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Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:26 am
Enrai had been living with his new heart for a couple of days now, and something just felt off to him. He was sure that there wasn't anything wrong with the heart, it felt as natural to him as his original heart did. It was a strange feeling, and after a couple of days he finally figured out what it was, and it was because he had a strange unnatural dislike for the fire element. Or, it was safer to say that he had a personal and close relationship with the earth element, to the point that he was entwined with it. He felt that he was far closer to this element than any other, so he wanted to go back to the person he had met before, Kenshin, who seemed to have a broad plethora of knowledge about the hearts and his bloodline, so  he was going to ask him some questions. 

He headed over to the hospital and found the receptionist again, asking if he could go back and knock on the door. The receptionist nodded and pointed behind her, and he went over and knocked on the door.
WC: 191
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Ryo : 0

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:26 pm
Kenshin, who was currently writing in his journal, would hear the knock on his door and turn to face it.


WC: 21
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:09 am
Enrai was excited at how fast he was seen by the doctor Kenshin, and so he walked in quickly, greeting the man again. "Well, I feel weird with another element in my body, so I was wondering if you do refunds or something? I think I'm going to stick with simply the earth element, and try to perfect it. Do you have anything that would help with that?" Enrai would say as politely as he could, before getting ready to casually rip his own heart out.
WC: 86
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Ryo : 0

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:16 am
Kenshin would eye Enrai with a slightly quizzical expression, before giving a light chuckle and nodding. 

"Well, I do have one thing that may fit the bill of what your after. There is a specific clan that exists with... well, a chakra malady that leaves them only able to learn one element throughout their entire lives, but their prowess with this element will be increased by quite a large margin. It's not usually something I am able to sell, and even less so for Tau, but if this is indeed what you want, I can exchange that heart for a kidney from a member of that clan."

WC: 107
Stat Page : Enrai
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:33 am
Contrary to popular belief, when Enrai learned about the special kidney that carried a disease that prevented them from learning any other element for their lives, but greatly strengthened the one that they had, he was actually ecstatic. He wanted to find the limit of earth jutsu, and this seemed like a fantastic way to do it, and he would get it at a discounted price, or at least he thought so. He did not hesitate at all and pulled out the heart that was the fire one. He felt a bit strange about it, like his threads did not want to go through with it. But when he got the Meijin dna, he would be more willing to buy earth aligned hearts, which he wanted to ask about. "I'll take it. Also do you sell Earth hearts for cheaper than five thousand ryo, or are they the same?" he would say as he handed over the fire heart.
WC: 159
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Ryo : 0

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:42 am
The Ragdoll would chuckle as Enrai began to rip the heart out, and he would waste no time in retrieving the kidney of Aravon Meijin from his corpse, before bringing it over to Enrai.

“Unfortunately not, Earth Hearts sell for the same price. Now this will be slightly different than the hearts, I’ll actually need to perform surgery on you to remove your current kidney and replace it with this one. So if you would please lie down on one of the draining tables and remove your shirt.”

When Enrai followed this instruction Kenshin would retrieve a clean scalpel and make a 6 inch incision above his hip, before placing his hand above the incision and allowing his threads to enter the body of the other Tau, quickly making their way to his kidney and slicing it free of his body. He would use his threads to pull it out, before using his threads to push the new kidney into position and hold everything in place as he activated his Mystical Palm Aura. Once the incision was healed Kenshin would withdraw his threads, and watch in satisfaction as the small holes left by them closed due to his healing technique.

“And there you go, Meijin DNA in exchange for the heart I sold you a couple of days ago.”

WC: 219
Stat Page : Enrai
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 16000

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:21 am
Enrai listened to the man and sighed at the fact that the earth hearts would also be the same price, and he was disappointed. He also learned that he was about to get operated on to get the kidney in him. Enrai agreed and looked around for some sort of operating table, some gloves, cleaning solution... basically anything one would use when operating on another human being, but then he realized how shady of a place he was actually in when Kenshin grabbed a scalpel from god knows where and started heading towards him. Enrai was a bit freaked out about this, and even flinched a little bit when the scalpel cut into his skin and the other man's threads entered him. "Gross, I don't think another man should be inside me like this." Enrai thought as he suddenly screamed in pain when he felt his original kidney get disconnected. He was not actually in pain or anything, he just wanted to see how the man reacted and was trying to make a joke between thread people. After it was over, Enrai would simply thank the man. "Alright thanks, I'll go see about making this match my body a bit more until it feels natural." Enrai would say before getting out of the building.
WC: 214
TWC: 650 
Claimed Meijin DnA
Using 650 to integrate bloodline 650/1500 with discount

Last edited by Enrai on Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:42 am; edited 2 times in total
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Stat Page : Stat Page
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No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:21 am
The member 'Enrai' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:30 am
Y’all nasty. Approved
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Ryo : 0

No Refunds? [Kenshin] Empty Re: No Refunds? [Kenshin]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:07 am
Kenshin would give Enrai a deadpan look at the light scream he gave… The Ragdoll knew that his fellow could barely feel a thing due to their shared anatomy, although that deadpan look would quickly fade into a small smirk as he chuckled and shook his head. When he was done he would simply give Enrai a nod of acknowledgment.

“I look forward to seeing how this rather unique venture of yours goes. Can’t say I’ve ever met a Tau that only focussed on the one element, this should be quite interesting”

WC: 92


TWC: Doesn’t matter

No WC claims

Claiming the fire heart of Symmetra back, and giving Enrai the kidney (left) of Aravon Meijin
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