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Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Fri May 07, 2021 7:44 pm
Mission Details:

Sebastian Loghain was enjoying his day, a simple one without many things to stress him out. He took a morning walk, had successfully caught a meal in his trap, and made his way back to his cabin. He filled up on a hearty breakfast of freshly caught and cooked rabbit, diced vegetables and scrambled eggs. It was good that he was able to eat a large breakfast since he had a great deal of work ahead of him. While it was great that the village was trusting him enough to assign him tasks, he unfortunately hadn’t had the same amount of time to gather wood for the community. With a freshly sharpened axe, the man would make his way to the area he intended to chop trees. It had to be spread out, so he wouldn’t disturb the forest too much. Not only would it be unsightly for a large area of the forest to be devoid of trees, but he didn’t want his actions to have too great an impact on the wildlife in the area. These were his hunting grounds, and while he might be able to manage to buy food from the village shops from time to time his primary source of food was right here.
The morning quickly passed to midday as the axe drove its way into the final tree. It wouldn’t take long before the powerful swings of the wolf would fell the tree. He would drag it and toss it with the others to take to the village, his donations to the church always welcome. After wiping the sweat from his brow he would toss the straps of his sled over his should and make his way towards the Hoshi Gates.
Upon arrival the gate guard reluctantly let the wolf inside. His being here meant that the guards had to do extra work, as one of them would have to keep track of the Werewolf while inside the village so that Loghain didn’t suddenly start going berserk and harming villagers. It was something he was simply accustomed to, though he did have a few preferred handlers. In a matter of minutes he would find himself standing before the church, the priest warmly greeting him. “I have brought you a gift. Please see to it that it finds its way to those that need it most, as you always do.” The priest would shake his head, “Your timing is perfect. Recently one of these locals had to vacate his home. A sudden explosion of fire damaged his house’s structure to the point that it will no doubt collapse soon. I’m sure you know where said fire came from…” The priest would say, looking over at the shinobi guard with displeasure.
“Just lead me to his home. I will do what I can to see to it that he can sleep in his own bed again.”

WC: 481
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Sat May 08, 2021 11:23 am
"Maybe it wasent a good idea that i went to sleep so early in the day , now im just up by myself early with nothing to do..", the young shinobi said outloud as he sat on the edge of his apartment building. Zeref had the misfortune of filling up on food and different kinds of drink which in turn made him extremally tired and forced the young shinobi into sleeping the rest of his day away , but atleast now he had all the energy he was going to be needing today to take on whatever mission or person was to come his way. He let out a long sigh as he stood up on the edge of the tall building , as he looked down though he couldnt help but laugh at how people looked so tiny from where he was at , it made him wander about life and was it really as important as people make it out to be. "Uhh maybe it would be best if i try to refrain from those type of thoughts, cause stuff like that can cause one to see life in a very different way, and right now i need to focus on getting stronger", He thought to himself before jumping of the cliff of the building.

As he walked through the streets of the village , he could start to see the sun coming over the ledge of the horizon and feel the heat that was coming with it. "About time that sun started coming", He said quietly. Zeref wasent a big fan of just walking around at night with nothing to do , it felt more like a waste of time than anything else. After wandering around for the last twenty minutes or so he decided it would be best to stop in a opening shop and grab a bite to eat. To his surprise he was the first one inside one of the busiest shops inside the village , not one to complain Zeref quickly took a seat and placed his order. As he await a stranger had walked in and sat down a seat away from Zeref. The two would eventually start up a conversation that would have to two talking inside to about mid day, something Zeref would never do on a normall day but since this man was such a cool fellow he didnt mind it for once. 

The man had told Zeref about his house burning down and having to stay somewhere else and asked if Zeref would be so kind as to help hm get his home back together so he could stay there again and with Zeref being the asshole that he was he at first declined but then changed his mind after sometime. Once the two men left the man had escorted Zeref to the burned home. Before Zeref could see where they would be getting started he could see some people walking over to where they were but he wasent able to make out who they were but if they were coming here he hoped it would be to help with this mess.
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Mon May 10, 2021 12:34 pm
Youta woke up early today to maybe go meditate and maybe try to get in some training. He would head downstairs to eat breakfast and maybe talk to his parents and pack a lunch to have later. He decided once his father was ready to walk with him down to his workshop and see him off for the day. They would walk for a while and he would help him with a few projects and carrying things. He would help work the front of the shop and talk to customers and other patrons needing things. His father was not really a weaponsmith but he made a lot of tools and things like nails.

A young Priest came in, which always made Youta nervous because of the views on shinobi that the church has. Youta just acted politely and asked “Hello there, how may I help you today?” The priest solemnly asked “Did you hear about the fire that burned down a man's house? We are helping him rebuild, I was wondering if your shop had any nails that could be donated in order to help?” This touched Youta “I am sure we do and if not I will cover the cost. I will bring them and help rebuild if you tell me where the house is.” The priest was very grateful and told Youta where the house was.

Youta would get nails from his father who said “don’t worry about it, it is just some nails, no big deal.” So he would follow the directions given and upon arrival he sees Sabastain on the road and yells “hey! Are you heading to help rebuild that house that burned down? A priest came to my father’s shop for supplies. I am delivering them to the job site and was planning on staying and helping.” He would run up to his teammate and continue his journey to the burnt house.

WC 318
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Tue May 11, 2021 7:45 pm
The priest and shinobi guard acting as the wolf’s handler would make their way towards the house. It wouldn’t be long before a familiar face would flag him down on the street while heading towards his objective. The young wolf hauling the wood would offer a smile, “Ah, it is good to see you again, Youta. I, too, am on my way to lend a hand to the unfortunate soul. I am certain that he will be grateful for all the help he can get rebuilding.”
It wouldn’t take very long for the pair to reach their destination. The damage wasn’t as bad as he feared, as only a few supporting beams were destroyed along with part of the wall that started to collapse due to lacking any support, gravity not working in their favor. “Is there any precut lumber? I’d hate to have to saw this by hand to repair the damage to the building.” The priest would point to a pile, stating that the group could use it. The wolf would take one of the logs he cut over to one of the damaged supporting beams. “Youta, would you be able to fit this into place? I’ll do my best to hold up this part of the building so that it doesn’t further collapse when the damaged beam is removed.” A quick sniff of the air would reveal yet another person he had known. “Zeref is close as well.” The wolf would glance around until he located the source of the scent. He would then wave the young man over. “It is good to see you as well. Who would have guessed that we were all the charitable type?” A genuine smile would make its way across the face of the wolf. These two were kinder souls than originally expected. This was a far more pleasant use of their skills than killing bandits was.
The wolf would do as he said when Youta and or Zeref said that they were ready, placing his hands on the building just under where the support beam was and using his own strong body as a temporary beam until one of the others was able to put the new long in place. The wolf wasn’t particularly well versed in the ninja arts, so one of these two could very well have some sort of ninja magic that could greatly aide in their efforts.

WC: 401
TWC: 882
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Wed May 12, 2021 10:16 am
Due to the angle the house was at it was no possible way for Sabastian and Youta to see either him or the man who house they were helping rebuild, so when Zeref notice Sebastian waving him over he was slightly surprised but impressed at the same time. To be able to notice people that were not in the line of sight without using any jutsu was pretty cool to him. So without wasting time Zeref walked over and greeted his team mates. "Nice seeing you guys again as well, but im not here for charity , i plan having the village find a way to pay me for my time here today", He said with a smile on his face. He hadnt seen his team mates in a while and it felt good to finally be all back together.

Following Sebastian lead he would help rebuild the house untill it looked stable enough to where his team is no longer needed. Not one to stay around for sentimental good byes, Zeref quickly told everyone enjoy their day and made his way to the village mission center to see if he could get paid for today. Either way he was happy that he got to do something with his team again and not by himself.

Claims:2kryo, 5+ chakra , 2+ strength, 500/500 for earth wall the rest Here, 450/2875 Senju healing power
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Wed May 12, 2021 1:02 pm
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Tue May 18, 2021 10:12 am
Youta looked at Sabastian and talked to him a little, making light conversation on the way to the building that needed to be rebuilt. They made it there in what seemed like no time whatsoever. I guess the talking and meeting up with his teammate made the walk seem shorter than it actually was. The burnt house was in all sorts of disarray which was to be expected. The crew that must have started very early this morning cleaned all the burnt rubble and debris fairly well. They were starting on the rebuilding stage. Sabastian found out where the cut lumber was as I asked “Where would you like these nails and other tools?” The priest would show him a good place to store it. He would then go around and tell everyone where the nails were. Youta all of a sudden hears his name and Sabastian is asking him for help with placing and supporting log. “I will do my best for you.” Youta then hears him say something about Zeref. “How do you know he is close?” All of a sudden Youta sees him too. “Hey Zeref, will you give us a hand?” He would push the log in to place with all his might “hold it, almost got it,” with 1 last push “there it goes. Fits like a glove. It is all good Sabastian, you can let go now. Thanks for the help Zeref. It is good we can all come together and help a poor guy in need. I was pleasantly surprised to run into you guys here today.”

Youta thought this is also important for a ninja to do. It is not all about protecting the village and killing enemies of Hoshigakure. It is also important to help those in need in the village. This might also help with the increased tensions between the church and the shinobi. If they see us helping the villagers and lay folk they might think higher of us and maybe try to make peace.

WC 336
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Wed May 19, 2021 7:12 pm
The smile of the wolf dimmed, if only slightly, when Zeref explained his presence here today was not purely an act of altruism. He knew that not everyone shared the same mentality he had. At least Youta seemed to be here because he truly desired to help. That meant a lot to the young wolf, whether his compatriot knew it or not.
The team would all work together successfully, Youta and Zeref assisting in fitting in the new supporting beam. Once given the okay, he would shift his body to allow the weight to slowly rest on to the new support beam. “It looks like we did a good job.” He would say aloud to the others. The wolf would grin and nod to Youta, “Same. You folks are alright in my book.” Zeref was quick to make his exit, but Sebastian would offer a hand to his teammate to shake. “At first I had my reservations about becoming a part of a team, mostly for my own reasons.” Wiping a bead of sweat from his face he would continue, “I am glad that you folks have shown me that not all of my thoughts regarding shinobi were true.” The words came out in such a way that made it seem that Sebastian didn’t view himself truly as a shinobi of Hoshi. At least not in the same capacity as his two teammates or their team leader. The shinobi he had met so far were far more human than the monsters the church made them out to be.

Even once this was done, Sebastian would continue helping where he could, hauling planks to where folks needed them or using his strength to hold something in place for the trained carpenters to work their craft. He didn’t expect the others to do such, though such would again lift the spirits of the wolf.

Perhaps this would allow the two distinct groups to see one another in a different light. The church was surely a force of good in the village, as they coordinated this effort and did everything in their power to assist the man in rebuilding his home. And the shinobi didn’t have to be simply tools for war. It wasn’t much, but it might have been a start at least.

--Possible Exit, unless Youta stays and wants to talk to Loghain--

WC: 381
TWC: 1263

Not making claims yet
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Thu May 27, 2021 9:17 pm
Youta would look at Sabastian and say “Thanks man, you seem like good people too. It means a lot that you think I am a good person but being part of a team is important. Knowing someone he your back is important and I have yours if you have mine.” He would then say his goodbyes and head towards his home.

WC 61

Will make claims later
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission) Empty Re: Home Improvement (C-Rank Mission)

Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:25 pm
---Proper Exit---

TWC: 1263


All WC going towards Werewolf Technique: Ironhide (A rank) [with this thread puts it to 2751/2750 completing A rank]

Old C rank mission complete rewards (4100 ryo and 20 AP)
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