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Akabayashi Terumi
Kita Hajime
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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:33 am
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Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:33 am
The member 'Mizuki Ohta' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'6 Sided Dice' : 2
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Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:56 am
While Gonk couldn’t tell because he was unconscious, the curse mark wasn’t going as smoothly as one would have hoped. As soon as the seal started spreading across his body, Gonk’s scales started shedding, an automatic response to a foreign seal it deemed hostile. But no matter how many scales it shed, the curse mark stayed on. So then Gonk’s body started to try to reject it in other, even less effective ways. Namely a seizure. Gonk started convulsing where he lay while his body also launched some autoimmune defences, which didn’t do any good either. Finally, in possibly the least effective way of solving the problem yet, Gonk’s heart decided to stop, an event that wasn’t great for those who liked to live, which was a group Gonk identified with. Hopefully Akabayashi would be able to notice the clear signs of someone dying and would choose to place Gonk into the Lazarus Pit along with Kita, who seemed to also be faring poorly. If this was done and Gonk was revived, the curse mark would be functional as it had time to finish forming before Gonk died and this curse mark in particular stayed with the host until even after death.


[OOC note: even though the flip was successful I have chosen to temporarily die IC for CD purposes and the side effects of this particular res jutsu. What can I say, having boiling water for blood just seems dope. As I mentioned in the post, I'll still have the curse mark after I'm revived because that's just how this jutsu works. I should also note that this has been given the OK by staff and has been agreed upon by both Dave and myself.]
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:21 pm
Well this wasn't looking good. After both recieved their Curse Mark they fell unconscious instantly. Writhing on the floor with agony. Gonk began to seize and was soon dead, things weren't going well for Kita either who eventually stopped moving and breathing completely. Maybe, I should have done one at a time so they could throw eachother into the water.

Picking up Gonk first the Terumi was about to throw him ingo the tub, but decided the operating table first. They're both knocked out, I should take a sample to see why he's blue maybe an organ it'll grow back. Walking to the front the man would switch the sign from open to closed and lock the door. The man would then return to the operating table and shut the door to that room. He would lift Gonk's shirt and place a scalpel over his kidney before stopping. You know free kidney isn't the time to grow a conscience. He would think putting down the knife and throwing Gonk into the tub with Kita.

The man would then dunk both of their heads into the water of the Lazarus pit as he called the souls back to their bodies. When they began to breath he would place both of them onto the floor next to eachother and have them hold hands.

While they were out the letter would go into Gonk's weapon pouch and 10,000 ryo would be deposited into Kita's wet pocket. The doctor would then grab a chair and sit there until they both woke up. "Well you both died. How was your journey through the afterlife?" The man would cut his hand using the scalpel and let the crimson blood drip to the floor, then toss a fresh one to the duo. "Have a look at yours."
WC: 305
TWC: 650
Kita Hajime
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Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:39 am
Kita climbed out of the pool of water after his side had healed up, walking over to the man and pulling part of his kimono aside for the man to apply the mark to the side of his neck. Yet when Akabayashi's fingers pressed against the young boy's neck, the pain was the first thing the that struck him. Stinging, searing, grinding its way into his body, it felt as though Kita's body was tearing itself apart as the seal attached itself to his neck. Kita fell to his weary knees, his mouth opened to scream yet nothing came out. His hand quickly reached up to touch the mark, to remove the accursed thing from his body, to scratch the thing out if need be, and yet he never reached it. The pain stopped, and his body grew cold and limp. Kita's eyes rolled back into his head as his body collapsed to the soft floor below.

When Kita's eyes opened, he was laying down somewhere. Slowly, the boy pushed himself up off of the ground he found himself on and struggled to his feet. The effort required was almost Herculean, almost as though moving through a thick syrup to stand. Pushing through the cursed slowness, Kita pushed himself to his feet, taking a cursory glance around his surroundings. Yet what he saw chilled him to his core. Surrounding him was a blackened mist, so thick and heavy that Kita couldn't see the other side. His heart began to beat faster in his chest, and he began to hyperventilate. This mist... this fog... it was triggering the boy's claustrophobia. Yet it triggered something far more primal than that. Somehow as he gazed out into the black he knew. If that mist swallowed him, he was gone. Gone from the living world forever.

"No! No, no, no! Let me out! I don't wanna be here!" He screamed into the uncaring fog before him. He knew what it was, and yet he couldn't let it happen. He WOULDN'T let it happen. The boy screamed and fell to the ground as he had just before he passed from the living world, and slammed his fists against the ground below. The boy pounded, and pounded, and slammed his fists until they turned red from the blood. He was beginning to lose heart, lose hope, he began to believe that today was the day he would be lost to the mist. Yet in the spot where his fists met the earth, a single sliver of white light began to fill the void, sending back the fog. With renewed purpose the boy continued his pounding, feeling his bones begin to crack from the weight he felt, blood gushing from his hands until there was nothing left to bleed as the cracks began to grow. Yet as Kita felt the last drop leave his body, as his strength had finally faded, he rose his fists high. With one last ounce of strength he drove his hands back to the earth with one final time, and the ground broke, and the light engulfed him, driving away the fog.

Bobo on the other hand, was having a much more real, much more tangible fear.

"Come on kid, wake up! Gonk, you get up too!"

As the two kids dropped to the ground, Bobo rushed between them frantically, checking to make sure they were both alright. His face grew more and more panicked as he saw the light leave their eyes, and their pulses faded from their bodies.

"Don't you go kid! Stay with me!"

Bobo abandoned Gonk. He didn't feel good about it, but he was secondary to Kita. The kid was an ass from time to time, but he was his best friend, and he HAD to save his life. Bobo bent his head over the kid's chest, listening for any sort of heartbeat as Akabayashi scooped Gonk's body from the ground to take to the operating table. The monkey muttered a curse under his breath and removed his head from Kita's chest so he could begin chest compressions. No luck. Despite the monkey's best efforts, the boy's stubborn heart refused to beat. His head whipped aroubd, looking desperately for the doctor who applied the seal.

"Where the hell are you?! Help him!"

The monkey cursed once again. He didn't have time to wait. He had never learned Medical Ninjutsu like Kita had tried to teach him, and he didn't have time now. Yet an idea crossed the young monkey's mind. It was a long shot, but it was worth a chance. With a mighty heave, the monkey pushed the young lads corpse, forcing him over the lip of the pool and into the healing pit in the floor.

The monkey waited with bated breath, giving a sigh of relief when bubbles began to emerge from the child's lips.

"Oh thank god!"

It was at that moment that Akabayashi came back with Gonk, throwing the other child into the pit alongside his ally. Between the two of them, Kita was the first out of the depths. His eyes snapped open, revealing bloodshot veins inside his sclera. A violent stream of bubbles escaped the water as he thrashed to the surface, spluttering and coughing as the doctor asked him how the process went.

"What the hell was that?! And what the hell did you do to my body? Why does it feel so hot? Did you... actually kill me?"

The mad doctor cut himself once before he tossed Kita a clean scalpel which he caught easily. Kita's eyes quickly flicked between the blood dripping from the man's hand and his own unbroken skin, wondering whether there was a trick or catch. Yet... his body felt so hot. Kita cursed once before cutting into his palm. To his shock, his horror, boiling water began to drip from the injury to the floor below, steaming as it splashed onto the floor.

"W-What did you do?"

Bobo simply watched on, silent as his master began to dip once more into his usual frenzied panick, silently regretting that he didn't stop the kid from doing what he did in the first place. Now there was nothing left to do but watch, and hope the child didn't do anything reckless that kept them from going home.

Word Count - 1052

Total Word Count - 2527
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Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:26 am
Gonk’s death was quick but not painless. At least not until he started seizing and lost consciousness. 

Gonk felt a cool breeze against his face. Tasted salt in the air and smelled the ocean. The sounds of waves gently crashing filled his ears. When Gonk opened his eyes he didn’t see the operating room but instead on a beach that went as far as the eye could see. The warm sand was pure white and soft beneath his bare feet. The ocean was turquoise and crystal clear. Gonk could see tropical fish swimming lazily through the water, not a care in the world. Gonk wished he could join them. Leave all his troubles behind and just swim. Gonk’s life had never been easy, at least not since his parents were alive. Once they died Gonk had to harden his heart and strengthen his body. The result was decidedly bad for his mental state. As a kid he was always lonely, his peers too afraid of him to try and become friends. When he got home there was nobody to comfort him or make him feel better. So as a result he pushed his emotions even further down and trained even harder. As a result of this brutal training and cold heart Gonk was promoted to genin, and that was the first time his life started going uphill. He was finally able to meet people who weren’t scared of him and was able to make friends. This had a very positive effect on his life. His heart started to thaw, if only slightly. He no longer always felt sad or angry, but got to experience the wide variety of emotions one experiences when they live. His first stay in Hoshigakure had its fair share of ups and downs, what with Kita being arrested and his loss in the third round of the chuunin exams. But even when he experienced defeat in the chuunin exams Gonk was able to accept that he hadn’t been strong enough and he needed to train harder without mentally beating himself into the dirt. So even though life wasn’t at its greatest for him, it was certainly better than it once was. Then everything changed when Gonk received that cursed note. Gonk had to abandon his friends in a foreign country to knowingly fall into a trap set by his grandfather. But at least Gonk would have been able to resolve that fairly quickly. But instead he was sent back to Hoshigakure in an attempt to free Kita from prison. While on the one hand Gonk was relieved that he would be able to free his friend, he had to leave his family issues in limbo. Then Gonk wasn’t even able to achieve the reason for him being there easily. It took him over a month to even find Kita, and it was by pure chance. Gonk’s first sight of Kita was of a broken man, both physically and mentally. Gonk knew the feeling all too well.

Gonk’s life was once more spiralling downwards and here he was with an opportunity to leave it behind. To live in perpetual happiness in the perfect ocean of this other world. Gonk numbly started moving towards the water when he heard footsteps behind him. Gonk slowly turned around, wondering who had the audacity to interfere with his eternal bliss.Coming down from the peak of a sand dune was a man, tall and strong, with blue grey scales and blueish black hair.
“No…” Gonk thought as he took a step backwards. “This...this is impossible.” 
Another step back. “How is he here, where am I?” Gonk’s executive functions were activating once again. It was like this place had put some kind of trance on him that was broken by this man's arrival. 
The blue skinned man was close now, and Gonk stopped moving backwards, his conflicting emotions churning his stomach into a frenzy of butterflies. 
The man stopped when he was within arm’s reach and gazed at Gonk, sorrow in his eyes. 
The two shark men stood there, gazing at each other in silence, the crashing of the waves was the only noise invading the serene scene. 
“Long time no see, Gonk,” the man said, breaking the silence. He wore a slight smile but his voice was tinted with sadness. 
“ are you here?” Gonk asked, his voice hollow. “I know you died. you left me alone, all alone!” Gonk’s voice started to rise. “Where have you been all of these years, do you know how lonely I’ve been all these years, why weren’t you there?!” Gonk’s voice suddenly grew soft again. “Why now of all times, what do you want...Dad.” Tears were streaming down Gonk’s face as he stared at the face of his father standing in front of him.
“Look at you,” Gonk’s dad said, gently lifting up Gonk’s chin. “You’re all grown up,” 
This did it for Gonk. All of his anger and resentment melted away and he started bawling, then flung himself into his fathers arms. 
Gonk’s dad was surprised for a moment, but then smiled and embraced his son for the first time in years.
“I’m sorry that I had to die,” Gonk’s dad said softly as they hugged. “I never wanted to leave you by yourself. But look at you now, you’ve been through some hard times but you’ve flourished. But now you’re here with me. Called away so early.” The older Hoshigaki’s voice turned sad as he finished speaking.

The realization of where he was and what was happening finally hit Gonk upon hearing his father’s words. 
Gonk suddenly pulled away. “You mean I’m dead?” Gonk asked, incredulous. “But how?” Then Gonk remembered what was happening before he slipped into unconsciousness. Akabayashi gave him the curse mark. He HAD said that there was a chance of death…
“Well shit,” Gonk said, pissed off. “I swear to god that man better revive me.”
Gonk’s dad raised an eyebrow. “Care to explain the circumstances of your death?”
“Well, uh, I was getting a curse mark, and it would seem I died.” Gonk said sheepishly. “But the doctor giving them said if we died he could revive us. If he doesn’t keep his word I swear I’ll kill him.”
“That might be a bit hard to do from the afterlife,” Gonk’s dad said wryly. “But I’m sure he’ll bring you back,” he hurriedly assured Gonk. “Afterall, this is your village doctor right? He wouldn’t dare kill a member of his village.”
“Well…” Gonk said, once again looking sheepish. “I may have gotten this in another village.”
Gonk’s dad looked at him blankly. “Just why did you think that was a good idea?”
Gonk stared at the ground and said nothing. 
“Well I suppose this will be a learning experience or something,” Gonk’s father said, starting up at the clear blue sky. “Buy anyways, since we only have a bit of time left tell me about your life. I want to know everything that’s happened to you.”
His dad sat down on the sand so Gonk followed suit, thinking of where to begin. 

“Well I guess I’ll start from when you left,” Gonk decided, beginning his story. “Shortly after we heard about your death, Mom died as well. It was decided that Wakame would become my guardian. I’m pretty sure this started while you were still alive, but the Hoshigaki clan continued to lose members and money. So we had to resort to selling all of our land except for one apartment building, where all of the remaining clan now lives.”
“This is all good to know about Gonk,” his father gently interjected, “but what I’m really interested in is your life. What happened to you specifically?” 
Gonk nodded then continued talking, shifting the focus of his story. 
“Well I attended the ninja academy, but I didn’t really make any friends because I was cold and I trained excruciatingly hard. I think they were scared of me. But anyways I graduated and became a genin, and that’s when I started making friends. I went on missions, and had fun, and served the village. It was great.” Gonk spoke a bit wistfully, missing those times. “Then I went to an international chuunin exam in Hoshigakure. While there my friend Kita got a supposedly illegal transplant and was arrested. Though I don’t see any law that forbids it. Anyways I passed the written and bell tests which were the first and second rounds respectively. But I lost my first fight in the third round. After returning from the hospital I found a message from my grandfather, your dad, in my room. It said there was a family emergency and that I had to go back to Kirigakure. Well both Wakame and Arame had warned me about him so I was apprehensive when I arrived at the gates. While waiting I happened to meet the Mizukage who knew nothing about any issues in the village so I became even more suspicious. I snuck through the village to a friend's house, where I crashed for a while. Then we were both summoned by the Mizukage, promoted to jounin, then sent to go peacefully get Kita out of jail. Well the Hogokage wasn’t too cooperative, and I only just found him at the shop where he got the offending organ removed and we both got curse marks. And that’s my life in a nutshell I guess,” Gonk finished, leaning back and gazing at the fluffy clouds that occasionally dotted the sky. 

“Thanks for telling me that,” Gonk’s dad said, smiling, “I’m really glad we got to meet again.” 
Gonk wondered why he was talking like their time was up until he glanced down and realized he was starting to fade away.
“What’s happening?” Gonk cried out, panicked.
“It would seem you’re being called back from the land of the dead,” his dad explained. “The universe was kind enough to let me hear your story before taking you away from me again.”
Gonk was almost completely translucent at this point and the world around him was starting to grow dim.
“And Gonk, one more thing,” his dad called, his voice starting to fade. “I love you.”

Gonk’s eyes shot open inside the Lazarus Pit, and he shot to the surface, looking around his surroundings. He was back in the room where he had gotten the curse mark, and Kita thankfully seemed to be alive, albeit a bit mad.
“Huh so he died as well,” Gonk realized as he heard Kita’s words. “I wonder what it was like for him.”
Confused, Gonk watched Akabayashi cut himself, then caught the scalpel thrown to him. He sliced his own palm at the same time as Kita and watched with fascination as not blood, but boiling water leaked out of his hand. 
“Woah,” he breathed as he examined the cut. “This is so cool!” 
Unlike Gonk, who was taking the whole ordeal perhaps unhealthily well, Kita seemed to be panicking about it. 
“Hey, it’s alright.” Gonk said as he stuck his hand into the Lazarus Pit once more, healing the cut. “At least we’re alive. So what if our blood is boiling water now. Honestly I think it’s kind of awesome. How often do you hear about someone with water for blood?” As Gonk made his pathetic attempt to try and cheer Kita up he picked up a handheld mirror that was laying around and used it to examine the curse mark on the back of his neck. The mark seemed to be roughly three inches across and was a circular wave design. All in all Gonk liked the look of it.

“Here, want to see yours?” Gonk asked Kita, offering him the mirror. Whether or not Kita took the mirror, Gonk would sit down and turn to Akabayashi, waiting to see if he had anything else to say.
Gonk's Curse Mark Seal:
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:52 pm
"A talking monkey. Okay, I've seen weirder." The doctor would say looking over the table at the jabbering simian. "Thats not going to work until I infuse my chakra. I need to form a tether to his soul and my lazarus pit." The man would then throw Gonk in. As he spoke the blood of Kita would be removed from his body and spread into the pit which would become clear rapidly. "The water from the spring is calling his soul back now, he should be breathing but he won't be up for several hours. The curse mark alone would put one out for a while, dying during the process. Unsure, of how much longer it will take as these two are the first to die on me."

The doctor turned his head from Kita something about being asked what was done to him in such a tone seemed to irk him. "I did what I said I would do. Nothing more or less. I told you the curse mark could kill you, it did. I said I'd bring you back I have. Besides, listen to your friend who isn't punching the gift horse in the mouth. Kita you should find some money in your pockets.

The doctor would next address Gonk in the Terumi's opinion the more sensible of the two. After he had reviewed his curse mark. "Right, I could have let you both die, but he's mad about a decision he chose to make and asking what I've done. Funny guy."

The doctor would pause and pull out the sealed letter about the Rinnegan. "I have a second letter for the boss, I made up my mind while you were both out." The man would scribble on a piece of paper and stuff it into an envelope.

Lord Mizukage, I Akabayashi Terumi ask that you forgive the Village Hidden in the Stars for the wrongful imprisonment of Kita and Fu your two ninja. This is the favor I myself request.

I have paid Kita for the organ removed along with providing himself and Gonk Curse Marks which allow them to utilize my own senjutsu chakra and a small infusion of jugo DNA. I hope this covers things on our end.

If the information on the six ringed eye is accurate please let me know.

He would seal it and hand it to Gonk. "So, about these curse marks... Being near dead makes the marks blossom faster and you were near dead right before dying. So, you should have a quicker grasp on how to use them faster than most. The Terumi would activate his berserk sage transformation, but remain in control. "It'll look like this but typically your form will have an animal motif like animal sages. This form due to being infused with my own senjutsu chakra and the powers of Jugo make you immune to being petryfied by absorbing natural energy. Thats a quick summary ready to go to the village gates?"
WC: 506
TWC: 1156
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:26 am
The boy was about to launch into another rant, yet as his emotions seemed to reach their crescendo, he stopped. His thin frame seemed to deflate as the fight left his body. Much as he hated to admit it, the man was correct. Kita had decided to go along with the procedure and he got burned for it, perhaps permanently so. He could curse his luck all he wished, and yet it wouldn't change the fact that he'd been warned about what would occur. He'd chosen those risks, and he got what he wanted. When he spoke, he spoke with a trailing voice, lost in contemplation.

"Right... my mistake. Thank you for the help."

The words left a bitter taste in his mouth, but there was a lesson to be learned here. Panicking wouldn't help him here. Was his acceptance a sign of maturity? Did he just lack the strength to fight? Or did he just realize that the man before him was utterly devoid of sympathy? Kita supposed that there wasn't a difference either way. The boy followed Gonk's example and ran his hand beneath the water before taking hold of the mirror and examining his mark. It was a minor thing whose shape he struggled to define with words, but there was power somewhere inside. He wasn't sure how, but he would need to learn to harness its power. Bobo looked up at his master with sad eyes and ran his hand along the back of his head.

"You two had me worried. You were both gone for quite a while. I almost thought we'd lost you forever..."

Kita nodded slowly, though his mind was elsewhere. The marks were certainly a boon, though the information that they'd learned here was even more valuable. They had genuinely seen the other side. Dead as a doornail as one might say. So reviving the dead was a genuine possibility then... food for thought in Kita's mind. He'd certainly be using that information later. After all, there's no reason why such a jutsu couldn't be replicated in the future, mayhaps with a bit of a... Kirigakure twist.

Kita turned around to observe Akabayashi's demonstration. His explanation made sense from Kita's minimal knowledge on Nature Chakra, and his experiments dabbling with the energy source. Yet the transformation was one he'd seen in person before. He supposed that he'd achieved it in a rather roundabout way, but Yumeko's power ended up being his in the end. If circumstances weren't what they were, Kita might be celebrating. Yet he was far too gone emotionally, and far too disgusted with the power to feel an appropriate amount of joy. With a sigh, he held his hand to Bobo for him to climb up, and covered the mark with the collar of his robe with the other. Once Bobo hopped up, he turned fully to the doctor before him.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go."

Word Count - 487

Total Word Count - 3014
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:06 am
Finally, this one was aware of what he wished for. Power with a price. A price the ninja of Kiri was informed of before accepting the curse mark. "You are welcome." It would seem the previously excited Gonk was now back to normal, his demeanor returning to the one he had before dying. The doctor would place the second letter into the boys weapon pouch as he had done with the first.

"Lets head out and get you two home." The Nova would stand and open the door of BBB exposing the streets of Hoshi to the two. The man would escort them to the village gates.
WC: 109
TWC: 1265
Claims: 1 Jugo liver from Kita, 24 Ap from max stats. Using 1265 WC toward Iryojutsu Amplifier 1265/2500
Giving 10k ryo to Kita 36250-10000=26250 remaining
Kita Hajime
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Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:25 am
Kita trudged along after the man, following him to the gates of Hoshigakure. It was a long slog, but finally, FINALLY, the boy got to go home. As Kita trudged along behind the man, the memories of the events leading to this point appeared in his mind. His cowardice before the Hogokage... his hubris and misplaced rage... his lust for power without the ability to comprehend or accept the consequences... it became painfully clear to him now what his weaknesses were. As his guide led him through the streets towards freedom, he uttered some words under his breath.

"I swear, I will get better. And I will never, EVER, cower like I did here. I won't be weak again..."

Bobo heard the kid whispering something, and leaned in closer to hear.

"Eh? You say something kid?"

Kita shook his head.

"No... Nothing. I'm just ready to leave."

Word Count - 147

Total Word Count - 3161

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