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BEAST mode (IO)

Nova Tsuba
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) Empty BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:30 am
The Mission(s):
Beast Clean Up
Deep Web Hitman: Shrimp [HUNTER]

Anaphiel's Stats at the start of the mission:

It was another beautiful day in Kumogakure. It was just after Noon and Anaphiel was enjoying some lunch, staring out the window at the beautiful view he had of the city that had taken him in. His furry friends Charlie and Cheddar were laying under the table at his feet, exhausted from a recent bout of “chase each other around the house”. His life had definitely changed for the better over the course of the last couple weeks. As a result, his mental state has gotten better at a faster pace than he’d thought possible. His sister ended up being in better shape since she had him to help her through her grief. Well, that and the puppies probably helped a little as well.

The contemplative peace was disrupted by the sound of knocking at the door, followed by frantic barking as Cheddar and Charlie raced each other to the door. Anaphiel chuckled and got up, making his way over to see who it was. There was a courier on the other side of the door with a mission report for him. He passed the document over and left, but not before giving the home’s furry guardians some well-deserved head scritches. Anaphiel shut the door after the messenger had left and opened the report, reading it over.

It was a short one; a wild beast of some kind was attacking anything at the training grounds. Plenty of injuries and a few fatalities. How it ended up lasting this long was beyond him. Something that’s clearly dangerous should have been taken out long ago. Anaphiel sighed, so much for a peaceful day. The Hidemori Chuunin went upstairs, got dressed in his usual attire, and left his home, telling his dogs not to burn the place down while he was gone. They looked at him, lolled their tongues and wagged their tails, eliciting a chuckle from him before he closed the door.

He moved quickly through the streets of Kumogakure towards the training grounds, wanting to make sure that no one else got hurt as a result of this creature’s rampage. Upon arriving at the entrance of the training grounds, he would wait there for the rest of the team to show up before deciding what to do. He would of course have his completed Baioregan activated from the moment he left his home, ready for anything that should come his way.

WC: 400

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:55 am
Nova's stats as of the start of the mission:

It was days like these that Nova was truly thankful for her inclination for loose clothes; she was in her standard light-blue clothes with bandages wrapped around her arms from her knuckles to her bicep. Her newly bought bo staff was situated comfortably on her back and her two wristbands were on either wrist above her bandages. Finally, since she never left home without them anymore, her two weapon pouches were on either of her thighs. What she lacked in cool Jutsu she made up for with weapons after all.

The sun beat down on the back of her neck with a ferocity that was unbecoming of Kumogakure's usual mild weather and Nova couldn't help but scowl. Others more cheerful would refer to it as beautiful, Nova simply thought of it as a nuisance. Hot weather was especially annoying to Nova since she was such a physical fighter, the heat had a tendency to sap away her energy and leave her exhausted much quicker than usual. That was dangerous in a serious mission like this, where there had been actual fatalities. It was apparently serious enough to warrant Nova being put with a partner.

As Nova took a brisk pace along the roads of Kumogakure she took another look through the document she had been given, just to make sure there wasn't anything she'd missed. A beast in the training grounds has been spotted, it was causing a disruption in the local fauna and was the cause of several deaths of young students. Nova had to stop reading as she set her jaw angrily. She hated death in any form, the fact that it happened to kids so young... Maybe Nova could make an exception of her aversion for killing with this beast.

With one hand clenched tightly, the other remained to hold the document and she continued to read.

Her partner was apparently a Chunin which was somewhat troubling to the young woman. Was the situation really so serious that they required a Chunin to step in? She cleared her mind of the worries the second they appeared. If it really was just a mindless beast, then Nova wasn't too worried. She'd be able to deal with it, Chunin or not.

As Nova came within sight of the entrance of the training grounds she saw the man who could only be her Chunin partner. With a somewhat angry gait - she was still pissed about the beast - Nova approached him.

"Hey, you are..." She checked the mission document once more, "Anaphiel, right?"

WC: 422
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:06 pm
There was only one other person on this mission as far as he was aware, which to be honest surprised him. For something that was causing as much trouble as whatever this beast happened to be, he would have thought that a full team would be assembled to assure success. That being said, Anaphiel was confident that they would be able to overpower whatever happened to be hunting on the training grounds. The other member of the team showed up not long after he’d arrived. He knew it was her because she walked right up to him and asked him if he was Anaphiel. “Yes, I am Anaphiel Hidemori,” he would say to the kunoichi. “I take it you’re Nova, the other member of my team for this mission?” He quickly took stock of her; She was a few inches shorter than he was, but taller than most women. She had deeply tanned skin, reddish-blue eyes, and dark hair, curiously only on the top of her head. The sides of her head were shaved down. ‘An interesting choice.’ Anaphiel thought to himself, not judging of course, people were free to comport themselves how they pleased. She was wearing loose clothing in a blue colour and wore bandages on her forearms. In addition to her clothing, she had a staff strapped to her back. Pleasantries aside, it was time to get to work.

Alright, lets find whatever’s causing the trouble here and take it out. I’d rather not have to receive any more reports of students dying while in their own village.” He tried to keep his tone level, but a hard edge would creep into it upon mentioning the dead students. On the off-chance that the beast would be too much for him to handle, Anaphiel would look at Nova before saying “stand back,” before placing his hand on the ground, creating a summoning array. With a large puff of smoke a large blue wyvern materialised. “Lunastra,” the Hidemori Chuunin would say to his summoned ally. “I want you to keep an eye on the two of us, should we get attacked, I want you to engage with the intent to kill the threat.” The seven meter tall behemoth of scales and fur would look down at him and nod in assent. He would then turn to Nova and say “alright, lets get to hunting.

WC: 395
TWC: 795

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-50 AP Lunastra Summoning upkeep

816/896 AP remaining
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 11:41 pm
The man affirmed that his name was indeed Anaphiel, her partner for this mission. That filled Nova with a little bit of relief; the man looked somewhat older than the average ninja she'd seen around Kumo. That was good since, morbid as it was, ninja didn't have a very long life expectancy. If a ninja was old then it meant it was for a good reason. Or they were a coward.

"Yeah that's me. She confirmed to the Chunin, remaining quiet while he gave her a quick once-over so she did the same. As mentioned before, he was surprisingly old for a ninja and stood a fair few inches taller than her, enough that she had to almost crane her neck to talk to him. His hair was coloured in a way that made Nova wonder if it had been intentionally dyed or not. There wasn't really a way to tell, Nova had seen weirder hairstyles out there.

Although he tried to hide it, Nova still detected the same hints of anger in the man that she herself had possessed at the death of several students. That was another tick towards trusting the guy in Nova's book. If he'd been another jackass who hid their emotions to seem "professional" and "manly" he'd probably receive a fist to the face. People like that weren't worth anything less in Nova's opinion.

She heeded the man's warning and took a step back. Just in time, too, since the Chunin placed a palm on the ground and summoned an absolute behemoth of a creature. Nova's eyes raised in surprise. She'd read about Summon creatures before but she'd never seen it in person. She'd debated getting a contract before but never really fully committed to the idea. Seeing in action made her think that acquiring one might actually be worth the effort.

Nova didn't quite have anything as cool as a massive fuck-off to summon, but she did have one Jutsu that could potentially help them look for the creature. She performed a series of hand seals and as soon as she finished there were two puffs of smoke behind her. The smoke cleared and revealed two perfect copies of Nova.

"You know what to do." Nova said to her two clones, who mock-saluted and sprinted away to do their task. Once again, Nova felt slightly unnerved at seeing a version herself so relaxed and carefree. She turned to Anaphiel after sending her clones off, "My two clones are going to scout 200-meters ahead and around us. If the creature tries to sneak up on us, they'll hopefully give us an early warning."

WC: 441
TWC: 883

AP: 360 - 30 = 330
Shadow Clone Duration 1/4
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:04 am
The Beast:

The beast let out a soft growl from deep within it’s throat. The blood of children stained the tusks of the huge creature, it’s beady eyes flicked from side to side, angrily searching for it’s next target. The creature felt no remorse or sorrow for its actions, after all, it saw it as payback to the village. Also, killing people seemed to make its master happy. Two birds with one stone! Then it’s twin pure black orbs found them. Two people standing at the entrance to the training grounds, 30 meters away. 

The boar was concealed behind a line of tall shrubs and overgrowth and was only able to see these two newcomers due to a small gap in said bushes. From the distance between the soon to be foes, and the size of the hole, the two ninja wouldn’t be able to see the boar. The boar started to brush it’s feet against the ground in preparation for a charge. From the distance the boar just assumed they would be more easy targets, then something caught the boar’s eye. A large, blue, wyvern appeared in a puff of smoke, and this was a signal to the boar that perhaps these two newcomers were different from the earlier slaughters. But the boar was out for blood and had already decided these two ninja would be the next to fall. Due to the giant wyvern standing between them, the boar could no longer see the two shinobi, but that also meant the two shinobi could no longer see the boar. 

With a flare of its nostrils, the boar crashed through the brush and started making a beeline for the two shinobi and the wyvern. In between the entrance and the shrub line was an empty grass field, with a small creek running through the field 15 meters away from the entrance. As the boar closed the 30 meter gap at max speed, the boar lowered its head, preparing to skewer the enemy on its tusks. Out of the three targets the wyvern appeared the most dangerous to the boar, but it was also the target the boar cared about the least. This fellow creature hadn’t wronged the boar like the village ninja had. If the two shadow clones were to emerge from behind they wyvern the boar would ignore them, the two copies of the same person proving too complicated for a simple beast such as the boar. Instead he would charge straight forwards, his path unchanging unless an attack was to be thrown at him.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:31 am
Lunastra's Stats at the beginning of the mission:

Almost immediately after he’d summoned Lunastra, Nova weaved some hand seals and created copies of herself, Shadow Clones from the look of it. She would then turn to him to report what her clones would be doing. Thought she didn’t realise, Anaphiel already knew where their target was, roughly 30 meters away from them before it charged. With Lunastra facing them, she wouldn’t have seen the boar right away. Anaphiel, ever respectful decided to let her, and by extension Nova, that the beast had shown up. “I think we found our beast,” he would say out loud to the other two sentient creatures in his vicinity. “it’s approaching from your far side, Lunastra.” He would say to the Wyvern, causing her to turn her head to look at the oncoming creature. ‘Pitiful prey…’ Was her telepathic reply to him. “Indeed, I apologise,” he said to her. “I was expecting something a little more dangerous.” With a sigh he would shrug his shoulders at Nova. “Would you mind dealing with it anyways?” he asked her. “I know you like the taste of boar.” Lunastra made a noise would almost definitely pass for a chuckle. ‘You’re lucky I am in a good mood, for otherwise I would break your ribs for that impertinent remark.’ He winced slightly at that.

The Queen Wyvern rose to her feet and looked at the oncoming boar, charging as fast as it could to try and gore something with its tusks. Lunastra would spread her wings, dig her claws into the ground and let out a fearsome roar before charging at the boar at her own max speed, leaping into the air so that she could attempt to rake its back and rear with her front claws while avoiding the large tusks that jutted out of its face and mouth.

While Lunastra made for the straight attack, Anaphiel would draw a kunai and dash towards the boar himself, although he would charge in on an angle, so that if the boar were to focus on him, the tusks would not cause any issues to his Wyvern ally. Should he be able to get in close, he would seek to sever the tendons in the boar’s left foreleg, while keeping his senses peeled for any hint of what else the boar may try to do.

WC: 387
TWC: 1182

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-50 AP Lunastra Summoning upkeep

751/896 AP remaining
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:19 pm
It seemed that the creation of her Shadow Clones had been unnecessary as the man possessed some sort of sensing capability that rendered their original purpose moot. Since the man didn't possess a 50-meter sight like he'd said, and only had sight up to 25-meters, the beast would have made it a little closer towards them before they began to react. Nova's clones, moving slightly more than twice the speed of the boar, were almost visible from around the Wyvern when the Chunin informed them all of the approaching threat. Her clones immediately reacted and drew two kunai each into either of their hands, while the original Nova brought out her staff from her back.

With the two kunai in their hands, moving as fast as they could, the two clones would become visible on either side of the summon as it turned around to face the boar. Not wanting to get in the way of such a large, powerful creature, the two clones would keep a distance of 5-meters from either side of the Wyvern as they continued to run towards the boar. If they spotted an opening both of the clones would throw their two kunai into the side of the boar as hard and as fast as they could. Of course, if the Wyvern, or anyone who wasn't an enemy, got in the way then the clones wouldn't throw their weapons.

The original Nova, confident that her clones and the Wyvern would be enough to deal with the boar, would follow Anaphiel as he dashed towards the boar at an angle. She consciously reduced her speed to make sure she didn't go speeding off ahead of the Chunin and had her Bo Staff in her right hand at the ready. If allowed to get close to the boar, Nova would take the staff in both of her hands and jab one of the flat ends into the side of the creature, provided nothing changed.

WC: 327
TWC: 1210

Shadow Clone AP (forgot to do this last post)
Original Nova: 110 AP
Clone 1: 110 AP
Clone 2: 110 AP
Shadow Clone Duration: 2/4

Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 151400

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:13 am
The boar snarled as the Wyvern began flying at him, noticing the two identical people holding sharp weapons and the other two people running towards him at an angle. The boar was starting to have second thoughts about charging. All of the opponents were moving faster than him, but luckily, none of them seemed to be able to match the boar’s great strength. The boar had been 25 meters away from the group by the time the Wyvern took off, and when it did so, the boar immediately turned and started charging for the two differing shinobi instead. They had started from two meters to the side of the Wyverns path, so the difference in distances between the two paths to the boar was minimal. Since the boar was now moving slightly away from the Wyvern and the two shinobi were faster than the winged beast, the boar would reach the opponents on the ground before the enemy in the sky could rake it’s claws across it’s back. But just barely. 

The boar realized that this was almost certainly the end, but it was determined to take out at least one more person before he went out. He was angry that he couldn’t complete his vendetta though. The village had caused him pain and he wished he could make each and every villager suffer for it. So far all he had taken out were kids. Killing them had brought him satisfaction, but killing one of these two would be so much more rewarding. After all, they wore the symbols of the cursed village on their bodies. They chose to stand with the village, so they would die for it’s atrocities. 

When or if it got within five meters of the two ninja, the boar would lower it’s head, bringing it’s horns into a position to impale the ninja, hopefully adding a new coat of blood to his now bright red horns. The twin horns high on the boar’s head were each half a meter long, while the two near his mouth were a quarter meter long. These horns also had a sharpness equal to the boar’s strength. If any kunai were thrown at it, the boar intercept them with his horns, as the kunai didn’t possess a high enough sharpness to cut through them and they didn’t possess a high enough impact force to break the horns. Meanwhile the horns couldn’t slice through them as he wasn’t trying to poke a whole in them, however, he could slam the horn into them with 105 strength. While the boar might not win this engagement, he sure as hell wouldn’t go down without a fight.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:08 am
The boar was going for what it thought were easy kills. Unfortunately for it, they would not be the easy prey it hoped for. Anaphiel would make a single hand seal with his free hand, and would blur three meters to one side, and one meter forward (at a speed of 160), so that he was just past where the boar’s head would be, and on the opposite side of the boar to Lunastra. Once there, at his max speed of 75, he would place his hand on the ground and a summoning array would be created and a second large wyvern, Teostra, would appear. Teostra would be 3 meters away from the boar, and behind its head so as to not worry about any tusks. “Kill.” It was the only word that needed to be said. Teostra would immediately charge at the boar, closing the three meter gap at his max speed and raking it’s side with his claws (sharpness 100). Lunastra should also continue to close the distance and attack the boar from the other side while Anaphiel would now start moving again at his max speed of 75 to get behind the boar and slash at its hind legs with his kunai, again hoping to hobble it and make it easier for his allies to tear it to shreds.

WC: 222
TWC: 1404

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan[/size] Activation
-50 AP Lunastra Summoning upkeep
-50AP Teostra Summoning Upkeep

636/896 AP remaining
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

BEAST mode (IO) Empty Re: BEAST mode (IO)

Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:24 pm
The beast was confused by the appearance of two extra Nova's, who were running either side of the Wyvern, and that would lead to its downfall as it decided to completely ignore them in favor of attempting to gut the original Nova and Anaphiel. Once Anaphiel had begun his body flicker, the original Nova would stop running straight towards the boar and backpedal 4-meters at her max speed. While she wasn't afraid of getting up close to the boar, she was wary of whatever the chunin was about to pull out of his ass; she didn't particularly feel like getting flattened by a large dragon-thing-creature today.

The clone on the other end of Lunastra would dispel itself, not able to see a way around the Wyvern in a pinch. The one that could see the boar due to its position beside the Wyvern, however, stayed. The moment Anaphiel began to move around the boar, the clone would throw her two kunai as hard and as fast as she could at the side of the boar but angled in a way that meant they wouldn't hit Anaphiel if the boar somehow dodged in time. Due to the speed and the distance, the kunai would connect with the boar before Anaphiel finished his movement and summoned the creature. Since she was to its side, it was unlikely the boar would be able to see and react to these projectiles in time. If it somehow did, then it would still have 3 angry high-level enemies surrounding it and attempting to kill it in various gruesome ways.

Once the two kunai either made contact with the boar or missed, the last clone would dispel itself, and in turn, dispel the kunai with it.

During this time, the original Nova would still be backpedalling with her eyes peeled for anything that may happen.

WC: 308
TWC: 1518

AP: 110 + 110 + 110 + 10 (Original Nova didn't launch any techniques) = 340
Shadow Clone Cooldown 4/4
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