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Clan Focus : None
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Odd Jobs [I/O]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:14 pm
Bank Maintenance
Clean Up That Damn Sand!
Monument Mopping
Food Shopping 
Hiroyuki was assigned the task of taking along a visitor of the village with him when he was given a bunch of small tasks. There were four tasks in total, each one fairly easy and menial, but it was necessary for the village, and Hiroyuki was a hard worker to begin with, so he did not mind any of these small, menial tasks, and hoped that the visitor did not mind them either. He was supposed to pick up the visitor in front of the administration office, where they all grabbed their missions, at around eight thirty in the morning. Currently it was eight fifteen, as Hiroyuki tried his best to be punctual, and his dad constantly said that being on time meant being late, so he wanted to leave a good impression to the visitor that he was going to be working with. This would also be the first time that he heard about anyone working with outside shinobi, but that was probably because of his inexperience, he would think that to himself, at least. 

Currently, Hiroyuki looked quite comical, as he was already very small for a ninja, his headband glinting in the light, tied around his waist. This comical look was only emboldened when he started holding up a sign that said the word ‘Visitor’ on it. He was not given any particular information on this person other than the fact that they were assigned missions to do with him, so this was the easiest way he could think of to catch the attention of the visitor. Hiroyuki was secretly hoping that the visitor he was assigned with was not a woman, as he was terribly shy around them, and he did not feel like having to be awkwardly silent and stuttering around all day when they did these odd jobs.
WC: 304
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:05 pm
The man had been up for...hours. He lost count after the eleventh hour of the night, a cigarette hanging from his mouth that he took in a deep drag and finally made his mind up. Forming a string of hand seals, Snake - Boar - Ox - Dog - Tiger - Snake - Tiger - Snake - Dog,  he would clap his hands together as a small sphere no more than a meter about 5 meters in front of him. The sphere would begin to warble and move around until it began to pulsate with color and soon begin to form into two different beings. His right index and thumb would gently rest against the cigarette as he smiled as the lifeforms began to form into two different forms. His hand would begin to move the cigarette from his lips as the three would disappear from the room he was renting and into the festive nightlife of Pantomime. He would offer the two a warm hug as he greeted his "creations"," Greetings to the new life you two will be able to experience... I wouldn't necessarily call you children, but you will begin to see and experience things that will mold and create a new experience for you. You can call me father, friend or even by my name of Niento. I want you two to experience other areas of life and to be my family as well. That's sort of all I have at the moment...if you have questions just let me know alright?," the two looked at each other for a moment before nodding and walking off to explore the world of Pantomime. He made sure to give them some clothes, each befitting their gender and hopefully they would find a style of their own in the future.

For him however he would disappear from the visage of Pantomime and into the bed of his own room, passing out until the morning. He would have awoken at some point during the day, maybe eightish but no later than seven fifty and he had remembered something quite important...He had a meeting with one of the villagers. Shrugging himself from the bed he would throw on a fresh pair of pants, a shirt and his shoes as he grabbed his cigarettes and began to head out and where he thought he would be meeting the representative of the village. Upon leaving the inn he would begin to light a cig and as he did the two forms he had just created would appear beside him, both quite happy to be around their "father".

"Alright Kiddos we are going to head out and be around the people of the village...maybe even teach you some skills and make some money," the two had no real idea what had been going on but they had an inkling and that was all that they needed. The trio would begin to walk around where they spent the next fifteen minutes looking for someone who had fit the bill. The ONLY reason they had found their tour guide was the fat "TOURIST" sign they were holding and the fact that the female had seen it first...right...They needed names. Before they walked over he would turn to the female and smile," Names. You will be Miya and your brother will be Izayo.. Yes," with the two having names he would walk over to the one with the sign and smile," Think you're waiting on me mate...So what are we doing?"

575 WC
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Clan Focus : None
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:29 pm
Horiyuki had been standing there for a little while, watching the people wandering around the area for a bit, when suddenly he saw a tall man wearing a white outfit walk up to him. The man had a couple of people following him and they seemed to be clinging to him, as if they were his kids. He wondered if the person was lost and needed directions, because he had seen the small group wander around the area for a while before suddenly coming to him, so he thought that maybe they were some tourists lost and were trying to get to the docks, where the cruise ship that could take them around on a tour of the island was. This all changed in his head when the man suddenly told him that he was the person that he was waiting on, and asked what they were doing. Hiroyuki was taken aback a bit at the statement, thinking that the man might be mistaken, especially because Hiroyuki had been told that he was supposed to only be taking a single person out on this mission, so unless the two following him were very lifelike puppets, then he could not figure out what he was supposed to do. And if the case was that he was walking a pair of lifelike puppets around and pretending that they were people, well there could only be mental problems with him and Hiroyuki did not want to risk being with him. 

He was a brave and polite boy, however, and would simply ask the man if he was sure and serious, before continuing on. “Excuse me sir, are you sure you are the visitor I’m meant to take on some small jobs? It was only supposed to be one person.” He would say before taking a knowing glance at the two traveling with the man. If this turned out to be true that this was the man that he was supposed to take to do the tasks, he would simply continue on. “Well then, I guess it’s fine, let’s go. First we need to head to the bank so we can help with some general maintenance, then some sweeping and mopping around the monument, and finally helping an elderly couple with their shopping for the week.” Hiroyuki was fine with them coming along, as if this person was not the one he was looking for, the person he was actually looking for would have been really late, and he needed to leave him to go and do the tasks anyways, so there was nothing wrong with simply heading to the missions with some enthusiastic helpers. “I am Hiroyuki Yamanaka by the way, I just became a genin a couple of weeks ago! Where are you three from, and are you enjoying Kiri so far?” Horiyuki was interested and curious about other places, as he knew that his parents simply lived here their entire lives, so most people never actually left their village unless they became Jounin.
WC: 502
TWC: 806
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Thu Jul 29, 2021 8:30 pm
Niento looked at the younger male quizzically for a moment before snapping his finger because he had figured out what had been going on," Yes I am quite sure I am the one you are waiting for. I just got here last night. These two are with me...Hard to explain how and why but I ask that you take them into your care as well as me please," there was a sincere smile on his face as he rustled the hair of the two at his side. Both looked to be his height, maybe an inch or two shorter but the female had definitely been the shortest of the three. She would be wearing a white jacket over a black sleeveless shirt and white pants. The oddest thing about her appearance dress wise was the cap on her head which looked as if it had a pair of cat ears on it. The male on the other hand wore the same styling of shirt and pants and chose to look around quizzically as if he had been taking in the area. His black hair stuck to his face and it was mostly due to the moisture in the air...or something to that effect. He listened intently as the day had been laid out to him and the name of his host he would smile ," My name is Niento. To my Left is Miya and to my right is Izayo. We are in your care for today Hiroyuki," he would give a small bow while the other two just stared before doing the same that Niento did. When he was asked where he was from Niento scratched his chin for a moment to think of the best way to answer," I hail from a line of islands not far from where the original Kirigakure used to be. This village often reminds me of that one...a little less bloody though."

318 WC
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Clan Focus : None
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:31 pm
Hiroyuki would first lead the trio of people to the bank, showing the man there a small mission slip he had, stating that they were there to help them out with some maintenance. On the way there, Hiroyuki would just talk calmly with the trio, being friendly. He was still sort of shy to talk in front of the girl, but she was not talking much and seemed more like a curious cat than a person, same with the other man that Niento brought. “Ohh, old Kiri, I’ve heard about it from my parents but haven’t really researched it or anything.” Hiroyuki would say with some curiosity as they made it to the bank. The man that was responsible for them in the bank simply needed some light fixtures replaced as well as some boxes of old stuff taken out to a cart that was parked outside for moving to an old lot. 

“I’ll take care of the boxes since I’m not tall enough to get to the lights without walking on the ceiling.” Hiroyuki would chuckle to himself as he scratched behind his head with his right hand, before heading to the boxes. People in the bank looked at him strangely, before he hoisted a couple of boxes that almost equaled his height, before casually walking towards the cart. Right now he could lift four hundred pounds rather easily, so this was really nothing to him. The nightmare like training his mother had given him since he could walk was not something that other people could imagine, and because he did not have any context about the world because of his age, he did not find it out of the ordinary enough to talk about with other people. He finished moving the boxes really quickly, before taking the trio towards a maintenance shack close to the Mizukage monument.

“I’ve heard that the old Mizukage was a really bad man. I wonder why we keep the statue so clean.” Hiroyuki mused as they walked towards the shack to the side of the monument. He was still going to give it his all while cleaning, and this could be something that they could get to know each other more, although Hiroyuki did not know how valuable that would be, considering he was just a visitor of the village and probably was not going to stay long enough for them to interact with too many more times, but it was still something that he enjoyed, meeting new people like this was great. Hiroyuki decided to keep up the conversation with him. “I’m always curious what other ninjas do, since I use martial arts. May I ask what sort of techniques you do?” Hiroyuki asked while they were getting close to the shack, as Hiroyuki opened it up and grabbed a couple of brooms with their dustpans as well. 

They would be coming back to this shack after the sweeping of the sand around the village, because the shack was also where they would grab the mops, buckets, and rags that they would use to clean off the kage monument. For now though, they would simply be sweeping up the sand around the monument, to keep it nice and clean for people who visited. Hiroyuki was not currently a tour guide, as they really only needed to get this mission done, plus he was more focused on martial arts than researching the old history of the village, he had only really heard rumors from either his parents or some of the older people around the village about Xyxer, the old mizukage, and heard he was a terrible person.
WC: 605
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:49 pm
Niento looked over to the younger genin as they walked and shrugged," From what I understood it was a place that could be peaceful but was constantly in the middle of something. My family used to do trading with them via fish and other trades, but we were never apart of their shinobi forces. Would have been nice to at least see the village before it was destroyed but one can always see the refuges of it from the sea itself," he wasn't too sure what caused the last skirmish of Kiri to go so...bad that it was sunk, but he harbored no real feelings toward the village that sunk it or Kiri. It wasn't his fight in the end. As they walked into the bank all three of them would look around for a moment and Niento would let out a surprised whistle as he straightened his glasses," Never seen a bank this exquisite before. You all are doing mighty fine for yourselves as a village huh," though his true thought was a little different as he had never seen an actual bank before...or one that he remembered that is. If Hiroyuki had any other questions Niento would answer them but as they were divided in their tasks he would look over to Miya and smile," Go ahead and help Hiro with the boxes if you don't mind. Me and Izayo and handle the lights alright?," Miya who was taking in the infrastructure of the elaborate building in awe. It would seem that she was quickly finding their niche in the world.

Miya would nod and begin to follow suit of Hiro. While she wasn't overtly strong she could keep pace with him and move with the best of her ability. Izayo on the other hand would begin to grab two of the ladders. Niento on the other hand grabbed the bulbs and in the usual fashion of his profession. With a few throws they would begin to unscrew and change the lights of the bank with quickness and efficiency before sliding down and smiling," You got this down already...pretty soon you should be able outdo me," Izayo just shrugged before walking over to the other group...anti-social much? Maybe. With the first task down he would come back over to the other two and at that point he would blink," You previous Mizukage was the one who took over Konoha at some point right? Xy....Xyxer right?," he would snap his fingers as he tried to remember the name of the person. He didn't personally know the man or his legacy but he did hear some things about his....methods. The millions dollar question was asked as he produced a Yen coin from seemingly out of nowhere and ran it through his fingers as he produced three more," I have an uncanny knack for the art of Space-Time. I am the only one of my family that is really...unique with it honestly. My secondary technique would be with weapons, but no one truly growing so i plan on mastering both."

509 WC
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Clan Focus : None
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:46 am
Hiroyuki started sweeping the grounds as he was talking with the people that were with him, and it was revealed that the person was a space time user. Hiroyuki got a bit excited at the coins that were seemingly appearing out of nowhere, and started bouncing on the tips of his feet. “Oh, that was cool. I really like the concept of space time stuff, but have no idea where to start. Do you think you could teach me a thing or two?” Hiroyuki would ask in anticipation, hoping that this man would not mind teaching him some things about space and time. Hiroyuki was really happy, and he was still sweeping during this, and bouncing on the tips of his feet while sweeping made for an odd sight. They were getting the sweeping done fairly quickly, as Hiroyuki was used to manual labor by this point, and so he was doing a very swift and meticulous job. It seemed like he was caring a bit too much about the dirt and sand that had accumulated around the statue, but it was just his overachieving and steadfast nature. 

Hiroyuki would definitely listen to anything that the man had to say, and listen intently, making sure to keep everything to heart. Hiroyuki was having a bit of fun hanging out with the trio, as the two that did not talk much seemed to be around his age mentally, and were still figuring things out. It was strange being around people who did not really know how to do things that normally everyone could do, and they seemed to struggle a bit but learn really fast. Hiroyuki did not really bother about this and continued sweeping. After all of the sand was gone, they would head back to the shack with the cleaning supplies, and he would grab a bucket. He headed to a spigot outside of the shak and start filling the bucket with water, before turning to the trio. “I think I saw gloves in there, but everyone should grab a rag so we can start cleaning.” Hiroyuki would tell them, as they seemed to simply follow his lead.

That was fine, however, he was the village shinobi after all, it just seemed a bit strange to actually have the youngest person out of all of them leading the actions, especially because he was only ten years old. He was mature for his age, but not by much, getting excited over every little thing as well as listening to people too easily.
WC: 422
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:36 pm
A small smile appeared on his face as he stopped what he had been doing to show the young shinobi a few beginning techniques just to pass the time. Forming a few hand seals he would begin to sweep an area for pointing somewhere between 5 meters of himself and an arrow that pointed south would form. Once the trash and dust he had swept passed over the plate it would begin to travel directly toward Izayo who would have blinked and tried to sweep it back. Of course as he tried it would only come back toward him and from there he would continue until he had figured out what had been going on and swept it to the right of him and into the trash pile," So that is one of the basic space-time techniques i know. It allows you to change the trajectory and direction of an object and in some cases people if they were to step on it toward a different direction. So how Izayo was trying to sweep the pile back to me, it would only go in the direction the plate was formed. At its base however its a clever way of disorienting or changing the direction of something that would cause harm or debilitate you," he would add in as he patted his shirt down for his pack of smokes. It was probably a bad idea to actually do this around a kid so young, but it was a habitual habit that just kept him calm.

As he would would begin to spark one, Izayo would step forward and remove it from his mouth and place it into this shirt pocket," Maybe not around the kid...don't want to set a bad impression," which caused Niento to go slack jawed...He finally spoke. A super brief chuckle would escape his lips as he nodded and began to finish up his cleaning and heading to the shack behind Hiro. It would take him a minute to find the gloves and when he did, a pair would be passed out to both Izayo and Miya. The trio would begin to clean whatever it was that needed to be cleaned but as they did he would continue the conversation," What is it you would like to get out of learning about the art of Space-Time? Are you wanting to trick and deceive? Protect those close to you? Or add a new power to your capabilities?"

409 WC

Showed Hiroyuki the following Technique:
Vector Plate - Can be learned at 50% wc by all parties.
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Clan Focus : None
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:29 am
Hiroyuki was happy and started to wash off the dirt and grime around the statue, when Niento suddenly showed him a fairly interesting jutsu that caused a strange arrow to appear on the ground, which kept throwing the trash a certain way, towards the south. “Ooohhh” Hiroyuki would utter, before looking at the minor details of the strange plate. It seemed like it was nothing but some sort of chakra construct, meaning that it was probably just pure space time chakra, which was something that he could learn if he wanted. He would take a little while to look at the arrow, before continuing on with his particular duties of washing up. It seemed like he was in a trance for a little while as he looked on at the arrow, before snapping out of it and looking back to his mission buddy. “That’s really cool, I think I want to try to learn that some time, thanks for showing it to me.” Hiroyuki would say, offering a slight bow. 

After this, he would go back to cleaning, not quite paying attention to the man directly, assuming that he was simply doing the cleaning, as he had seen the other two cleaning a bit and they were fairly decent at, although it seemed like they had never done something so basic before, which Hiroyuki found a bit odd, but there were much more eccentric ninja around, so he did not judge, he just thought they were funny. He did not see the man struggle with the cigarette or his living clone put the cigarette back into the small pack before saying not in front of the kid. Hiroyuki had large cat ears, but that did not mean that he had any particularly strong senses, such as hearing, he was pretty normal in that regard. Hiroyuki then simply walked over and noticed that his bucket was completely dirty and had to go and get some new water. 

When he stopped cleaning for a bit to take his bucket to fill it with fresh water, he looked and saw that the statue was all cleaned. Hiroyuki checked it out a bit more and then noticed that he was correct, and that there was no more work to do. Their odd jobs were finally over, and they could go home and get paid if they stopped by the administration office on the way. He was unsure of the man’s plans, but he was excited to get the work over and head home, eager to try out that space time jutsu, but the man had asked him a question on why he would want to learn space time, and so Hiroyuki would speak without any hesitation. “I want to protect others, and myself. I was told that the space time users were the ones that were hardest to defend against, and so I also want to understand why.” Hiroyuki would honestly answer the man before putting away his bucket and the rags. 

The work day was now over, and he was going to be on his way to his house to practice, and he wanted to let them know. “Good job guys, I hope this small tour was fun even though we had to do some work. I hope we see each other again.” Hiroyuki would say, before giving one more big bow to the main man Niento and thanking him once again. “Thanks again for showing me something.” the boy would say, before heading off towards the housing district where he and his parents lived, as he was more interested in starting to train in space time than he was actually getting paid for his work, which he would most likely go and do the next day. 
WC: 624
TWC: 2457
Claiming 4000 ryo and 20ap from missions
Claiming 18 strength and 6 speed
Using 590 words to complete Eight Gates (Skill), previous training HERE
Using 1867 words towards Eight Inner Gates - Gate of Opening - 1867/2500
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Odd Jobs [I/O] Empty Re: Odd Jobs [I/O]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 1:51 pm
It had always been the small things that made Niento happy in a sense and when people obtained a sense of enjoyment out of the things he did that was when he knew he had did a good job. As the younger shinobi reveled in the technique Niento had of course nodded," There are a lot of things you can do with the art of Space-Time that would probably blow your mind. I wouldn't mind showing some more things when you have the time of course...and we aren't doing missions," of course he wasn't that good of a teacher but he knew how to teach that was after all the one thing he had been known for. As the group continued to clean, he would keep an eye on both Miya and Izayo as they cleaned. He was actually quite impressed on how quickly they were picking up on things like social skills and small menial abilities. He was still new to the whole clone creation thing and in a sense he had seen them as his children...even though they were. The other thing that had popped in his mind was how their development as shinobi and people would come. Would they be like him or want to travel the world to learn their own truths? It was certainly be an interesting to see exactly what would come of it. As they continued to clean he would listen to the reason Hiro wanted to learn Space-time and it made him laugh a bit," Well I cannot deny that we are difficult to defend against because we can phase or shift ourselves out of certain areas to avoid harm, but i happen to think if you train in all aspects you can achieve the same thing," he would explain this as he put up the rest of the instruments that they had used to clean up.

With everything done and out of the way he would turn to Hiro and give them a bow of his to thank the young shinobi for his time," Thank you for accompanying us on these missions. If you are wanting anymore help with learning space-time or just want to hang out just let me know. I stay in the inn on the eastern side of the village," he would wait until Hiro had left before looking to both Miya and Izayo and smiled," And time for us to disappear," and with that the three would blink out of existence and into the realm known as Pantomime.

WC: 422

[Exit, will post claims shortly]
Claims are as followed:
Claiming 4000 ryo and 20ap from missions for Izayo, Miya and Niento
2,233 for Izayo, Miya and Niento
22 Stats
1250 for Vector Plate (D/C/B/A)
500 for Summoning Technique
483/500 toward Devouring Sphere B rank only

22 AP
1500 for Silver Wing B and A
500 toward Psychic Weapon Manipulation C rank
233/1000 for Chakra infusion

22 AP
2000 words toward Pantomime's Chosen
233 toward Jesters of Paradise

Last edited by Niento Takami on Tue Sep 07, 2021 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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