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The Bloody Unicorn

Kita Hajime
Mizuki Ohta
Jun Fuji
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:36 pm
Taking Kita’s lead, Gonk sent his two shadow clones at the bar, one of which used the standard clone jutsu, and the other created two water clones. With this barrage of genin coming at the bouncers, transformed Gonk and Kita were easily able to slip past the guard and into the club. Gonk looked at Kita with a mixture of amusement and confusion as he “popped his collar”... while he wasn’t even wearing a collared shirt.
“What the hell was that kid?” Momo asked Kita as the three of them walked over to the bar. 
As they arrived at the bar, Gonk and Momo sat down next to Kita and ordered their drinks with him.
“I’ll have a bottle of sake,” Gonk told the bartender. “Make that two,” Momo called out. As the bartender left Gonk turned to Kita and asked, “So, what do you want to do now that we’re here?” Gonk asked Kita. When the group’s drinks arrived Gonk thanked the bartender then took his bottle of sake, examining it in his hands. 
“Alright, I haven’t had one of these in a while!” Momo said with enthusiasm as he took a swig.
“What do you mean in a while?” Gonk asked suspiciously. “When have you had sake before?”
“Well back when we were at the R&D, me and Bobo used to sneak out and steal sake. It was great fun.” Momo said with a grin, clearly proud of his past achievements. 
Gonk just rolled his eyes and sighed, finally deciding to try his sake. As he took his first drink he slowly looked around the room, making sure they weren’t being watched or anything. But when his eyes fell upon a young woman watching the dance floor, he nearly spit his sake back into the bottle. 
“Uh, hey Kita,” Gonk whispered as he slowly turned back around, “2 o’clock, there’s someone you should see.”
“Well I’m going dancing!” Momo said with a grin as he put down his empty sake bottle. 
“No wait,” Gonk whispered, but it was too late. Momo was already stumbling over to the dance floor.
At first, Gonk was confused why he appeared so drunk, but then he remembered even though Momo appeared big now, he was still a small monkey, and so couldn’t tolerate as much alcohol as a normal human. 
“Shit this isn’t good,” Gonk said before he stood up with his drink and started inconspicuously tailing Momo, making sure he didn’t get into any trouble.
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:23 pm
Kita's diversion seems quite successful in getting them into the bar, but it does attract attention. Such use of a camouflage technique is like a beacon to any sensor in the room, and while security deals with the diversion, Murata lazily settles a hand into the Seal of Confrontation as she thinks on what to do with them. Mind's Eye of the Kagura easily peels past the Academy-level tricks. Three signatures - Kita's, that of another human, and the third is different - must be one of the monkeys. Bobo's signature is not present, so it must be Momo, identifying the second transformed figure as Gonk.

Mostly, she is annoyed that they have not done a better job. As Momo parts from the group and vanishes into the crowd, Murata slips away in turn, keeping her mental eye on Gonk and aiming to maneuver through the dancers in such a way that he cannot keep track of both her and Momo at the same time. Once she is confident that she has lost him (at least for the moment she needs), she gets back within a good range of Momo, hands weaving idly through the seals for Mass Pull. Unbeknownst to the monkey, an invisible disc of Space-Time chakra will manifest before his path... and if or when he walks into it, he will be yoinked across the dancefloor (with a number of shouts as he knocks a man's drink out of his hand on the way over) to where Murata is waiting to firmly grab his shoulder. A memory of Murata's - her gutting a man like a fish - flashes briefly before his eyes.

"Good evening, Momo," she says gravely, narrowing her eyes at him. "Having fun?"

If his response is acceptably cowed, she will release her grip on him. "Keep them out of trouble," she says, and releases him back into the wild of the dancefloor like tossing her catch back into the river.

With her 'eyes' idly keeping tabs on the trio, she allows her attention to wander once more. For a few uncomfortable moments, the mass of chakra signatures threatens to give her a migraine, but she soon acclimates to the rush of information. A number of people have congregated by the bar. She could certainly use a drink. Perhaps if she walks over and plays dumb she will simply scare her charges off.

Murata makes her way to the bar, pulling up a seat next to Yuuma. If he turns away to reply to Mizuki, Murata will take the opportunity to stare sidelong for a moment at his 'scarf', raising a skeptical eyebrow. Well, isn't everybody sneaking their little friends in. She will likely make eye contact with Mizuki as the unfamiliar woman also gives that scarf a knowing look, and Murata will simply snort in amusement at the shared moment of recognition and turn back to the bar. Perhaps she should have brought Princess along after all.

TWC: 966

Mind's Eye of the Kagura -45
Mass Pull -30

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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:07 pm
Page's cheeks would flash red as he would blush with embarrassment upon hearing a familiar voice jokingly chastise him, gazing up from the coat he had tucked himself into, bottle still clung in his hand and up to his mouth, he would catch eyes with Mizuki. Putting the bottle down after looking down and finding it empty. He would look down considering the request, but after taking a brief moment to recompose himself, realizing he wasn't in any kind of trouble and allowing the liquid courage to start hitting, he would clear his throat and get ready to respond. "Well, you see hear, that s'why I always like to keep a little bit on the side," Page would say, starting to slur his words, grabbing the shot he had previously poured out and sliding over to Mizu, "Helps whenever I upset someone, on account of drinking or other... external factors, a little recompense to go a long way."

Page would wait for her response to this as he approached the seat directly to her left and sat down, "Ah yes, if it isn't my favorite jounin... Miz..." before he could finish what he was saying he caught the death glare coming from Mizuki telling him to avoid revealing her identity at all times. After taking a second to compile his thoughts, "Miz...leth, Mizleth, yep Mizleth, my favorite jounin in all of Sunagakure, yep, for sure, yep yep yep yep, anyway, its a pleasure to meet you Tsubaki, you two jounin seem like you are having a great time, and I hate to intrude so I think I'm going to get up and see if I can stay in line and not blow anyone's co- err I mean not blow anymore Gin around, that would be a real shame wouldn't it?" Scratching the back of his head as now that he was closer to the village leader and an obviously higher positioned Hoshi shinobi, he felt another intense wave of shame and anxiety about making a further fool out of himself, "So yeah I am going to go get caught in line over on there if you all don't mind," the former farmer would conclude.

Walking that awkward pace that is distinctly not a speed walk but it is most certainly a noticeable accelerated post to get out of his potential shame, he walked closer to the scent of the genin he recognized, going between them and the dance floor. Just as he had made it to the perfect midpoint between them and Murata, all the sudden he felt himself pulled towards the Kiri Chuunin as he unconsciously collided with the invisible disc she had sent from the dance floor. Flying through the people and bumping, giving an apology each as he traveled 5 meters towards and into the dance floor. Arriving with his shoulder under the arm of the kirigakure shinobi, now covered in drinks, Page was hit with a flashback of Murata, whose personal space he was now thrust into, gutting a man in his exact position, and even though he knew it wasn't real a stabbing pain was felt in his stomach for less than a moment. Just as this flashed in his mind a memory he had long since suppressed flashed back from back when he was still a genin in the leaf. He saw himself in a similar position, an academy student from Suna grasping at his shoulder as their blood decorated Page's Konoha headband, his arm shoved through their chest. Just as quickly as it appeared, however, it disappeared. 

"What the hell was that?" he would say instinctively, swallowing his words immediately after saying them as he tried to take them back realizing the situation he was in. "Sorry, didn't mean to..." Page would start, but then stop as he had no clue what he actually had done, not knowing what he would apologize about. "Err, how can I hel...." the former farmer would try to start again, but that just felt forced to him. He would lift his left arm to scratch the back of his head as he would stick his right hand out between them, "Um, hi! My name is Page, its a pleasure to meet you," the sand genin would state, before letting out a hearty chuckle at how the situation turned out, a combination of a nervous reaction, the intense will to lock away the memory, and just how damn humorous the events of the night had turned out. Page had not been able to avoid the potential for trouble, so at this point he decided, fuck it, why not just embrace this.

WC: 773, TWC: 1,352

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Yuuma Fujiwara
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:56 pm
Of all the answers he had been expecting from the long-haired woman, her flirtatious invitation was not exactly high on that list. Having been seated, he ordered his food and drink before turning his gaze back to the woman with a measured gaze. She was lovely, by all accounts. Blue eyes scanned her up and down again with the intent of taking in the sight of her as opposed to the passing glance of a stranger in need of a seat at a crowded bar. As a light amber beer was placed in front of him, Yuuma continued to hold the gaze of the woman a moment before his lips would press upwards into a smile. “Yuuma. Yuuma Fujiwara. I am a Genin for Hoshigakure,” he offered with a bow of his head. It was difficult to be more formal in the cramped setting, but that wouldn’t excuse him from attempting to maintain some semblance of proprietary. Although Yuuma had no idea who he was talking to, his gaze would turn as Page was addressed and moved forward to the two of them, and for a moment, Yuuma had a small enjoyment watching the interaction as the stranger identified the Hoshi Jounin as Tsubaki. Someone he hadn’t met yet, but there was no surprise there; the higher ranking ninja most likely had matters to attend to that were beyond the scope of his understanding for the time being. His eyes followed the exchange between the three at his left, Page identifying the woman as a “Mizleth”. An interesting name, though not one he had heard before today.

The Docket he had ordered was a thin beer often enjoyed by farmers after a day’s work. Although Yuuma wasn’t much of a drinker, he had found himself enjoying something similar when his life had been a bit more laborious and still preferred it to this day as something to pair with an evening meal, though it wasn’t exactly something that one would drink to get inebriated unless they wished for frequent bathroom visits on account of how much they would have to drink for any veteran effect to take its hold. When the woman turned her attention back to him when she concluded the business with her Suna kin, she would find that same friendly smile waiting for her. “A pleasure to meet you, Mizleth. I didn’t mean to intrude on your conversation- the bar ended up being a little busier than I thought it was going to.” Eyes cast a glance around the bar, spotting Murata whom he recognized from the front gate making her way to the bar as well. Apparently, her prowess on the dance floor had been appropriately exercised. Yuuma would offer her another nod of acknowledgment as she came to sit at the bar, likewise offering her a friendly smile before turning her attention back to the definitely-not-Kazekage. A hand reached up to adjust the scarf around his neck some, tugging at the collar now that he had settled in from the outside. Perhaps a scarf had been a poor idea to bring in to a crowded place with a bunch of warm bodies all packed together. Hindsight. “I’m looking forward to the exams,” Yuuma continued, picking up the conversation with the kind stranger. “I have yet to meet many people from other villages. And now we all get to show off what we can do. Its kind of exciting.” His eyes lidded some as that smile grew. “Everyone I let through the gate was fairly pleasant as well although..” His voice lowered some as the sentence trailed out. “That Raikage is kind of intimidating.” He couldn’t so much whisper thanks to the noise, but it was something he said with the intent of not making a big deal of it, leaning in for just a moment at though he were passing along a quiet word.

Opposite of him, he was aware Murata had sat next to him though he had been oblivious to her observation of his “accessory”, his attention having been taken by the woman on his left, as would the glance that they might have shared over the similar realization as it had been at a moment he had turned to address the beer he had been given finally. What Murata might catch as her eyes fell back over the article was a big pair of owlish eyes blinked up at her from just above a beak that had manifested beneath them. Even should she think it some kind of illusion, those eyes seemed to follow her. Though who really knew with an owl. What might confirm her suspicions would be when the beak moved in speech. “Yes hello, is there something I can assist you with?” The voice of Archimedes was perfectly human, the inflections captured by subtle chakra manipulation in the manifested vocal cords, and in a place with such dense noise pollution, it was unlikely anyone would know the voice to be that of the animal companion as compared to anyone other random faces in the crowd. His tone wasn’t so much condescending as much as it was that of a strict school professor whom a student had held the gaze of for a moment too long.

wc - 876
TWC - 2,430
Jun Fuji
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:50 pm
Mizu seemed to want to keep their conversation private, getting really close to the Senju face. The Kage's violet eyes meet with Tsubaki's deep blue- a very intimate moment between the two female figures. It was broken when the Kage returned to her drink for the occasional swigs of her drink. Tsubaki wasn't sure the last time Mizu must've been at a party but from the looks of her downing her drink it was something long worth the wait. 

The party was starting to kick off really well, many people had come to join the party from all over- Hoshi, Kiri, Suna mostly. Mizu had put it in better words,  “Seems this night is full of surprises..." But her saying this was in reference to her getting the attention of someone she knew.

Mizu just had to get looked at for a man nearby to spit out his drink. It was a pretty embarrassing sight that leads Tsubaki to chuckle and the man to bury his head in his arms. At first, she just thought it was because Mizu's stunning appearance had caught a stranger off guard- not an uncommon event to happen to Tsubaki- but upon further deduction, she found that they were not strangers at all. 

The Kazekage approached the adult, joking that losing all that Gin was a sin. The stranger's face was completely flustered as the tomatoes in her greenhouse garden. He tried to explain to Mizu that it was the reason why he kept Gin on him- that and it makes him happy and helps him cope with his sadness. But Tsubaki got the feeling that the Kage and the lightweight drunkard knew each other. He was introduced by Mizu, his name was Page. Tsubaki assumed he was a Suna ninja, checking his person to see if there was a headband confirming it. Mizu had given the man a hardy stare to make sure her identity would be safe with him, confirming that the two knew each other. In his drunken state, he put together a fake name to give his Kage, Mizuleth. That gave Tsubaki a hardy chuckle. "Ah, yes! Mizleth and I are having a grand time." 

Next to them was Yuuma Fujiwara, a genin of Hoshi. Tsubaki had seen this genin around but she hadn't actually MET them. The genin was enjoying something he called a docket, a drink Tsu hadn't heard before. He was very polite, which was a strange thing to see in a bar, and held himself very highly. 

Other things were still happening in the bar during the conversation, interesting things. Without Tsubaki's knowledge, two boys and two monkeys had snuck their way into the bar using stealth techniques like hiding with camouflage and silent killing skills. Both Mizu and Murata, a Kiri chunin, were made aware of these two boys but it wasn't something Tsubaki noticed or really cared about. 

It seemed the bar was as full as it was going to get. As the Hostess of the event, Tsubaki felt it was appropriate to make some kind of speech to the crowd. Tsubaki climbed on top of the bar counter- receiving a hardy stare from Shimo. 

"Hello, all you wonderful people!" Tsubaki shouted to get the attention of everyone- the live band would stop for a brief moment to allow Tsubaki to talk without competing with their noise. "How are all of you tonight?" She would wait for a response of drunken cheers. "Great! The only rules tonight are no summons, animals,  weapons, or fights AND treat Shimo with the respect he deserves! Let's hear it for the man giving out the amazing Hoshi liquor!" She would clap along with the crowd for the expressionless, large man continuing to work. "It's still amazing how well the great nation's shinobi can party together. Let tonight be the night of unity and fun. The night is still young, so party it out as long as you can!" Tsubaki would then jump down from the counter and allow the applause to die down and the music to start back up. 

WC: 682
TWC: 1610
Kita Hajime
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:34 pm
Kita scratched at the back of his neck, feeling somehow even more embarrassed after Momo reminded him of just how foolish he looked.

"Hey I don't know, I just thought it felt appropriate..."

Eventually the two's drinks arrived. Kita looked down at the glass that he had been given, noting that it seemed particularly small for a glass of something to drink. Maybe it was one of those fancy drinks or foods that they give you in incredibly small portions? That was Kita's guess at least. Whatever the case, Kita picked it up and downed it in a single gulp. It burned on the way down, causing the disguised boy to cough slightly. The boy couldn't quite compare it to anything else he had drank in the past, though he imagined that if he had drank a bottle of poison that would achieve the same result. Still, despite its acrid taste and its painful nature, there was something rather enticing about it. Besides, it would look odd if he was one of the few shinobi who WASN'T drinking tonight. Gonk asked what the plan was tonight, which Kita answered through slight hacking.

"Well aside from testing out my liver, I imagine that there has to be a couple of interesting people to meet here. Maybe go dancing, try some of the more exotic foods on the menu."

Kita gave a slight grin as he remembered something from yesterday, chuckling through the last remnants of his cough.

"Speaking of interesting people, it's possible that we might meet some... higher ranking shinobi tonight. Just yesterday I happened to meet the Raikage. If we meet anymore shinobi like him, this could be our chance to earn our village some favor. That's all purely hypothetical of course, most likely we're just going to be interacting with your general, run of the mill shinobi types."

Still, it was an interesting prospect in Kita's mind. He called the bartender over to get another drink while Momo explained his and Bobo's adventures in Kirigakure R&D. Kita nodded along. It made sense to him, and it certainly explained why Bobo was as comfortable with drinking as he was. Yet once Kita got his second drink, Gonk almost spat his out.

"What's the problem?"

Kita took a sip after responding, this time anticipating the burn in his throat. He still coughed, but not as bad. 2 o'clock huh? Kita turned to look in the direction that Gonk had pointed out, but nothing was there by the time he looked. Kita was curious to ask exactly what it is that he had noticed, but his fellow shinobi was gone by the time Kita had opened his mouth. Strange... yet not enough to bother the boy. He finished the last of his drink, before getting another, larger drink and standing up from his seat at the bar. He was just beginning to notice the slight buzzing in his head as the alcohol began to worm its way through his system. He began to drink his third, wondering if this is what adults were so obsessed with. The poor boy had no idea what he was getting into...

Kita stretched his limbs, looking about the bar for anything, anyone that might be worthy of his attention. The dance floor did seem like a rather good time, but the boy wasn't in the mood JUST yet. After all, he wasn't done with his drink. Yet he quickly found a source of amusement when a particular shinobi, one who Kita assumed was the host, climbed up onto the bar to give a speech. It was short, but it was somewhere to start. With a shrug, the boy took another sip of his drink before walking over to the figure climbing down from the counter. He flashed a friendly smile, before holding his drink up slightly as a toast.

"Nice speech! My name is..." The disguised shinobi paused to think of a name. "Goubi. Are you the one who's hosting this party here?"

Word Count - 668

Total Word Count - 2506
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Sat Apr 10, 2021 12:20 am
Tsubaki was a very pretty woman, one used to the gaze of men and women alike, so the stare she was giving that made lesser men glance away was held - respect in its own form was earned. Not often did people, of any gender, willingly stare back into her gaze so it was uncharacteristic when she was the first to break it - to be honest the spit take was worthy of the break though. As Page walked over… or rather staggered over she was pressed to suppress her disappointment in her shinobi, not for the drinking but for the lack of skill in holding his liquor in a dignified manner. Quickly occupying the seat beside it became even harder to contain her expressions - though nothing slipped through her crafted mask - aside from a lazily raised eyebrow as he spoke; Miz-leth? With the shot in her hand now she continued to watch him as he slurred his way through an exit and moved along into the throng of people - her slender index finger tapping on the shot glass of Gin with contained irritation as she watched him go. Taking a deep breath she remained in her seat, closing her eyes for a moment to compose herself before opening them and shooting the clear, burning liquid back in a gulp, setting the glass now upside down onto the bar gently. Later… this would be addressed later.

Luckily the man who slid in the seat had been distraction enough for her and helped in keeping her seated - his reaction even more so. Measured gaze over her form - not in any objective way - but quickly returning to her eyes before a smile was given. Yuuma Fujiwara, a native to Hoshi and yet she had never crossed his path - granted she was only a brief flicker on the shinobi radar - he must be younger…. She couldn’t help the slight raise of her eyebrows as he bowed at her, the formality she was used to in Suna, but here it made her question how well she was pulling off her ‘under the radar’ excursion. In the time the exchange took his meal was delivered, a dark yeasty beverage - from the scent - and a kind smile directed at her. Though the smile was not enough to soften the blow of the name ‘Mizleth’ that came from his lips - ugh.. Of all the names that one rolled off the tongue the worst. The bar had been set though and as much as she wished to correct him it would only raise questions - so instead she returned the kind smile and gave a gentler correction, “Please, call me Mizu, and you must not be a regular to bars since this-” she would turn her gaze away to glance around before returning to his blue, “-is an appropriate showing.” As she glanced she too noticed the same woman from before, the one dancing with the wolf who had been scolded, making her way to the bar and taking a seat next to the man. As he spoke she was captivated by the direction of her gaze - as subtly as able she would grab another swig of her bottle, turning in the same direction as the woman was looking; the same suppressed group that had caught her notice earlier. Interesting… Though when she returned her attention the woman wasn’t paying them any mind at all, instead a focused side eye on the curious scarf that had caught her… Noted. 

The drink was finally doing some work, the edges of her hearing becoming muffled as the range of heart beats began to recede from its maximum 10 meters to 8 - she couldn’t drink fast enough - the bar was filling faster than she was comfortable with and the threat of over stimulation danced in the back of her mind. Taking another deep drink she raised 3 fingers, ensuring eye contact to the bartender to signal for another bottle to be brought - the money sliding from her pocket without question. She knew it was an all paid for event but taking advantage in the way she needed seemed a few steps over the line - thus she slide another few hundred ryo over the bar top as the tender placed another bottle in front of her; the look of concern and incredulity not lost on her. Mention of exams hit her ears and it made her straighten her back, a knee jerk reaction to the formal event as she turned to Yuuma - the silent woman in her peripheral behind him. 

“I do hope all of the participants share your enthusiasm, wouldn’t you agree?” The ending of her sentence would be addressed to the woman who had yet to speak - leaning forward onto the bar top to ensure eye contact, which she only held for a moment to redirect the woman to her immediate surroundings before refocusing on Yuuma or rather… his person, for a separate voice had manifested from his seat.

“Yes hello, is there something I can assist you with?”

The bottle to her lips mid swig, her eyes darted to the scarf and then back up to the woman as if to confirm she wasn’t hearing anything that wasn’t actually being said. Her lips released the bottle, setting it down with a soft clunk on the wood - before being able to formally address the oddity, Tsubaki would climb onto the bar top to address the bar as a whole. Looking up from her immediate vantage point was an interesting site as she shouted out comforting words to a crowd on the verge of nonsense. A small chuckle would emit from her as she focused on her new bottle, having finished the previous. The roar of applause would berate her already overworked hearing and cause her to guzzle a fourth of the bottle - a pained look on her face that passed for only a moment before the mask settled over her face once more. 

Her mind was swimming with heart beats at every angle, conversation snippets, and inconsistent chakra signature input that she had grown overwhelmed. Taking another wad of ryo from her pocket, she slid it onto the bar top - bringing the new bottle with her as she stood. The look of contained pain now seeping through the cracks in her mask as she turned to her newest companions, her voice strained in an attempt to maintain a lighthearted tone, “Seems the night has grown too fast around me, I’ll be taking my leave… I hope to meet you both again soon.” Turning from the small group she pushed through the crowd, ignoring the muffled yells of the bartender attempting to stop her from bringing alcohol outside of the establishment. As she reached the door of the Bloody Unicorn one of the bouncers attempted to step in her path - a mistake. His pulse hit her ears like a pounding drum of testosterone and adrenaline, and her mask fell.

A hellish expression met the man's gaze, an expression of twisted anger and hateful eyes gazed back into his faltering confident persona - with a controlled baring of her fangs she half hissed at him - “Move.” It took a second's hesitation to register in the man’s subconscious before he half stepped aside with a clearing of his throat, his gaze reverting to the bar as a whole - a feeble attempt to maintain his authority as he let her pass. Once outside the bar she would walk along the path until the grouping was out of her range, downing the bottle in hand as she walked, and tossing it into the nearest trash as she finished it. 

She walked with a measured grace as her world finally honed into a 5 meter radius - silence once again - pulling a pack of cigarettes from her pocket she slid one over her lips and lit it, walking off into the silent night without a glance back at the Bloody Unicorn.

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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:02 pm
Gonk continued to weave his way through the crowd of people, following Momo on his way to the dance floor. No sooner had he taken a few steps, Gonk noticed Murata start to move.
“Crap, is she onto us?” Gonk thought as he continued to follow Momo while trying to keep an eye on Murata. But unfortunately after a few more steps he lost her to the crowd. After looking around for a few seconds, Gonk turned back to Momo to find him gone, though a path through the dance floor and several angry people gave him a clear idea where he went. Deciding not to make even more of a scene, Gonk took the long way around the dancefloor, trying to find Momo and figure out what happened. Meanwhile, Momo was having an even worse time. He had just been strolling along, checking out the scene, when suddenly he was pulled across the room, knocking into people. 
“Man, am I that drunk?” Momo wondered as he lurched across the room. Then suddenly, he stopped and felt a hand on his shoulder. What seemed to be a memory flashed by his eyes. It was Murata stabbing a man through the stomach. 
“What the…” Momo thought. Then the realization hit. Gulping, Momo slowly looked up to see, as he feared, Murata standing over him. Surprisingly though, there was another man standing next to him. 
“Oh uh hey Murata, what brings you here?” Momo asked sheepishly, before coming up with an idea that you can only come up with when you’re very drunk. “Uh I mean who’s Momo? And who are you? I don’t know you, nope nope nope.” Momo said, shaking his head at the end. “Ok goodbye now.”
It was then that Gonk located the group. 
“God dammit Momo,” Gonk thought with a sigh. “You’re a terrible liar. Especially when you’re drunk.” Gonk took a deep breath then walked over to the trio. 
“Hello there, sorry about my friend here, it seems he’s had a bit too much to drink.” Gonk said with a smile. “Now let’s go Hayashi, you don’t want to cause these good people any more trouble.” If unimpeded, Gonk would give a polite nod to both Murata and the other man who was there for some reason, before grabbing Momo’s arm and dragging him away. 
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” Gonk whispered to Momo. 
“No no don’t worry it’s fine. I covered it up really good,” Momo replied grinning.
Gonk just rolled his eyes and started mumbling under his breath. As long as he wasn’t interrupted Gonk would look around for Kita, trying to figure out where he had gone off to.
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Tue May 11, 2021 8:12 pm
Gonk and Momo were able to successfully make it away from Murata without getting in any more trouble. Gonk led Momo back to the bar where he and Kita were sitting, to find the other Kiti boy missing. 
“Dammit Kita,” Gonk thought, exasperated. “Didn’t you hear my warning.” 
Gonk turned around and started making his way through the crowd, trying to locate his friend. It took Gonk a minute of wandering around to find Kita, who seemed to be trying to strike up a conversation with Hoshigakure Kunoichi who had just given a little speech. 
“Yo Kita,” Gonk said in a hushed voice as he approached him. “We gotta get out of here. Murata’s definitely onto us. She was able to figure out who Momo was, so safe to say she knows exactly who we are. We should grab a couple drinks to go, then finish this somewhere else.” Still holding onto Momo’s wrist, Gonk turned around and walked back to the bar. 
“Could I get two drinks to go please?” Gonk asked the bartender, who grunted in response. After a minute filled with anxious glances to see if Murata was coming, Gonk was given two cold cans, which Gonk thanked the man for.
“Come on, we’re leaving,” Gonk said, before making his way to the door, being sure that Momo was following. He then walked out the door and onto the street looking to find a suitable alley where he could drink in peace with his companions.
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The Bloody Unicorn  - Page 2 Empty Re: The Bloody Unicorn

Tue May 11, 2021 9:00 pm
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