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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

The Reforging of many - Page 2 Empty Re: The Reforging of many

Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:26 pm
Things were going better than he'd expected. He had a high ranking member of the village sitting in his livingroom with some other random guy, and he had the opportunity to take care of their equipment! He was even getting paid some ammount of money. Pinochio made a mental note to actually look up the going rate for this stuff in the future, but if he were being honest just having the apreciation of THE Keita Uzumaki was a boon. Best part: they didn't even seem to care that Saya had decided for a completely underground home, the legality of which she hadn't really considered at the time. Clearly Kiku was wrong and this was all okay.

It would take some time. Between Kita and yagami they were eficient enough, but pinochio really wanted to make sure he did a good job. The metal was reforged and replaced, Cloth stitched and reformed, and After an hour or so Pinochio stood back, body covered in black soot from the forge, to look at his work.

"Alright Gang. Looks like it's all good as new! Now it's just a matter of the payment and you two having a great day. Remember: Always shop with Pinochio Pinochio for your armor and weaponry needs!" He laid out each of the items on a clear table so the two could look them over, and if acceptable he'd accept payment and usher them back out to the streets.

(TWC 1450)
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Reforging of many - Page 2 Empty Re: The Reforging of many

Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:00 am
Keita watched continuously to make sure that his armor was not being destroyed, but after a bit, he simply relaxed and waited, as there was nothing much he could do even if his armor was being destroyed until it was actually rendered gone, considering he had no idea what weaving and sewing entailed, he only know how to sew buttons back on and patches onto holes. Regardless, after a while, a shorter time than Keita expected to be honest, the person was done, and the small man came over with all of their finished things, and handed them over, asking for payment. He had said a pay what you want minus materials, and although Keita did not know exactly how much the materials cost, he knew that they could not be more than ten thousand ryo worth, and even then that was quite a hefty sum.

He figured that around double his estimate should be good enough, so he decided to voice out his opinion on the matter of payment first, before unsealing a few stacks of ryo out of a scroll he kept in his robes most of the time. “How does twenty thousand ryo sound?” Keita would ask, before handing the ryo over to the man, should he take it. The only thing was that Keita hoped that this would be enough. It would be terribly embarrassing for him if it turned out that his armor needed something like thirty thousand ryo just to be repaired, and he only offered a measly twenty thousand, but he could deal with that later, at least he thought so. If the man agreed, Keita felt like he wanted to go and get something to eat after all this, and would leave immediately.
WC: 291
Kizmaru Senju
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The Reforging of many - Page 2 Empty Re: The Reforging of many

Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:51 pm
Finding a place to be seated so he can wait, Kizmaru watched the man at work in order to pass the time. He was a bit curious how the process would go but alas he could get some insight on how it's done. After watching for roughly an hour, the equipment had been done. It didn't take as long as Kizmaru thought it would but he was grateful. After he was done with that, he laid them over the table to allow their respective owners to collect them. "Thank you for your work, I too, am willing to pay you twenty thousand for your work," he said. He'd then walk over to his armor and gauntlets, formed the hand signs of Dog and Rat and put them in his storage displacement. He'd then hand over the money for services and materials before walking back to the closet. He inquired if this was the way out before getting back in, waiting for Keita to step so they both could leave together. He would have to give it a few tests to see if it works just as good as when he first received it, not that he remembered how he acquired them. 


W.C: 201

Paying 19,000 Ryo to repair Jōki no Yoroi and Petrification Gauntlets
Giving 20,000 Ryo to Pinochio

Ability Claims
Using 750 words to learn Eight Inner Gates (Jutsu) (Gate of Pain)
Using 600 words words Eight Inner Gates (Jutsu) (Gate of Limit)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

The Reforging of many - Page 2 Empty Re: The Reforging of many

Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:14 am
"Oh yea. I mean it's no problem. Here at Pinochio Pinochio's blacksmithing shop, which is a legitimate shop and not just my home, we pride ourselves on our work! Anytime you need something else just let me know!" He'd hand the two their items back, taking the large pile of ryo and casually slipping it in a bag underneath the table. He was clearly onto something. He'd figured he could make a little bit of cash off these two but they paid TWENTY FREAKING THOUSAND RYO?! He was absolutely need to go and see what the going rate for blacksmithing work was because he went from borrowing money from saya to freaking rich in an hour and a half. Life was good. 

"Just press the Kanji marked 'one' on the elevator and that'll take you up to the first floor! Thank you again for your patronage!" With the pair leaving, he considered his tasks for the rest of the night. He could go out on the town and grab some brews, he could get a bunch of super sick manly tatoos just to prove how different he was from his creator, he could buy a swimming pool, put all the ryo in it, and swim around for a while. Did they have a swimming pool floor? It was probably not a great call to let Saya design the entire mansion herself, but what could you do right? With the forge out and his work done, his choice became clear. He needed to call up daiko. It was time for a night out. 

(TWC 1712 claiming 17 strength, 1632 towards eight inner gates skill(2k/2k)previous training and 80 towards gate of opening (80/2500) claiming +40k ryo from keita and kiz together, using my blacksmithing skill to repair all three of their armors with them also paying the ryo cost and exit topic closed after Keita's exit! )
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Reforging of many - Page 2 Empty Re: The Reforging of many

Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:06 am
[OOC small post because weekend]

Keita was happy to see his wonderful armor back and it seemed to be safe and sound without any indication that it had once been damaged, which was nice. There was something calming about having his precious armor returned to him that made him ecstatic, and he was going to celebrate today by going out to the pier and painting a new calligraphy piece. It was quite foggy today at the pier, which gave a sense of wonder and mystery over the ocean that was hard to capture anywhere else. After thoroughly inspecting his armor and running chakra through it to make sure that everything was in working order, he would lightly bow to the man Pinocchio and to whoever it was that was sewing up his armor to repair it. 

"Thank you very much. If this happens again in the future, I'll be happy to come to you for repairs again if you're available." Keita said, having already handed over the ryo, so their transaction was done, and he took the armor and headed out using the elevator just as Kizmaru did.
WC: 183
TWC: 1503

-Giving 8,500 ryo for repairs
-Giving 20k Ryo to Pinochio

25% discount
Using 1503 words towards False Darkness, 2062
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The Reforging of many - Page 2 Empty Re: The Reforging of many

Sun Aug 15, 2021 9:21 pm
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