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Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Mon Jan 11, 2021 5:54 pm
The wolf would find himself enjoying the company of the red haired Jounin more and more. His upfront and honest nature was refreshing. Loghain would crack a grin, hearing enough to feel this man was someone he could not only trust, but someone he could find himself befriending in time. Despite their different views on the Church, its actions and its place in the Hoshi power hierarchy they were on the same side for now. Sebastian would have to look into the matter more regarding the church, for they gave him no reason to believe that they would be behind such an atrocity. Would he really be able to just ask them about it? Would they know, and if so would they admit to such? It was concerning to say the very least in the matter. Still, it was on the man’s check list now.
Sebastian would lift himself from his leaning position, making sure to stretch as he would do so. “Well, with a successful mission completed how do you feel about us spending some of our hard earned reward by grabbing a meal? It would be far easier than heading back to my cabin and checking my snares.” The man couldn’t go into the village alone, but with Akaboshi here it wouldn’t be much of an issue. “I could go for something high in protein, preferably meat. Do you know of any good barbeque places around here?” The thought of delicious slow cooked meats, smoked to perfection and coated in a good layer of sauce made the young man begin to salivate. He hoped that Akaboshi would be on board for this little trip.

WC: 276
TWC: 2021
Nova Captain
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Ryo : 607500

What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Fri Jan 15, 2021 4:55 pm
Akaboshi could hardly say no to Sebastian's suggestion of grabbing something to eat. It had indeed been a long day where a lot of things happened, all the more reason for the two of them to finish with a fulfilling meal. And what better way than going for some barbecue? It came as no surprise that the man suggested meat, even more so considering in the end he was part wolf. "Sounds good, I know a place or two". The red haired Uzumaki wasn't exactly the picky type when it came to food, but he also knew you couldn't go wrong with some delicious meat. He'd stretch his muscles, after standing still for a while made his body in need of some movement again, and took the lead as they headed back to the village where they would visit one of the barbecue shops in Hoshigakure.

On their way over the Jounin realized both men would attract more attention than they'd like, the biggest reason being the fact that most of the townspeople weren't used to seeing Sebastian walking around the village. Akaboshi wondered how everyone's reaction would be upon witnessing the berserker carelessly strolling around the streets of Hoshigakure. However, none of that would matter since he'd be in the presence of a Jounin, a higher ranked officer. After a couple of minutes walking the two of them finally arrived at one of the more well known barbecue shops, Uncle Bob's Barbecue. "This is one of the places I used to visit with some of my friends, I'm sure you'll like it as well". The Uzumaki signaled the owner to bring the menu, allowing Sebastian to pick first.

(WC: 279, TWC: 2696)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:10 pm
The two of them would make their way inside the gates, something that still caused slight hesitation from the man. He knows that he is allowed, and that he is in good hands with his Jounin handler. Still, there was a slight pause as if he was second guessing his own choice to go inside. It wouldn’t take very long before the feeling subsided and he quickly caught up to Akaboshi.
As they made their way to the restaurant, several people would give him odd looks. A few would mutter things to one another in hushed whispers, yet it was clear what they were talking about. Some of them may have witnessed his transformation before, or worse, he may have killed one of their relatives that awful day. The man wasn’t sure if they refrained from saying anything to him because of his Jounin handler being there or if they actually feared the wolf. It may have honestly been a little bit of both.
As they got closer to the restaurant the scent of the cooking meat filled the nostrils of Sebastian, his mouth salivating to the point that he would almost be drooling. It was still a ways off, but the scent became overpowering once they were standing before the entrance, a large sign with a chunky pig wearing a chef’s hat and the name Uncle Bob’s Barbecue. It also had the stamp of approval from the red haired shinobi so when Sebastian was handed a menu he would quickly find something he wanted. “I’ll have the…” A picture of a sandwich jumped off the page at him. “I’ll have the smoked, pulled pork tossed in a spicy barbecue sauce and served on a brioche bun.” Honestly he could probably eat a bit more, but he figured it may be best to pace himself here, else he would quickly find himself with no money left from the mission. “And a glass of water.”
Sebastion would wait for Akaboshi to order before sitting down and sipping his drink, waiting for the food to come. “Not everyone would have accepted the offer to get food with me. I really do appreciate it.” He would take another sip, the cool water refreshing.

WC: 370
TWC: 2391
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Mon Jan 18, 2021 4:20 pm
The Uzumaki patiently waited til Sebastian had finished making his order before completing his own. "I'll have what he's having" the Jounin followed the young wolf's choice. "But change that water into sake, you know which one's my favorite" he would smile at the owner. Although it had been a while since the redhead last visited, he was one of the shop's most famous customers, or so he'd like to think. Even from when Akaboshi was just a little kid, not a single week went by without him grabbing a meal at Uncle Bob's Barbecue, a place engraved in Hoshigakure's history. 

Awaiting their meals the Jounin listened attentively as Sebastian started speaking up once more. "Hm. Yes, unfortunately I would be lying if I said everyone else would be as openminded and welcoming as I am". Not that he could blame them. Deep down the Uzumaki knew where they were coming from. A lot of things probably happened during the young wolf's berserk state, so it wouldn't be that surprising that the villagers were wary of his presence or seeing him walk around Hoshigakure as if he was one of them. Technically that was the case, Sebastian was as much a member and shinobi as they were, the only difference being that once in a while his humanity disappeared and the wolf took over.

By the time their conversation moved along, Akaboshi happily noticed their orders arrived. "Ah, from how it looks and smells I'd say we're in for a treat". The Uzumaki took a small moment to thank whoever came to mind before diving in. Safe to say it weren't any of the Gods he would think of. There was a lot to be thankful for but if he'd go over every single one of them his food was sure to get cold, so after a couple of seconds he'd finally begin taking in the rich juices of the delicous food in front of him.

(WC: 326, TWC: 3022)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:38 pm
From what he could assess, Akaboshi must have been a regular here from the interaction with the owner. Sake wasn’t something the wolf enjoyed, though he understood its importance and function. He wasn’t one to press his beliefs on others. Their conversation was a pleasant one, the wolf happy to have made a friendly acquaintance. Sure, there were plenty of people that didn’t look kindly upon him, but such a change in the public eye would take time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, or something along those lines.
Their food would arrive, the scent alone enough to drive one crazy if they were hungry. “A treat indeed!” He would offer in return before offering a nod of his head, eyes closed for but a moment in thanks. A small token of his appreciation to his maker looking out for him from above. With this done, he would open his eyes and dig in, the meat succulent and juicy. Due to the spicy sauce, it had a little bit of a kick to it, but nothing overbearing. It was such a nice thing to eat such a wonderful meal and one that was prepared by someone else no less. The young wolf wasn’t much of a chef, so his food was typically fairly… basic. Fire roasted rabbit and a fairly simple and bland squirrel stew were staples in his cabin. This meal was out of this world in comparison.
Making sure that he finished chewing his bite before continuing their conversation, the wolf would swallow and ask, “Perhaps an odd question, but…” He would hesitate, not sure how he wanted to phrase it, “Are there any other shinobi that you know of with my… affliction?”

WC: 285
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:45 am
For a moment the Uzumaki felt like his nickname would imply, a king. Not that the meal in front of him was glorious or anything out of the ordinary, but the taste and smell came close to saying otherwise. Watching the young wolf's reaction to the food indicated that he as well was more than enjoying the fine cuisine, something the Jounin was glad to see. When Akaboshi thought about it, he figured it wasn't often that Sebastian would be having this type of meal, assuming that whatever the berserker usually ate would be of different nature and preparation. The redhead took another sip of his sake, wiping away any possible juices on his face.

He then looked to his side, directing his attention towards Sebastian who asked the man a question pertaining his .. situation. "Hm", before speaking the Uzumaki took a moment to think before answering. Did he ever encounter someone similar to the person next to him? "I'm afraid not" Akaboshi replied as he took another sip of his drink, holding the warm bowl of food in front of him before continuing. "On one of many missions my squad did however come across a panther completely running wild and attacking us. After we took care of the incoming threat our medical ninja noticed something on the animal's body, believing someone else was controlling it. I doubt its case is similar to yours but it might be worth looking into". The Uzumaki didn't mean to compare Sebastian to a panther or any other animal, but perhaps not everything was a coincidence.

The Jounin would then take another bite, wondering where the young wolf's question was coming from. "I should be asking you the same. When I think about your .. kind I always come up with the thought of a pack. Where are your parents, brothers, sisters, your family? I doubt you're the only one of your kind, a lone wolf". Perhaps in order to find out more about Sebastian's condition they first had to learn about others sharing the same fate.

(WC: 342, TWC: 3364)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
Stat Page : Loghain's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:03 pm
Hearing Akaboshi say that he hadn’t known any others with his affliction came as a little bit of a surprise, though it seemed to be the normal response. The implications of what little information he had gathered so far were unpleasant to say the least. Both a Jounin and a Nova Officer had not encountered anything like him before which suggested to the young wolf that his father likely wasn’t some sort of shinobi. Senior officers such as Akaboshi and Doctor Terumi should have at least some knowledge regarding it if his father was a member of the shinobi forces. At least, that would be what he would figure.
The story of the mission and the panther was an interesting one, though Sebastian didn’t want to think about losing control of his own actions. “Was it being controlled by some sort of ninjutsu?” He would inquire, unsure the lengths of what such ninja magic was capable of. He knew of the flashier things. Shooting fire from ones mouth or holding lightning in your hands were the first things that came to mind. Mind control was not, but it was a scary thought to say the least. He would take a large bite of his food, giving time for a response to come.
When asked about his family, he would finish chewing and swallowing any food he had in his mouth. “My mother is in the laborers district not too far from the gates. Actually that was where I grew up. I don’t really have any other siblings or known family.” He’d wash down the food with a gulp of water and signal to the person serving their food that he could use a refill. “My mother is just a simple civilian. She doesn’t share my curse, or at least if she had she never mentioned it to me.” It wasn’t something that he had ever really considered since his mother wasn’t a shinobi and she hadn’t even warned him of his condition. She was always concerned about him developing chakra, though. “I always thought that my father was a shinobi, but she never spoke much about him. If this curse is a part of my heritage like the doctor suspects, I had to get it from one of them, right?” He wasn’t well versed in such things, but he was picking it all up fairly quickly.

WC: 396
TWC: 3072
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:54 pm
It seemed the event with the panther had sparked some interest in Sebastian as the young wolf inquired about the circumstances a bit further. "If I remember correctly there was some sort of mark placed on the animal. So I suppose we can't rule out the possibility of it being controlled, perhaps a Fuinjutsu seal or the likes". Although they still hadn't figured out the mysterious case of that mission, Akaboshi figured it might not hurt looking into the matter. Maybe the Uzumaki could even try and find out more through using some of his connections considering his clan was famous for anything related to sealing.

However, given the nature of their conversation and the questions he asked earlier, the Jounin figured he'd first listen to Sebastian as the man told him some more about his parents. "Hm, so your mother is still around but your father isn't? Interesting". Akaboshi continued working his way through the delicious meal before answering again. After all, it would be poor manners to talk with his mouth full. And in his case, the redhead truly enjoyed food the most when it wasn't rushed. Which was why he'd be taking his time, allowing the taste and smell to affect him to the maximum.

The Uzumaki took another sip of his drink to wash down his food. "Do you know anything about your father? Perhaps the reason why your mother never talked about him could imply she had good reason not to. And it isn't exactly rocket science to come to the conclusion that it might have to do with your curse". At least that's how Akaboshi felt upon hearing that.

(WC: 275, TWC: 3639)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:35 pm
“So the curse was passed on to me by my father’s genes. I know nothing of the man. Hell, what I thought I may have known just turned out to be false.” He would reply back, unease washing over him. This meant that his father was likely someone with chakra but not a shinobi. This didn’t leave many options… Likely he was a criminal of some sort, though why his mother would have dealings with criminals was beyond him. Of course, maybe the man was a simple refugee hiding his chakra from the Hoshi priesthood and church. He would take another bite, thinking about the reality of all that just came crashing down around him. Unless his father was dead, that meant that there was at least one more werewolf out there likely causing all sorts of havoc on those that cannot defend themselves like the Hoshi ninja can.
“Do the hospitals keep records of births?” He wasn’t sure if they did or not, but he was willing to pull at any threads for some sort of lead regarding figuring all of this out. “If so, maybe there is a record of who my father is?” The wolf would shake his head, his mind turbulent but finding moments of clarity. “No… even if they do, if the man wasn’t there they would have no way of knowing who the father was. Maybe my mother wrote something down, maybe she didn’t.” It was very clear that this was causing much grief to the young man. He would finish his food and drink before glancing over at his newfound comrade. “Perhaps finding my father is key to understanding my curse. I need some time to mull this all over. Once you are done eating would you escort me to the gates, please?”
WC: 300
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Large Teeth You Have! (p. Akaboshi Uzumaki)

Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:27 am
Akaboshi shoved his bowl out of the way, placing it in front of him after finishing his meal. "They should. Unless they have reason not to". The Uzumaki would be referring to the case of certain information not allowed to be known to the public. It wouldn't surprise him if there were personal files being kept hidden from the masses, a decision the higher ups might have taken in order to protect something or someone. After all, some things were better left unknown. And perhaps the identity of Sebastian's father fell under one of those circumstances. Or maybe they were simply looking way too much into things and there was a far more easier explanation, who's to say?

However, no matter how bad the redhead wanted to accept there would be nothing more to it, the fact the young wolf's mother kept his father's identity from him must mean something. Regardless of how he looked at it, Akaboshi just knew there had to be a reason behind all of this. "Perhaps she is waiting for the right moment to tell you, it could be she wants you to figure things out yourself. For all you know there's a chance your mother is out of the loop as well and doesn't have any information on your father either". Looking for someone to blame wouldn't get them anywhere and quite frankly the Jounin doubted it could be solved that easily. At the end of the day Akaboshi could understand how frustrating this had to be for Sebastian.

The young wolf announced he was in need of some time to think things over. "I understand, it's not an easy matter". The Uzumaki reached for some ryo in his side pockets in order to pay for both of their meals before escorting Sebastian back to the gates. On their way over the redhead wondered if there would be anything in his power he could do to help lessen the burden of his companion but so far he was without answer. "For your sake and the village's I hope things work out". Hopefully that way the man would finally be able to walk around Hoshigakure on his own, without any need of an escort and gaining the trust of the people within their walls. "I guess this is goodbye for now. Take care my friend, if you ever find yourself in trouble or looking for help you know where to find me" Akaboshi voiced before seeing Sebastian off and returning to his home. 


(TWC: 4057)
- 2000/2000 Summoner Shinobi
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