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The Early Bird - Page 2 Empty Re: The Early Bird

Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:55 am
Gonk followed the anbu until they reached a cliff, where they both stopped. Gonk listened and watched closely as Romp explained how to perform the jutsu. Romp instructed him to concentrate, gather his chakra in his lungs, then shout really loud. Romp then did the technique himself, performing it flawlessly. Or at least Gonk assumed he did it flawlessly, it was the first time he had seen it after all.
“That was incredible,” Gonk said in awe, watching the beam of energy fade away. “Okay, I’m gonna give it a try.” Gonk walked over to the edge of the cliff and took several deep breaths, gathering chakra in his lungs with each one. Once he felt that he had gathered enough chakra, Gonk gave a mighty shout, sending a small energy beam out over the water.
“No that wasn’t good enough,” Gonk said as he started to take more deep breaths, this time 
gathering even more chakra. Once he felt like his lungs were going to explode, Gonk released it all in a shout, sending out another beam of sound, this one bigger than the last. Gonk then repeated this process over and over again until he was exhausted and running low on chakra.
“Alright, once more,” Gonk said as he started taking deep breaths, and once he felt his lungs fill to the brim with chakra, he gave his loudest shout yet, sending out an energy beam almost as big as Romp’s. Satisfied, Gonk sat down on the edge of the cliff, his legs dangling over the edge.
“Not bad huh,” Gonk said to Romp, smirking. After a few minutes of rest Gonk stood up. “Thanks for teaching this to me Romp, I’ll see you soon when I leave for the exams.” And with that, Gonk walked back into the village, waving farewell to Romp.
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The Early Bird - Page 2 Empty Re: The Early Bird

Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:21 pm
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The Early Bird - Page 2 Empty Re: The Early Bird

Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:38 pm
Overseeing the boy's training, Romp revealed a more toothy grin as young Gonk began to attempt the technique. He wasn't expecting much from him as he only should him how to do so and told him generic advice. he figured maybe if the kid wanted to learn it, he'd have to come back around a few times a week and practice on his own in between. The next thing that happen came as a surprise to Romp. The boy had actually manage to replicate the technique he had performed after only seeing it once. Blinking in surprise, he began to have to physically hold back excitement at what he was witnessing. It wasn't as large as the one he produced but the fact anything came out at all was still very impressive. Continuing to watch the boy, he attempted it again as the bean came almost similar to his in size. At that moment, Romp realized the boy was a genius in learning Taijutsu techniques. After he was done, the boy had thanked him and went on his way. Romp waved at him, calling out. "MAKE SURE YOU PRACTICE THAT TECHNIQUE I TAUGHT YOU!!! AND MAKE SURE YOU TELL EVERYBODY WHO TAUGHT IT TO YOU!!!"  

After that, Romp turned back towards the ocean for a little while, hoping he'd be able to meet with him again soon in order to teach him more Taijutsu techniques. Silently staring he decided to hang out there for a little longer before returning to his post. He'd only hope nobody with higher authority than him came around to visit or he'd get scolded again for skipping work. In hinsight, maybe he shouldn't have yelled out to the kid to let everybody know who taught him as he did just tech him a village exclusive technique with permission from the Mizukage. Oh well, he probably wouldn't get reprimanded too bad.


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The Early Bird - Page 2 Empty Re: The Early Bird

Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:33 am
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