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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:47 pm
With the written exam done with, his genin had some time to relax before the next trial: the bells. Kaito had received word of the grades of his genin, however, he was not to share any of this with them. He didn’t mind it, to be honest. They would be informed in due time. But he was pleased. Gin Akimichi, the broader of the two genin he had brought with him to the Hoshigakure, had done quite well for himself, so much so he wouldn’t need to participate in the bell exercise if he chose not to. Hopefully he would still do it, with a guaranteed passage, he could still snatch a bell for himself and prevent someone else from being a threat later on. Given his written example, Kaito felt he might do with a certain.... Advantage.

So, he waited for his genin to come down for breakfast in the inn they had commandeered at a modest financial strain. Kaito was worried about expenses, but also security. It wouldn’t do to have other people walking around while he was in town, so he had come to an agreement with a local tiny inn with a few rooms and short staff to pay for their expenses while vacancy was surrendered to the Kumogakure delegation, composed of all three people. The financial strain came also due to the regiment required by the massive Gin, whose very techniques depended on the amount of calories he could expend quickly in order to give the punch its Taijutsu needed.

The breakfast the cooks and owner prepared was quite a decent selection; rice, noodles, miso soup, tamagoyaki, fried shrimp, crab meat salad, pork rinds and belly… the smells alone, they made Nobo’s stomach rumble when he had come down from the upstairs rooms at the break of dawn, while they had just started preparing. Already clad in his dark armor, he had not brought his robe and hat, as he felt he wouldn’t need it. Curious how without armor he felt naked, but the thing that identified his authority he could skip. Besides, no point in bringing the white clothing to eat a messy breakfast. By the time it was done and started getting served, he hoped the commotion would bring down his genin.

WC: 379

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Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:11 pm
The Akimichis stomach rumbled, the feeling of emptiness waking him from a relaxing sleep. Due to his large stature, the inn had to combine multiple double beds in order to accommodate him, which wasn’t a problem considering the fact that the whole inn was rented by Kumogakure for the duration of their stay. Coming from a modest household where Gin slept on an assortment of futons, sleeping on a bed large enough for him was quite refreshing.

Having completed the first step of the Chuunin Exams, he was somewhat relieved to have placed in the top four. He wasn’t entirely confident in his combat ability and while he could talk strategy and plan effectively enough manoeuvring his large body was quite cumbersome. The Akimichis nose perked up, as did his ears as the smell of freshly cooked food made its way through his room. “Breakfas… rice…” he sniffed some more, his nose developed to an extent where he could confidently determine the aromas of certain foods. “Shrimp, crab, pork.” He nodded in glee as he hopped out of the bed.

He cared not for a shower, primarily because the one in his room wasn’t large enough to accommodate him. Rolling his eyes, he drenched a towel, wiping his sweaty body down… at least the areas he could reach. Releasing a breath, he slipped into his full body suit, one with a large letter G sown into the front and made his way down to the dining hall.

Very few individuals were aware of the origin of Gins suit, but it was in fact his mother who had made it for him in recognition of him becoming a Genin. He fits him quite perfectly and comes with a complex attribute that allows his large body to breath despite the attire being skin tight. This in turn limits the build up of sweat in his attire. Making his way eagerly towards the dining room he couldn’t help but notice the Raikage before taking note of any of the food already on the table. Quite suddenly his grin had vanished, he had composed himself, straightening his posture, focusing his gaze on the Kage as he addressed him, “Good morning, Lord Raikage.”

WC - 368

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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:28 am
Ryu awoke suddenly and sat up, his face portrayed very little but inside he was full of excitement. Ryu had passed the written exam but had not performed well enough to skip the next phase, academic training was very important to Ryu but it appears he had not done well enough in his answers, preferring to give a short and concise answer instead of an essay style answer. Apparently, this was not what the graders were looking for, Ryu had also easily decrypted the substitution cipher for the riddle, but had no luck in answering the question itself.

The first test aside Ryu was happy that the next test, two if he passed this one would be combat and team orientated, this he was much more confident in, he even looked forward to testing himself against the other village ninja of his rank. Ryu showered himself and dressed in a simple t-shirt with the village symbol on, a pair of dark jeans, and his Kumogakure headband. Ryu made his way downstairs, the aroma of a widespread breakfast hit him as he reached the bottom of the stairs. A smile crept across his face as he entered the room, his fellow genin and the 11th Raikage were already there. Ryu bowed slightly as he entered the room and greeted them both in a friendly tone "Good morning Lord 11th, Akimichi Gin". Ryu had not yet moved past the more formal interaction between the group, even though they had spent quite some time together and this journey.

Ryu moved into the room and took a seat at the table, he began to quickly fill his plate with a balanced meal, something he was used to due to the strenuous physical training regiment he tried to upkeep.

WC: 294

Claiming 294 for 1330/2063 Great Vortex Technique using 25% max stat discount - Previous wordcount.

Last edited by Ryuuzaki Nara on Wed Apr 28, 2021 2:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:12 pm
The formalities and rigidity of the lads half broke Kaito's heart, though he wasn't sure why. He would've much rather have them treat him like a grunt, wherein they'd pretend to enjoy his company, while he acted like he was better than them while accepting the remedy to loneliness. That was modus operandi for most of his life, a degree of separation between himself and others that shielded him from the repurcussions of forming meaningful bonds.

Yet in this new position he found himself yearning for said bonds, bonds which were rare enough when he lacked power, and which would be increasingly more difficult to attain and maintain now that he had it. Did he allow his hubris to hold the reins once again, did he rise too high into the morning sky and as a result, would his wings fall apart? He hoped time proved his paranoia wrong.

He turned to face the genins, opening his arms towards the table. "Top of the morning. Take a seat, boys, let's dive in." He himself walked closer to the table so he could sit facing his genin. He took a plate and a couple bowls, and using chopsticks, would take pieces of food onto his plate and bowls, and lastly take some miso soup onto the last bowl which he would just drink. "Itadakimasu", he said audibly but without much ceremony, putting his hands together for one moment to appreciate the food before him.

As he sunk his teeth onto a piece of pan fried pork belly, the fats and spices exploding in flavor in his mouth, his eye rolled visibly onto his skull for a second. "Wow", he started, "this shit will destroy your heart, but goddamn it's good." He looked at the lads as they ate. "So, your written exams are done, but you've still got a road ahead of you. The bells."

He bit into some tamagoyaki, soft as it was but packed with flavor and protein. "Gin, you've come close to the top, so you can skip it. Although, if you want, you can still participate just to try and thin the herd." He gazed at Ryuzaki. "You, on the other hand, will still have to participate. Be wary of creating openings that your opponents can take advantage of, and be wary of openings they may grant you. If I may be so bold, keep in mind which techniques you use. Especially, if your opponent has one of these." As he spoke these last words, he would point with his free hand to his black eyes, which as the sentence ended, flooded with crimson, allowing for three dark tomoes to form. "The sharingan is an incredibly versatile tool, not only in its ability to apply and reverse visual genjutsu, but also due to its motion prediction and copying technique. Don't use any techniques you don't mind others learning unless absolutely necessary."

He disabled the sharingan before taking a sip of the miso soup again. “Either of you worried about the bells?”

WC: 504
TWC: 883

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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Wed Apr 28, 2021 6:01 pm
Approved Ryuuzaki, make sure to note that you're exiting if you intend to do so

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Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 5:37 pm
Gin tucked into his breakfast, hoovering up the delicious cuisine before retiring to his chambers for a nap.


Will do claims later.

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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 5:57 pm
/forgot this thread existed, exit with no claims to prevent timeline fuckery

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Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki] Empty Re: Breaking Fast Together [Gin, Ryuzaki]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 6:05 pm


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