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Akabayashi Terumi
Kita Hajime
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Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:59 am
Kita walked through the street with his head down, tired and dejected. The sky seemed to reflect the boy's mood, being dark, cloudy, and windy. So thick were the clouds that they covered the sun, preventing any light from shining down on the young lad. He couldn't recall exactly how long he had spent sitting in a Hoshigakure prison, but it was long enough. He hadn't slept in quite a while, and he hadn't eaten much either. He'd just had it with this place, and he was ready to head home. He finally submitted to the demands of the Hogokage last night, and agreed to have the problem organ removed. It was a lot of money lost, but by this point the boy just didn't care. He was tired and lonely. He missed his friends, his village, and his old life. By this point, he just wanted to go home. No bloodline was worth giving that up. No bloodline was worth dying for a rival village.

Bobo clung to the boy's shoulder, remaining mostly silent for the ride. Kita's familiar Bobo had hunted down and joined the boy the day after his imprisonment, desperate to make sure he was alright after he didn't come back to the inn after the Chuunin Exams. He was Kita's only friendly face during his imprisonment, and Bobo didn't like the way the kid came out after that. The light seemed to leave Kita's eyes, and dark circles appeared underneath. He seemed downright unhealthy and haggard. He was always a thin kid, but now he looked almost malnourished from how little he'd been eating. Then there was the missing teeth of course. Bobo despised the village for what he'd done to the kid. He'd broken the law sure, but he was just a child. Who deserved to be treated like that? Yet he held his tongue on the matter. The kid had it rough, he didn't need to be reminded of the cruelty he suffered. The small brown monkey peered down at the his face with a sad smile and a deep exhale.

"Cheer up kid. It'll be alright. I know that you don't like it, but it's for the best. After you get that thing out of your body, we can go home, and you can go back to your parents. Maybe we'll even finish teaching me Ninjutsu, yeah?"

Kita scoffed slightly as he made his way towards the address he had been given by his captors, making his way through the Hoshigakure marketplace as he passed by crowds of joyous civilians. Funny that they could enjoy today, yet Kita was completely incapable.

"It isn't the surgery that upsets me Bobo. By this point I don't even care about the bloodline. Heck, I don't even really WANT it anymore. I hate that I have to bend a knee for jerk! It isn't fair that he gets to push me around like that."

Bobo paused for a moment, hesitating as he thought of what to say. He didn't want to upset the poor kid. Hell, he even sympathized with him. And yet...

"That's just how it works kid. That's how government works. You may not think it's fair, but you're in someone else's country. You have to play by their rules, even if you think it's unfair."

"That isn't what I mean Bobo."

Kita wouldn't forget the lesson he learned. He COULDN'T. The way the clans guard their blood so closely, so jealously. The lesson his classmates had taught him. The way this world made those without special blood work so much harder for everything they accomplish. Hoshigakure wasn't the source of this cruel reality, but to Kita, they exemplified it. He didn't know how, he didn't know when, but one day, just one day, they would pay. The two didn't really speak for the rest of the journey, Kita not being in a mood to talk, and Bobo not really knowing what to say. They made their way wordlessly through the Hoshigakure Streets, drifting slowly towards their destination. Before long they finally made it. Kita looked at the scrap of paper they'd given him detailing the location where the surgery was to be conducted, looking between that and the sign of the store in front of him. Books, Bodies, and Beyond. Kita sighed.

"In a little while, it'll all be over."

With those final words Kita pocketed the paper and entered into the building, ready to face anything that might occur.

Word Count - 747
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Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:03 am
Gonk’s second trip to Hoshigakure was turning out to be a lot longer than he expected, which was not something that pleased him. Gonk hated the hot and extremely dry weather and he hated the sand. Although the village was mostly clear of it, it’s fairly difficult to keep something out that surrounds you on all sides. Thankfully the sun was completely obscured by clouds that day, which lowered the heat, but unfortunately didn’t do anything about the humidity. Gonk’s days were not filled with work either. He had nothing to do while the Kita business was being sorted out. So one day Gonk decided to go for a walk around the village and check out some shops. There was one business in particular that interested him. It was called “Books, Body Parts, and Beyond” and was apparently run by none other than Akabayashi Terumi. While Gonk wasn’t particularly interested in either books or body parts, the ‘beyond’ intrigued him. So Gonk found himself outside of the building, then walking into the reception area. The room was empty except for one other boy who looked around Gonk’s age. Funnily enough this boy had a monkey just like Gonk did. Then it hit him.
“Kita, is that you?” Gonk breathed, his voice low. So bad was Kita’s condition that Gonk hadn’t even recognized him at first. “Good god, what did they do to you?” Gonk asked, his voice still low but starting to get an edge. Gonk crossed over the room to Kita, questions starting to overflow from his brain. Gonk took a deep breath to calm himself momentarily while he decided which questions were crucial to know now and what could wait. 
“I assume you’re here to get your organ removed, do you know if you’ll be allowed to leave after?”
“He better be,” Gonk thought. “It’s a stupid law to begin with and if they keep him after he’s removed the offending organ that’s just cruel. It’s not like him having received the organ hurt anyone, so there shouldn’t be a need to repent. But given the bullshit that’s happened I honestly wouldn’t be surprised.” 
Gonk would wait to let Kita respond to the question, hoping for a satisfactory answer. Gonk wanted with all of his heart to demand to know who was responsible for Kita’s condition and beat the life out of them, but unfortunately that would have to wait. For now Gonk would just worry about helping Kita get the foreign DNA out of his body so they could hopefully leave the hellhole of a country they were in.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

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Sun Jul 18, 2021 12:56 am
"Yeah, after that he can leave. Walk you out myself." The doctor would say opening the door to BBB. "Come on in."
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Sun Jul 18, 2021 3:33 am
Seemed as though Gonk was here as well. When he approached, Kita wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to react. Joy, maybe? He didn't quite have that in him at the moment. Mostly he was tired. Honestly he was surprised that Gonk was still in Hoshigakure. He had to wonder, was Ban here as well? Was Murata? He hadn't seen them in so long either. Had none of them tried to free him? Months in a Hoshigakure prison, and when he finally sees his ally, he's shopping at a body shop. He should feel angry, but he just didn't have it in him to care. When Kita finally responded, he couldn't look his partner in the eye.

"Hey Gonk. Good to see you here. It's been a while since I've been out and about, hasn't it?"

Bobo peered over the boy's shoulder to look at Gonk. A certain sadness hung in the young monkey's eyes. He was just glad that Kita had finally stopped being stubborn, had finally decided to give into the city's demands.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes kid. It's been rough for him since you've been gone. Are Murata and Ban here as well?"

It was at that moment that Gonk asked if they would let him go, before the shop owner emerged to respond that he would be free to go after the surgery. Kita's eyes flared bright with anger for a brief moment, before the light was snuffed out once more. Seems as though the one arresting him was doing the surgery then huh? Wasn't that rich. Though he knew the price for stepping out of line against the authorities in this village. His mouth still ached from the pain of when they nearly shattered his jaw. Kita followed the man wordlessly into the shop, ready to follow whatever commands needed to get him out of here and head back home.

"We'll have more time to talk later Gonk. For now... I just want to get this over with..."

How foolish... Kita wished he'd never gotten that transplant in the first place. Or at least he wished that he knew then what he knew now.

Word Count - 364

Total Word Count - 1111
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

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Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:45 pm
The amount of time it took Kita to respond and the flatness in his voice when he finally did concerned Gonk. He seemed beaten down past the point of caring about anything. 
Gonk wasn’t sure how to respond to Kita as he truly had no idea how long it had been since Kita had seen the sunlight. Luckily Bobo gave him something to answer with.
“I have no idea about Murata or Ban,” Gonk answered truthfully. "I had to rush back to Kirigakure for business a little while ago. While there I spoke to the Mizukage and Travin and myself were sent here to try and negotiate with the Hogokage. Evidently that hasn’t exactly gone well so far, but I haven’t seen those two since I’ve been back. If they traveled back to Kiri during the short time I was there I wouldn’t have seen them because I was more or less in hiding. But anyways that isn’t important. I’m just glad I finally get to see you. They wouldn’t let us take you back or even visit you.” Gonk shook his head. He wanted to promise that Hoshigakure wouldn’t get away with this, but he wasn’t sure that they wouldn’t. When Akabayashi stepped in the room Gonk finally got a glimpse of life in Kita’s otherwise dead eyes. Although it was anger that made his eyes glint, Gonk figured that was better than nothing.
“Well at least he can finally come home,” Gonk thought, feeling relieved. “But what kind of fucked up law is this? A foreign kid who doesn’t know the laws gets a transplant and is jailed and beat for months because of it and is only let out when they agree to take out the organ. Yet the person who sold the organ, did the surgery, and actually knew the law not only gets off scott free, but gets a fucking promotion. This village is fucked up right to it’s rotten core.” 
Gonk nodded when he heard Kita’s words. “I’ll wait out here for you, then we can get Travin and get the hell out of here.” 

Gonk watched Kita enter the shop and then started up into the sky, contemplating how a village that was so pretty on the outside could be so ugly on the inside
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

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Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:16 am
"No, no. I think you should come in Gonk. My shop has it all even access to the powers of a Jugo without a transplant. This could provide some makeup for the loss of the organ being removed. You could die of course, but its not as if I can't bring the dead back to life."

The doctor had a room prepped for surgery and even a tub full of water to make a disposable Lazarus pit if required. "I will numb you first, make an incision, remove the organ, then you jump into that water it'll regenerate your missing kidney, and heal the wound."

If they were both fine with the order of events Akabayashi would begin with chakra anesthetic, then chakra scalpel removing the organ quickly yet delicately. Next he would make seals for the Lazarus Pit and have Kita jump in to heal his wounds and replace the organ he had removed.

If both wanted they would also get a Curse Mark and be revived by the pit in the event of their death.

If Gonk wanted the curse mark the doctor would stop before applying it. "Before you pass out, I need you to deliver another message to Kizmaru. I'll place it in your tool bag please don't read it. After that I will walk you to the gates and you may leave."

The doctor would write the letter for Kizmaru while Kita and Gonk were passed out and slip it into the ninja's bag. Six Ringed eye information: Further evolved sharingan. Met a man along with six women possessing the eye you described. My speculation upon speaking to the man who believed the eyes to be from his god was that he had traded his EMS for another set of EMS. This is my current theory this is mere speculation. Again, I request this information stay between us. I couldn't even find anything in our archives on this.
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:39 am
Kita followed the man near silently as he followed his instructions to perform the procedure. The idea that he could bring the dead back to life should have surprised him, but it barely registered. Maybe he meant it in the hypothetical sense in that he could start the heart's beating once again? He could bring someone back from the verge of death? Did it even matter in the first place? Those were the questions that flowed through Kita's mind as the operation was performed quickly and painlessly. Kita followed instructions and hopped into the pit that the man created as soon as the go-ahead was given.

A sigh of relief escaped the boy's lips as he climbed into the spring, letting his body soak inside. He had to admit, even though it was only a medical procedure, it felt nice to gain access to something like this. It almost reminded him of the hot springs you might find back home, a luxury that had long since been forgotten to the boy. Kita let himself sink a little lower into the pit, and opened his mouth slightly. He doubted it would actually fix his jaw, yet it was worth a try. Wasn't it?

Yet there was one last thing on the boy's mind before he finished with his procedures. Apparently the man was offering curse marks, somewhat resembling the power of the Jugo clan whose organ had just been removed from Kita's body. He felt a bit torn. He wanted power, and yet look what had happened to him for seeking it where he did. Besides, he wasn't so foolish as to forget the lessons that he had just learned. He didn't want to rely on the bloodline abilities of some other clan to get ahead. And yet... the power would be quite useful indeed. It's not as though this was a true transplant. No, this was merely an imitation. A rather clever imitation, but an imitation nonetheless. And it was an imitation that could prove VERY useful indeed...

With a bland voice Kita responded from inside the pool.

"Sure, I'll take you up on the offer. Might as well replace the organ somehow, right?"

Requesting Orochimaru's Juinjutsu application flip from staff. Chakra/Vigor average is 62.5 at the start off this thread, so 1-4 flip is required for survival.

Word Count - 364

Total Word Count - 1475
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Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:24 am
1-4 Lives, Good luck
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Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:24 am
The member 'Fu' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'6 Sided Dice' : 5
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

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Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:29 am
Gonk raised an eyebrow when he heard the Nova agent’s words.
“The power of a Jugo without the need for a transplant?” Gonk wondered as he followed the man inside. “How is this possible. The chance of death implies that he isn’t just teaching us a jutsu, but doing something to us. Perhaps a fuinjutsu seal of some kind. And what does he mean he can bring back the dead, is such a power really possible?” 
Akabayashi had piqued Gonk’s interest in those few sentences and now he had to know more.
Gonk listened to Akabayashi’s instructions to Kita then watched with mild interest as the surgery was performed. Some people might be squeamish about seeing people cut open, but after doing it violently to his fair share of people Gonk didn’t find something this tame disturbing in the slightest. But he did have to give credit where it was due, Akabayashi performed this procedure with remarkable speed and accuracy. In no time at all the organ was out of Kita. Gonk then watched as Kita stepped into the now changed pit of water and was astonished to see a new organ start to grow and the wound start to close. 
“Is this how he intends to revive us should something go wrong?” Gonk wondered, fascinated by this jutsu.
When Kita had finished soaking he agreed to the non-transplant that Akabayashi was offering, so Gonk figured what the heck.
“Sure I’ll take one of whatever this is as well.” Gonk said, figuring that if he could be revived it couldn’t hurt to have. While he didn’t know much about it, he had heard that the Jugo clan’s bloodline was strong, so he figured anything similar, imitation or not, could be useful. As Gonk prepared to receive the curse mark he listened to the Nova agent’s words carefully. 
“Another message for the Mizukage huh, maybe it’ll be good news for him. And we’ll get to leave right after this. Finally, it’s been far too long.” Gonk would be lying if he said he wasn’t at all curious about what the letter contained, but he would never dream of opening it. Such a move would be an act of treason in Gonk’s eyes. After nodding his head to show Akabayashi he understood, Gonk closed his eyes and prepared for the procedure to come.
[Need the same flip as plant, same odds as well as my average is 50 on the dot]
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