or fly at swallows or something, and then he could get this down. With this super cool samurai jutsu, the only limitation was his cripplingly small height! There was a long way to go.

"Okay. So theres techniques that I have to learn as prerequesites to other techniques. Hm. Maybe that's why I've been struggling so much. I'm really glad I actually came out today instead of trying to train by myself. " The technique seemed simple enough. Tiger, boar, and then clap. He brought his hands together in the tiger seal, focused on forming them quickly, but found that something was stopping him from releasing the seal to form the next. Ah. Found it. With his weapon in hand he'd managed to stick the blade of the scythe into his shoulder a half inch in his rush to try and figure all of this out. He couldn't easily pull it out without shifting it up and backward or ripping through his skin. Subconsciously he was stopped from doing the latter. Gently he'd remove the blade, finding that there was wierdly no blood, and shifted the sharp part away from himself as he tried a second time. Tiger. Boar. Clap. The clap was incredibly unsatisfying due to the wooden handle clutched in his hands, but still as he formed the seals he found the effect acceptable. It looked just like chakra infusion. How could this possibly be so much different from the technique he already knew that he couldn't just skip this--The scythe roared into life as he tried a second time. It felt much more stable, and as he swung it horizontally to not lift himself off the ground the lengthened blade bit quite effectively into the dummy.

"Okay. maybe you were a little bit right about this one. I guess it is a bit different from chakra infusion. " What mitsu said made alot of sense. He was planning to completely ignore the fact that his chakra and vigor stats existed, but from this point on the usefulness was clear, completely changing around his training plans to conveniently include enough of thes stats to learn b ranked techniques.

(TWc 3617)
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:11 am
"You did well! However even if you only plan on doing tai and bukijutsu learning a splash of Nin" The blue aura around his sword grows sharp, electric. Arching and bouncing off the metal of the blade "Can help improve your odds greatly. Especially with the things like what Keita knows with tempest release. It's my hope to eventually learn it myself" He says it with a smile. Taking comfort in his teaching. He takes hold of his sword, the length of it extending an additional meter before he swings, attempting again to execute the samurai sabre technique once more.

The chakra holds and the arm of the training dummy falls cleanly to the ground. WIth that Mitsu smiles. Another jutsu down. "The other specialties can offer alot of valuable tools. Genjutsu can feint attacks and Ninjutsu can add more to them such as paralysis or burning. Even if you don't specialize into them they can grant you a good couple of tricks to pull"

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:44 pm
"EEEEhhhhhh. I mean. Ninjutsu is more of a Tria thing--That's my student. The one who made me or whatever. I mean. Like maybe I can learn a little bit, but I know my main focus is going to be in physical combat. One could even say that I plan for both taijutsu and Weaponry to be specialties of mine. Those are it though. I don't want to take the time to seriously study anything else. I learned so much about ninjutsu in Tria's youth so that I could hold the knowlege and teach it to her when she could actually pay attention that I got real bored real quick, yanno? " If he were to be very honest, he hadn't even considered the use of nijutsu. To his credit, he'd finally been given the chance to prove himself and let out all the agression that had been held in such a small wooden body. There were weeks when all he wanted to do was punch things until they splintered. Wooden things. Wooden things made of ninjutsu. It wasn't quite fair. It wasn't like Saya had actually meant to frusterate him. He still loved her like a daughter, and would do everything to protect her, but goodness was she hard to deal with sometimes. It didn't help in the slightest that the body he'd had--the body he still had, was so far below what the rest of the team could do that he constantly had to question how he was even the teacher. It was rediculous. Even Ai could perform powerful ninjutsu if needed, and Freyja was an absolute terror on the battlefield with her shield. Pinochio? Pinochio sat in a corner. Pinochio sat on the roof out of site. Pinochio needed to go find somewhere safe so he didn't get broken in the fight. It was embaracing.

"Wh. What is this Tempest you're talking about? I haven't heard about it yet. Please tell me its not a ninjutsu thing. It sounds pretty annoying and scary, and I know if Tria hears that theres a new way to cause damage with ninjutsu she's going to be all over it. " He watched as the boy tested out his technique again. It seemed his suggestion may have helped. With little effort, the dummy was relieved of an arm....Would they have to fix that later? Did he have super glue on him right now? Even away from his 'creator' it seemed that training was a destructive endeavor that ended in property damage to the village. He kind of apreciated that.

"I never really thought about other specializations. Weapons are just so cool and shiny, and I think they make sense to me since my body WAS a weapon for so long? Taijutsu i mean.... What's cooler than beating the ever living crap outta your opponent with nothing but your fists. It's like, the ultimate art. No need for flashy elemental manipulation or intense chakra control. You have your fists, their face, and a fabulous meeting of chance. "

(TWc 4119)
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:29 am
Mitsu laughed a bit at Pinnochio's passion. Assuming him just a young ninja with a want for physical fighting, not seeing anything possibly malicious beneath the exterior. "Fair enough fair enough I can see where your passions lie. In that case then I hope that you can find promise with your fighting. Though looking at fighting a bit more analytically than just punching harder would be a good step." Mitsu sheathes his sword, noting down something in a small journal.

"As for tempest release Ive heard it's something Keita can use. Deals with storms, high winds, that sort of thing. Not sure if its ninjutsu but it could probably be used for alot. And finally as for weapons well... if you wanna get some theres no better way to get something good than to make it yourself. Though money does help if you can save a good sum of it from your missions. Things like meteoric iron can do wonders for armor and weapons" Honestly he himself was planning to get himself a weapon once he earned the trust of the ryuchi snakes. He had seen something off about travins weapon and getting it would be a nice goal.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:50 pm
"Yes! My passion is burning red hot!!!!!" For a moment, it would almost seem like his clothing has changed from the obvious cowboy theme to a green jumpsuit with orange accents, but as quickly as the image came, it was gone--a strange mental illusion no one could place or explain. Holding the weapon in hand, he'd pull back, focusing his chakra. The blade roared into life, extending as the form of a giant scythe appeared once more. In an instant the boy's speed carried the blade through his own target dummy, it's head falling to the ground below. Great. Now he was complicit in the destruction of Kiri property.

"We uh. There's. Theres like. A way of fixing these things right? We don't have to worry about getting in trouble for destroying training dummies? There has to be some way that they solve that problem with all the ninja in the village. " He wasn't actually sure. As Mitsu explained what he knew about the tempest element, Pinochio's mind shifted back and forth between the intrigue of what techniques dealing with storms could do and if they would be getting in trouble for destroying training equipment. He really didn't want his first real meeting with a higher up to be because he owed the village for destruction of property. That would set the scene of his progression in a really unfortunate way.

"Ah! I was actually seriously considering upgrading my armor. I have... Wait. " And with that he was off. He found a convenient corner with a door that looked to be a changing room, but in the training facility main hall. He was almost certain it was an upgrade from his room destroying, Wood style using student in order to give her more options for costume changes without having to go all the way to the showers, but he wasn't exactly in the position to complain. It would take him a few minutes of moving about and shifting out of sight of his training partner or anyone else, but finally, he reappeared. To add to the ensemble, he'd brought a spikey blonde wig. THe armor looked exactly like a certain broody protagonsist from a video game he'd been a fan of, but couldn't play because he was a puppet. The character, lets call him loud for copyright purposes, generally wielded a giant impossible to use sword with his gun arm wielding friend and his personal favorite, the punchy girl.

'So this is pretty cool. It's got like.... These lenses that can see in thermal BUT it could definitely be better. I was checking out ninja Ebay, and I found some items that could really give it some pizaz. Just not sure exactly what I wanted to use. I was thinking about swapping out all of the steel weave mesh for gold. Yanno, like really bling it out? What do you think!" He'd already bought the gold, and had taken the time to forge it down into gold wire. He was mostly committed.

(TWC 4621)
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:06 pm
"Oh you dont need to worry they have some more dummies in the back and ehhh... as for teh wig and gold I... wouldn't recommend it. Better to not take on some ridiculous outfit. If you end up getting beat itll only hurt more. The gold too will make sure of that. Gold is alooooot weaker than steel mesh so if you tried using it in any form of armor it would be like cutting through butter for any swordsman or most any other fighter given it melts fairly easily too." As he speaks he stretches. Ready to try a few more simple techniques. Jab, Metal crusher. Taking the time to show off for pinnochio how to do them if need be aswell. They were simple things but necessary ones that would help if he wanted to do more weaponry. Plus any more that Pinnochio showed an interest in and mitsu could utilize aswell.

However before long the sun is getting low and the Mitsu can see the evening coming close. Stopping their training, mitsu sheathes his sword. "Have to head home to check on my siblings but if you need me I'll usually be over at the hyuuga estate. See ya pinnochio!" He says before heading out of the training facility


Exit Claims [will do after saya finishes hers]

23 into vigor [60 to 83]

1250 wc to Samurai Sabre Technique A rank [50% off training together] [1250/1250]
750 into Jab [C rank 25% Solo] [750/750]
312 to Body Flicker [312/500]

Last edited by Mitsu Hyuuga on Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Simple Swords [Training] - Page 2 Empty Re: Simple Swords [Training]

Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:06 pm
"RIght. Right. Right. RIght. Cool cool cool cool cool. So we can just get extra dummies if we break all of these and theres no worries of the higher ups getting upset that we're costing the village money, ending in us being looked over for promotions and never making it to the ranks where we can make a difference and prove ourselves to the mizukage. That makes sense. Good good. "Pinochio's thoughts poured from his lips as he felt relief wash over him. The last thing he would ever have wanted to do was... well. bascially everything Saya had done over the past sevearal months. It was important to him that he become strong, and that those around him knew it. Not in a cocky way, but unlike Saya, he had no fear of showing his power. She needed to keep herself safe, he needed to do whatever it would take to keep her safe. Before his mind could spiral out of control, his new friend began to point out the dangers of using gold.

"Yea. That was my worry, especially since i'd be swapping out portions of steel weave mesh for the gold. I only wanted to do it because i thought it would look really cool. Then I realized that even if i'd taken the time to remove the steel mesh, create a gold mesh, and then put it into the armor, it would be beneath the cloth layer and kind of be unnoticable unless the armor were literally cut open. Plus side though: with it being so much weaker than the steel it could be cut much easier. I totally thought about all that being useful and less strong stuff too though. Totally on my mind." It wasn't. He'd gotten there eventually, of course, but he'd been half way into the actual creation of the gold portion before realizing that it wouldn't work. It was only after deciding not to do it because it wouldn't be noticable that he decided to think through a pro and con list. That's when the whole 'easier to destroy' factor came into place.

"These techniques are going to be so incredibly useful. I'm so glad we ended up meeting up! I know i've said it before, but I never would have known any of this existed if I hadn't met you today. " He was working through the techniques again. He now had three separate techniques that infused weapons in various ways. Chakra infusion was incredibly weak, but at least provided the basis for a bunch of different techniques. Flying swallow was barelly a step up, but also was a building block, and finally this cool new samurai sword tech. He was actually a bit disappointed when mitsu said he had to take off.

"Oh. Well I'll definitely keep training, and maybe by the next time we meet I'll have cool stuf that I can teach you too!" Honestly, it was getting a bit late. He needed to take some time today to do missions anyway.

(TWC 5125 putting 250 towards flying swallow (250/250 with 75% teaching discount) 1250 towards samurai saber technique (1250/1250) with 50% mutual training discount, 689 towards gate of healing(1k/1k) 2k to unlock both gate of life and gate of pain in the same tech(1k/1k X2) and 936 towards daytime tiger (936/2750) also claiming 23 chakra 28 speed exit and topic closed!)
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