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Village : Kumogakure
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:12 pm
Revenge or Justice:

Ryuzaki Nara:

The night still lingered as Ryu made his way back from the bandit hideout, the full moon was high in the sky and sent out a good amount of light. He had been spotted but he was unsure whether he would be pursued. Ryu wore his usual get-up a pair of ninja tabi that covered bandages that wound around his feet and up his legs until they went under a pair of long shorts that stopped just below the knee, and met a pair of compression shorts. Strapped around his left leg was a long weapon pouch that housed half his kunai and shuriken, on his back right hip he wore a cloth weapon pouch that housed the rest of his kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, smoke bombs and military ration pills. A belt wound around his waist, not to keep his shorts in place but to hold the hanging scabbard of his masters family heirloom, a katana. Ryuzaki wore a black, short-sleeved t-shirt, from just below his shoulders more bandages wound around his arms and his hands, doubling as hand wrapping for close-quarters combat. On Ryu's back two holsters crossed each other, both housing a tanto, their hilts pointing out and down from his back, so they could easily be drawn, his weaponry was mostly designed so that in the case of combat he could draw them while his enemy was caught in the shadow imitation jutsu, and if they had similar weapons they would not also draw them. Around his neck he wore a simple silver chain, hanging from it was a simple gold ring with the Nara clan symbol etched into it, the only sign that he ever belonged to the clan. 

Ryu sat on the floor his back against a dead, blackened tree, he had made his way down the mountainside and he now sat near the edge of a plateau that had a sheer drop in front of him, the plateau itself was around 100 meters in diameter before it climbed up or down the mountain at its edges, he would rest for several minutes before moving off to complete his journey home.

WC: 357

Last edited by Ryuuzaki Nara on Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding equipment, with permission from Ken)
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:54 am

With a blank look on her face Miyuki would dash through the dead forest, using the eyes of her accursed clan to keep an eye on the little rat that was scurrying away from her hideout. Unlike the rest of her foolish followers she was… subtle, she was the blade in the dark that would eliminate this vermin before he could report back to his superiors. Normally she wouldn’t bother dispatching a meddling shinobi like this personally, she would send her thugs out to overwhelm them and bring them back to her… but this particular shinobi had managed to catch her attention. Right now, she was exactly 50m behind the boy, and she was rapidly closing the distance. He would be unable to see or hear her, not only due to their distance but also due to how quiet she was being… her goal was to get close enough that she could take him out before he knew what was coming, but truthfully she expected some type of fight to come from this. Well… it was more of a hope, but still. 

The woman was clad in a form-fitting black bodysuit, the only part of her body exposed were her rather distinctive violet eyes… or rather, her blank eyes and violet contacts, but the point stood. Over the bodysuit she wore a rather baggy shirt, within which she had various smaller weapons concealed. Attached to the left side of her hip was a sheathed katana, a little memento that she had taken from home before leaving, the only thing that truly meant anything to her anymore. 

Miyuki would continue to silently sprint towards the boy as he sat down, back to her and against one of the many dead trees within this accursed forest, the silent assassin only 20m from his position now. Heh, what a fool, soon he would be dead and he was none the wiser. She knew better than to expect him not to detect her, so she was more than ready to fight the boy when he noticed her, but he likely wouldn’t be able to hear her until she got a bit closer, mainly because she was quite light on her feet and knew how to run nearly silently… but, at the same time, it wasn’t something perfect like those wraiths from Kiri.

With some simple Chakra Infusion tricks Miyuki would activate the Flying Swallow, causing her blade to begin glowing lightly within its sheath. As she got within 10m of the boy she would continue to sprint towards the tree, moving at her full speed, and assuming no moves were made she would grab the sheath of her katana with her left hand. As she closed the distance further her right would come to grip the hilt of her katana, and if no moves were made in response to her presence she would simply draw and slash in one motion, slicing through both the tree itself and the neck of the absent minded boy. 

Now, assuming her opponent actually responded in some way. Miyuki was poised and ready to react in many different ways, including stopping her sprint if she needed to. All in all, she was extremely tense and ready to fight. 

WC: 539

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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:00 am
A gentle breeze whipped up over the precipice of the plateau "The winds so nice," Ryu said out loud as he prepared to continue on with his journey. As the girl approached behind him Ryu was unaware of her presence until she reached the 5m mark, at that point he heard her, he span quickly to respond to the noise. As his eyes whipped around he saw only a figure sprinting, nothing other than one thought went through his mind, DODGE. It was too late to counter her attack, she was drawing her katana from her sheath. Ryu could not dodge directly away from the attacker as he would be sent over the edge of the plateau, the precipice was only two meters from his feet. As the blade was swung Ryu pushed off from the tree with his left elbow, flinging his body away from the tree (Split Second) and the attack to the right, he rolled three times at full speed until he regained his feet. Popping up he was now 5 meters away from his attacker, presuming she did not immediately follow up on the attack.

As Ryu mind settled and he was able to actually take in the person who had attacked him, his scar began to tingle, he moved his hand up to it and rested his fingers against it "It's You" he said in a low tone, it was unmistakable, he would never forget the combination of those eyes and that hair, the person that had permanently scarred his face, but also kickstarted his rapid growth as a shinobi. "Why have you attacked me? I'm not the same kid as before, you could have just stayed at that base and got on with your life, or taken the opportunity to pick up and move, now you leave me no choice but to take you down" Ryu's eyes began to scan the girl, trying to pick out anything necessary, however, she was mostly concealed. Ryu took a deep breath as he prepared for the next move, whether it be his or hers.

WC: 347
TWC: 704
Ap and tings':
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:23 am
Miyuki would miss the slash by a hair's breadth, her katana glowing lightly blue as it sheared the through the tree as easily as butter… and while it would have been relatively simple to impale the boy through the spine as he rolled she chose not to. It wouldn’t be nearly as fun to kill him so simply, nor without some type of fight being had beforehand. The woman would admire her blade as the tree tumbled over the edge of the cliff, her Byakugan allowing her to watch the boy as he stood and stared at her for a few moments. His words made her turn her head to face him… did she know this kid? Heh, regardless of if she did or didn’t know him, he was an arrogant one that’s for certain. As she turned to face him she would sheathe her blade once more, and this time she would simply hold it with one holding the sheathe, her right hand would leave the hilt of her katana as she gently stroked her chin.

“...Are you seriously asking me why I’m attacking you shinobi? You were sticking your filthy little nose into my base of operations to get an idea of the layout, that makes you the scout. Scouts report back with the intel they gathered, and from there an attack is launched. If I remove that scout from the equation we have a few days to relocate, simple logic really.” the almost lifeless voice of Miyuki would drawl, her amethyst ‘eyes’ staring coldly at the shinobi as she spoke

As she spoke Miyuki would be taking note of the surroundings… the boy stood 5m ahead of her, the treeline of the forest was 10m to their left and the cliff only 1m to their right. There was another sheer drop 10m behind the boy, and one 16m behind her… they were on a cliff face after-all. Overall, this position was quite favourable for her, and if need be she could easily duck back into the trees to make her getaway. She was more than happy to leave her foolish followers to their fates so long as she personally made it out alive… she could make another band in the future if push came to shove. 

Without a further word Miyuki would drop her hand to the hilt once more, and shift one of her legs back a little, while at the same time shifting herself to be more angled to lessen her potential hitbox for the boy. With that done, she would simply wait for the boy to make the first move. 

WC: 436

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Village : Kumogakure
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Tue Dec 29, 2020 2:29 am
Ryuzaki's eyes darted around them to take in his situation, close quarters was something he excelled in, but apparently so did his opponent. To his right at a 1m distance was a sheer drop, a similar drop was 10m behind him and 21m in front of him, on the other side of the girl. They were enclosed, this suited Ryu just fine as he formulated the plan of attack in his head. "That is only logical" he replied, although in his mind just packing up and leaving would have been the better option. Ryu was done with words now, he instantly brought his hands together in the Tiger handseal, as quickly as he could followed by the Horse and Clone seal. When they were complete a shadow clone appeared 2m to his left and sprung into action. Ryu followed this up with Rat → Monkey → Dragon his shadow darkened and shot forward at the girl (Shadow Imitation C), after a meter, it split into two, the original tendril heading directly along the 5m path between them and the secondary tendril snaked right and approached the girl from her left, cutting off the 1m avenue between the pair and the cliff. Both tendrils would head towards the girl at max speed both looking to ensnare her, with the secondary tendril only looping in when it was level with her.

Clone: As he was created the clone rushed forward towards the girl at max speed, keeping his 2m gap between his position and that of the original Ryuzaki. When he reached within 2.5m of her he would bring his hands together as fast as possible and form the Hare handseal. When they were clasped his shadow would darken and expand at maximum speed outward from his center (Shadow Imitation Field) until it reached the 5m mark. If the girl was to move at any point The clone would follow her trying to keep to her right and maintain the 2m gap.

WC: 331
TWC: 1034

Ap and tings':
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:36 pm
Miyuki would give a listless smirk as the boy created a clone, at the same time holstering her Katana to her belt. The shade was 2 meters to the left of the boy and thus 3 metres from the cliff and 8m from the forest itself. Upon formation both the boy and his construct would begin to move in their own ways, with the boy himself beginning to go through handseals while the chakra construct moved towards her. The clone was rather fast, but still a little slower than she was, so nothing to really be concerned about just yet. The jutsu being used by the boy told her of his clan, the Nara, because she knew of other clans that could allow the user to manipulate their shadows… but, in the end, the speed of the jutsu being used was laughable at best. When the boys jutsu reached 1m in size and split, and the clone had moved 1.8m, Miyuki would strike. Using her Hidden Arms technique she would shift her arm and activate the small mechanism within her sleeve to retrieve 3 of her Kunai, the blades shooting from her sleeve and into her now free right hand, with her holding them between her fingers. These specific Kunai had already been specially prepared by the woman beforehand, each of them having a rather explosive surprise wrapped around their hilts. 

The hardened ‘amethyst’ eyes of the assassin would focus on the boy himself, not caring too much about his shade since killing it would mean nothing in the scheme of things. Okay… time to put her plans into action, with an amused smirk the woman would begin to move backwards at a slightly slower speed than the clone (90). She would launch one of the kunai directly at the boy himself, or more specifically, his left leg, right around where the femoral artery was, and if the kunai connected it would certainly spell the end for him. At the same time she would launch the second kunai, this one aimed to hit the ground only a few inches to his left, only off by enough to make it seem like her movement was making her sloppy. 

WC: 368

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Village : Kumogakure
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:43 am
Ryu had created his shadow cloned, a perfect copy of himself, with all his equipment. Ryu took note of the clone moving in his peripheral vision, but his focus stayed on his opponent in front. Taking note of her slight arm movement and appearance of kunai, Ryu started to calculate the options, so far she had only used one attack and it was with a weapon, she certainly had the chakra infusion ability, similar to what Ryu had just learned mere days before. The thought that she was a weaponry specialist shot through his head, but no, he had not gained enough information yet, that was jumping to conclusions. As she began to move her arm upwards Ryu's mind flashed another thought, THROWING. Activating the same ability Ryu moved his left hand away from his right hand, the right hand still maintaining the seal for Shadow Imitation (One-Handed Seals). The left hand making an awkward movement upwards and a hidden mechanism (Hidden Arms Technique) within his clothing activated and brought two kunai to his left hand, which was now free. A kunai rested in between his index finger and middle finger, another between his middle finger and ring finger. At this point in time, she had thrown her weapons aimed at Ryu and the floor beside him, judging by their trajectory. As soon as Ryu's own kunai had reached his hand he flicked them both at their respective targets, one aimed at each of the incoming kunai. As Miyuki had thrown her kunai first, but Ryu's were slightly faster they met each other in the middle distance between the two opponents, which was currently 5m as she had thrown the weapons as she began moving backward. As the weapons met at the 2.5m mark they clashed, Ryu's kunai seemed to win the clash, his throwing strength appearing slightly higher. The kunai of Miyuki was not destroyed, the health of her kunai resisting the attack strength of Ryu's opposing kunai. However, they were knocked off course and span to the floor the one aimed at Ryu's leg landed to Ryu's right, landing 0.5m from the cliff-edge, the other landing 2.5m in front of Ryu and 0.5 to the left. As they span a flash of red caught Ryu's eye, explosive tags, he had not noticed them before as her hands were covering the handles. The kunai both landed on the ground, but did not embed into the earth. Given the trajectory Ryu had to throw the kunai to meet each other, they did not continue towards Miyuki. However, his shadows were still continuing towards her at their cumbersome speed of 60, it would move at 2/3 of her speed and unless she slowed or stopped it would not catch her, it would, however, continue none the less.

Clone: As the clone had moved 1.8m Miyuki was now 3.2m away from him, but then began to move at a pace of 90 speed. As she threw her weapons, the clone drew some of his own from his left leg holster, he brought out 3 shurikens, holding them between his fingers. Flicking them at his opponent aiming at her right knee joint that was closest to him, the shuriken were spaced 6 inches apart by the time they would reach her path. The first shuriken would impact where her target was given the speed she was currently traveling at, the other two spaced 6 inches apart aimed in the direction she was heading, hoping she would either have to stop her current direction. As soon as he had thrown the shuriken, he slammed his open palm into the ground directly in front of him (Earth Shaker). The ground around the clone began to shake and split. The area affected would be 13 meters in diameter, anyone within this distance and with strength 40 or lower would be thrown 8m into the air, with the clone as the central point, the debuff zone (-30 speed & strength) would be in a cone extending in front of the clone covering where Miyuki was and the space between her and the original Ryu.

WC: 688
TWC: 1722

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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:09 pm
As his opponent moved away from him Ryu watched as his clone was able to land a hit to the girls knee joint and disable her, at the same time the earth shaker technique impact her feet and rebuffed her speed and strength, but she was not thrown up into the air as she was still moving backward. As she was hit by the spinning weapons her movement was then halted and Ryu's shadow was able to close the distance between it and the girl. Once the shadow reached her own shadow they joined and her shadow became darker in color, just like Ryu's shadow imitation technique, the girl's movement was frozen. Ryu nodded towards his clone as he began to speak "I would like to show you mercy, however, I cannot. I want you to know that this is not about my face, but about my country, and my village. For them, I must destroy you". The clone drew the katana from his belt and in one fluid motion brought it down in a diagonally slice and cut the girl from nape to hip. As he finished the slice the clone puffed into smoke and vanished. Ryu looked on as the girl died, he then retrieved his weapons and after checking her pulse had ceased returned to his home.

WC: 220
TWC: 1942

Claiming 2100 Ryo +3 Ap, 1800/1875 for Shadow Imitation A > S, 142 words for 261/750 for Dancing Leaf Shadow.

Houred Ken on his recommendation.
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Revenge or Justice? [Hunter] Empty Re: Revenge or Justice? [Hunter]

Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:20 pm
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