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Ryo : 0

The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty The Watcher's Reinstatement

Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:33 pm
The time had come for the mysterious conqueror to reclaim his seat once more, after waiting a long while to fully cement his plan it was beginning to grow into fruition. He knew the Summit was the reason why the interim Kage was away, and though he wasn’t the type to undermine in such a manner he had no choice as it was important to the production of the village. Though it was a reality eventually he’d take back his title as it was the main purpose of his most recent movements these past few months.

He’d walk into the office, the receptionist and guards who guarded it’s contents while the Raikage away would look towards Gidyne with a stern and ghastly look; believing to have seen a ghost, a man who disappeared with the wind and was expected to have never returned. He gave them a slight bow, acknowledging them and they quickly shifted back into gear and questioned little, giving a brief overview of the fact he was taking over once more and the current Kageship was a placeholder to keep the peace. He saw to it that the word within the village would spread slowly in the village, ‘The 10th Raikage, conqueror of Kumogakure has returned’. The people would question the legality of such, though come to a hush after reminiscing on the logic that governs Kumogakure. Though he figured the people would be curious as to his whereabouts, he need not answer those who didn’t require an immediate answer, such information being irrelevant to the purpose at hand currently. He’d sit back within his old chair, adjusting it’s height slightly as it’s been occupied by another in recent times and proceed to reminiscence on his whereabouts in recent times. He knew at the very least he needed to communicate with Kiseragi once he returned, and the villagers though nervous about what this may mean could at least have faith he wouldn’t harm them and could trust the man. He’d plan to hold a short announcement in the near future about the situation if the people became too rambunctious, though for the time being all was sound.

He’d lean back into his chair as he recalled the various adventures he had on his quest to insure the future of Kumogakure, while also witnessing it’s progression and ability to survive with its bearings afar. After all, he wasn’t a natural Kumogakure ninja and didn’t want to create a village which depended on him...


Claiming: Raikage seat
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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:57 pm
The great gates of Kumogakure, vast in stature and prominent in historical feats, would be what opposed him as he looked from within the village towards the powerful gates. Despite the elongated walls which symbolized the village’s might, it’d be nothing more than an erroneous lie; the village had long since lost the aptitude to fight their own battles and persevere, instead becoming broken and brittle throughout the generations, reduced to nothing more than what lies before him: a sheep in wolf’s clothing.

The various tales of powerful Shinobi worthy of the mighty title “Raikage”, the shadow of an exuding force like lightning, had all but dried up in recent stories. The most recent of which being Maximillian, a youth who rose up to power and the people chose to support having no one else to turn too. Though he certainly had skill, he wasn’t enough to stop a sole man who almost massacred the village Shinobi after his defeat, needing saving from Kutari Uchiha. Before him, Komori, someone who did less fighting and more conversing, in stories seemed quite complacent when it came to other village’s and some may say he even plotted to undermine Kumogakure out of fear of being overpowered. A small, weak man who only aided in deviating from the glory of Kumo. The ones who were revered as powerful foes to other village’s and built upon it’s glory: Youka, Maku and the like, all but disappeared as if they gave up on the village, incapable of cultivating it’s potential. Or it may have been a lack of potential all together? Regardless, it was apparent the management of this village was underwhelming, if not absent for those who could lead the world with their power alone.

This reality is what brought Gidyne to the gates on a lonesome night, the guards unaware of his presence as he kept to the shadows with tact.

WC: 317
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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:52 pm
This act of what some would say treason would only be but a favor to the village, his little experimentation to see if the major village still retained some form of hope towards a better future. There’d be little who could defy him or truly put him on trial for such an action, and though he could bring himself in and allow them to lead a fair trial what point would there be? His actions were for the best of the village, at least from his own direction, and a true Kage would take such methods to see their village blossom. He would go towards the gates with speed yet a quiet tone, cutting down the guards who failed to detect him and dare allow someone to sneak out of the village, viewing them as insignificant if they couldn’t properly do their job and only aided in him doing what he had to do. Though he wouldn’t put them in fatal condition or close to it, more so a slap on the wrist as at the end of the day he needed to see the village grow, not lower their numbers.

As he exited the village, he wouldn’t look back as he began his voyage across the world, planning to return someday with a much better position and claim for the village.

WC: 222
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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:02 pm
His long awaited journey, having been planned and constructed for weeks in preparation would finally have begun. His destination: The jurisdiction of the black market, a world in which he abandoned years ago that involved nothing more than criminals and schemers who cared little about outside coin and strength. The world that became Kutari’s oyster once he escaped the facilities and began his descent as a free man. The purpose behind his journey remains simple: to begin building a network connection with the various criminals of the area, potentially call in a few favors and use them as a tool to further develop Kumogakure.

To outsiders looking in they’d view his plans as ludicrous, sinking so low as to converse with the riff-raff of the world and trying to gain something from them. However Gidyne looked at it from another perspective: they offered strength and had no true ties or allegiance to anyone, a cesspool of potential warriors who only recognized and inspired strength and aptitude, their numbers just waiting to be deployed and utilized. If someone could rally their forces and assert dominance, similar to how Sunagakure attracted so many Shinobi to their cause, it could be a mighty force to be reckoned with. Regardless, Gidyne cared little for how he would be viewed, already planning to rule with fear if necessary and in doing so reawakened the spark in the Shinobi World.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:55 pm
He’d travel the lands with haste, though he could only go so far as his time preparing and acclimating to his new persona brought about a change to him: The persona known as Gidyne Rygisae would completely replace Kutari Uchiha, however it wasn’t like the latter never existed. The connection between the two personas were close and suspicious, those who decided to do some investigating would be able to piece two and two together with enough evidence and research. This reality was a threat, as Kutari would be a backup if Gidyne ever needed to disappear from the world to continue his efforts, this life being nothing more than a trial run to see the potency of Kumogakure. Therefore to fully dive into this new persona, he had to leave behind the techniques he established himself upon and completely rebuild his profile.

For months he trained in isolation and mastered new and more invigorating techniques that were unlike what he previously knew, skill lines that were unnatural to him yet his inherent aptitude was increased due to hard work and prestige. Throwing away the tools he once held in the sign of weapons and armor, he now housed the ultimate form of Taijutsu and learned so much as to be able to access the Eight Gates. He additionally relinquished himself from the ties of Medical, seeking out new opportunity with Sensory advancements to better balance his skills in the battlefield. As he inched farther and farther away from Kutari, the skills he once had would begin to dull as he lost sight of such prowess. Now devoid of said tact, he would need to travel in a different manner as Mayfly was lost to his newly discovered form. Taking more accessible and common forms of transportation he’d travel across the world.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:55 pm
As he sought out a world he likely would recognize in fragments of memories from a past life, he’d witness various sights and unique interactions as the days went by. He wondered if there would be individuals who he recognized upon seeing them, such as Tatsu the leader of a gang of criminals who was having a bit of a turf war with Kutari back in his “glory days” leading that district. Or maybe even finding the girl who was alongside the older fellow in the bar as he bullied one of the patrons and happened to cross by them, their fates somehow intertwining later on at the gates of Sunagakure though he hadn’t seen nor heard of them much afterwards.

There were various adventures that would take place during such a time, hardships and engaging moments that all but built his character and led him to where he is now. Despite how much he loathed the area and despised how it caused him to be led to think he owned any strength back then, they still were a part of his being and he needed to respect that. Though now that he knew there were likely many cocky individuals similar to how he once was and was able to spot them out, he’d be aware of pointing out the stronger and more important criminals that would assist in his resolve.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:59 pm
The journey took quite some time, for days he was on the road and came across various people along the line. It was in a sense therapeutic, finding the road to be calming and not as chaotic as he once knew it to be. This was all once again thanks to his upbringing, and what life outside a village incorporated for him for the most part. Though he knew there was still business to be had, he wondered if the forces of life had not been so cruel would he have been able to settle down and live a peaceful life. Though that same contemplation would be what drove him to continue ahead: a force to be reckoned with like himself, deciding to sit down with the fields and become something like a farmer? What would’ve happened if he never became a Shinobi? The potential he has internally would’ve never been known, another lost Shinobi to be a formidable force for the village. This reality is what struck him as odd, since in a sense he figured the same thing would be the case for a majority of villagers or even Shinobi who lacked the ability to find their full strength or reach beyond what they could currently handle.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Fri Dec 11, 2020 11:58 pm
In due time he’d finally arrive at his previous home, the district which jump started his true career and led him to where he was now. The contents of the area around would be the same for the most part, of course there were changes however they weren’t as abundant as expected from a poor city housing criminals and low income families. He’d visit the previous tavern where he met Amaterasu and a gang of other Missing nin and what seemed to be a place where he could participate in a group and run with them, though it fell through quickly as some disappeared, others he killed and the leader - Amaterasu - would actually die on a mission he allied himself with her on. Though it wasn’t like they were close or he held any true allegiance with them, for one these were the days of his outstretching rebellion and crude mannerisms, and psychotic take on the world. Still they were apart of him, and a fond memory regardless as he looked back to a once immature fellow and now embodied that of a sophisticated Shinobi.

He’d take a seat in an isolated booth after ordering a drink, a classic he’d order of ale back in the day. Few checked ages around these parts, and besides those who did would’ve been reminded cruelly who they were dealing with if they so refused servicing him.


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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:02 pm
The idea of the locals being amongst the 10th Raikage would certainly be a silly thought which crossed his mind, they likely had little to no clue they held such company and could gain such prestige if they were to somehow capture him, though that would certainly never be the case. Sizing up the immediate competition which plagued his surroundings, he could tell there were a few who muscled in when he left and implanted this place as their home, though they would only be captive to the same ideology he once felt ruled his life when he was younger and shackled their potential. Sure, there were many who grew in power and those he felt he might’ve recognized from some time ago now calling the shots or being threats in the cesspool of human error, though it was nothing he couldn’t handle.

The main reasoning why he believed this to be the correct way of going about things would actually be from Sunagakure, drawing inspiration from them due to how they cultivated a large group of Missing Ninja through their advertisement, and though many weak and feeble joined them some would unlock their potential or at least be another number to their ranks. Though he wished not to copy Suna, he recognized their tactics working effectively and figured a more direct approach of sorting out the strong from the weak as he went about doing now would be much more effective in drawing able bodied warriors to his cause.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:25 pm
Though he needed more military combatants to help assist his growing army and reinforce it, he also need those who would be effective in training and inspiring his people, though the word inspire might be a bit ambitious of him...He didn’t expect a band of criminals to exactly be completely on board to help villages without some sort of payout, and even then the likelihood of it being an organic relationship was rather low. Still, he needed those that would assist in growing the Shinobi of Kumogakure into strong warriors while also giving them enough interest and intrigue to keep helping Kumogakure. The concept of a great arena would always be within his visions, something where those seeking glory and to prove their skills as Shinobi would test their might against one another and see who remained supreme and more dominant over the other.

As he lousy eyed his drink that remained average in all rights, a sudden glimpse would catch his eye as he looked ahead to the main bar, a resembling wide back with intricate tattoo’s barely capable of sitting on the stool would be in his sights. As he drank with his comrades and heard his name, it would be the one he thought he murdered long ago in this same tavern: Tatsu.

WC: 217
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