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Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1) Empty Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1)

Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:38 am

The plan was simple this day and to be frank it all was in his control. Today he was to stop a prankster or something like that and this was going to be done with style. But first he had to look for the little prick and that was going to be the problem. Flow had no time for such a small task. But as his sensei once said. Even the smallest of task could have the biggest of benefits and if this helps then it will be all the more to be done with. A chance to increase his mission board to say the least. Flow would be looking around to see the sun come out. It was time to get to work as he knew how this one was going to end. Even so he had to get thorough his day in peace to say the least indeed.

Flow would start his looking for the prankster. Just where could he be? This was going to be one of those days. He looked on and he would be ready to active his eyes at any minute as he looked down he was on top of his team mates home. Waiting on him to get ready and come out. It was bout time he helped out to say the least. But still he could only wonder what would happen next? If this prankster were to do a prank that was not so funny? This was going to be such fun. Or so he would think as he looked on he would jumped down and go to his team mates door. He would then knock on it. As Flow already started the mission but this guy surely takes his time getting ready. This was his only problem it was the timing. 

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1) Empty Re: Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1)

Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:29 pm
The sound oil sizzling in a pan filled the home of Hōjiro , the smell of steak in a pan accompanied by the many spices and herbs in the pan lingered in the air. Hōjiro would smile peacefully down at his skillet , he reached down with his free hand flipping the steak to its opposite side. Being a Hoshigaki meant he was given the gift of shark teeth , which weren't good for much else except for chewing meat into small enough chunks for his stomach acid to do it's magic. His mind would drift back to fonder times when he and his father would make these steaks for him , they always had the best cuts of meat after a long day of work at the forge.

His happy memories were quickly torn asunder when the sound of someone knocking on his door broke his trip down memory lane , he would give out a quick huff turning down the gas on his stove not wanting to burn his steak. His feet would thump against the cold stone floor as he headed toward the door in his underwear and nothing else , if someone had the balls to disturb him at seven thirty in the damn morning they could handle him not being dressed in his own time.

Leaving the kitchen he would head toward the front of his house where the forge was situated.  Once within earshot of the door he would shout out "This better not be the jehovah's witness again!"  as he reached his door and began undoing the many locks that kept his door shut. When he opened the door the one standing there was none other than the man from his mail delivery mission from last time , he would mumble out the word "christ…" as he grabbed the bridge of his nose nursing an oncoming headache.

"Is there a mission or are you stalking me?" He would say as he turned his gaze away from the man before him and to his door which had a letter pinned to it with a kuninaga. He would take his time and pluck the kunai from his door and open the letter. After reading over the mission de-breaf he would sigh slamming his door returning a few minutes late with a very rare stake in hand and fully dressed. "Well let's go" he would say in between bites finishing the steal in a rather vainglorious fashion.

While the walked Hōjiro would use the kunai from earlier to pick between his rows of razor sharp teeth.


Last edited by Hōjiro on Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1) Empty Re: Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1)

Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:12 pm
Flow would look at the shark body man as he came to the door. But truly seeing as sharks wore no clothes this was to be expected. He did not have to explain himself. Soon as time went on he would wait on him. But as he came back to the door he was fully dressed this time. Flow would watch him as he ate his steak. He seemed to enjoy the meal itself to say the least.  But on to the mission in which the two nearly gad beaten. As the prankster was known to do his most foolish work around this time. So now would be the right time to start. As he looked on he would see a small boy running and look at that. He had spray cans in his hand." Well it looks like we have our prankster and it is just a kid but still. We must capture him and let him know. What he doing is wrong and should be stopped. He will have to learn his lesson fellow ninja." Flow would look at the man standing next to him and then would say woth a gain of rice. Looking over at him. 

" By the way my name is Flow Sarutobi. Seeing as we will be working together we might as well get that out of the way." As he said that he would take off running after the kid. This was going to be a little hard as he. Knows he can not use force for this one and that was the problem. But his main tool was his eyes and which he has not made whole yet and it was his main sting in a fight. But at last he would have to make do with what he had to offer. 

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1) Empty Re: Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1)

Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:47 am
Hōjiro would stay silent as the man next to him spoke , their last meeting hadn't gone all to well so hopefully this one was better. Once he was satisfied with the hygenie of his many rows of teeth his would slide his mask back on , he would begin walking both hands behind his head discretely hiding the kunai away in his sleeve. As the where walking Hoji's eyes would dart back and forth as the passed buildings , he was looking into the shops and what not for the boy but the alleyways next to them. His nose would begin to twitch as the smell of gas wafted on the air , it wasn't a good smell but he'd be lying if he never smell the has in his father's empty cans of air pressure for those short moments of high he'd get from huffing them.

Although his nose couldn't pin point the exact location, all he knew was the boy was close. He would be drawn from his frenzied look as the man he would come to know as flow began to speak to him, " Well it looks like we have our prankster and it is just a kid but still. We must capture him and let him know. What he doing is wrong and should be stopped. He will have to learn his lesson fellow ninja….." , this caught Hōjiro attention as he followed Flow's gaze , spotting the child.

"...By the way my name is Flow Sarutobi. Seeing as we will be working together we might as well get that out of the way." Hojiro would nod before he added his own dialogue to the topic at hand ;  "It's just a kid , yes he should be taught a lesson but why don't we scare him a bit? When I was his age I still believed in monsters" he would say a hint of mischief in the air as he said this , "Also my name Hōjiro now wait till I cast my jutsu and you can move into the alleyway" he would say taking a quick look up at the sky , the sun hadn't peaked through the clouds yet and it was still pretty early in the morning so his idea was still plausible.

Hōjiro would slowly walk across the street getting a good eyeful of the alleyway the child was vandalizing , there where several dumpsters and from the looks of it gutters from the building on either side of the child where dripping water meaning there could possibly be enough for a single suiton jutsu. The fact that the alleyway was also dim would add to what the young Hoshigaki wanted to do , as he leaned against a wall near the alley entrance facing the street and out the child's line of sight be would begin weaving the following hand seals .Ox =>Snake =>Ram => Tiger

Within a matter of moments the alleyway was filled with a low hanging an ominous fog,  it would seem to wrap and coil it's way around anything that impeded upon it progress of spreading within the alleyway. Hojiro's nose would twitch once more as a new smell filled his nostrils, it was sweat , was the boy becoming nervous or was this something else entirely? Not willing to give away his own position be would wait for flow to move in as this was his chance to scare the young lad.

If Flow didnt take the hint right away he would perform a nodding head motion as if to say , 'Hurry up and get on with it I have shit to do today'. He was egar to see how flow planned to scare the child , if he could manage that at all seeing as well he looked more like someone to be wary of than to fear as his form wasn't that Imposing. Either way what flow did next should be a fun little spectacle for them to reminisce over , provided they didn't tear  each others heads off by the end of day if thier last encounter proved anything it was that they had major opposing view points on certain aspects of life.

Twc: 1,169
1000 ryo
+11 stats
 Water Release: Water Whip [1,000/1,000]
Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death [279/2,000]

Last edited by Hōjiro on Mon Nov 23, 2020 12:24 am; edited 2 times in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1) Empty Re: Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1)

Sun Nov 22, 2020 3:50 am
All seem to be going to plan as the shark person gave his name. But Flow was well kinda hard to say it. It was because the way he spoke he would mispronounce anything. For an example instead of saying car he would say cah. But still he would look on as the man himself would soon trail behind the boy. As the young lad got into the allyway. His team mate would say they should scare him a bit. This was an ok idea but truth be told how was he going to do such a thing how crazy? 

Because if he had his genjustu then it would be easy but since he do not it will be a pain to say the least. But still Ghost would smile as he looked on and then next thing he knew. Shark face would cast a justu. How awesome was that. As he held hands out it to try and touch the mist. " So this is the hidden mist huh. I have heard about its powers and an even stronger form cause the caster to become mute. Meaning they would not make even a sound to say the least too cruel." 

Looking on he knew he was in the clear as he stepped forward as little did his team member knew. He was more then meets the eye in fact it was all about the eyes. Flow would smile at this as he soon lift up his sun glasses to reveal he had activated his sharingan. A powerful tool of his own and with it he would go into the mist. As Flow was making his way around it. He would start to hear the boy crying. This was odd but he could tell it was the sudden mist it was. 

Flow would pull his shades down as he looked on at the kid. Soon he would walk up to him as he was shocked to see him. " You see this it is called a justu skill. Known as the hidden mist justu. It is a popular justu used for a lot of things. Most commonly in the village based village. But for you I say you must stop with your pranks. Or the next time this mist comes up. It will be a shark in it and not someone such as me. Now then let us return you home ok.


Mission complete 

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Ichigo Sato
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Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1) Empty Re: Catching a Prankster (Flow D Rank #1)

Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:02 am
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