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Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:50 am
Mission: The Relic
Participants: Uchiha, Shiroyasha, Open to any D Rank ninja who has taken the mission and tracked the same thief to this market

Part 1: Faith Within Hoshigakure
The mission at hand was a simple one on paper. Reading the details after a Chuunin briefed him, Shiroyasha was certain the task wouldn't take long. The Uchiha prodigy barely considered the perpetrator a threat. Shiroyasha was on a roll lately since discovering his past mentors acts against Hoshigakure. The stolen scrolls of the Kozai Yuki were still being investigated, and his past instructor Hei was being interrogated. 

Despite conventional ideas of a priest in training, Shiroyasha was a shinobi as well and had no qualms in torturing a betrayer. However this duty was given to another ninja, so Shiro was to attend to his usual duties. Firstly the Ho-Musubi temple was tended to, and Aiya properly revered. As usual, each morning after Aiya's worship, Shiro engaged in civil duty as a shinobi.

Today was no different, and Shiro entered the Mission Directive Office promptly at 5am. He was wearing his formal robe, and the black silk shined fancifully in the artificial light. Shiroyasha perused the catalog of D rank missions. Eventually he decided easily on today's mission; there was a chalice stolen from a local church house. After inquiring he was given a docket of the missions details. A picture of the fellow was posted, and Shiroyasha memorized it by heart.

Attracted to the mission by a religious group being targeted, the Uchiha priest dutifully swore to help the police apprehend the suspect. The Temple of Ho-Musubi did not believe that other religious groups were at odds with them, and rather encouraged that the two were joined together to bring a deeper understanding of spiritual law together. Shiroyasha personally supported this church, their modicum similar to how Ho-Musubi believed creation first happened. 

After the break in the spiritual home was robbed. Among the emptied coffers a dacred cup of the church was stolen. The chalice was stolen at night and it was believed a local criminal was responsible. A petty thief who was gifted in the unholy style of breaking and entering, this thief rudely demolished the churches integrity in his crime. The pews were scattered about, candles tipped over and even portraits were torn from the hallowed walls

This criminal was a crude man, but he must have had luck on his side that night. Witness had seen him in the market, likely trying to sell stolen goods.

Part 2: Dicovery of a Criminal
Shiro snapped his fingers with conviction and rolled the briefing scroll up. The Uchiha genin was ready to search for the thief, and left the office. Equipped with his lance in its holster behind him, Shiro was ready to apprehend the dirty criminal. He headed towards the known criminals usual district.

Starting in the neighborhood where the church was located, Shiro stealthily crept along the rooftops.the crown of his lance appeared like a halo in his silhouette,  while he stalked the streets. He watched light foot traffic for an hour with no sign of the thief. Most of the people were heading west, likely to the market place. Moving forward with his search, Shiro hid atop the roofs as he leapt toward the market place. Hoping to find the petty thief sooner rather than later, Shiroyasha was diligently searching.

With no luck seeing him from so far away, Shiroyasha decidednto get closer. He hid his headband from sight by tucking it under his robes. Wearing his black robes with the Uchiha Crest on it, Shiroyasha was walking around happily. His eyes were searching crowds looking for the thief.

Shiroyasha was seemingly perusing the wares, keeping his side eye focused for the target. His lance gleamed in the afternoon sun, the crown forecasting a shadow around his hair.

Uchiha, Shiroyasha's Stat Page:

WordCount: 618

Last edited by Shiroyasha on Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:20 pm; edited 14 times in total

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Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sat Jul 24, 2021 9:17 pm
Sup. I'll be taking this hunter for you. 

First things first. You posted this a week ago, and i remember a conversation about it happening. I got a couple of things I need you to fix. 

1st thing. You can't decide WHO your NPC is, the NPC Mod will create one specifically for this and put them into the scene after you put an entrance post. 
2nd thing. You can't godmod your NPC and decide what they are doing in your post. 
3rd thing. You're probably going to want to update your stat page, and considering that nothing has changed since the last time you've posted this up in NPC Requests, I'd recommend making a new thread entirely. 

For that new thread, please use an updated stat page for your own benefit. Thanks! DM me with any questions.

Howl, Gonk and Shiroyasha like this post

Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:04 am
Updated: I haven't reposted it yet, but I can. I just wanted to make sure it was all good before we continue. I took out the NPC doing anything, however he did hand off the relic.

If that's too much I'll edit it out. I did update my stat sheet on the post too.
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Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:54 pm
All you're going to want to do. Is make an entrance. That's it. You make an entrance describing how/where you're looking for this thief. And then I describe what the thief is doing.

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Stat Page : Senju, Shiroyasha
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 4000

Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:18 pm
Edited up! The squad about to drop in!
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:48 pm
Finally, a day off! Utterly ecstatic that today would finally be a day off from working in the hospital as an assistant, the silver-haired understudy would awake with a pleasant yawn, ready to embrace the day that he planned to be one of leisure and relaxation...until he read the mail. "...A mission..." His hands shook in total confusion, unable to fully support the letter he got from the mailbox right outside of his house, the paper letter swaying in the air before falling to the ground softly. Enishi Kurosawa nearly collapsed on the ground upon seeing the information on the letter, only standing due to ire empowering his lethargic body. "Goddamnit, this was supposed to be the PERFECT DAY. It was supposed to be one where I actually RELAXED from doing so much work lately, but nooooooo, I have to do another mission..." The Medical Genius sighed in defeat, verbally speaking to himself in short huffs and puffs of irritation. He didn't care if he seemed like a maniac to others; after all, the real maniacs were the fuckers who thought it was a good idea to send out a mission this early in the morning. "I better get paid well for this..." The silver-haired Jugo mumbled for the last time before walking back to his house, putting on his shinobi gear before heading to the mission area.

The understudy would exit his house, adorning his usual clothes which consisted of a knee-length dark green zipper hoodie with jet black pants. Underneath that was a white T-shirt with the Hoshigakure insignia etched in red on it. Wrapped around both of his forearms held his Ninja Sealing Bands on both sides, holding various amounts of Ninja Tools that could be useful. This mission was a hunter mission after all; Enishi was tasked - along with a few others - to pursue and apprehend a thief who stole a chalice from a church, tipping over candles and tearing down the portraits of the church in question. It was a deplorable crime and was exactly why he needed to be taken care of. 

Enishi would shortly arrive at the marketplace - the area that the letter advised that the understudy search for the thief; it had a fair amount of people in it, but it wasn't too crowded that one couldn't swiftly move through people. The Jugo had Chakra Sensory active, being able to sense anything from people to techniques within five meters of him, allowing him to swiftly detect if anyone with a higher than average chakra signature was near him. Quickly weaving through people, Enishi would detect an above-average chakra signature near him - being a figure in black robes and a unique insignia. The understudy would assume that it was his teammate but he needed extra clarification before he could walk with him. Walking (let's say at 20 speed) a single meter behind him while also utilizing chakra sensory to detect any sneak attacks or additional chakra signatures within five meters of him to react accordingly, the Jugo's mouth would open,

"You're also trying to find the thief as well?" 

WC: 616

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Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:49 pm
What you're up against:

Richard looked down, rubbing his gritty palms against the cup that they had stolen. He didn't know the spiritual significance of such a thing, though he assumed that neither did the church who had it... It was so easy to just walk in, and steal it. With a fat wad of shinobi tobacco in his lip, he was using the cup as an off-hand spitter. He had headed to the marketplace early in the morning, not really taking note of anything too crazy. The marketplace looked as it always did, at least when he visited it. It was essentially a circle of concrete, with a diameter of 40 meters. There was an assortment of stalls all around the different areas inside of this cul-de-sac, with not much else of note anywhere else. In the central area, there were a fair amount of people moving to and fro, however, due to the earliness of the day, most found themselves around the stalls or taking the one-way exit out of the circle.

Richard, or as he was called by the attendant of the stall he was at; Dick, went to talk to his favorite shopkeep. This guy was a fence and his one job in life was to take the stolen possessions of others and make sure that they got to an owner that could pay enough to keep the lights on. He had been a friend of Richard for many years, and business partners for longer than that. There was a bit of a different tone in his voice today when he saw Dick's new spitoon cup.

With a bit of panic in his face, the fence explained that he didn't think it would be safe to buy that cup, to which Richard looked at him with a tilted head, trying to find out why. His eyes widened as soon as he heard the reason for this man's fear. Apparently, this cup was a holy relic, and the fact that Dick had taken it from the church didn't just mean he was going to be getting a quick buck, he was actually going to be hunted by the authorities. Richard has had a few close calls with some of the guards and police forces of the past, though this time felt a bit different. No matter what it was he had stolen in the past, most times once it changed hands from him to his fence friend, the heat was over. He could be captured and interrogated, though he had a way of not giving any information that was actually valuable to said interrogators. For whatever reason, Richard felt that this time would be different. Growing somewhat silent, Richard decides that it would be best to first find his standing relative to everything else. He knew that he was at the 12 o'clock direction from the center of the cul-de-sac, and the only entrance and exit are at 6 o'clock. If he wanted to get out of here, he'd have to get out of here fast. Not taking a moment to breathe, he begins to form the horse, and then ox hand seals.


[200/200] HP
[1500/1500] AP

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Ryo : 4000

Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:30 pm
Stopping from what he was doing, Shiroyasha heard someone speak to him. He picked his head up swiftly and turned to face the person who was apparently privy to his mission.

Upon recieving the details of this mission, Shiroyasha was also made aware that the mission would be available to others. The officials behind Hoshigakures desk wanted to make sure Dick was successfully locked up.

Surprised that someone had taken interest in Dick, and happy that someone was here to help him; Shiroyasha was standing in the direct center of the market place, and he tipped his head down with a finger to his lips.

Shiroyasha mouthed his name and tipped his nose as if to say hello. Then suddenly his Sharingan flashed and he looked beyond the shoulder of whom was talking to him. Standing directly in front of a ninja, the large chakra presence was solid, but over his shoulder he could see another highly active chakra source.

This second one to Enishis backside was swirling, a usual depiction of jutsu being used. Assuming the thief to be in action Shiro reacted swiftly and put his own hands together. First ram, then monkey and finally hare.

Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings overlayed the center of the market, and a large wooden appeared in between two stalls behind Shiroyasha. The sign read, "Hoshigakure Shinobi are surrounding, Please Evacuate."

Shiroyasha was still watching the chakra signature. People were walking by, and keeping track of the suspect was difficult. With three Tomo spinning rapidly, he was able to lock on.

While the crowd began to disperse in chaos Shiro said to his ally, still watching Dicks active chakra among the crowd; "I think the marketplace is closing, I hope everyone is safe."

Shiro was still standing in front of Enishi, watching for which direction his target behind the ally would go in. His hands stayed in front of his stomach as preparation for anything this active chakra might have in store for them.

Total WordCount: +553 + 618 = 1,171

Health Bar:  300
AP Bar: 1,460 - 30 = 1,430
Technique Used:

Sharingan  (3 Tomoe) -10

[Scaled to 40 Power/Speed] Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings (C Rank) -20 
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:42 pm
Something was up, he could feel it.

As Enishi nearly concluded his sentence - talking to the hooded figure he assumed was his teammate - a random civilian bumped into the understudy's back. It made sense, the area wasn't necessarily crowded but there were a fair amount of people in the marketplace. Feeling the civilian bumped into him as Enishi was trying to talk to the hooded figure, the Jugo would stop his walk preemptively and instinctively turn sideways at maximum speed as opposed to his backside facing the 12 o'clock direction, allowing him to utilize his peripheral vision to see anything from that area. At this point in time, Enishi stood at the exact center of the 40-meter diameter marketplace, being equidistant both to the 12 o'clock direction that the unknown Richard stood at as well as the exit that was in the 6 o'clock direction. Essentially, Enishi was both 20 meters away from the entrance and exit at this point in time. The Uchiha, being a meter behind the understudy since his walking would stop after Enishi would be due to the divergence in the timeline would be 19 meters away from the exit but 21 meters away from the 12 o'clock direction that the unknown figure was currently at. 

Immediately after turning sideways, Enishi's last word would trail something more concerning was occurring right before his eyes. From the corner of his left eye, the understudy spotted a man twenty meters before him with gaudy clothing and a ridiculous hat about to form handseals; the way his hands were about to connect with each other and the way his clothing stood out from the other people in the area was a dead giveaway of what he was about to do. Not wasting any time as he spotted the suspicious figure, Enishi would quickly inhale and exhale, preparing to destroy the eardrums of everyone within the marketplace.

"FIRE!!! GET AWAY!!!" The understudy bellowed at the top of his lungs. In society, yelling "fire" in at least a decently populated area was more than enough for people to evacuate the premises...and Enishi hoped that the sacrifice of his voice was enough to save the lives of some people. He didn't know whether the man was going to utilize some sort of escape method or launch a fireball in the middle of the marketplace, but the understudy couldn't play around - all civilians needed to evacuate, so they did. Scampering and running to the 6 o'clock exit to escape the marketplace once Enishi roared, the understudy hoped he also gave the potential suspect some sort of panic which could possibly throw off the formation of his handseals. Realistically, some boy screaming in the middle of the cul-de-sac would throw off your concentration...right? 

As he yelled with thunderous might, the Jugo would form six handseals at blistering speeds at a much faster rate than the thief. However, due to the low amount of handseals Richard needed to perform, there could very well be the possibility that he would finish forming his handseals...but only slightly before the understudy could finish his. Unfortunately for Shiroyasha, it would only be now that he would introduce himself and identify Richard, as the Uchiha would wait until the thief would finish performing handseals to react instead of when he was about to form handseals - which would be the time that Enishi reacted. Nevertheless, the understudy was already done forming his handseals when Richard was starting to activate his jutsu and Shiroyasha would finally react to form handseals to activate his False Surroundings Technique to help the understudy alert civilians of the thief.

Three meters directly in front and parallel to the thief would be the origin of Enishi's technique. Starting off as a meter large speck of mud would suddenly spread out in high velocity to a swirling swamp of adhesive mud, spiraling underground in a cylinder-like formation while simultaneously continuing to spread out. The swamp would devour everything in sight, from stray leaves to market fruit, to the point that there were no more obstacles to be had within the marketplace. The swamp would extend to a ten-meter radius - or more accurately, a twenty-meter diameter, meaning that it would encompass half of the marketplace. Thankfully, by the time the swamp began to spread, all civilians were gone, leaving Richard, Enishi, and Shiroyasha.  Richard would be wise not to come in contact with the swamp, else he would be pulled with great force into the mud, submerged ten meters underground in the depths of the swamp with little to no chance of getting out. He would be at the Enishi's mercy, as any chance of escape would be turned to zero.

"Move back a few meters." Enishi would say to Shiroyasha as he activated Swamp of the Underworld. Even though the origin point of the swamp was three meters in front of Richard, Enishi and Shiroyasha would be devoured by the jutsu should they not move back. Therefore, as the Jugo activated his jutsu, he would move back three and a half meters diagonally right at maximum speed to not collide with Shiroyasha while also ensuring that he wouldn't get hit by his own jutsu once it finished expanding.

His eyes fixated on how Richard would react, the understudy would keep his five-meter Chakra Sensory activated, prepared to counter the thief's every move accordingly at all times.

WC: 899

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Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission) Empty Re: Priestly Conviction (Hunter Mission)

Thu Aug 05, 2021 1:59 pm
[OOC Since I didn't state I used a jutsu... Essentially there would be no way that you would've seen me doing anything "FIREEEE" related... Along with the fact that I was faced directly away from you, the most you could've seen in the way of "hand signs" would've been my elbows possibly moving. Some of this is just about as meta as it gets, but whatever. After a convo with y'all, we're going to be moving forward with the fact that Shiryo can see that I have a stronger chakra signature than the rest, basically picking me out from the crowd. Let's get to it then.]

While the Uchiha had been peaking over his comrade's shoulder, Enshishi would've been stood sideways, looking in Dick's direction out of the corner of his eye. They were both at the entrance, and that was alright. Dick was standing 21 meters from the center of the marketplace, where the shinobi hunting them were.

Finishing the two hand-seals he needed, Dick in his panic had activated Spine Chill jutsu. As he did, he felt a cold twinge in his back. Yep.. They were here. Richard wasn't too terrified, as he had needed to deal with enemies before, though he still felt like he should be cautious. He turned around slowly from the market stall he was at, keeping his eyes low and glancing at the hands of the people of the marketplace, looking to see if anyone was doing hand-seals. That's when he saw it. It had seemed that in the center of the cul-de-sac, there were two shinobi standing side-by-side. It had seemed the sideways one started screaming about how there was a fire, and to beware. Dick had no idea why this man was screaming, but it cost him valuable time.. During the first screaming syllable of the word 'Fireeee', which was drawn out in some sort of display by the man, Richard had already completed the Dog and Rat hand seals with one hand behind his back, masking his chakra signature to be like that of the crowd. With the citizens running around like chickens with their heads cut off, Richard was able to somewhat blend in. During this time of confusion, Dick had already moved to be a bit closer, and managed to make it around 8 meters closer to where the two shinobi were.

At this point, Dick was about 12 meters from Shiryo, who started doing hand seals, creating a sign that plopped in front of him. Richard wasn't quite sure what the point of having a warning sign be directly on their position was, but it had seemed they were the only two that hadn't moved anywhere. Target confirmed. As Richard got within 10 meters of them, it had seemed that Enishi was throwing hand seals quite fast, in which Dick responded to by breathing in deeply. If there was a jutsu coming, he would be ready. As the kid finished their hand seals, a puddle of muck began to form 3 meters in front of Richard, and began to spread out at 75 speed. Dick was finished faster. Spitting out six fireballs, all of them went somewhat different. Two of the fireballs had been targeted at the large puddle of mud growing, about 4.5 meters away, and the first fireball would hit, it would explode, and ruin the earth technique that had been being used. The second would continue to go straight forward, heading towards the two shinobi that were pursuing him. Tilting his head up slightly after the first two were shot, Dick would then shoot 4 fireballs up into the air, at a 45 degree angle from where the ground was. They were essentially going up diagonally from his position, aiming to go higher than the ground that they were all standing on, though the entirety of the circle was flat. Once it reached a reasonable position, the fireballs would turn 90 degrees downward, essentially beginning to rain on the area that the two shinobi would be standing. 

During this, Dick would take a few steps back, being sure to stay out of the way of the puddle, as well as his own explosions. Dick would always be doing his actions at full speed during this, and would end up being around 12 meters from his opponents.

-20 AP Phoenix Flower
20 scaled by vigor. 150 -20 = 130. /10 = 13. 13x5 = 65 + 20 == 85 Power/Speed/Etc.
Beats out Swamp of the Underworld.

-10 AP Spine Chill
-10 AP Chakra Mask
10 scaled by chakra. 25 - 10 = 15. /10 = 1.5~~1. 1x5 = 5 + 10 = 15 Power

[300/300] HP
[1460/1500] AP
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