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Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:44 pm
Altar was standing at the doors to the Kage's office, his hands slowly clenching and unclenching. A thousand and one ways had run through his head of how to murder the man that would be behind those very doors. He wanted to see the main in incredible amounts of pain for what he had done. He wanted to rip him limb from bloody limb until he was nothing but unrecognizable remnants decorating a floor that he didn't deserve. The man had sent people to kill his best friend's sister. He had put him through so much torture, he had put EVERYONE through so much god damn torture.

He deserved to be tortured himself.

"Let's not forget you killed your sister, Altar. Cold blood. YOU deserve torture for your sins and misdeeds. You're more like him than you care to admit and you know it." The seething voice inside his head echoed around. And the worst part was the voice was right. He was so much alike Xyxer it was scary. And now they only had more in common.

As more thoughts of murdering the man ran through his head, Altar would smile gently to himself. He wouldn't do it. It would be too much like shattering a mirror. Pointless and a clear sign of self-loathing. Plus, he didn't have the capability. But that wouldn't stop him from enjoying the thoughts as he waited for some form of permission to enter.
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:50 pm
Xyxer sat behind the desk he had made so many.. critical decisions. A desk Haru had had the privilege of sharing with the Mizukage, the true Mizukage. Now, Xyxer could tell that the male had been waiting outside of the door for quite a while, as his chakra signature had not been hidden. He was anxious. He was nervous about this meeting. That only fueled the male, like the scent of blood in water.. he wanted to tear this boy apart. All of the times they had interacted before, he had tried to make something of this male.. and now he had the audacity to show no respect to him? He stood outside of the room, as if he could simply ignore the presence of Xyxer, even if it was only for a few mere moments? He snarled a little as his impulsive side started to come into play.. he wanted to rip this kid limb from fucking limb. For now, though, he nodded towards Wraith, who opened the door to gesture for the male to come in.

Xyxer didn't bother to speak to him, instead he waited for the proper courtesies to be shown, lest this ended in a very, very short and unfortunate meeting.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:01 pm
Altar would feel the door open before he saw it. The sudden pull and then push of air, combined with the intense feeling of bloodlust and unsettling hatred coming from the room just before him gave Altar quite the impression. It was an almost dizzying atmosphere to step into. He had become almost used to Haru being in the seat. He had given off an air of gentle, yet firm leadership. Xyxer was completely different. There was no leadership in the air. There was a carefree feeling of what bordered on insanity. It was either follow him and do what he said, or die.

Altar would walk in, his eyes on the man behind the desk. He was trying as hard as he could to mask the feelings running through him, but he wasn't exactly sure how well he was doing. He knew one thing, though. He could not be afraid. Xyxer fed on fear, it was what drove him other than murder. As Altar got about halfway into the room, he would stop and kneel, bowing his head as was customary. He hated it, but he would need to grit his teeth here. Such was necessary.

Rising, Altar would behind him to Wraith, then snap back to Xyxer. The animosity was clear in the air, and Altar didn't exactly trust the man not to order Wraith to drive a blade through his back. "Xyxer. Are we to speak in private?" The boy would say, his voice as blank and steady a his face.
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:26 pm
Xyxer could feel the hatred emanating from this boy. This was supposed to be the captain of his ANBU.. and his emotions were getting in the way. Wraith shut the door behind them, and returned the gaze of Altar. He decided to speak up soon after, addressing the boy, "We meet once more, Altar. I trust your little promotion has been quite the ride, right? All of that.. secret power! The indulgence of the ego! Boy, you should be prou-" He broke off before he finished that word, acting as if he just remembered something, "Wait, ah.. you were also the opponent in the Blood Games werent you, during my absence? Ah, right, I recall the news now.. The ANBU who was overwhelmed by two genin.. and had to evoke his inner animal in order to overcome two.. mere genin. The Captain of my ANBU, none the less.. What does that tell me, Altar?" Of course, this was entirely rhetorical, as he continued on straight after, "It tells me you can't control yourself. You're a dog. You'll do whatever you want to satisfy yourself, with no regard for the reputation of the village. You'd lick your own groin in front of the other kages with no care for how that reflected upon the ANBU of Kirigakure No Sato. That will not do, Altar. My personal ANBU here, Wraith and Jester, are going to hurt you for that transgression against their ranks that you've sullied with your atrocious display of combat. You're going to accept this punishment, as it's fitting. You'll understand this once you mature into an actual captain, Altar." With that, he dropped his hand down towards the desk, indicating the assault to begin. Wraith, the seasoned taijutsu user of the pair, wasted no time in sending his foot into the back of Altar's knee to force him to kneel once more, with Jester following this assault with a brief punch towards the side of his head. Now obviously, this is where we fade to black, because Altar's getting the shit kicked out of him, but I mean, if he retaliates.. there's an entirely different story here, which is possible, please don't void my post moderators I'm sorry.

With that scenario over, the bloodied ANBU Captain, who likely had a broken appendage or bone at least, would be laying in a pool of blood on the floor of the Mizukage chambers, given that he didn't fight back against the two ANBU. "My teachings are not easy on you, Altar. Easy teachings create docile men. I want to forge a tempered warrior out of you, where Haru has failed. You're going to learn discipline, and perhaps attain the same power I allowed that man to gain. Now, kneel to your Mizukage, Altar. This is a display of humility. There's still much for us to discuss."
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:09 am
As Xyxer spoke, he ranted on and on about Altar's shortcomings and how he lacked discipline or regality. As the man brought his hand down, Altar would hear the man approaching from behind. He was an ANBU of Kirigakure. He was not about to take anything that had just been thrown at him lying down. And worst case scenario? He'd take down as many as he could.

As the man approached, Altar would let loose the same beast Xyxer had just mentioned, the dragon appearing behind him, crimson red chakra pouring off Altar in waves. He needed to buy as much time as possible. As the beast would roar into life, Xyxer's cherished personal guards would most likely run to the corners of the office with freshly soiled pants, scared nearly stiff and envisioning their own deaths multiple times over. Now, as this was happening, Altar would take his time to speak.

"I did what I did because it felt good. It felt good to have that much power over them. It felt good knowing I could take their lives at any given moment in time, and the crowd was in absolute awe of the power I displayed, rivaled at the time only by Haru. It was not necessary of me, merely a display. Secondly, everything I do, I do for Kirigakure no Sato. I strive for this village and would sooner die than see any harm befall it or it's villagers. Do not think for a single second I would ever do anything to sully the name or reputation of this village." The boy would talk fast, knowing he was working with incredibly limited time. If Xyxer at any point during his speech made a move, Altar would change his actions. If that would be necessary, however, was yet to be seen.
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:22 am
Given how the ANBU were, well, you know, ANBU, they had access to the same technique the boy had had. The only difference now, was that he had retaliated. He wished to resist the will of the Mizukage, the person he was supposed to serve unwaveringly. So in that aspect, Altar had made a rather huge mistake. In response to the display of power being used, the ANBU remained relatively unfazed due to their own training, exerting their own auras of a Wraith, and of course, a jack-in-the-box respectively. The ANBU would continue their assault, but Xyxer decided to not put any actual techniques into the mix of the fight. He simply spoke as soon as the resistance was first formed, and if Altar continued to be a problem, he'd end up killing him on the spot, "Resisting the will of the Mizukage is punishable by death, Altar. You're not exempt purely because your friend gave you a rank you clearly do not deserve with your childish impulses and notions of heroism."
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:39 am
Altar had said his piece. Knowing that, the boy would let his aura drop and let the ANBU do what they may.
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:23 pm
With the boy finally on the cross, with the same description as the other post as I'm lazy, Xyxer remained leaning against the wall. Tidebreaker, in it's smallest form, was resting upon a nearby table for him to take advantage of. "I'm a merciful man, Altar." He spoked sardonically, enjoying the moment.. the boy had been on this cross before. "Explain to me your thoughts. Why you act the way you do. Do you not respect me? Do you not respect authority.. Do you not expect the position that Haru granted you, against the better wishes for the village?" He needed to try understand this boy more.. after all, he couldn't simply demote him, he'd know too much during his brief stay in the ANBU corps.. He'd have to conform, or perish.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:16 pm
Altar would awaken on the cross, a place he was all too familiar with. His mind was still in a haze, bit he could make out the signature of the tyrant not too far from him. Analyzing the situation, Altar checked his limbs. All tied down. There were few ways out of this, and fewer still that wouldn't result in his untimely death. As much as he despised Xyxer, he would need to talk to him in order to get out of this.

As the man said he was merciful, Altar would snort and spit on the ground, looking the man in the eyes. "Don't play games, Xyxer. We both know you're far from merciful." the boy would say, before continuing on. "I do respect you. You're one of the most fearsome men to ever live in battle, and for that I respect you. However, I don't LIKE you. I despise you, Xyxer. You're a bloodthirsty tyrant that does things only for his own sake and his own enjoyment." Altar would say, the definitive look of hatred twinkling in his eyes.

"What happened to you, Xyxer? We were friends. You shared with me your story of Sameonna, your upbringing in the mist. We're kindred spirits, Xyxer. Have you lost sight of that?" Perhaps he could bring some recognition out of the tyrant. There was a man inside this demon, inside this shell lived a soul. Or so the boy hoped.
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Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~ Empty Re: Wolf's Teeth ~P, NK~

Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:57 pm
It appeared to be one of those days. Xyxer cared for little for the opinions had of him. He had learned a long time ago that you can't satisfy everyone. You could choose to rule with fear, and maintain awe within your people, or you could rule with kindness like Haru, and earn the ire of everyone who surrounded you. So far, only this man appeared to outwardly hate him, and that was a trade off he was willing to make. He scratched the side of his throat for a few seconds before he decided to respond, "How much did Haru change when he became Mizukage? As a person, I know he must have changed to some degree. When I spoke to him at the borders, that wasn't the same steadfast man I spoke to who was my capable ANBU Captain. Things change when you become a leader, Altar. You wouldn't understand the responsibility shift and the pressure that goes onto that person's shoulders." Xyxer wondered if any of these words would even go into the boy's thick skull, as he appeared to have already formed his decisions and the like, but alas he continued on, "You don't understand it yet, but I'm sure Haru started to understand it towards the end of his reign.. Power isn't an enjoyable road you travel down with your family and friends." He walked towards the table where the instruments rested, running his hand along the hilt of Tidebreaker.. the sword he had used to slay, his main killing piece.

He turned to look over his shoulder, towards Altar once more. "If you want to become a true shinobi, you must understand what it's like to be a true shinobi. It is not these petty notions of 'hatred'. How you feel about something is irrelevant. As a member of the ANBU, you'll be made to do things you don't entirely agree with, as it's for the best." By now, the Betrayer leaned backwards onto the table, resting against it with his blade held inside his palm. "The biggest assignment I had, Altar, was the containment of Old Kirigakure under the rule of Suzaku. He wished for me to make sure nobody entered, nor left the village under any circumstances. The result was me removing the heart from a young girl's chest when she ignored my warning. We can't let our emotions sully our judgement, our notions of honour are trivial in the grand scheme of things. Our hatred for one another will weaken the village. Your absence of humility will destroy you, and your fellow ANBU." He pushed up from the table slowly, making his way towards the suspended male.
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