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Sayaka Uchiha
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Ryo : 500

Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:03 am
Mission being done:

Keita was currently rushing through the city, slightly pushing people out of the way when he could not find a way to avoid them, as they were all running in the opposite direction. He was heading towards a part of the docks, and it seemed that a large number of people were running around and screaming, some of them claiming that they saw some sort of monster, or the monster was back. Some of them simply sat there crying at the disappearance of their loved ones, and some of them were in a state of shock, so much so that they simply stood there in a daze. Keita saw quite a few Anbu were running along the rooftops heading towards the location, and he saw a few ninja cordoning off the area and escorting those people that were not running and screaming out of the area. Keita hopped onto the roof and started heading towards a location with the Anbu, and on the way, he asked what the Anbu knew about what was happening. The anbu responded that there was some sort of giant monster at the harbor, and that it destroyed one of the trading vessels that were there to deliver goods. 

Keita was astonished at this, as yes the sea had quite a few large monsters that they usually stood clear of for fear of exactly this situation happening, but because they stayed away from each other, this catastrophe should have been avoided. As Keita let the man do h8is job, they broke off from each other, with Keita heading down to the docks directly, past the area that was sanctioned off. Everyone recognized him, so no one kicked up a fuss when he went past the restricted zone and headed towards the docks. It was almost eerily quiet past the restricted area, as almost everyone had been evacuated already, the ninja being quite fast and efficient. Keita stood there in the middle of the street with there being nothing but the sound of the raining storm around him, which added to how strange everything was. He looked out past the few buildings that were close to the docks, into the open ocean, and saw a large amount of wooden debris and corpses in the water. 

Sighing quietly for the fallen people of the village, he started to head towards the water, looking and sensing for survivors. He was not a sensory ninja, but he had quite a bit of speed and the basic ability to sense the chakra of living creatures, and after a preliminary sweep, he could determine that everyone had gotten out that was going to get out. He walked to the docks, being a bit vigilant, as the monster could pop out of the water at anytime, as it seemed quite aggressive, but he could not see it currently. The water at the pier was quite dark, so anything could hide there. For now, Keita thought that it would be best if he simply stayed put and waited for the situation to change. He thought that the creature might have left already, and so he was waiting a while to see if it would be impatient and attack, before he would go in the water and see more of the situation.
WC: 547
Kizmaru Senju
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:46 am
Kizmaru had been sitting in his office, eyeing a particular written report that happened to fall on his desk. Something urgent came up that had most of the shinobi mobilizing and had been heading towards the shorelines at the village gates of island country. The entire village was on high alert as there were rumors and sightings of monsters lurking around in the waters. Squinting as he continued to read, apparently some important cargo ships have been going missing not too far from the borders of Kirigakure itself and even the Mizukage's presence has been requested to go and investigate. With such a crisis going on, Kizmaru couldn't help but be aggravated, slamming his fist onto his desk. Of all the things that could be happening right now and this is the one that chooses to surface. He hadn't felt this pressure since the Wendigo issue a few months back on one of the islands that weren't inhabited by people. Well, no use complaining about it now. He'd have to mobilize and get ready to get a ship in order to figure out what the hell is going on in his waters. Getting up from his chair, Kizmaru put the report down and donned his red steam armor. 

Putting it on, he'd throw his Mizukage robes over them and disguise the hat part of his armor to look like the Mizukage's hat. Looking down, he saw a determined Ram looking up at him as if he was begging to be taken along. He felt like this job was above Ram's paygrade as he was mainly proficient on land. Even though he was an excellent swimmer, his sensory techniques couldn't be utilized on the open sea. Still, more eyes was better than less so he'd take him regardless of his current thoughts. It wasn't like it was the first time Ram had watched his back, literally. Squatting down next to his companion, Ram had climbed onto his back and they set off out of the office, down the corridor, down a flight of steps until he got to the lobby. He hurried past his receptionist that seemed to be having a crisis of their own with all the reports coming in of the same topic, the sea. 

Running towards the gates of Kirigakure, Kizmaru wasted no time. He was even using his armor's movement capabilities in order to get there as quickly as possible which certainly helped matters. When he got through the gates, they were already open, as they were letting people come in to seek refuge from the catastrophe that was currently taking place in the sea. Admittedly, Kizmaru wasn't aware large monsters' like this existed at all as most creatures have some sort of semblance of intelligence and would attempt to try and communicate in some way, shape, or form. Well, no matter the reason, he had to deal with it. Looking around, he could see his Anbu and Jounin were already on the scene, assisting people in need or attempting to evacuate and quarantine the area. 

There in the distance, a peculiar figure was looking around the area for who knows what. It was Keita of course as he also wore unique apparel that seems to be really effective at defending him, similar to his steam armor yet different. He'd hurry over towards, calling out to him to explain the situation at hand. He was already informed but since Keita was already on the scene for who knew how long, it was better to try and get him to fill in what he might have missed out on.

W.C: 601
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:51 am
As Keita was standing around near the docks, he was looking around, but it was extremely difficult to see through the dark waters to get an accurate representation of the monster that they were facing, or even if it was not there anymore. Keita was about to go and look further, when someone called out to him from behind. He recognized the voice and turned around in the rain, looking through the adverse weather conditions to see his friend Kizmaru suddenly showing up. Keita expected this, but he reacted very fast for the current situation. Keita wondered how he was even able to get out of his office long enough to come over here and investigate. He knew that he almost always wore his special armor, even now in an emergency he was wearing it, as Keita could see the steam radiating off of it from the rain pelting him. As Kizmaru asked about the situation for what was going on right now, Keita looked around one more time to see if he could notice anything out of the ordinary, but he simply could not find anything. 

“Well, it seems there was some sort of creature here, but I can not seem to see him through the dark waters. Does your sharingan see the beast?” Keita would ask, pointing to the harbor just off of the pier. As Kizmaru would look at the water, Keita would get ready to use his Chakra Chains, as these would be pretty handy in defeating the beast. As they were looking for it, Kizmaru would see a huge mass of chakra underwater, and would be able to see the large beast that single handedly destroyed the vessel that was carrying the goods, those goods now spilled out all over the harbor. The beast seemed to be watching and waiting for something, but did not seem to be scared, as it simply waited there in the harbor with no intention of leaving. The two of them would have to take the fight to it eventually, and now was a good a time as ever. As soon as Kizmaru saw the beast and made an action against it, Keita would also fire a large lightning spear into the water, knowing that the salty water would be a great conductor for the electricity against the creature. 

The creature seemed to be extremely resilient, and would flail around, roaring so loud that it caused a small area of the harbor to have no water, exposing its scales as it suddenly rose up out of the water. It looked like a huge angler fish, but instead of the light tassel that sprouted from its forehead, there were five serpentine heads, complete with sharp teeth and two sets of snake like eyes that seemed to stare at everything as if they were prey. It looked like the hydra from the old mythos, except that it looked like the hydra was growing out of the forehead of the original fish like beast. “Hmm, if that is what I think it is, try to destroy the heads completely instead of severing them.” Keita would shout to Kizmaru over the storm, before rushing into action with his chakra chains.
WC: 536
Kizmaru Senju
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:48 pm
Other than the attack that had come to pass, nothing new had surfaced. It was a bit odd that a horrible creature could cause this much widespread destruction and then disappear into the water like nothing happened. When asking Keita for more details about what happened all he could give was what the reports had told him already while he was sitting in his office at his desk. Well that was certainly helpful, he thought to himself. Kizmaru had assumed Keita had arrived moments before he did and didn't get a good look at the creature himself either. However the news of the creature still lurking around the destroyed harbor was very helpful as they might be able to spot it. That was a clever idea from Keita as he wasn't thinking about using his eyes that he had gotten recently in order to spot the beast. Squinting in the direction of the shadowy beast, Kizmaru activated his eternal mangekyou sharingan and could see the beast's mass amount of chakra swirl around in the water itself as it carried the goods of a wrecked ship that was carrying some exotic goods. Damn it, Kizmaru thought to himself as he realized he had lost a huge amount of profit from this minor inconvenience. 

He never thought he'd feel the rage of losing something materialistic but those goods could have helped the village prosper in ways unimaginable to him. Well, at least the target of his anger was still currently present. "Yeah, I see their Keita. I see it." An anbu then appeared seemingly out of thin air behind both Keita and Kizmaru. "Lord Mizukage, your orders," the Anbu would ask. Kizmaru silently watched the beast swim around as well as the cargo crates float around in the sea. "Mobilize the war fleet and attempt to keep that thing busy. I want a report on the situation on the hour, every hour. Keep it distracted but do not engage. When the time comes, we'll hit it with everything we got after it surfaces. Got that? Don't fuck this up," Kizmaru said a little angrily. The Anbu nodded before vanishing as quickly as he came, allowing him to return his full attention towards the creature. It seems Keita was thinking the same idea he was currently as he threw a lightning spear into the water in order to agitate the beast. All it served to do was cause it to release a loud roar, confirming Keita's tactic was indeed successful but realized it didn't cause enough damage to actually hurt this thing. 

Soon after, the beast would serve to reveal itself, exposing its scales as it suddenly rose up out of the water. It looked like a huge angler fish, but instead of the light tassel that sprouted from its forehead, there were five serpentine heads, complete with sharp teeth and two sets of snake-like eyes that seemed to stare at everything as if they were prey. This only angered Kizmaru as not only did he lose a lot of valuable goods, this thing would dare to mock him. Fine, if it was a fight it wanted, it was a fight it got. A hot, pink aura had suddenly flared up from around his body as a large skeletal figure had emerged over both Keita and Kizmaru before organs, muscles and finally skin rapidly formed around the skeleton in the form of a Full Body Susanoo with a jewel in his forehead that held both himself and Keita. Kizmaru had never used this technique before but right now, he couldn't take the time to enjoy and savor this power like he wanted too. Shortly after the Susano'o formed, the weapons of choice that had been given to him was the form of Tiger claws that seem to extend when the Susano'o clenches its fists. He could get used to this kind of power and so, he did.

W.C: 654
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 7:26 pm
As Keita asked Kizmaru if he could see it, his buddy responded that yes, he could indeed see it with his sharingan, which was both reassuring and worrying. Keita would find it a bit more comforting knowing that the large beast was not within the harbor anymore, and they could chase it and kill it out at the open sea. This method of handling the beast would save them quite a bit of effort, as well as save their town and the citizens within from having to witness what was essentially a war between man and giant beast. He also would not have to worry about the collateral damage to the buildings or the infrastructure of the village. Sadly, the beast was here still, and it would save them quite a bit of time to just go ahead and smash it while it was still here. Then they could trace where it came from in the ocean and handle whatever situation caused the beast to wander too close to the village in the first place. 

Keita then noticed that an Anbu member was near them, and suddenly started reporting to Kizmaru, wondering what they should be doing, asking for orders. Kizmaru ordered the man to scramble the fleet so that they could distract the beast and maybe drag it out of where it was right now, and the anbu member disappeared to go and see those orders fulfilled. Keita nodded, wondering if he could convince them to take it out to open waters where they could simply kill it without causing a whole lot of other problems. He decided to speak up, knowing that Kizmaru would have the ability to do that as well. Before he could, however it seemed that Kizmaru had another idea, and was going to get ready to be in full battle mode.As the large creature started to surface and show its ugly face, it seemed that both of them were ready to fight it, at least that seemed like the general consensus between the two of them at least, as his buddy Kizmaru suddenly summoned a massive visage of a person in armor. 

This massive technique that had both of them inside of its forehead was something new to Keita, it seemed like some sort of hardened chakra armor that hje had never seen before, and he figured something like this would only be possible if it was from the Sharingan. Keita would ask Kizmaru about this later, but for now he was pretty well protected in the Susanoo and was busy thinking of a strategy against the beast. They could probably just murder it with the strange claws that the Susanoo seemed to have when it flexed its knuckled briefly, but this might backfire if they aimed for the heads of the beast and it turned out to be something like that of a hydra, to where more and more heads would sprout as the previous heads got decapitated. They should probably go after its body, just to be safe, but it also seemed that its body had quite a few sturdy scales, and the thing looked like it was completely covered in armor. For now, Keita decided that he was going to attempt to seal it, so he looked over at Kizmaru. “Keep it a bit busy and I’ll seal it within a scroll. “

WC: 562
Kizmaru Senju
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:36 pm
After forming the Susano'o and getting ready to battle the creature, Keita had informed him to keep it busy so that he may seal the creature into a scroll. He wasn't aware Keita had power like that but he would trust in him. All he had to do was keep the creature busy and he would take care of the rest. Fair enough, he thought to himself. With that, he'd command his Susano'o to engage the beast in combat with just a thought. This technique was a funny feeling really, it was as if he was the construct itself and yet at the same time, he wasn't. He'd then stepped forward and delivered a punch towards the serpent-like heads of the creature, in an attempt to cut one or two of them off. The creature had swiftly pulled back into the water as he did so. The creature was fast while it was in water so of course he couldn't just hit it with melee attacks on the land. Well, if he really wanted to see what this technique can do, he'd have to take his chances and jump into the water with the beast itself in order to combat it. 

Hopefully this technique would allow him to traverse the waters without it getting inside of the head. After brief thought he figured, what the heck. It's not like he didn't have a bunch of backup techniques that would allow him to fend for himself but still, he likes to at least test this technique out. Jumping into the water, Susanoo began to swim after the creature in an attempt to catch up with it. After travelling a fair amount of distance from the destroyed harbor, the creature had disappeared leaving Susanoo in a stand still wondering what to do next. Kizmaru had begun to look around to see if he could spot the beast but apparently, he couldn't see any form of chakra swimming around in the water. Suddenly, from behind a large impact crashed into the Susanoo as he was looking in the general direction he had seen the beast disappear into. He had somehow manifested itself behind them and was attacked from their blind spot. This frustrated Kizmaru as he had his Susanoo swing wildly after hit had received an attack. Fortunately, the technique was strong enough to withstand the pounding or the beast wasn't as strong as he was led to believe either way. He had decided to come calm and focus on defense for the time being.

After a while of defending from its blows without retaliation, he had come to the realization that even though this was a calculated tactic, it was still a beast that followed a repetitive pattern. This might have worked forever on another mindless beast but Kizmaru was a human being and can learn to adapt to situations like this much quicker. After two more hits of the same pattern, Kizmaru reacted to the next attack preemptively, digging his tiger claws into the beast's body. The beast would let out a shrill cry of pain this time as Susanoo held the beast closer to its chest. As much as he'd love to finish the ting right here and now, the snake heads had also begun attacking Susanoo's head, specifically where Keita and Kizmaru were residing. Although they were protected, Kizmaru still felt it was best to head to the surface for peace of mind. Beginning to swim up with the beast in hand, the Susanoo had begun to sprout Tengu wings on its back. The wings had helped propel them through the water until they were flying ten meters above the sea. He didn't know this technique was capable of doing such a thing but now he was aware and would keep this in mind for the future.

W.C: 638
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 10:19 pm
With the plan seemingly in action, KLeita would gop out of the large construct known as susanoo, before landing on the peer and taking a quick glance at his surroundings. The large creature was seemingly ready to take on the susanoo, and Keita was wondering how strong the creature was and how strong and durable the susanoo was, so he wanted to check, while he was performing hand seals for the jutsu he was going to use. As the two giant figures struggled and attacked, KEita made sure to be close enough to be able to launch the jutsu towards the creature when it was thoroughly distracted, but far enough away so that the creature did not just attack him at close range without him being able to react, so he wanted to make sure he stayed in that sweet spot for the entire fight. As they were battling, it seemed that they were heading through the water in their fight, and there would be quite a few waves and attacks that he also had to dodge. 

Suddenly Susanoo hopped into the water to start clashing with the beast directly, instead of simply attacking the ones that were floating out of the water. After a short exchange of moves and attacks, it seemed that the creature figured out that he could not crack susanoo’s protective shell, and so it started to run away. Keita had just finished the hand seals, getting ready to perform the technique but he simply could not do it with his target running away so far. Keita quickly gave chase, performing another jutsu instead, which was the water bubble jutsu. The bubble wrapped around his body, allowing him to start floating rapidly, which he directed towards the water, which formed a sphere of air that prevented the water from getting into the bubble and drowning him. He did not really have a problem being covered in water either, considering he had a seal full of oxygen ready to do so also, so there was no way he was drowning today. He was simply using this move as a travel technique to attempt to be able to keep up with the beast and susanoo. 

After a little while of flying through the water, following the soft glow of the susanoo, it seemed that it stopped, and they were both sitting next to each other in the depths of the ocean, looking for the creature. Keita did not like this at all, as he did not really have a good way to see through the depths of the ocean, although he could see pretty far because of the bubble providing a bit of clarity, it was still pretty dark. He did not like the idea of the creature suddenly attacking him from behind, although he had contingencies for that should that happen, he would rather not have to fight this creature with everything he had, and so he stuck a little closer to susanoo. This happened to be the right choice, as suddenly the beast appeared behind susanoo and started attacking, and Keita immediately got away from susanoo, as the primitive beast simply seemed to be attacking the most obvious target, which was Kizmaru in the huge susanoo construct. 

Eventually, Susanoo won, grabbing the best by the chest, and simply started rising through the water. Keita hopped onto the shoulder of susanoo with his bubble drift technique, and susanoo would bring them up to the surface, where Keita would then begin to get ready for his technique to seal the beast. This time, however, it seemed that it would work out very well.
WC: 605
Kizmaru Senju
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Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:50 pm
As he was entangled with the creature mid-flight, the beast had no intention of being held at the mercy of him and began to struggle even more. Now instead of just his serpent heads attacking the Susanoo, the creature's body also began to struggle and bite again the susanoo. Although the construct held up fine, it was hard to fly and carry around a thrashing beast at the same. Not only that, he was unsure of what to do when he successfully got it out of the water. He couldn't keep hitting it as both of his tiger claws were embedded into the beast's body in order to carry it in the first place. Feeling his construct losing its grip, Kizmaru did all he could to continue to hold onto its body. This might be a terrible mistake but it was better than letting it have free reign while it was in the ocean. Kizmaru decided it would be best to carry it to the shore of Island country somewhere near the gates. He was sure how capable it was on land but at least he'd have a better chance at subduing the thing there together with Keita who had seemingly exited the construct unknowingly to Kizmaru.

As he flew towards the shores of Kirigakure, he spotted the naval fleet he had ordered to mobilize down below which was perfect. Flying towards them instead, Kizmaru had an idea that he might use to weaken the beast. Flying down close towards them, he had begun to yell at the front most ship as loud as he could. "FIRE!!!! FIRE AT WILL AT THE CREATURE I'M HOLDING!!!! HOLD NOTHING BACK AND RELEASE EVERYTHING!!!!" The mizukage had shouted as loud as he could, giving the orders to shoot him and the creature he held. Of course, the wailing and thrashing of the large creature drowned out the sounds of Kizmaru's yelling. Regardless, he'd outstretch both of Susanoos arms in an attempt to give the naval boats a target to aim at. Even though his command had not been heard, the gesture alone had been more than enough to be received as an order by the Naval Commander. The Naval commander had ordered all of the ships to fire directly at the beast, regardless of the Mizukage's position. A barrage of explosions and shrapnel had flown towards Susanoo and the beast in large quantities. As both the beast and Susanoo had taken damage. 

Unlike the beast's attacks, he was actually able to feel some of the force from the barrage of explosions though overall, he was unharmed. He could hear the sound and cries of the beast as it absorbed the brunt of the force while Susanoo was there taking minor collateral damage. It might have been different should he had been the one taking most of the fire instead but alas, he was not. The unleashed payload had been going on for quite some time now as long as four minutes. After the five minute mark, the barrage had ceased to stop and so did the creature's cries and wails. It was now limp in his hands as if it had been finally defeated. With that, Kizmaru had resumed flying towards the shores of Kirigakure. Not long in his journey towards the shore could he feel the creature moving around in his arms again. The blasted thing wasn't defeated yet? This was insane, Kizmaru thought to himself. Well, it seems like there really was only one way to do this and that was to have Keita seal it inside of something for good. He began to fly as fast as possible until he made it to the shore, throwing the horrible beast onto land. 

By now, it had regained consciousness but it was still severely hurt from the barrage it took struggling to  move, made even harder by being on the shore. Kizmaru would then land safely behind Keita, being careful as to not crush or blow him away upon re-entry.  He wondered if the thing would try and fight once more in its condition. With that, he'd deactivate his technique and let Keita take care of the rest as he goes to run damage control in the surrounding area.


W.C: 709
T.W.C: 2601

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Using 100 words to untrain 1 point in Chakra.
Using 2,000 words to put 20 points into Strength.

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Using 2,600 words to switch Taijutsu to my main from Ninjutsu. (2,600/3,000)

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Claiming 12,500 Ryo

Promoting Keita to Anbu

Last edited by Kizmaru Senju on Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 500

Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO] Empty Re: Here Be Monsters [Mission, IO]

Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:02 am
Keita was suddenly lifted into the air with susanoo as he rode on its shoulder, and they were hurtling through the air at a breakneck pace. He was pretty sure it was a bit faster than even his bubble drift, so he was glad that he hopped onto the susanoo this time, so that he could keep up. Suddenly as they were flying and dodging the attacks of the angry creature in susanoo’s arms, there seemed to be something that Kizmaru saw, and he suddenly stopped. Keita looked around and very easily spotted the fleet that Kizmaru had ordered to show up less than a minute ago, and Keita was surprised how fast they  were to actually show up, and was impressed. As they were looking at them, suddenly he heard the Mizukage suddenly start yelling for the ships to fire at him and the creature, regardless of if they would hit him or not. Keita was hiding with the susanoo at this point, and he hoped that this would be enough to actually protect him from the barrage, but he was preparing for the worst anyways. As the shrapnel was coming towards him, he  watched to see if it damaged susanoo enough to get through it, and thankfully it did not get to. 

After that, it seemed susanoo started to fly towards the coast with the monster in its arms, and Keita thought that this was his chance, so he immediately got ready to perform his clan’s sealing technique. As the large creature got dumped onto the coast, it started to thrash about, but now that it was on dry land, there was no way that it could dodge his ability. Keita activated his clan’s sealing technique, and a large seal was created on the ground, and the energy spread out quite quickly into a half dome. Once the half dome was complete, the chakra suddenly flashed, and the beast was converted into chakra at a visible speed, getting pulled into the seal on the ground. The seal was completed quite quickly, and then there was nothing left but the seal on the ground. Keita sighed in relief, and then walked over there and transferred the seal onto a scroll he had with him. After that, Keita would simply leave and head back to the administration building, as there was going to be a lot of paper work to fill out.
WC: 402
Total WC: 2652 
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Using 1188 to complete Squall Line, previous training HERE
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Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:42 am
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