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The Second Test [Hunter]

Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Wed Jun 30, 2021 9:10 am
Jax was trying to play it cool, he had never been a bartender before and did not really know how to act, his unfamiliarity with this side of the bar was certainly not helping his act. As he ducked his head below the bar, his opponent started to act unbeknownst to him. After a few seconds, he would be alerted to something happening as a monstrosity (That some would call a 4/10 on the scary scale) appeared directly to his left. All the pretense was gone and now was the time to act, keeping his head and now body below the bar Jax of the Hyuuga bloodline activated his byakugan. Instantly he was able to take in the details around him, regardless of where his pupils were pointed.

The situation was dire, to his left at this point there was a slightly below average scary monster and in front of him at least 1 otter and 4 humanoids. Behind him his the only door he could feasibly access but was blocked by some jutsu. He quickly decided that he needed to find a way out of the building that was not considered an exit or entrance, luckily a window 15m to his right qualified as that. He began to move, still crouched behind the bar and completely out of sight of his attacker's bar the shambler. As Daiko had no idea where Jax was his black threads would wreak havoc to the bar where he initially stood, luckily he was already moving away from that area. The shambler had made some handseals at this point and some darts began to float around him, luckily he did not fire them off and was actually moving away from Jax.

Jax reached the end of the bar and flung himself through the window, luckily he was unsighted to the attackers and the first of him they would see was when he was flying through the glass window. The glass shattered around him and he had several shallow cuts along his exposed skin as he landed on the other side of the building. Immediately he formed 3 quick handseals and slammed his hands on the ground, an area in front of him covering 35x35m (Covering the bar and a 2.5m border around it) then began to descend 50m down into the earth at a speed of 50.

At this time Jax turned and using his byakugan began to plot a way out of this area, moving at his full speed.

WC: 417
TWC: 1047

OOC: will add some damage for glass when I work out what it should be.
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:38 am
It was too late. Whilst Shambler was also doing its thing making sure that the proper hand-seals were formed for its fire dart technique, the bartender had stayed low under the bar trying to avoid Daiko's assault. Though the lack of vision might provide some difficulty for most ninja, Daiko was fortunate enough to have a spotter, watching right behind the bar. Shambler. It was a nice change of pace to actually call on him and having him be of some use. Usually, he was just around to make snarky comments and talk about rending, or something like that. 

If the man had actually been able to take his chance to move, there would be a low, guttural "He's moving..." coming from Shambler, followed by an irritated "Now." Since Daiko's threads had already been in motion while the poof of smoke bringing the summon to their dimension would've so obviously alerted the bartender of an upcoming attack, it was a mere distraction. Daiko's Black Threads were perfectly close to the bartender in question by this time, and 50 speeds faster than he was. Since Daiko had not been able to get a clear sight of the man, At the signal of the Shambler, the 50 cm cords that had come out of each of his knees would burst through the wood in an odd fashion. Rather than taking the precise approach, the bundles that had come from Daiko's Left knee would split into 10 individual 5 cm wide cables, essentially acting a shotgun blast through the wood of the bar, crashing with 170 speed and power through the softwood of the bar, each thread being about 10 cm apart from one another, would make a circular blast with a diameter of about 30 cm. This blast, due to the bar being quite thin, and the man being on the other end of it, would have been within less than a meter of the man when it would rip through the bar, and hopefully, into his body. The cord from Daiko's right knee, rather than splitting as well, would continue through as a bundle, and aim to continue snaking around the floor of the bar after the man if he had somehow managed to evade.

While this was happening, the two threads coming out of Daiko's left arm, as well as his right arm, would both combine into two bundles of threads each, to allow Daiko the precise control that he needed at this moment. With those threads, they would be at the same pace as Daiko's other threads, and each one would be either the left or the right above of where the blast was. With the door behind the bar blocked, and the bar being only having about a meter of space, it was inevitable that the man would have to jump either left or right in order to try and dodge the blast. If they ended up jumping straight up, the rest would be history. Unless there was a profound splatter of blood from the bar, Daiko would wait on the call from the Shambler before deciding his next move, if it wasn't somehow destroyed. A single large thread that had torn through Daiko's back earlier was still latched onto the ground behind him, ready to launch him at a moment's notice. 


Daiko --
-20 AP Soul Expulsion Upkeep
-40 AP Shambler
-50 AP Black Threads S Upkeep
[1313/1610 AP]

Shambler --
-20 AP Hellish Darts Upkeep
[940/1000 AP]

Speed Calcs, etc. 
Black Threads S - Vigor Stat (120 + 50 = 170 for speed/power/health/etc)
Hellish Darts - 50, scaled by 100 Stat. (100 - 50 = 50. 50/10 = 5. 5x5 = 25. 25+50 =
75 Speed/Power)
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:59 pm
"Ragnar!" She wasn't sure if their opponent had moved. Last she'd seen he was directly behind the bar but ducked out of sight as daiko and her Foo dogs jutsu activated. Her eyes shifted about the room as she reacted to the attack her temmate made by forming more hand seals. The goal was to slow him down. Snake. Hare. Boar. Ox. Half tiger. She reached downward as her otter friend disappeared in a puff of smoke, touching the ground and hopefully ensuring their opponent had on means of escape. Turning her body just enough to ensure that the small creature Daiko had summoned was just out of the radius of her technique, with was angled towards the back corner of the bar which now only affected the enemy and her puppets, The ground in front of her began to shift and tear, the floor of the bar cracking at the sheer power of her ninjutsu as a rumbling earthquake flowed twenty meters foward towards her opponent about six meters away. With a speed and power of eighty the shifting earth would remove anything in her way, drawing the bar itself down into cracks as it attempted to consume the bartender. Unless his strength suprassed the technique health he would quickly find the earth trying to swallow him up as her foo dogs moved.

The two statues to saya's left both flowed over the edge of the bar just before it began to sink down into cracks in the earth. They rocked as the tearing earth turning palm jutsu affected where they'd broken through the ground, but at their power they were safe. With the 3m distance between them they continued to create a pincer attack, one looping around to use it's two meter wide body to close off any path over the bar that wouldn't place him between the foo dog coming directly at his current position and the one three meters to his right.This set up the true power of her puppetry. Even as she'd formed the techniques for her earthquake technique, five chakra threads flowed from her fingertips invisibly, moving at a speed of ninety three to where the farthest foo dog had been formed. The threads would work as a net, seeking to bar the opponent from passing between the two statues with the maneuverability of the foo dog heads technique's 135 speed far surpassing his own speed, which would be further debuffed by 50 the moment the earthquake reached him.

THe line for her technique was clear. Having moved foward in her action to position, there was a clear cut line that passed barelly in front of both daiko and the summon without putting them in the technique due to the angle she'd set. The Coach puppet, which was to daiko's left but a meter backwards towards saya began to float as he found himself in the technique area. He moved at a speed of 93 to place himself in between the two foo dog heads, barelly pressing against the strings without causing damage to further intercept the only way the opponent could now get out from behind the bar due to the size of the foo dog head statues.

(TWC 2421

Ap:1657-60(last post of summon and chakra threads)-23(foo)-30(tearing earth turning palms)=1544

jutsu active:
foo dog heads 85 power & health 135 spe 2/5 posts amplified
tearing earth turning palm 80 all stats 20m aoe in front of saya))

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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:36 am
Jax had only just begun to move as the summon behind him had informed his master that Jax was indeed moving. Due to his activated Byakugan, Jax could perfectly take in the situation unfolding in the bar. The black threads were approaching the bar and about to burst through as he took a deep breath, his mind taking on a deeper concentrated state and his speed and strength being amplified. At this point, the black threads would be busting through the bar, but as they were moving at the same speed as Jax they would fail to reach him, even if only just. However, to make sure Jax would lower his shoulder as he moved and further dash forward at a higher speed. All of the attacks from the women would not reach Jax before he was at his escape point due to their lower speed and the fact that they would all spread out from her position.

Jax would become sighted by his attackers as he reached the window, he brought his arms across in front of his face as he hurled himself through. The glass would shatter and shallow cuts would inflict a small amount of pain across his forearms and shred his clothes at various points. Without a break in step, Jax would make a 90 degree turn to his right from where he landed and continue to run from the bar in the opposite direction the group had entered at his max speed, far faster than anything the group could attack or try to keep up with him.

WC: 262
TWC: 1309
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:19 pm
As his shotgun blast of black cables had ended up missing for the final time, Daiko was frustrated. Though he was in somewhat of an angered state of mind given that his 'ultimate' technique had failed him, he still had some fight left in him. With the extra threads that he had put forward in preparation,  Given the angle that he was at to the man, the further he moved from his intial spot the easier it was to see him behind the bar. "Window!!" Daiko would shout, as the man dashed toward the direction of the one exit that they had not considered. Though the back door behind the door was blocked, and the front entrance that Saya and Daiko had entered was mostly covered, there was that one pesky exit. There were no other windows in the establishment asides from that, no skylights or any other means for lights to get in, or for anyone to get out. 

Daiko had already begun to form hand seals as his blast of black threads missed, and those threads came together back into a single thread and began to tunnel through the ground and head parallel to the bar, aiming to be a last-ditch effort on catching the man if he had made it outside. The hand seals that Daiko had been forming would be complete pretty quickly, and two things would happen. 

First, what seemed like a point in space 1 meter inside the building in front of the window would quickly begin to expand towards the man, moving at max speed outward 10 meters as 'the bartender' closes the 14 meters left between himself and the window. Along with this, directly adjacent to the outside of the window, the shell of a maneki neko would pull itself out of the ground, ready to snap shut at a moment's notice. This would leave the 'wall' of the neko directly touching and blocking the window from the outside. Because Daiko was able to notice that the man was somewhat faster than himself, he would time the shutting of the Neko to be such that by the time he would reach it, it would already be in the process of bringing itself closed. Because of it's adjacency to the window, it would likely to go unspotted unless the man had some sort of way to see through walls. (-_-). 

Daiko --
-20 AP Soul Expulsion Upkeep
-40 AP Shambler
-50 AP Black Threads S Upkeep
-40 AP Devour Sphere
-40 AP Iron Maiden

[1123/1610 AP]

Shambler --

[940/1000 AP]

Speed Calcs, etc. 
Black Threads S - Vigor Stat (120 + 50 = 170 for speed/power/health/etc)
Hellish Darts - 50, scaled by 100 Stat. (100 - 50 = 50. 50/10 = 5. 5x5 = 25. 25+50 =
75 Speed/Power)
Devour Sphere - 50, scaled by 145 stat. (145 -50 = ~90. 90/10 = 9. 9x5 = 45. 45 + 50 = 95
Iron Maiden - 40, scaled by 145 stat. (145 -40 = ~100. 100/10 = 10. 10x5 = 50. 50+30 = 80
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:59 pm
Window. What? WINDOW! Even before the weight of his suggestion hit her fully her eyes glanced to the one opening they'd left him for exit. Unfortunately neither of team KoS would have considered that a viable option. Thankfully Saya's set up to try and herd the hyuuga towards her would do the job for her. She'd cast her foo dogs jutsu with intention. WIth her position two meters away from the bar itself, her starting point in front of where the bartender stood, she'd summoned four dogs in a line directly in front of the bar. This meant there was one three meters to their opponents right and left, and two at the six meter mark. With the distance to cross the bar being less than a meter the farthest foo dog would make it into position to clash with the hyuuga well before he'd gotten past it, its speed a bit more then half meaning it had over two meters of travel time before jax would be in range. The face of the foo dog bore sharpened teeth that would collide with him, cutting into his skin as he dropped his shoulder as they collided, both doing damage and inevitably ending in her A rank jutsu's destruction, but at a significant cost to her opponent as they clashed without the protection of a tai barrier or damage resistance. She couldn't have that.

She couldn't see much of him, though the colapsing bar, but the moment she heard the word window a deep blue aura would flow through her body. Trifle of the senju boosted her stats by a huge ammount, increasing the speed of her foo dogs to 175 and boosting the power and health to 125. This ensured that while they would clash, his attack would fail to meet the +25 requirement in the clash to actually break her foo dog as the act of rushing foward impaled him on the teeth of the dog. Knowing that he was going for the window, her hands flashed through the seals at her full speed. Rat-boar-rat-confrontation. From saya's feet a branch of mokuton flowed directly to her left. While she had no clue how quick her opponent was, she knew the speed of her own jutsu and trusted in it's power. At a speed of 190 the branch would meet the five meter duration as Jax was at the halfway point to his wall, his momentum further stopped assumably by the food dog barring his path. A wooden pillar would rise from the ground well past the five meter distance from her target, and five more would rise up ten meters from this centerpoint with one four meters outside of window, one each outside of the building itself, and one five meters to Saya's right, just clearing herself and Daiko standing in line in front of her.

If he managed to pass the foo dog he would make it four meters to the window before the mass of branches covered the entire area around it. even before he jumped, the branches would fill the area inside of the room, creeping across the walls and forward to meet him in all directions. Each of the five pillars would have a stream of branches moving to each size and upwards creating a dome around most of the building centered on the first created pillar. Saya held the hand sign. From the bag on coach's back the freyja puppet would burst out, moving at her full speed of 133 towards the pillar farthest from Jax. With her seal allowing control of an area she'd leave an opening just large enough for them to fit in single file. Ai rushed towards the opening five meters to saya's right. Grabbing Saya Freyja moved the same distance to the only exit that would stay open. Coach grabbed Daiko, pulling him to the small exit.

Jax would find his exit to safety spreading like a plague that stabbed out and lacerated his body with a power and speed of 190. The front door would be blocked far before he could ever get to it, the trip to the back door would be too long to hope he could get out the back, and with the eight meter distance between himself and his enemies when the technique started and the puppets moving at a speed high enough that he couldn't cross the distance before the person sized hole closed, he would be trapped. Even as the small opening gave Saya and her team an offering of safety, branches stretched out from the rightmost pillar. They created a tunnel stretching towards the fleeing protagonists and the moment they passed a portion of the wood style stetching towards them it closed behind them. Every direction deadly vines closed ensuring their opponents doom. The nail in the coffin? The entire area from where saya had stood well past the pillar outside of the window was being torn up by tearing earth palm, ensuring if he had a means of escaping from underground the tehnique's ability would crush anyone who found themselves beneath the surface. Sinking beneath the ground would catch him in the earthquake as it arrived at his position and shatter his body before Wood burrowed down like roots to destroy their captured prey.

(TWC 3305

ap and things
Ap:1657-10(threads)-23(foo)-30(tearing earth palm)-50(great pacifist)=1544
active jutsu
foo dog heads 175 spe 125 power/health
tearing earth turning palm 120 all stats
trifle of the senju +80 chak +80 vig half cost on great pacifist
great pacifist seeking shelter 190 all stats )

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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:10 am
As Daiko could not see Jax behind the bar, his first sight of him would be at the window when he was bursting through it, at that point he would yell window to his team. However, it would be too late as Jax was already through the window and gone. Luckily for Jax, he would escape this encounter and hopefully reunite with his gang. Then they could continue their weapon smuggling business.

OOC: AS Daiko confirmed in an earlier post he cannot see Jax, as he moves further to an angle would make him more unsighted not increase it, so as the first time he could be seen was when he jumped through the window all other actions would not occur until after that therefor Jax is gone.

Exit as uninterrupted from the last post
WC: 72
TWC: 1381

-5 Byakugan
-40 Total concentration breathing +50 Speed & Strength
-30 Bull Rush +30 Speed & strength
200 speed & 165 strength
AP= 1100

Claiming 4000 ryo, 20, 1500WC, +13 Str, 1000 words to Bring Earth-Style Wall from D>C>B, 381/1000 for Tearing Earth Turning Palm, 1500 for Multiple Earth-sTyle Wall B, all claimed to Ishikawa.
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:53 am
requesting battle mod. as daiko is directly at the bar and he stated that he was watching jax as he ducked under which does not define the height of the bar but does set an understanding that he can see over the bar(which is not an impossible thing given one can lean over a bar and simply look) his description of the scene is that the bar is short enough that he, directly placed against the wood of the bar itself as stated by the quote "Daiko watched as the man began to lean down under the bar, searching for whatever it was that Daiko and Saya had previously been asking for. With his right foot flat against the wood part of the bar and his right hand already on the table, Daiko does a couple of things, given this moment of opportunity. " would be able to have seen and called out in the timing that we both set his window call out.

Even if his call out was forced to be later as stated in my post the npc's speed is not high enough that he could cross the 6 meter distance towards the window before my foo dogs crossed the 1m distance they were moving to impede his exit causing him to run face first into a foo dog, slowing his movement and causing damage as without the taijutsu barrier from the tai update him clashing with the sharp fangs of a jutsu that had more than enough time to close the distance and more then a wide enough body to impede his movement causes both to deal damage to one another before my foo dog would be broken assuming starting directly that he was watched from over the bar in an early post is not an acceptable enough description of the situation to clarify that unless he were crawling(which would not be done at his full 203 speed for obvious reasons) him crouching down below a bar that daiko is tall enough to have stated he watched him crouch under would not stop daiko from being able to continue to look over the bar in order to watch him.

helpful to note. daiko says he is watching as the man gets the drink, then says he doesn't have "clear sight" but is suplimenting that with his summon but never says he cannot see him fully, and then sets the presidence that at his angle the farther he moves down the bar the more easily he is seen, givng more than enough time given the way sight angles work and my jutsu easily standing in his way for him to tip me off. with the speed my s rank moves, the inward direction of its activation, and the range there is plenty of time for its activation. it is also of note that he at no point suggested he clashed with it or took any action but moving through as if it didn't exist

Last edited by Cosplay Queen Saya on Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:00 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarifying a small point)
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:27 am
Heyo, BM here to solve any and all debates. Daiko, Saya, you're both banned from indoor fights from here on out until you're both muuuch clearer with your dimensions... please... for the sake of my sanity, fight outside in big open areas. Now, there seems to have been mistakes on ALL sides in this one, so that's nice


Angry Wood vs Speedy Sanic

Okay so, first and foremost, one of the biggest topics of contention is Jax simply ignoring Saya's techniques. Now, Jax is actually fast enough (200) to simply ignore the use of Tearing Earth Turning Palm, as his 200 speed means he would indeed move 15m in the time it takes the 80 speed technique to move 6m... however, Saya is not 6m away from him, as noted in her post immediately after Daiko attacks. "From her position in the center of the room", the room, for the record is noted to be 30m in overall size and this would put Saya 15m away from Jax. 

However x2, Saya's Foo Dog Heads are another matter entirely, as they were not only moving faster... but they spawn exactly where she mentioned they spawned, as their location is not tied to hers as the Tearing Earth Turning Palm was. "Oh her teams side of the bar, with just three meters distance between the enemy and the first foo dog a line of four would rip through the floor with a speed of one hundred and thirty-five" 

However x3... the issue here lies in the way that Saya described the movements of the Foo Dog Heads. "With the 3m distance between them they continued to create a pincer attack, one looping around to use it's two meter wide body to close off any path over the bar that wouldn't place him between the foo dog coming directly at his current position and the one three meters to his right". As noted by Saya, 1 Foo Dog went over the bar... while Jax was ducked beneath it. One was coming for his direct position at the point of this attack, meaning the moment he started moving he was out of range. A third Foo Dog would attack from 3m to his right... but again, since Jax is 3m away, and moving faster than the Foo Dog itself... he would out-speed it and avoid the hit. Basically... Jax is completely fine after Saya's previous attacks.



This point of contention comes based on Daiko calling Window, and Jax noting in his next post that by the time Daiko called this he would already be at the window. Now, which of the two is correct? Well, in this instance... it is actually somewhat easy to tell, because while Jax did indeed avoid all the attacks Daiko did have a way of knowing he was there... HOWEVER x4... he didn't use that. As noted previously Daiko couldn't see Jax and needed a summon to tell him when Jax started moving, but this time... he could see Jax? If Daiko had simply used the Summon to inform him previously there would be no issue, but... he didn't, and thus I have to rule that Jax reached the window before Daiko could see him.

This, essentially, means that Saya's entire last post is void, because it all relied on Daiko calling for the window. Don't worry tho Saya, you're not losing any WC or anything.


So, what this means is the NPC did indeed manage to jump out the window of the bar and make his daring getaway into the forest... HOWEVER X5, while you may have failed the mission itself, making the hunter flee is something that I personally believe is enough to net you a completion of that portion of the mission. So, essentially... congrats! You failed the mission and thus gain no ryo or AP, but can claim this as a completed C-rank Hunter!

Jax... well mate, you didn't die but you didn't succeed in the Hunter objective of killing them either, so afraid you only get the base mission rewards. 

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Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Second Test [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Second Test [Hunter]

Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:14 pm
She was too late. She was too late? Hold on let me check the script. (ruffled pages turning) She's not supposed to be too late. She's the protagonist. SHe captures the bad guys and eats Mappo tofu. Thats literally her character concept. my dear listeners, this is a sad day for team puppet. THe enemy escaped, and their plans for one more heroic exploit before lunch were dashed. Saya stood for several moments before finally shaking her head. With the whole team safe from her technique she finished the laticework dome, drawing the building itself inward to colapse the entire structure once they were outside. A large tree now stood in the lot, with a knot in the center at about chest height that held several files and various bits of information hidden within. She took the files and glanced back at daiko. There would be no victory lunch and honestly she needed some time to understand what would be her first defeat. They headed back to the records office to turn everything in, and then finally Saya was on her way home to sulk over a mission only half completed.

(TWC 3496 posting before daiko to post exit at his permission. putting it all towards a second saya Ai (3496/3675) exit claiming no mission rewards but mission completion for the purposes of rank up. topic closed after all exits)

Last edited by Cosplay Queen Saya on Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarify that daiko isn't skipping a post im just posting before him)
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