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Kizmaru Senju
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A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:12 am
Having felt like he's gotten a lot accomplished in the short amount of time being in the village of Hoshigakure. he got in, found what he was looking for and even managed to get it attached to his body. Unfortunately, the other objects of his desires were still not in his grasp. He wasn't absolutely sure but he knew the more he used these eyes, the more they would lose their light. He'd like to find a new pair of eyes to remedy this or find a way to permanently fix this issue if he could before he lost the power they had given him throughout the timeframe he was given. Giving a sigh, he began to wander the streets of Hoshigakure once more without the company of Keita or his animal companion, Ram. He had left them both somewhere for the time being in order to go and explore a bit. Placing his hands into his pockets, he walked around the square looking for something to take his mind off of his dilemma. The more he tried to forget it, the more he just thought about it instead since there was nothing that was taking his mind off of it. 

While he thought about it, something came to mind that he had forgotten about during his stay here. The gate guard that was inspecting people before letting him in, said something about a shop called, Books, Bodies and Beyond. He wondered if the bodies part of that title means actual bodies that he might have laying around. With the way the current laws work in Hoshigakure, he highly doubts it was that but, he did manage to find somebody selling organs briefly on the street, albeit illegally. Instead of pondering about it, he decided he'd just take a chance and just go visit the shop. He was advertising it after all on a pamphlet. Even if they weren't literal bodies, maybe he could inquire about the solution he was looking for to his problem. Asking around the townsfolk for directions since he didn't have the pamphlet anymore, Kizmaru eventually navigated his way towards the shop since the gate guard didn't give any directions on how to get there. Entering the shop, he wondered if the person was even around to take his requests or if he was just on gate duty all the time and there was a different clerk or owner that would take his request. Either way, he was here, hoping he might be able to find some kind of clue.

W.C: 424
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:31 am
A familiar face entered the shop, this time. Aloide Terumi the fellow he had met at the gates with another jounin from Kiri. "Welcome to BBB, fellow Terumi." The doctor would say standing in his lab coat, his Nova cloak hung on a coat rack. "Feel free to look around and let me know if you need anything." The doctor would then sit and go back to looking over some transplant documents.
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A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:05 pm
As he entered the shop, he was greeted by the man that had checked his ID at the gate to which Kizmaru had nodded back towards him before checking out what he had for sale. The man was dressed in a white coat and looks as if he was fairly experienced in the medical ninjutsu field. He was free to look around as he pleased or so the man in white told him which was pleasant to hear. Looking through his wares, he saw books and possibly some body parts that he might want or need. Luckily he wasn't in need of that anymore as he was content with the powers he'd assimilated over the past year or so. He picked up a book in order to browse through it when suddenly, the realization of the name he was called had hit him. He was called, "a fellow Terumi", looking up slowly from the book he was reading, his eyes began to slowly widen before slightly turning his head towards the man in white wondering if he made the connection. Not only that, he also realized he had forgotten to transform into his disguise when he was out and about, wearing his armor and petrification gauntlets in his excitement about potentially learning about a cure for his eyes.

Maybe he even made the blunder of showing him the wrong idea card at the Hoshi gates that said his Kage name instead of his Jounin name. Now, there were two ways Kizmaru thought about doing this, he could act as if nothing happened and hoped the man hadn't realized who he was yet or he could just quietly deal with him right here, right now. Leaning towards the latter, he silently wondered how he would go about it. At the same time, this man could potentially be the key to curing his current ailment that plagues him. Well, its not like anybody knows what his armor even looks like other than Keita and maybe his assailant in the Volcano region. So far, his public image had only been of him in the Mizukage robes and his armored hat disguised as a normal Kage's hat. Maybe, he could just pass it off as special armor, custom made armor for his services in Kiri or something. Well, there was no point in acting all suspicious, so he'd have to see how this all plays out. Letting out a loud irritable sigh, Kizmaru turned his head back to the book before putting it back to where he had found it.

"Well doctor, you see, there is definitely something I need. I need a cure for blindness or at least a way to prolong the effects of my symptoms before going completely blind. You see, although I am a Terumi, I happened to have 'slew' an Uchiha in combat some time ago and acquired their eyes. Unfortunately, I was unaware of the fact that I lose my vision as a cost the more I've come to rely on these said powers. I've looked all over Kiri to find no cure so I was hoping to have better luck if I began to search other nations. Do you think you could be of assistance? I would also be perfectly fine with buying another pair of Uchiha eyes if you happen to have a set laying around," Kizmaru had said as he turned to the doctor in hopes he'd have something for him to go off of for the time being.

W.C: 584
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Fri Apr 02, 2021 7:01 pm
Akabayashi would ponder the words of the Kiri shinobi. "I could definitely help, but the knowledge for the cure isn't common or cheap. I wish I did have some sharingan laying around, I could use one myself. Follow me to the back and I will check out your eyes." If the Terumi decided to follow he would be in a room with an operating table. The doctor would pick up a tool commonly used to view the eyes. "I assume you overused the mangekyou and are suffering from its drawbacks. Bleeding eyes and rapidly deteriorating vision?"

Akabayashi would raise a finger in front of the kage's face if he was compliant up to this point. "Follow it with your eyes." He would move the finger about and note that the kage had trouble following if he chose to do so. "Yeah, definitely those eyes will be useless after a few more uses. The parts that detect light are almost gone."

"I can tell you the cure, but you owe my village one. Do you agree to that term?" The doctor would say hoping his fellow Terumi would accept.
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A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:07 am
Listening carefully, Kizmaru was told the doctor could indeed help him which actually made him forget that he contemplated silencing this man. It was a great feeling. Unfortunately, the man had told him he didn't have a second pair for sale that he could buy from him so he was a bit dejected but he figured it was a short term fix anyway. What he was putting more faith into was to stop the deterioration of the eyes he's used so many times before. The next thing the doctor did was to follow him around back in order for him to examine his eyes. Kizmaru was a bit wary but he did so anyway, as guarded as he was. Watching the man he assumed was a doctor pick up a tool of some kind, Kizmaru squinted a bit when the tool was touched but eventually he realized it was just a tool. A tool that could probably hurt hum but a tool nonetheless. The doctor then made the assumption that he had overused the eyes and he would be correct in his assumption as he watched the man's finger move in front of his face He was then instructed to follow his finger with his eyes. 

This somewhat annoyed him but if he wanted to learn the cure, he'd have to be compliant. He listened to the doctor, following his finger with his eyes before he was told, in a few more uses he would completely lose the light in his eyes. This information of course, frightened him as he wasn't sure what he'd do if he went completely blind. He might be able to get access to his old eyes if his personal doctor was still around but other than that, he'd prefer to just keep his Mangekyou techniques he's acquired. Now, he knew nothing came without a cost but surprisingly, it wasn't about the money this time. It seems because this man was aware he was the Kage of Kirigakure. This made him grumble a bit but it didn't matter now, nonetheless he wanted to know the secrets of the sure. "Fine, I'm in your village's debt. If you need anything in the future, simply ask. However, after your one request has been fulfilled, We're even. Obviously, the request can't come from anybody else's lips. Only yours. Understand," Kizmaru had said in a tone that would infer his authority. 

He'd always repay his debts to those who aid him but only to those who helped him directly, whether the Hogokage asked him to make a request or not in the future, he would attempt to fulfill it to the best of his abilities as long as it doesn't interfere with his own ambitions.

W.C: 455
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:22 pm
"Seems fair." The doctor would say agreeingly to the kage of Kiri's terms. With the door closed to the room and no one else in the shop, it should be a fairly good spot to speak freely. "You were on the right track with getting another pair of sharingan, but if you trade your mangekyou for another pair of mangekyou, you not only keep the techniques within your eyes, but unlock a stronger state of the Sharingan known as the Eternal Mangekyou. With this mangekyou overuse of the eyes doesn't result in blindness and you will no longer bleed from them."

Pausing a moment the doctor would set down his tool. "If you trade with another person suffering from mangekyou blindness, you can both have eternal eyes instead of one of you." He would then sit down in a chair that moved something you'd normally see in a doctor's office. 

"If you have any further need of me feel free to call upon me at any time. As a wanderer I have obligations to help each kage." He would remain seated for as long as the kage of Kiri wished. With the eye exam done there wasn't much more the Nova could do outside of getting him some Sharingan.
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A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:31 pm
Listening to the words of the doctor, he was told his method of going after a new pair of eyes wasn't incorrect as he would then be able to keep on using the powers the eyes afforded him. However what he didn't know was there was another evolution for the Sharingan that afforded him the use of his eyes without ever having to worry about going blind again. A 'Heh' sounding laugh came out of Kizmaru's mouth as he placed his right hand onto part of his forehead, covering part of his right eye then followed by another one before devolving into a maniacal laugh. If he knew all of this sooner, he wouldn't have needed to come to such a place in the beginning. Though his real goal was to obtain the genetics of a Jugo in order to utilize their powers, he had also stumbled onto something more. Well, this was all truly helpful and all but with his new found knowledge and a couple more destinations in mind, Kizmaru was ecstatic, eager to move on with his plans. But before that, he figured he'd have to do something about people tailing him from place to place. If a man was able to find him in a place where he told nobody he was going, not even his best friend Keita, then he'd have to find something to counteract it.

The man in front of him was a doctor so maybe he wouldn't know anything about being able to hide a chakra signature. As far as Kizmaru knew, he had covered himself the best he could when it came to people trying to figure out what his identity may be. Still, the doctor told him to ask for anything he might need. "Well, that's an interesting concept but I'm afraid there's two more matters I need to ask of you. For starters, is there some medical procedure or technique in order to hide one's chakra signature? I've had an incident recently and I'd rather not repeat it just yet. I'd like to be more prepared before I'm found by the same person. As for the second matter, I've come across another dojutsu which I have no knowledge on. Unlike the commonly known ones like Sharingan, Byakugan and Ketsuryugan and the like, I've come across a purple one with 6 lines in the iris with a dot in the middle. Do you know what it might be or what it is called? I'm not sure I could give you any more details on it as I was in the middle of a battle," Kizmaru inquired as he spoke to the doctor. 

W.C: 442
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Sat Apr 03, 2021 3:40 pm
Maniacal laughter always the sign of a sane person. The laughing didn't change the doctor's expression or even his thoughts on the kage of Kiri. He seemed competent even if a little off kilter. Though, anyone would usually be seen as crazy when killing someone and ripping out their eyes to replace their own. Akabayashi himself wouldn't be ashamed to do something like that himself.

The Mizukage after finishing his laughing seemed to have more things concerning him. He needed a way to hide his chakra signature due to some incident the Doctor need not ask about. As for the second he wished to know about a purple eye with six lines in the iris and a dot in the middle. Dot in the middle like an iris? Surely, thats what he means. "Would you mind drawing the eye? It doesn't sound familiar to me. Outside the doujutsu you've mentioned it doesn't sound like a Meigan which are red and sport no lines."

Grabbing his book of fuinjutsu seals he would show the kage the chakra scrambling seal. "I have nothing to hide your chakra, but this seal can scramble your signature making it unidentifiable even over large distances. I can apply it, but integration of fuin onto others is difficult and is usually best done by oneself. One of my former informants taught me the technique and I can teach it to you or even for you to show someone who can reapply the seal after its use." He would wait for the man's approval before making any hand seals.
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A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:26 pm
Being asked to draw the eye he saw in his skirmish, Kizmaru grumbled a bit as he wasn't exactly an artist. Nonetheless, he'd comply by looking around for a sheet of paper and something he could use to write with. Eventually coming across the two things he needed in that moment, he began to draw some uneven circles with a dot in the middle of it. He didn't have the purple color he was looking for but he shaded in the circles with the pencil anyway. After he was done, he handed the doctor his 'drawing' and waited to see if he could provide any more information regarding the dojutsu he spoke of. While he did that, Kizmaru also watched the doctor reach for a book of some kind. Maybe it was to aid him with the matters they were currently discussing. Hopefully, one of them would yield the results he sought. As expected the book was related to one of the matters which was the one involving the scrambling of a chakra signature. This was perfect for him as he wanted to deal more in hiding one's presence and location. The doctor said he could apply it but it was better for him to learn, should he have the aptitude.

Of course Kizmaru did so he figured he'd do his best to learn the technique as it would serve to work over very long distances which was what he wanted. If it worked while he was in combat as well, it would be an even bigger boon. "Very well, I'll learn this technique from your former colleague. I would rather have the knowledge than have some shifty doctor place something completely unknown on my body, no offense of course. Now what is the formula that I have to learn in order to do so," Kizmaru had asked the doctor.

W.C: 310
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond Empty Re: A visit to Books, Bodies and Beyond

Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:37 pm
With the drawing of the eye done, he would take a good look noting the many circles within the eye itself. "Definately, haven't seen that before." The doctor would say gazing at the image. "I'll try to see if anything was added to our archives about it. If I find anything how do I inform you?" He would ask assuming the man wasn't in a rush for an answer and would want to know about the eye if information became available.

The doctor's shades shifted a bit as he scowled when called shifty. "Well, I guess you aren't wrong." He would respond while shrugging. "I'll teach you the seal at no cost, call it helping a family member or something." The Terumi would go through the hand seals and apply a scrambling seal onto himself before activating it. "If you sense my chakra at the moment it should be in a state of constant flux. If you memorized my chakra then at the moment it would feel differently making pinpointing my location difficult, not to say impossible." 

With the technique being taught it would likely be easy to learn the seal as it didn't require much. He would wait for the Mizukage to confirm he was competent with placing or being able to teach another the seal.
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