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BEAST mode (IO)

Nova Tsuba
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 151400

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:24 pm
The boar could see the end. Victory was fast approaching as the boar got within one meter of the enemies, but it appeared they weren’t going to go down without a fight. As the boar turned to the quickly moving opponent, it noticed two kunai flying at him from a little over four meters away. Since the clone was still keeping five meters of distance from the wyvern, which was in turn a bit over 1 meters away from the boar, the clone would be four meters away from the boar on the same side Anaphiel was body flickering towards. 

The boar started chasing after the moving opponent, in the process moving out of the way of the two thrown kunai, which did not account for the boar’s new trajectory. The boar still hadn’t reached the man when the ninja suddenly halted. The boar was confused by this, but seized the opportunity. The boar finished closing the distance and lowered it’s head once more, determined to skewer the man on it’s tusks. He was growing more and more confident as he grew close to the frozen man. The other shinobi seemed to have fallen back, and their two clones had disappeared. The boar was confident he could finish the first one here and now, then move on to the second. He was finally going to make a step in accomplishing his goal. Thoughts of grandeur continued in the boar’s mind as it drew nearer and nearer. Since it was attempting to skewer the chuunin, it only needed to get within two and a half meters of the man due to the half meter long horns protruding from it’s head. This would be to allow the boar to turn the man into a kabob before the wyvern could reach him. Everything would all go according to the boar's limited plan, provided of course the shinobi didn’t, you know, move.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:24 am
He’d exceeded the limit of what help he could acquire from his patron summon race, so there would be no other assistance apart from Lunastra. Not like he needed more than her, she was a terrible foe by herself. That didn’t change the fact that the boar was closing in on him now that he’d stopped moving, but she was right on its tail and gaining rather quickly. Of course, Anaphiel didn’t want to take any chances, so he would continue backing up at a speed of 50 so he would outpace the boar. As he did so, he would make a series of three hand seals with his right hand. A surge of water would leave the Hidemori Chuunin’s lips as a long whip made of water formed in his right hand at a speed of 60. The whip itself was ten meters long and five centimeters in diameter at its narrowest point.

Not that it really mattered by the time that the boar had reached where Anaphiel was, Lunastra was on top of it. The massive wyvern swiped one of its large paws against the back half of the boar, foot-long claws gouging out huge chunks of flesh on the boar’s right flank. The force of the blow would also ruin the rest of the boar’s charge, as the applied force to its back half would send its body sideways. Lunastra would charge in for a second attack, this time aiming to rip out the beast’s entrails. Anaphiel would stop backing up the moment the whip had fully formed and would reverse direction, charging forward and closing to within 1.5 meters of the boar’s already injured rear flank, which was currently facing him. Anaphiel would attack with the whip, seeking to damage the area further, and hopefully preventing the boar from using that one leg entirely. Animal that it was, it was still incredibly dangerous and needed to be treated with caution.

WC: 324
TWC: 1728

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-50 AP Lunastra Summoning upkeep
+50AP Teostra Summoning Upkeep reversal
-20 AP Water Release: Water Whip Activation

601/896 AP remaining

Water Whip: Power 60, attack speed 75

Claiming hit on boar from Lunastra(had conversation with Gonk over discord and we both agree that the hit is valid)
Lunastra's claws have sharpness 100 (all attacks are made with max strength/speed)
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
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BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:22 pm
Nova would simply remain still, so long as no attacks would come near her - in which case she'd dodge out the way at her max speed - as the huge Wyvern descended on the boar with a savage series of attacks that completely tore out entire chunks of flesh from the beast. Nova considered herself pretty strong, but she wasn't anywhere near that level of physical might yet. It was like a challenge, beckoning Nova to reach new heights. Would she too reach that level one day? It was an exciting prospect.

If the boar wasn't dead after the Wyvern's swipe, Nova would bring out a kunai from her pouch and throw it at the likely stunned beast, aiming to instantly kill it by aiming right between the eyes with a full-power attack. If anything was in the way, then Nova of course wouldn't throw the weapon since angering the Wyvern wasn't a good idea.

If the boar was killed by the attack, Nova would scowl and walk up to the boar's corpse. Once close, she'd spit on it and quietly whisper, "Disgusting beast." before turning back to the Chunin who had felled the creature. "That's it?" She'd ask, looking around the grass field the battle had taken place on suspiciously. Reports could be spotty, and there was a non-zero chance of another beast showing up to try and ambush them again.

WC: 231
TWC: 1749

AP: 340 (Potential +10 if the boar was killed and Nova didn't throw her kunai)
Shadow Clone cooldown: 3/4
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:02 pm
The boar’s face contorted into a smile as he got close to the shinobi, but everything fell apart when he started moving backwards. The boar’s face fell as it realized it wouldn’t make it to the shinobi before the Wyvern reached him. The veins along the boar bulged as it tried to increase its speed, but it still wasn’t enough. The boar felt it’s entire right flank being gouged out by the wyvern’s claws. The boar let out a terrible cry that shook the treetops, before collapsing in a heap. The water whip that was created by Anaphiel simply tore apart the already dead body, as the 100 strength blow from the wyvern had been just enough to take the boar out. Since the first hit had killed the boar, no kunai would be thrown by Nova, and she would instead walk over and further desecrate the dead animal.

The NPC:

From across the training grounds Akako could hear it. The dying words of her beloved friend. While she didn’t exactly know what they meant, she could hear the pain in his voice. Cursing herself through her tears, Akako started sprinting towards the corpse of her friend, her now active byakugan already seeing the remains of the boar.. 
“I’m such an idiot for not keeping an eye on him,” She thought as she ran. Not only because of me are all of those children dead, but now he’s dead as well. Those two ninjas can’t get away with killing him.” While Akako hadn’t intended for her boar to kill all of those children, she wasn’t exactly upset with it for doing so. She knew exactly why it had done so and didn’t blame it. Instead her blame once again fell to the circus master. It was his fault for abusing the poor creature, and his fault that the boar had a vendetta against the village. Why would that idiot dress up in a Kumogakure ninja outfit of all things. When Akako had finally been fed up with her life as a tightrope walker and trapezist, and with the abuse the boar had been receiving, she formulated a plot to get them both out. And it worked! At least until the boar got away from her and charged into the village on a rampage. She had managed to track it down to the training grounds by following the reports of attacks, but it would seem she was too late. Due to being raised in a harsh circus life since she was a baby, Akako’s morals were decidedly fucked, so she didn’t really care about the dead children at all. It was her companion she mourned for. 

Akako’s bare feet padded across the grass and she momentarily halted behind the same line of cover as the boar did, although several meters to the side so she was directly in front of her dead friend. Albeit around 10 meters away. Unbeknownst to her, Akako may have already been spotted, by the chuunin with the dojutsu. But with no way of knowing this, Akako would form four handseals and shoot three fireballs out of the shrubs. These were each one meter in diameter and one shot at each opponent. Akako would hold the ox seal as she sprinted through the cover, waiting for the opponents to attempt to dodge. If they did, Akako would fire another three fireballs, one at each provided they all dodged, this time led so they would hit their target on their current trajectory. If they didn’t all dodge she would send multiple to another one of the opponents to compensate. Akako would keep her byakugan active throughout her actions, and prepare her chakra network to beat the living shit out of the people who dared kill her only friend and companion.
jutsu/ap used:
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:12 am
Anaphiel would look around after the beat collapsed. With a nod to Lunastra, he would turn to Nova and say “I hope so.” Naturally that would not be the case, his Baioregan picking up a human figure once they entered his range and kept an eye on them as they got closer. “Someone else just showed up,” he would say in an undertone to the other two. “They’re trying to be inconspicuous, so they may wish to do us harm, be on your guard.” As such, Anaphiel would not dispel his water whip, in case that the newcomer wished to do them harm. As an afterthought he muttered “fire and wind,” commenting on their basic elemental natures.

It would seem that they did intend on causing harm, as not much later they launched a trio of meter wide fireballs at them. They weren’t moving very quickly. So Anaphiel was able to quickly point out where their attacker was and which direction they were moving before dodging the first fireball aimed at him by moving 1 meter in the direction that the newcomer was heading. When the second fireball was launched at him, he could see it coming the moment it was launched. That gave him plenty of time to reverse direction enough so that the 2nd fireball would pass harmlessly in front of him. In addition to reversing course, he would make a series of six handseals and a point three meters directly in front of Akako and one meter off the ground, would coalesce into a dark sphere, rapidly expanding outwards to create a black void 10 meters in radius. He was hoping to force her towards him, and should she attempt to close the distance and get within 10 meters of him, he would attack her with his whip in an attempt to bind her with it. His Baioregan would keep him appraised of any movements Akako tried to make and would be ready for them as they came.

Meanwhile, Lunastra avoided the first fireball aimed at her by taking to the air, flying 1.5 meters above the fireball before moving in the direction that Anaphiel indicated. The second fireball aimed at her was avoided by moving further towards Akako’s original point than her current location. This way, when the devouring sphere was created, Lunastra was getting into a position where she would cut off that avenue of evasion and would proceed to close the distance with the newcomer while ensuring that she herself was not hit by the black void of space-time energy.

WC: 426
TWC: 2154

(all stated actions happen at max stats unless stated otherwise)

-10 APBody Flicker activation from previous post
-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-50 AP Lunastra Summoning upkeep
-10 AP Water Release: Water Whip upkeep
-50 AP Space-Time Art: Devouring Sphere Activation

466/896 AP remaining

Devouring Sphere:
Power: 75
Speed: 75

Water whip:
Power: 60
Speed: 75
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:15 am
It seemed that there was no time to celebrate the death of the boar as her Chunin partner had spotted someone heading in their direction inconspicuously. Just in case, Nova made no outward indication that she'd heard him and carried on with her actions mentioned previously. The silence didn't last long, however, as soon three fireballs were launched from the underbrush where the boar had originally come from. Due to the direction she had been facing, Nova had no issue seeing these issues and reacting in time. Plus, the Chunin's warning gave her plenty of time to run out the way due to her speed.

Nova started to run to the right at her max speed instantly after seeing the fireball heading in her direction. With her speed being nearly triple that of the fireball's, Nova would make it 7-meters to the right as the fireball had made it 3-meters towards where she used to be. Whilst running, Nova would bring out a kunai with the hand not currently holding the staff and keep an eye on the girl as she sprinted through the cover and let loose another fireball towards her. 'She looks young,' Nova thought sadly. She didn't know who this girl was or why she was attacking them, but Nova wasn't going to kill her, nor would she allow her partner to do so either.

With this in mind, the moment the second fireball came careening from the girl, Nova threw her kunai towards the girl's left knee, underneath the fireball. She made sure to throw it as fast as she could but had made sure to aim in a non-lethal area so as to not kill the girl instantly if she failed to dodge. Since the girl had aimed her fireball ahead of Nova to account for her trajectory, Nova simply stopped moving so that both the fireballs would just go straight past her if nothing changed.

WC: 328
TWC: 2077

AP: 350/360
Shadow Clone Cooldown: 2/4
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:47 pm
It would seem both enemies were speedy enough to dodge all of Akako’s sluggish fireballs, though as it would turn out they would never get the chance to even get close to their targets. Unfortunate, but not the end of the world. Akako still had plenty of tricks up her sleeve. With her byakugan active as she ran, Akako could clearly see the kunai traveling at her, so she switched her trajectory, and now she was traveling straight towards the man who held the water whip. The black hole appeared when Akako was nine meters away from the man, making it’s center 6 meters away from him and three from her. Seeing it expanding, Akako backpedaled at max speed, outpacing it easily. She kept moving backwards until the black aura stopped, putting her roughly 7.5 meters away from her previous position when the black aura had started expanding. While she was running, Akako saw her fireballs enveloped and destroyed by the black sphere. 

Using her byakugan, Akako could see the Wyvern still in the mass of black chakra, so she decided it was time to move before it reached her position, which was roughly 12.5 meters away from the winged beast. As she started running around the perimeter of the sphere, she kept her attention back on the wyvern that had been following her, which didn’t seem to have fared the black chakra as well as Akako. The Wyvern had still been rising into the air when the mass of space time chakra was created, putting it six meters away from the center of the orb when created. Then it proceeded to fly directly towards the young girl in an attempt to cut Akakao off, even though she was moving faster than it, and it was slower than the space time chakra that it was flying towards. The result? One hurt and unhappy wyvern. 

As Akako ran around the sphere she kept half a meter of distance from it just in case. She also kept her byakugan on and monitored the positions of the three enemies. If the two ninja were hit by the chuunin’s jutsu, great! If not, she would still have to fight them anyway. It was a shame they went and killed her companion. If they hadn't, who knows, maybe they could have been friends. Tears once again silently poured down Akako’s face as she grew nearer to the enemies, both for the loss of her friend and the weight of what she was going to have to do. The 14 year old girl had never killed anyone before, and she wasn’t eager to start. If that's what it came down to she would do it, but if she had the option she would much prefer to leave them alive and unconscious. Akako would be on guard as she kept running, ready to act as soon as she saw her opponents.
jutsu/ap used:
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:34 am

Sweat beads rolled down the face and body of the Goddess as she stood within the middle of the training grounds that she occupied for herself and herself alone. Her days within the confines of the hospital provided little room for self progression and her only exercise was walking around making sure that Ichigo was staying on task and the hospital staff were staying on their toes. The last thing that man needed was for his building to be run into the mud. On the days that she had off, Enyo Gushiken could be found at the training grounds honing her mind, body and soul. Dedicating herself to her arsenal. On this day in particular she has been there since this morning, 5 AM. It was now some time in the evening and she believed she did enough, though she couldn’t resist admitting to herself that she could go another few hours. In truth, she wished she had a sparing partner to help better perfect her move set. 

She wore a black sports bra that hugged around her neck, covered more of her upper body than most did. Black leggings and shinobi boots. A bandaged around her head and right eye with glasses. The bandages can also be seen around her entire right arm and hand. The side of her stomach showed the burn wounds that took up her right side. Even on her face and neck from under the bandages her scars can be seen peaking, even though on the left of her face the scars were visible. But it did not take from her stunning beauty. Her short black hair drenched with a mixture of sweat and water. Her six pack abs flexed, her body was in top condition. Well toned and at her full disposal.


She gathered her belongings, a duffle bag, towel and bottle of water. The bag contained a few weights within it that someone with her strength found to be both easy and challenging to work out with. A few jumping ropes, bands for resistance training and a 350 pound small medicine ball. She sighed as she took a few sips of her bottled water, surprised that it still maintained its chill. She would have to thank Ichigo for the canister when she returned to the hospital, it was a thoughtful gift. Leaving the grounds she would travel along the pathway where the other training grounds eventually met. As she walked she felt...strange. Something tugging at her intuition as she navigated further along the path. She found herself standing before a particular training ground. Her eye scanned over and away five, no...four occupying the space. At first glance, she figured they were training, but with a closer look she noticed one was down...the boar. “Is that a familiar? Did someone thing happen?” She thought to herself. She recognized Anaphiel due to working with him on missions. There was another woman seemingly at his side, Enyo took note of her physique, it was nice. She took chair of herself and if the Goddess had to guess, she placed her as a Taijitsu expert. There was also this flying beast that seemed to be ignoring them and focusing on the last person, she immediately determined that it was a summoning - clearly Anaphiel’s. 

Now, there was the matter of the other one...a woman, young with bare feet. She was throwing fireballs at them. Under normal circumstances, there wouldn’t be any warrant for concern at this, because it is a training grounds - but something was off. Enyo was sensing a hurt from this girl. Anger! Immediately she linked the deceased animal to this girl. That upon also realizing that the girl had no dealings, or proof of being a Kumo shinobi. The duffle bag fell along with the towel and water. 

From Enyo’s positions she was facing the back of the girl without shoes, due to her changing her trajectory to avoid the kunai, it placed her back towards Enyo. These orbs were summoned by Anaphiel before the girl and she moved impressively well to gain some distance from them. She moved well, her reaction time was nearly spot on. It was apparent to Enyo that this was another practitioner of Taijutsu. A grim smile formed along the face of the woman. Fate seem to have bestowed her a sparing partner, what’s more, this partner is not of Kumo blood, which means that she could go all out! Her left eye beam with fire and electricity as her blood coursed her body at a rapid pace. Enyo was originally 10 meters behind the woman, as she was backing up 7.5 meters. That would be placing her 2.5 meters closer to Enyo. It was apparent that she was not expecting her there, but something told Enyo not to let her guard down. As she was backing towards Enyo and she entered 5 meters of her passive sensory the Goddess mind echoed. “Sharpen thy will, hammer thine body, be the bulwark against the wicked...” Her hands weaved seals as the woman was locked into back paddling to escape the spheres. An aura of invisible chakra would expel from Enyo to take hold over the girl. She would feel her body immediately become constricted into place, as if she was being bind by steel chains of a power of 25. This was temporary paralysis. It would be clear that there was another at this point. Granted of that landed, or not while she was locked into her back paddling the next move was going to take place regardless. 

Enyo was cloaked in a golden chakra that held a DR of 80. Her speed and strength increased to 115 each. Her muscles grew more toned and her breathing was aligned with everything around her. Her right fist was formed and sent towards the ground at a speed of 115 and power to match, creating a meter crater on the earth as she did. But also from this a rippled of force erect from her in a 360 degree angle up to 16 meters at a speed and power of 83. The very earth rised and fell in the span of the ripple like a domino effect. Up to the 11 meters anyone caught in the wave aside from Enyo will be sent flying in the air 16 meter and take a toll to their speed by -50. Thus the girl will have her speed reduced from 80 to 30 in one fell swoop should she be hit, but the ripple. Enyo would smile in that as she would then follow up with one last move before awaiting to see what would come next. As she removed her hand from the earth at a speed of 115 she would then chakra chakra into her left arm as she twist her hips and threw a straight fist at the girl. - Whether she was in the air due to the earth shaker, or avoided this will come next in a session of combos - Crimson chakra with a tinge of black tint outlines would crackle around her fist as she released a fist sized sphere with a power/speed/health of 145 at the woman. 

Should this connect it would be enough to puncture her torso through to her back. Damaging her organs in the process. Enyo would maintain her guard to see what was to come next from this. 

[WC: 1,236]

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:37 am
He must not have been looking in the right direction, as for some reason the singularity was created in front of him, and closer than he’d have liked. It was at this point his Baioregan noticed another person, one with lightning and earth chakra natures, but he had other things to worry about. He backed away, stopping the flow of chakra to the expanding sphere while mentally telling Lunastra to return home so that she would not get hurt by his careless mistake. She disappeared in a puff of smoke and he would stop backtracking once he’d moved just beyond the 15 meter mark. With her gone, and him constantly keeping an eye on their attacker, Anaphiel would beckon Nova to move towards him, he had a plan, and it required the close combat shinobi nearby. It was at this point that he’d notice that the newcomer was an ally; Gushiken Enyo was charging the woman from behind. He would start moving towards her now that the sphere was collapsing and was no longer a threat,. She made a couple hand seals that he couldn’t quite make out, not long after she started glowing with a golden light and then punched at the ground. He could see the tremor, and would modulate his speed so that he would be moving slow enough to not get caught in the earth-based attack as it spread out and would reach the edge of its range shortly after the tremor dissipated. Once that happened he would charge towards the attacker (not Enyo) at his max speed. Upon closing to 10m he would start lashing out at akako with the whip, hoping to subdue her or cripple her should Enyo’s attack not worked. Also keeping an eye on his surroundings to make sure that he was ready to take on anything that came his way with hostile intent.

Should Enyo’s attack succeed, Anaphiel would casually walk over to her and say “funny meeting you here.

WC: 330
TWC: 2484

(all stated actions happen at max stats unless stated otherwise)

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-10 AP Water Release: Water Whip upkeep

441/896 AP remaining

Water whip:
Power: 60
Speed: 75
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:28 pm
Truth be told, this whole fight was moving a little fast for the poor genin. Fistfights? Nova got; excelled at, even. Being in a ring, one-on-one was where Nova felt comfortable. So, from the moment the chunin had summoned a massive fuck-off beast she had been off-kilter, not able to operate to the best of her ability. Then her partner had proceeded to create an all-consuming void that bent space in a way that hurt her eyes to look at. She backed up far enough away to where she wouldn't be caught in the void and mentally shuddered. She was in the middle of a serious fight, the likes of which she'd never seen before. She had to be careful, lest she steps on the toes of some powerful people.

Once the sphere had dissipated, Nova did what the chunin instructed and begun running over to trail him towards their attacker, making sure to keep her speed down to stay behind him and not run past him. The arrival of a new person was worrying to Nova; was this another attacker? The newcomer looked strong in the same way that Nova was. A practitioner of taijutsu, then. Despite her initial fear, Nova suddenly liked the idea of this newcomer being an enemy; fighting someone up close and personal was where she was most comfortable. Unfortunately, the newcomer looked like an ally as she started to launch attacks at Nova and Anaphiel's adversary.

While running, regardless of what Anaphiel did, Nova would make sure to keep out of the range of the ripple of the earth-shaker that emanated from Enyo, backing away if need be. If allowed to get close, and not end up getting in the way of any other attacks, Nova would run up to the girl and attempt to deliver a chop to her neck to knock her out.

WC: 315
TWC: 2389

AP: 350 - 10 = 340
Throat Chop Speed/Strength: 110/50
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