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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne) Empty Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne)

Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:25 pm
Mirrors don't lie. Ichigo knew that much when he was staring into one of them. Looking at his own reflection the Drunk could notice the recent change that took place. The scarred man leaned over the sink, closer to his reflection, and staring at himself. He found what he saw hard to believe, not even knowing if it's what he wanted to see but there was no use denying what the mirror showed him. A crimson colored right eye became clearly visible while he continued to stare at himself. His scars, almost symbolic for what he did, ran over his eye. However, calling it his wouldn't do the truth justice, that Ichigo also knew. 

He'd blink once, twice, thrice,.. no matter how many times he tried the sharingan wouldn't go away and return to his regular state. The Drunk remembered Kaito telling him about it, how those not born in the Uchiha clan and not possessing their DNA would be unable to turn it off once activated. But he also did remember the amount of sake bottles they consumed that day so his memory didn't serve him particularly well, at least not about said events. Unfortunately for Ichigo, his red haired friend was currently out of town so he couldn't ask him for advice. When he was considering his other options the only person besides Kaito coming to mind would be Katsumi .. but for reasons alone she was out of the question. Even more so when he took her reaction into account when she found out about him getting one of her clansman's eye.

Ichigo finally reached the point where he simply ran out of ideas on who he possibly could ask for help. At the same time he suddenly thought back to the day where none other than the Raikage paid a visit to his father's blacksmith shop. "No, I shouldn't .. or should I?" Talking to himself the Drunk began to wonder whether or not it'd be a good idea to drop by and find out the reason of the man's visit back then. They never had the chance to finish their talk since the Kage suddenly had to leave, which on the other hand left Ichigo wondering what he wanted to talk about with the Drunk.

In the end Ichigo was able to make some sort of decision. "Alright, that settles it". Grabbing his sleeveless black robe and putting it on before leaving his house, he set out and head to his next location. The scarred shinobi was making his way through the village, suddenly realizing he forgot to cover up his right eye. Not that him possessing the sharingan would be that big of a secret, but for now he thought it would be better not to avoid attraction just yet. At least not when he still didn't know how to deactivate his crimson eye. For that same reason did the blacksmith's son decide to try and hide it as best he could. Usually he'd be seen wearing his headband on his left biceps, but this time Ichigo figured it wouldn't hurt not letting it be known he attained something new. 

As he was about to arrive at his location the man carefully shifted his headband so part of the cloth would be covering his right eye. Those who knew Ichigo wouldn't find it that out of the ordinary, they'd either think he was doing it to hide his scars or that he was drunk again. Whether or not it would fool the Raikage was another thing, but regardless of that possibility Ichigo finally found himself at the Kage's office. The Drunk would state his reason for visiting to the guard or whoever was present at the time, waiting for the signal to enter the room. 

(WC: 629)
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Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne) Empty Re: Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:00 pm
Gidyne would let homie in, cuz homie be homie. Now on Gawd, he could've sworn he handled this deal a long while ago and made sure he supplied the homie he respected with the shit he believed could benefit the village for a trustable shinobi, aka this doofus Ichigo. Now fast forward 2000 words later and monologues in his own head, and sitting at his table admiring the quiet in the air Gidyne would retrieve a transplant from a hozuki that he received said DNA from Kenshin mufuckiin Uzumaki. If only he could make this final reprieve more realistic he thought, and more what's the word....charactly-In. However he can't be asked right now because this weird thing that rhymes with moose was a defining factor as to why this even took so long, but again he really thought this was said and done. Anyway yada yada Kumo needs more powa and this is a chance to prove your worth, and to receive this transplant to give yourself more power if you so wish and i'll watch to see what you do with it, blah blah. And with that he took his leave if there wasn't anything else he needed to be taken care of, if not there was always this weird mass program used to communicate to people about these festivities and apparently his own creator was trying to be active on it more...What was it. Discourse? Dischorus? Disarray? DisYouskaraTsukuyomiKungPowChicken? Eh whatever, either way he needed to get this done because it's felt like 7 months, and he could've sworn this was already taken care of said 7 months ago.

With that he'd get up and take his leave after his very existential thought process and be on his way if nothing stopped him. And with that hopefully it was all said and done.

-Giving away 1 transplant kidney or Hozuki DNA to Ichigo type beat

-304 words

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Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne) Empty Re: Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:09 pm
... approved :eyes:
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne) Empty Re: Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 5:53 pm
It was always nice catching up with Gidyne, or so Ichigo thought. The mysterious individual wasn't exactly a man of many words so it was quite difficult to know what he was thinking. Some time passed where both of them exchanged words and pleasantries, asking each other how their day went. Even though they hadn't spend that much moments together, they still were able to form some sort of bond. Luckily his buddy remembered the promise of giving Ichigo something that would help with making the village grow stronger. The Drunk gladly accepted the kidney of some random Hozuki, not questioning how Gidyne got his hands on it.

Putting the organ away Ichigo then said his goodbyes after giving his friend a high five and a bro hug before leaving the office. With a piece of a dead Hozuki in his pocket the Drunk would head home where he could put it away before going to his favorite bar. On his way over he began to wonder how long it would take this time to hear from Gidyne again. Ichigo was a patient man but it didn't hurt knowing beforehand in case something came up. Entering the establishment the soon to be village's doctor took his seat, ordering his usual followed by looking around to see if he saw someone he recognized.

Unfortunately Ichigo noticed not many people had arrived yet. Which made sense considering it was like two in the afternoon. Not that he would let it get to him, it only meant more drinks for him. His reputation as a drunk would prove itself to be true once more as he chugged down one glass after the other without feeling any effects taking place. If there was one talent Ichigo possesses, it would be the fact he could drink, a lot. It wouldn't really get him anywhere but it also didn't mean it wasn't something he couldn't be proud of. After he felt replenished the Drunk decided to return home as it was time to take a nap before paying the bar another visit in the evening. 

Once home he'd take a look at the Hozuki kidney on the table, assuming it would be better to put it in some water after seven months.


(TWC: 1005)
- 1000/1000 Gigavolt
- 20 AP, using max stats
- 1 Hozuki kidney
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne) Empty Re: Show me Da Wae (P, Gidyne)

Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:06 pm
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